Hopefully, you DON’T remember what my fireplace mantel looked like when I showed it on my blog long ago, because it still looks almost identical! (If you’re as old as me, I KNOW you don’t remember, but for the benefit of some of my younger readers, I thought I should mention it.) I am always moving things around in my house, so I didn’t realize until I got ready to do this post that our bedroom mantel has looked the same for so long.
I really like silhouettes, and since they are black and white, they end up in our bedroom. Both of these miniatures were my mother’s. My great grandmother’s black fan is also displayed on the mantel, and as you can tell, I just stuck a mini lamp in a black and white pitcher.
I do love my only itty bitty change on this mantel. I wish I could say that I was clever and crafty enough to decoupage these candles, like Manuela at The Pleasures of Homemaking, or roll them on an ink stamp like Debbi at Confessions of a Plate Addict? NO – not me! I ordered mine from the Teacup Design Etsy. Aren’t they pretty?
I’m linking to Tabletop Tuesday at sweet Marty’s blog, A Stroll Thru Life.
Every time I add a new post to my blog, I am amazed by the kind comments you wonderful people leave. I feel such a friendship with those who leave me comments and with the bloggers that I visit. What an amazing group of people live in this corner of Blogville. Thank you for being such wonderful friends. laurie
Laurie...one day I would love to visit your home! It is so warm and welcoming and SOUTHERN! It just makes me feel good to look at the photos!
Your mantel is gorgeous...I love the little plate and the candles are wonderful...I am going to run over there and order some for ME!
Love it here...and I adore you!
Gorgeous mantle and beautiful bedroom....I too use black in one of mine....actually I am so into black furniture
Love your mantel-scape and your bedroom! The toile and the colours are gorgeous!
Your bedroom is absolutely gorgeous!!! And I love that you are using your LR as your bedroom! I always say use your rooms to SUIT your needs!
Your mantle is gorgeous and perfect as is! I know when I really like the way something looks I leave it that way! Especially in my bedroom. Then there are other parts of my home that get switched around constantly!
I'm a tarnished silver gal too!
Oh My ,,, how pretty is this~!
I love how you've decorated in your bedroom.. What a great idea to use a room for a different purpose than it was intended. Those candles and birds really caught my eye...
Love your bedroom and those candle are wonderful! I had to laugh about you taking the candles out to burn the wick because of your husband's allergies. My DH has certain allergies that make me do things like this too!
I had to chuckle at your remark about your older readers (like me) not remembering your mantel. Short-term memory loss can be A Good Thing -- I can reread books without remembering how they turn out! Love your display -- that platter with the sweet silhouette is my favorite element. Since you like silhouettes, check out the sweet designs at http://www.sarahandabraham.com/ My daughter has ordered from them with great success.
Hi Laurie! What a treat to have a FP in the bedroom! I love Black and White too, and your touches are beautiful! Those candles are fantastic!
Hi Laurie! Oh, I love seeing your bedroom and the way you've made your bed is so pretty. Love your mantle and all those gorgeous silhouettes. Wish I could just come see it in person.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Beautiful! I love those candles and your silhouettes. :)
My mantel stays the same for a year at a time. Unfortunately I hardly notice. Hanging my head in shame...
Your bedroom is so lovely Laurie. Silhouettes are so sweet...I really enjoy them, too.
Good Morning Laurie...now this is the bedroom I fell in love with on RMS that and your kitchen took me like a moth to flame...Laurie I love it my friend...You have the most warm and beautiful home it's one of those places that you feel you can put your feet up and sit a spell...Do you still have the "Family" jewels hanging in there ha ha!! Well my Dear friend Thanks for showing where you sleep with the BOSS...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Dear Laurie, Your room is just so pretty and well done. I adore toile, with black/white as my favorite. Love how the fireplace is so symmetrical and beautifully decorated. :-)
hugs, Sue
Pretty! I like the way you have it decorated. I have many areas of my home that have not been changed in a long time - can't remember how long. I can relate to the memory thing. :D
Oh dear Laurie, this room always takes my breath! You have the most beautiful home and truly I could move right in and feel like it was meant for me. Such a wonderful touch you have been gifted, each room filled with your warm, loving self. Love, Cindy
Your mantel is beautiful Laurie.
I am nosey. You walk into your front door and there is a foyer? Then your bedroom is off to the right or left of the foyer? I am just trying to figure out the layout of your home, which I love by the way. It's gorgeous!
Hiya Laurie!
first of all, I am in love with the fabrics in your bedroom! Just gorgeous.
I like your "2 candle holder" candleabras! and I like them tarnishes as well. Everything looks really pretty!
Your bedroom is so gorgeous Laurie!
Love the toile, the windows, the mantel and how your decorated it. And I would never remember so I must fall in that first group. hehe.
Your home is so fun to tour and I never tire of it!
Hugs, Cindy
Laurie, I love that bedroom to begin with, but the fireplace and the moldings on the wall, the gorgeous carvings on the mantel, everything is just gorgeous. I love the vignette you've created. The candles, birds, pictue and the silhouette, how perfect is all of it. You always inspire me. Wow. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty
Hmmm..I feel lucky to have a TV in my room, LOL..It even has a remote!
That is a beautiful fireplace..and I love that plate.
Your are Etsy's best customer, Laurie!!
Laurie, beautiful room and mantle too! But more importantly, I can tell what a beautiful person you are and one with a great sense of humor too!
BTW, I love the plate with the children. It's adorable.
Laurie, I don't know what I like more the candles or that charming plate with the silhouette of the children. Your mantel is wonderful with all the black and white elements. How special to have a fireplace in your bedroom. ~ Sarah
I really like your master bedroom Laurie. It's so nice to have a fireplace in your room and yours is just wonderful. Love the marble surround. I like how you decorated the mantle. I tend to do the same thing: leave the mantle scape as is. I just can't be too creative when it comes to mantlescaping. Is that a word? I treasure our blog friendship too!
Your bedroom is so pretty, Laurie and I like your mantel too. Lucky for you to have a fireplace in the bedroom. The candles are beautiful...Christine
You already know I love the black and white....I love the pictures and the candles. Lovely to have a fireplace in your bedroom!
Hi Laurie,
I'm so glad you did a post on your bedroom again. I love all the personal touches in your room and how you arranged all your furniture. Love the toile too. I often went back to your older post on your bedroom finding inspiration when redoing mine! I'm still not confident enough to post about mine, at least not yet!
Your bedroom is lovely. Thanks for reminding me that several of our favorite things were ordered from that catalog when my husband was in Viet Nam.
Oh Laurie, what a gorgeous and cozy space. Turning your living room into your bedroom was perfect, when you acquired that lovely fireplace for your room. I love all the silhouettes, and your doves. I love doves. The room is beautiful as is your entire home.
I also purposely use some of my favorite things to decorate with that we ordered out of that military catalog when Terry was in Viet Nam - they are beautiful reminders of a time that seems so long ago.
Hello sweet, sweet Laurie - what a pretty post! I am in love with the birdie pillows on your bed! Oh my. And I too love tarnished silver. I started a collection of it recently to display on my black hutch. I love the look. I promise that if you don't polish yours, I won't polish mine! Deal?
Blessings to you,
Gorgeous gorgeous Ms. Laurie! Love that silhouette plate..I always tried to get one but was to slow getting to their etsy! cherry
love the toile in the room
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