I tend to forget that there are blog readers who don’t comment. I seldom remember to check my stats, because I think I already know how many people are reading my blog – based on the number of comments. When I do remember to check my stats, I start thinking, “uh oh, some people ended up at my blog by mistake”. Recently, I was reminded that the kind people who leave comments on my blog aren’t the only people reading my blog, and at least one of them visits my blog intentionally! I received a very kind comment from “Emanu from Argentina”, who informed me that she had been reading my blog for a year, but had never left a comment. I was so flattered that someone had actually found my blog a year ago and intentionally continued to read it! Emanu alerted me that the sidebar link to my kitchen pictures was not working. (Wow! She not only wants to read my blog; she wants to see our kitchen again!) Of course, I wanted to fix my link (if only for Emanu), but when I looked at my previous kitchen post, I realized that my blog pictures have improved since I first posted the kitchen (and a few things in our kitchen have changed) (other than that it is even more cluttered than it was previously). So…for those of you who remember previously seeing our junky treasure-filled kitchen (I do like being surrounded by my stuff), I apologize. Emanu, has flattered me into reposting it. I do have a question for you at the end of this post (my sneaky way of getting you to look even though you’ve seen our kitchen before).
We do love our fresh tomatoes, so I didn’t move them for the picture. Yum!
Now I need your opinion. This china cabinet is at the end of my island (to the left of my range alcove). I want to paint it, but I can’t decide whether to go with an Annie Sloan cream color or blue, or some other color entirely. As you’ve seen, the cabinets in my kitchen are either cream or blue. If I use one of the A.S. blue paints, I will have to try to mix something to get closer to my blue cabinet color, and I’m not sure I can accomplish that. Please give me your opinion of what I should do with this china cabinet (other than de-clutter it – I already know I need to do that. When I paint it, I hope to purge some of the clutter. I use the word “hope”, because, as you know, purging is not an easy task for me.)
Thank you for visiting my kitchen – again. Y’all come back now! laurie
Your kitchen is wonderful! I love the fact that you have 2 stoves side by side, what a wonderful idea!
Wow, what an assortment of lovely treasures! I love all of your pottery and ceramics! Such beautiful colors!
Sorry - I am of not help on the choice of paint. I am probably one of only a few that has not tried the AS paint.
I found many peek in on our blogs and leave quietly. :D I get my weekly report and many weeks it says I had any where from 250 - 340 visitors, but only a few would leave a comment.
Hope you have enjoyed your weekend.
I love your kitchen! You have so many fun and colorful goodies. You are really good at layering items and making it interesting. I wish I were better at that!
Oh my word Laurie, I love your kitchen so much and I always love seeing everything you have. I drool over it all. I think maybe paint it the cream or white you have if the blue won't work. Hugs, Marty
I love, love, love your kitchen, Laurie. I love that there is so many beautiful things to look at. I love your Quimper collection and your lazy Susan. I will never get bored in this kitchen...Christine
If this was my kitchen, I would probably paint the cabinet the same color as your kitchen cabinets or the color of your trim paint. I think introducing another color is going to "busy" the room and take away from your beautiful pieces that you so nicely display.
I adore your kitchen Laurie!
And I love the colors, the fun and funky collections and the open feeling too.
Your stuff is what makes it so original and so amazing too!
I like the creme color idea since you have so many colorful things to add to it.
I have gotten so I mostly just comment on my friends blogs. If something is really amazing I will comment but I think it's a matter of time.
When I have more time I comment more often.
Big Hugs to a wonderful lady!
I read through the whole post!! but I usually do! I know that kitchen!
As far as paint...I will just stay out of it...I would touch that beautiful thing with paint...but that is just me....I am sure it will be pretty whatever way you choose to go!!
Hi Laurie,
How nice that Emanu has been following you for so long. I wonder how she kept herself from commenting? So many wonderful post's and parties you have held and I know I could not keep from commenting. On the other hand I am sooo bad when it comes to making choices..I can't help at all. Sorry...but I know you will find the perfect color and yes..yum on those fresh tomatoes..hugs...
So glad you reposted. I haven't followed your blog that long and I was thrilled to see it. I love the old bowls and dishes!
I have to plead guilty of reading and sometimes not commenting on some blogs. I know we all love comments, but we all seem to be so busy these days, it doesn't bother me that my comments may be down a bit.
I love your kitchen, Laurie, and you probably could match up the ASCP to what you need. Just keep track of the formula as you play around with it. Good luck, my friend! Sue
Ok All I need is my really BIG purse and a visit and I'll come away with some great collections ha ha!! Girl I have loved your kitchen since I first seen it on our RMS days..
That tile behind your stove is to die 4 my friend..
Just my two cents but I think your cabinet would be great in light grey paint..would go with your cream and blue colors..Now I need to go get my BIG purse!!
Love ya girl friend..Hugs and smiles Gloria
Love seeing your gorgeous kitchen again Laurie! I love all the goodies in your space -I have the same decorating way- the more the better!
I am doing all the styling/ displaying for the store I have a booth in (she has 2 huge areas that are just the owners and Marianne doesn't have the gift of display.) I seem to be doing the same thing of grouping lots together just like I do at home and she is going to have to do a bit more buying for all the empty spaces she has now!(that was part of the reason she wanted me to display so she could get more stuff in there)
I am thinking cream might be the color to go with this pretty piece. My reasoning is that blue might be one of those colors that you get tired of after a bit- cream will go with anything and you can put paper or fabric in the back to bring out any color you might want.
bee blessed
Love seeing your gorgeous kitchen again Laurie! I love all the goodies in your space -I have the same decorating way- the more the better!
I am doing all the styling/ displaying for the store I have a booth in (she has 2 huge areas that are just the owners and Marianne doesn't have the gift of display.) I seem to be doing the same thing of grouping lots together just like I do at home and she is going to have to do a bit more buying for all the empty spaces she has now!(that was part of the reason she wanted me to display so she could get more stuff in there)
I am thinking cream might be the color to go with this pretty piece. My reasoning is that blue might be one of those colors that you get tired of after a bit- cream will go with anything and you can put paper or fabric in the back to bring out any color you might want.
bee blessed
Wow you have an amazing kitchen!
Your kitchen is fabulous!! I love everything in it and your pottery treasures are gorgeous. Very clever to have two stoves, side by side; of course, you need lots of space, as can see you do. I love all the details that makes it unique, inviting, homey and warm! Thanks for sharing, I always visit you from Ecuador and of course, how could I not comment, I can't keep my mouth shot! Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous kitchen and your photos are great!
I'm totally guilty of not commenting. I am the worst! But I do read:) Your kitchen is fabulous and I think I'd like the blue paint.
Sigh...love your kitchen. I think I'd go with cream on the cabinet unless that's grey blue on the cabinets...if so a grey blue would be nice, too.
Hi Laurie! OH, how I've enjoyed my tour of your kitchen. I appreciate you showing it to us again and I got to look a little closer into your nooks and crannies! Oh, what wonderful things you have!
Be a sweetie,
sheila ;)
Laurie, I love seeing photos of your kitchen. And I see that the Q section is growing. Love that!
Actually been trying to edit my Irish pine cupboard, but it's not an easy task. I've packed some pieces away, but don't think I can part with them. At least not yet. ;-)
I vote for painting your cabinet blue. It think you could probably get a good match. Love seeing the sampler collection. I wish you would do a post on these showing each one in detail. Please!!!
Have a good week.........Sarah
Eileen at rogerandeileen@gmail.com says--I love your kitchen !!!! Don't change a thing!!! I think sometimes we are our worst critic.Everything you do is just beautiful. Keep up the good work.
Dear Laurie, your kitchen is perfect as it is. Because I paint ceramics I can appreciate the beautiful collections you have. I especially like your mural in the stove alcove.
Your China Cabinet? I would not paint it. It is a fine piece of furniture and blends in well with its surroundings.
Hi Laurie!! You really touched my heart with you repost! Thanks a lot!! You are amazing! Let me tell you that my full name is Emanuel, and I am "he" and not "she" jajaja. Im from Buenos Aires, Argentina, I am 30 years old and I am a layer. I found your blog through Cindy, from myromantichome (another fantastic woman like you)I have been seeing your web since then, a year ago more o less. I am addictic to this. I REALLY LOVE your decorating style. Your home breaths kindness, love and magic, and this is because you. I love your cluttered way, everything in your home is beautiful, every object, dish, lamp, book. Im in love with all your pottery! The kitchen is incredible, so nice and warm. Also, I want to say Hi to all the wonderfull ladies that read your blog and left comments. I checked some of their blogs and there are amazing things! I want to buy a ticket to USA, then another to Arkansas and take a tour to your home, ajajaj! Sinceresly thanks again for this post, I LOVE LOVE your kitchen! In order to give you an answer, I would paint the hutch in a vintage soft blue colour, like Cindy did with her cabinet. Can I ask you something? Could you please create a post about all the teapots that you have? I love teapots, I have several from my mom and grandma, and I collect them. I think that you have many of them and I would like to see it. Of course, if another lady out there want to do that about her teapots collection, come on! and let me know it. Thanks again! Lots of kisses and hugs for you and all the ladies from my beautiful country! All of you are welcome to Argentina!!
I've told you before that I love your kitchen. As I was scanning the pictures, I was going to ask you the color of the blue because I loved the way it looked next to the cream.
Having said that, I think that points to my suggestion. I love the blue and would suggest it.
OR, could you paint the exterior cream and the interior the blue? Someone might have already suggested that. I didn't read other comments.
Good luck purging. I have a WHALE of a mess here. UGH!!!
Dear Laurie...what a gorgeous space..I think I have said it before, but your home just breathes JOY!
How wonderful to hear from a long-time reader...he sounds wonderful!
I am voting for cream, but I know this is hard to decide. Perhaps paint a bit cream, and see what you think...you can always go over it with the blue.
Blessings and love,
- Irina
Laurie, I love your kitchen! I'm so glad you posted this recent tour. I remember when you posted showing it decorated for Christmas. I wish I could help you with a paint color. I love all the Annie Sloan paints...would be so hard to choose! Can't wait to see it once your done.
Wow what a nice post i am so inspired here could you more share here i will be back to you as soon as possible and also i have some suggestions for you check out Daily Bargains we only serving on daily..
I am also a bargain hunting for house stuff. Because I believe there are old stuff that has more value than the new stuff.
thanks for sharing your collection.
Holy cow!!!!! That is one gorgeous kitchen!! I say go with cream paint, but if you want the same color as you cabinets you can bring a drawer in and they can color match the paint!
What a lovely kitchen you have! Good job on fixing it and putting wonderful decoration pieces, I love the way it look. :)
Your kitchen is wonderful. I love your chicken collection, Delft items and Quimper(sp?) ware (the dishes with the colorfully dressed French people on them). It's a pleasure to see all of your beautiful items displayed. Who was it that decided that displaying a lot of beautiful collections is being "clutter-y"? Your kitchen is lovely. One person's cluttered is another one's cozy.
I do try to comment whenever I have time to visit people, but if they have word verification - and they are not even real words! - they run the risk of NOT getting a comment.
I adore your clutter and admire your themes.
I rarely paint nice looking wood.
If I did, I think I would go for blue. As all our painting friends say, risk it! The worst is that you paint it again, a different color.
If you can not match, go bold with an accent blue.
Hello----I just found your blog by way of Organized Clutter and I'm glad I did. Your kitchen is wonderful!!! I'll be back to visit often. I read quite a large number of blogs and your's has been added to my list of favorites. Jana in Texas
Jana in TX: Thank you so much for visiting my blog, leaving such a nice comment, and for adding me to your blog list. laurie
Laurie, love your cozy kitchen!
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