Marty has caused a huge problem at my house. The first time she hosted a cloche party, I had to use my cake dome and cheese dome as faux cloches, so I could join in the party fun. After that I started looking for cloches. Of course, being a bargain hunter, I couldn’t buy one unless it was a great price. For a long time, I had one cloche. Then I started finding them at great prices. At that point, my mind was set on grabbing any cloche that was a reasonable price, so cloches came home with me … then more cloches came home with me. I didn’t stop to think that glass cloches are not an easy thing to store when not in use. So now, everything in my house is covered in a cloche. I just walk around my house, with cloche in hand, until I find something that is short enough and narrow enough to plop a cloche over it. I am not buying any more cloches (unless I get some absolutely amazing bargain – like maybe free!)
You might remember that my table top villagers had their Halloween sign out last month.
They are now welcoming all turkeys. I’m thinking that means that if you are a turkey, and you wobble into this village, you’ll probably wind up as Thanksgiving dinner.

Pecans from my neighbor’s tree (if they fall in my yard, they are mine, right?) I just love this old hand-made game card box.
I’m linking this post to Table Top Tuesday, hosted by the Table Top Queen, Marty, at A Stroll Thru Life
It’s so kind of you to stop by for a visit. Y’all come back now, ya hear? laurie
That is so funny that you have a lot of cloches. Your fall decorating looks wonderful!
You make me giggle!
I have the same problem with Marty and her cloche inspiration. However, I can't seem to find the good ones when I'm looking. Sigh...
LOVE your decorating. One of my favorite parts isn't even under a cloche. It's the set of Pilgrims and Indians. I love that.
I have decided that you have one of those houses that I would love to just walk slowly around looking at all the little details.
My mom's house is like that, and I just love it!
I don't even own one! I love all your decorations. I don't know how you change things up all the time but it always looks charming at your house. I often use you as an example when my husband starts complaining about all that I have!!
well I too didn't have any....then I got creative, I think I can say I have 4 now...none of them actual cloches but they will do for now.
Enjoyed seeing your Fall/Thanksgiving decorations. I had to get stern with myself and said "no more" . :-D No more room!
I couldn't find an affordable one, so I opted for an old bird cage, just the top. It sits on a silver tray now with excelsior paper on it. Due to the fact it is tall and a nice size around, I can get some cute displays!
I never knew that the pilgrims were exceptionally tall people! Amazing, the things you learn from blogging!! lol! :D
Your so funny Laurie!
I just love the idea of you walking around your house looking for things to plop cloches on!
And the pilgrims and tabletop village are just (sigh) so charming like you!
What a great post. I love the cloche part....
Hee-hee! Laurie, I can just see you, walking around, cloche in hand, looking for your next "victim" to enclose in glass! Love your fall village!
If it wasn't for blogging I'd have lots of room in my cupboards LOL!
Love all your Thanksgiving decor!
Laurie,this is so funny,I can relate.I was on the hunt for cloche's,but came to realize,I couldn't fine any in my area,I did see one on a recent trip to Florida,but the dawg-gone thang was $60.I didn't take it home to Loblolly.
You're too funny. I think I've collected my fair share of cloche's too because of Marty :) I love the way you have your village displayed! It's adorable the way you have the horse drawn cart set up. Everything looks so warm and cozy.
Oh Laurie, of course I love all of your cloches. We're going to have a Christmas Cloche Party soon. I love your village and your pilgrims, your jars are also stunning. You always do the most wonderful vignettes. Your fruit plates are fabulous. Thanks so much for the wonderful eye candy and linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty
If the pecans are in your yard.. they are yours.. absolutely. If you want more I have four trees and we don't even pick them up anymore.. I know quite shameful. Love your makeovers.. your cloches are quite wonderful. I love all the different shapes you have.
Laurie I am also cracking up over this post, as I have cloche in hand looking for something in my house to drop it over! So funny but true! I ordered one from CSN with a gift card I won and got three? Now what? Like you said they don't store eaisly. Guess I'll just keep looking for something to put it over. Love your Thanksgiving decorations.
Laurie: so so cute! I love your cloche's and the vintage thanksgiving pictures. Jennifer
Marty inspired me to use cloches but I have never really been able to find many. You have a great collection and I love all of your Thanksgiving decor!! Also love your pecan collection! ;-D
Your decor is lovely and your pictures are always fabulous! I'm about to become your newest follower.
I think it impossible to have too many can ship any extras to me...I will pay shipping!!! Love the turkeys. ♥O
Laurie, you always create such cute vignettes. I am loving your Thanksgiving ones. Thanks so much for linking up this week!
My most favorite thing in all of your pictures is that gorgeous turkey platter. My mother has Johnson Brothers turkey plates that I am dying for, but I'm sure Susie and my sister will have something to say about that. Don't tell Susie I said so, but I can't imagine where she'd put one more plate. Just saying.
I love it all, Laurie!
Laurie, I ADORE that old box filled with nuts!!! So fallish!
Love your little village and the Pilgrim and Indian figurines.
Also, I'm a great believer in Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers. So the pecans are yours!
Laurie -- I knew that the turkeys would be dancing across your tabletops! Swing on by and put your name in the hat for my little holiday giveaway.
Stopping by from the Boring to Better party!! Aren't you just the happy pilgrim!! Love the vignettes for Thanksgiving!!!
It's nice to see a slice of normal life again! I've been spending almost every minute with Heather in ICU since the transplant. As you know Robert & Heather's surgeries were Monday. Robert went first and Heather followed two hours later. They do this to minimize the amount of time the liver is outside the body. Heather was on the operating table about 10 hours and Robert around 6 hours. After surgery Robert was moved to a room on the transplant ward and Heather went to ICU two floor above him. During the surgery Kayren and a family friend Jacob were with us in the waiting room.
I will never have the words to express how I feel towards Robert, Kayren and their children. This was major surgery for Robert and a huge personal sacrifice to save Heather's life. I love this family and pray for a perfect outcome.
Heather's numbers are stable, but it's unbelievable how many tubes and machines are hooked up to her. It's been painful for both Robert and Heather, but they are strong and have positive attitudes.
I haven't put an offical new post out on my blog yet so I hope you don't mind me sharing here. Thank you for offering to collect any cards for us.
When the other doctor's and nurses learned Robert didn't know us before they were amazed and truly impressed. Robert is a hero in every sense of the word. He has a faith that inspires me and everyone around him.
Heather might be leaving ICU today and be moved to the transplant floor. Heather keeps asking how Robert is doing and worries about him. I think it would be good for both of them to be able to see each other in person.
Hugs, Cathy
Still have no cloches to pop onto things, but I'm working on adding at least one. :-)
Love seeing your November decor. Things are always changing around your house. What fun! ~ Sarah
Hi Laurie! Oh, I love it that you're finding so many cloches!! But I'm more glad your didn't poke those adorable pilgrims under one - they'd suffocate! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I LOVE the title of this post! Made me LOL! I'm always amazed at the decorating you do! More power to ya sister!!! It takes me most of the day to drink my coffee & wake up (jk, *wink*). But seriously, this model here was built for comfort, not for speed.
I'm sharing our family favorite recipes for Thanksgiving over on my blog. I can do that much... (;
Oh sweetie, both your befores and afters are absolutely charming and very inviting. You do have the gift of display!!!
God bless ya'll and have am most marvelously blessed day! :o)
Oh gosh, your home is so festive! You put me to shame! Everything looks so beautiful, warm, and welcoming!... Donna
Dear Laurie,
Wonderful photo's once again! I must be the only person left on earth that does not own a cloche! Not even one..I do have a cake dome but it is so large I could put almost anything under it..
guess I better get shopping!
(is there a way I could avoid being addicted if i buy only one)
Love it!
Aother Friday's Favorite for
sure :-)
Hi Girlfriend...
I'm doing a bit of "catch up" over here at your place! Sheesh...I am finding it more and more difficult to get around blogland to see everyone...know what I mean? Hehe!
Anyway, I am here now! I really enjoyed this sweet post, my friend! Girl, I just laughed when I read what you wrote about walking around the house and plopping a cloche down over anything that would fit! That is just soooo funny and too cute! (but I hear ya!) You certainly have found some beautiful things to put a pretty cloche over...everything really does look prettier under glass! Hey...and it does save on dusting! wink! Laurie, I just fell in love over your pretty pear plates! Of course, you know how I have a "thing" for pears! Hehe! Who makes those pretty plates? I love the retriculated edges...just gorgeous!!!
I really enjoyed your new Thanksgiving decor...everything looks fabulous, Laurie! Ohh...and I love that large picture (or is it a book?) of the boy and turkey! I also love your old wood game box! I just love old boxes like that! Everytime I see has to come home with me! Hehe! Well dear friend, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful home with looks gorgeous all dressed up for the Thanksgiving holiday!
Love ya,
I am clochetrophobic. I have a few but can never think of anything out of the ordinary to do! That's why I like you! I can admire yours!
I love your turkey platter. I have the same one from my Dad's cafe.. I thought someone painted it wrong.. can anyone give me the story of it? BTW.. love your ideas and blog.
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