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Sunday, June 1, 2014


I have a couple of confessions.  First, I am a ribbon hoarder.  I am a hoarder of other things, but ribbon is something that just follows me home from everywhere.  If there is a really good sale on ribbon, I have to buy a couple of spools.  If there is a box of ribbon at an estate sale, I take it to the checkout with me.

ribbon box

My friend, Susie, knows that I am a ribbon hoarder.  She gifted me with this pretty toile box with black and white ribbons.  You have now seem my only neat ribbon storage.  My second confession is that my ribbon storage is not pretty.  I think I’m afraid to organize it, because I might go into shock over the number of ribbon spools I have.

coke crate

I store some spools of twine and burlap in a vintage Coca-Cola crate, and some cards of yarn on a vintage stamp holder.

tackle box-horz

Spools of ribbon fill a small vintage tackle box, and spools of yarn are stacked on a vintage hem marker.

cookie jar-horz

Since I’m being so honest, I’ll tell you that I can’t even discard the scraps of ribbon.  Some are stored in a cookie jar, and others fill a large basket.  (You can’t say I don’t keep it real on my blog. Yikes!  That looks even messier in the photo than it does in real life.)

Ribbon Tree

I bought this homemade Easter egg tree at a yard sale years ago.  I couldn’t find a picture with eggs on it on my blog, so I probably haven’t used it since I began blogging six years ago.  It was taking up space in my holiday closet, so I had put it into a yard sale pile. (You know a hoarder doesn’t have a very big yard sale pile.)  This weekend, I took a second look at it and decided I might store some of those spools of ribbon on it. (My yard sale pile keeps shrinking!)  I’m loving my new ribbon tree.

Plate Rack Before

My second re-do was this plate rack in our sunroom.  I purchased it at an estate sale long ago, and this weekend, I decided it needed a new look.

Plate Rack After

So, I painted it Annie Sloan Emperor’s Silk.

Before and After-Plate Rack

It’s not a huge change, but I’m lovin’ it. 

This was a great weekend for me.  (It doesn’t take much to make me feel productive.)  Of course, I also worked outside, cleaning all of the outdoor cushions, just in time for a prediction of rain for the beginning of this coming week.  I’d better go drag all of those cushions inside now.  It was so nice of you to drop by.  laurie

I’m partying with Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch and Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life.


Tricia said...

Laurie, I'm right there with you on the ribbon hoarding. My husband won't even let me go down the giftwrap row in the Container Store anymore -- and truthfully, I think my collection is better than theirs. Love the toile box with all black and white ribbons!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Laurie, Your ribbons are a bit like mine. I love them and think I need them all, even the bits for creating. I start out neat and tidy, then somehow get busy and have a mess on my hands again. LOL Seems I am straightening them up constantly.
Love your toile box for ribbons.
Love your wall shelf. The new color is gorgeous.

Happy June!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Love ribbon and I'm finding all sorts of ribbons and laces at my Mom's that I can't bear to part with. Love the shelf painted red!!

Rosie M. said...

Hi, Laurie! Love that ribbon tree and your "new" plate rack! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I used to save all the pretty ribbons, but have not in a while. Thinned the stash out some time ago,and have not added.
The egg tree makes a perfect ribbon holder.
Have a great week.

ellen b. said...

You were very productive in my book.
Look at all that marvelous ribbon. The new look on the plate rack is nice. said...

ribbon has a mind of it's own Laurie, it gets up in the middle of the night and unwinds and jumps into a pile and does all kinds of tricky things :) I bet yours will behave now that it's seen the Easter egg tree treatment!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

LOL, Laurie, I'm the same way. The smallest accomplishment makes me feel like I did my deed for the day! : ) I have lots of ribbon, too. I have a drawer full as well as a wrapping paper organizer with a shelf full. I love ribbons, too. I use them a lot when I wrap my Etsy orders.

April D said...

I too love ribbon. It is SO hard to keep it organized. The spools multiply and outgrow my storage solutions every time! :) I also cannot throw away a scrap...hatboxes FULL.
Love the idea for the easter egg tree as a holder!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Hi Laurie ~ Just popped back in to let you know you won my Bowdabra giveaway! Guess it is good you have lots of ribbon! : )

Katherines Corner said...

you have a wonderful collection of ribbons. You are not a hoarder my friend simply a collector, giggle. I like your ribbon tree idea and the box with the grommets to hold the ribbontoo. My big dilemma with ribbon is a neat way to store and roll out the ribbon. I plan to post about it soon. Hugs PS. the change on the plate rack is lovely too.