My sweetheart accuses me of wanting a little weekend getaway place, just so I can decorate it. I think he may be right. I obviously wanted a fireplace, so I could decorate the mantel.
Now that at I’ve been blogging for a few years, I realize that I should have blogged for about five years before naming my blog.
When I posted my first blog post, 3 1/2 years ago, I titled my blog “Bargain Hunting with Laurie”. (It may have been that first Easter of blogging when every blog I visited had at least one of those flying bunnies from Pier One. I’m still using mine.)
I don’t remember how long I’d been blogging, when I decided I should have named my blog “Chatting With Laurie”. I’m sure you haven’t noticed, but I do love chatting (maybe more than bargain hunting!) .
So, I changed my blog name to “Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie”. (I didn’t want to lose the notoriety I had built with the previous blog name, so kept the “Bargain Hunting~you can stop laughing now!)
I now realize, my blog name should have been “Laurie’s Mantels”, because I post my mantel re-dos more than anything else. But, since I don’t want to lose my notoriety (stop laughing), I guess it will remain Bargain Hunting and Chatting. (How about Bargain Hunting, Chatting, and Mantel Changing”? Too much?)
I’m linking this “Laurie’s Mantel” post to the Egg-xellent Spring Party (Isn’t that a clever party name? Barb’s sooo clever) at Grits and Glamour. Be sure you go get links to egg-xellent mantels all around Blogville. Thank you for coming by to see another mantel change at my blog. laurie
Oh Laurie, I love your mantle and I definitely love your blog and your name. The silver champagne buckets are so pretty and so is the flying bunny. Great banner and swag too. Well, for pete sake, I think it is all fabulous. Hugs, Marty
Great mantel, Laurie! I love your collections!
Laurie you crack me up! Love your mantels and you do such an amazing job on them! Love the chatting also! Hugs, Linda
Pretty and thanks for sharing it all with us. I always enjoy seeing what you do with your mantel for the different holidays. Yes - I enjoy the chatting part also. :D
No mantel here to decorate, and again have not done a lot of other decorating for Easter in other areas - just a few things out right now.
You know we all love chatting with Laurie! Fun to see the Easter things. You are way ahead of me. I seem to be lagging behind every holiday this year. ;-)
Laurie, your mantel looks outstanding! That little tag with the cotton tail is precious. Did you make it yourself??
I have a mantel, but I just keep family pics there! You always do such a great job decking yours out!
I bet you are all ready for Easter and I just crammed the last of the Irish cwap into the bins!
You are cracking me up! I was so busy reading the whole bit about the blog name changing that I had to scroll BACK to see the mantel.
How about Bargain Hunting and Chim Chattery with Laurie...
There ya go. Kinda works.
Just teasing. I would like you no matter what your blog name. (But I have the same problem with mine because I'm not froggy on the name anymore.)
As to the mantel? It's FAB-U-LOUS! I love your mantels. They are always so full of whimsy.
(And btw, I have noticed some "MO" around your place lately, and friend... it's really good to see you.
Good grief, Debbie. Chatty much?
O my Goodness, your mantle looks divine.
Tell Rettabug I made those tags!! LOL....Oh Laurie, it was so good to hear from you and I love your mantle. I have a fireplace with no mantle so no decorating one for me. There is one in the man cave but I don't dare touch that room :) I always loved those tags. I need to make more. xoxoxoxo
If you happen to find one of those little get away places so you can decorate it any way you want, get one for me too. My hubby says the same thing. LOL I think half of everyone in Bloggy Land has the little Bunny on a Stick. Pier1 is selling them again this year. :) Thanks for linking up to my Egg-xellent Spring Mantel Party. Blessings, Barb
love your Easter mantle, and I've been looking at your previous posts, such as the St.Pat's Day funny one. You're are a lot of fun, whatever you call yourself, I'll be following "laurie's blog" and looking forward to all your chatting, bargain-hunting, and fun, inspiring ideas!
Be blesed and have a wonderful spring and a glorious Easter!
And I've been looking at those moss bunnies for so many years, I finally had to go buy some!
I really like the large pink bunnies on your mantel. They really set it up nicely.
- The Tablescaper
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