I am so excited to be participating in Foodie Friday, sponsored by Gollum at Designs by Gollum. Every week since this began, I have thought I would participate (Of course, I also keep thinking I'm going to have time to shave my legs!). The problem is, I don't serve pretty food at my house! Oh the shame of it! My poor husband usually does not look at his food before he eats it, so he doesn't realize how slighted he has been all of these years! All of you post pictures of food that looks like art. If my husband is home, the food doesn't even make it to the table before he starts tasting it. (I think I've done a poor job of training him) Maybe, if I'd been serving him artistic food, he would take the time to look at it before taking a bite. I certainly am getting some great ideas for making the food look pretty by visiting blogs on Foodie Friday, but I still haven't gotten any more artistic with my food than crumbling something on top of it! I promise, I'll keep trying though. Today, I am sharing the EASIEST Banana Pudding recipe ever. According to my family, it is the BESTEST Banana Pudding ever. So, without further ado, here it is:
Large box of vanilla instant pudding
1 & 1/4 cups of cold milk
8 oz of sour cream
8 oz of Cool Whip
Can Eagle Brand milk
4-6 Bananas, sliced
Vanilla wafers or graham crackers
Fold, DO NOT BEAT, the first five ingredients together.

Isn't this a pretty picture, with all of my banana peelings in a pile?
(Can't say I don't keep it real!)

Then, add a layer of the pudding mixture.
The next step is another one that is optional. At the bottom of my recipe card, my husband has written, "SAVE SOME FOR ME". Once I start eating this, it is difficult for me to stop.
The way this becomes a contribution to Gollum's St. Patrick's potluck is to place the container of banana pudding on a table that has been set with Irish decor. (And maybe add St. Patrick's Day clipart to the posting).

Be sure to go visit Designs by Gollum to get links to the great (and very artistic) food that others are posting today. Thank you so much for sponsoring this fun event, Gollum.

Several of my visitors have left questions on my postings in the past, and I'm afraid I always forget to answer them. I apologize for my memory (you have to remember that I'm not as young as some of you--I don't know how I expect you to remember that, since even I have trouble remembering it!) However, I DO remember my last post, when several of you asked about the darling banner that Susie made for me. Susie tells me that the felt letters for the banner came in a package on the Easter decor aisle at Hobby Lobby (I know, some of you don't have a Hobby Lobby-sorry). Susie just added her own ribbons to string it together. That's my kind of craft project, especially since it turned out SO cute!
Several of you asked where I store my few little Easter decorations. If you visited my blog at Christmas, you may have noticed that I also have a few Christmas decorations. When we remodeled this house, I added a long, narrow closet, with shelves on each side, where I store all of my holiday decor. It was the smartest thing I ever did. Most of the decor doesn't even get boxed up. I just place it on the shelves in the holiday closet. Somebody said that they wanted to see pictures of my holiday closet. Let me tell ya'll one thing -- I'll do ALMOST anything for my blog visitors, but nobody can see the inside of my holiday closet! It might cause complete breakdowns all over Blogville. The whole purpose of the closet is to HIDE my holiday decor (and also my mess) between holidays. It is not a place where anyone should dare to tread (you might get lost, and we'd never find you)! It could cause nightmares! I will not do that to you (but especially to myself)!
In my posting about my hallway, a couple of my visitors asked about the molding or pediments over the doors. That was the other great idea I had when we remodeled (I've only had two great ideas in my lifetime, and I'm revealing both of them in this posting!). When we purchased the house I grew up in, it came with a lot of "stuff" that had belonged to my parents and grandparents, and it is no secret in Blogville that I am a collector and pack rat extraordinaire. When we remodeled the house, I told the builder that I wanted to be able to put "stuff" above all of the doors and windows in the house. I took him to the lumber shed, and we worked on how to "stack" some moldings to make the shelves. They are probably more obvious in the hallway, because there isn't much else in there. However, since you really can't stand back and see anything on them in the hallway, I didn't put "stuff" on them in the hall. I just added them to the hallway, so that it would match the rest of the house (where I do have "stuff" on those little ledges).
Okay, I've gone back about as many posts as my brain will allow. If you have asked me a question, and you really want to know the answer, you may have to ask it again! But, remember, a long post like this is what happens when you ask me a question, so be careful what you ask for.
My home computer had a breakdown Tuesday night, and I have just gotten internet access back tonight, so I haven't been able to visit a lot of blogs, and I'm trying to catch up on everything I missed. Thank you for coming by my blog, and thank you for being interested enough to ask me questions. All of my visitors make me feel like they are interested in what I have to say (in spite of the fact that I always have a LOT to say!) You are the best! laurie
Laurie, that banana pudding makes me hungry, and it is a thing of art! As usual I enjoyed your writing, and I love the ledges over the doors. You are a genius when it comes to ideas like that, and your Holiday closet. You did such a great job of remodeling that beautiful house! Love Ya! Connie
Yummm, I love banana pudding & haven't made one in years. Now I've got to try your recipe, it looks sooo good! ♥
Good morning Laurie... your hubby sounds like mine...he's all about the taste...he doesn't care about it being frou-frou...if he saw your banana pudding though, I'd have to be going to the store right now & buying ingredients to make it for him...Yum! ;-) Bo
A pretty table -- banana pudding brings back memories
The banana pudding is beautiful and delicious! I especially like your tip of munching on a "few" of the cookies!!!!
I laughed at your refusal to show your holiday closet. I have a holiday closet too and it's viewing is also prohibited. I have my system and it works for me, but it's not pretty!!!! :D Jewel
That banana pudding recipe looks like a keeper, and I even have a triffle bowl if I can find it. Not sure when I last used it. I'm not in the pretty food club either.
Sour cream and Eagle brand milk...oh my!! Sounds wonderful!
GM Laurie...now girl give me some pudding and I am like you girl nothing fancy about my cooking..hey with raising kids I was lucky to get it out of the pan and put it in a bowl..that was my Sunday best right there..and Len would't know fancy if it bite him in the butt all he wants is his meals...Hey remember I worked and had 6 kids they were lucky to get dinner when I got home..Mac and cheese was our standard..and girl I still love my crock pot after all these years..best thing they ever made for my world..Laurie at Christmas time I tried to add some pretty parsely to the deviled eggs and by the time I got them to to table 4 eggs were missing they were eating them as I was trying to put them on the table..hey what can I say I raised a pack of wolves..have a great day dear friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Laurie, that banana pudding looks so good I could dive headfirsst into the bowl! Oh, you better be glad I can't get to it with my spoon through the computer screen! It would be devoured in an instant! Like termites on untreated timber! ;-)
Thank you for sharing with us, and I'm so glad you joined us. I look forward to posting with you...
Happy FF and St. Paddy's Day, too!
Sheila :-)
Laurie your banana pudding looks delicious and I love how you serve it in a trifle bowl...beautiful!!
You gave me my first chuckle on this Friday morning. I thoroughly enjoyed this post. J is a taster too! So it's a wonder I have anything to take a picture of, for Foodie Friday!!
You are too funny! Laurie I would be in line to check out your holiday closet! It's not that we want to see how "pretty" it is, just to see how it was done and how you use it. Come on, if we can see you pile of banana peels (tsk, tsk.... LOL). I'm just jokin..I'm the same way about my stuff. Just have holiday close envy, is all..
Your hubby sounds like mine. I am the luckiest wife on the planet. He NEVER complains about the food I fix, and thanks me after every meal. On Sat. and Sun. he cooks for me!
Now getting back to the banana.... I have made this with pistachio pudding instead of vanilla and it delish and pretty too.
I love your post! I always look forward to your contributions. And a closet would be a HUGE improvement over the 3rd bedroom at my house that's my "storage shed" -- My kid's "storage shed" -- my grandkid's "storage shed" -- sometimes I think the only hope would be to just board the door up and forget it exists! Heavens no! I've got dishes in there! LOL
You are too funny! Laurie I would be in line to check out your holiday closet! It's not that we want to see how "pretty" it is, just to see how it was done and how you use it. Come on, if we can see you pile of banana peels (tsk, tsk.... LOL). I'm just jokin..I'm the same way about my stuff. Just have holiday close envy, is all..
Your hubby sounds like mine. I am the luckiest wife on the planet. He NEVER complains about the food I fix, and thanks me after every meal. On Sat. and Sun. he cooks for me!
Now getting back to the banana.... I have made this with pistachio pudding instead of vanilla and it delish and pretty too.
Laurie...I am always smiling when I click on your name...before your post even loads...because I know it will be entertaining and totally honest!! I am never disappointed! Your beenanner puddin' (as my family calls it) looks scrumptious! I can never make it w/o downing a few in the process myself! I will have to try your version. It's one of my favorite desserts. Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie
Oh Laurie, I love nanner pudding and your recipe sounds so good. I think the leprechauns do make it really fit for St. Patty's day and that's good, 'cause I love nanner pudding anytime. Hugs, Marty
Faith and begorrah, your table looks delightful!
I like the holiday closet idea too!
Hi Laurie!
It's always a joy to read your posts. I do enjoy how you keep it real :0)
This looks very good and oh boy another dessert that will work in my trifle bowl!!
Happy FF!
I've certainly eaten my fair share of banana pudding through the years - wafers too! HOWEVER ~ I have NEVER seen a recipe like yours. I simply must, must make this for Sunday night dessert. I thank you, my daughter and grandchildren thank you .. my son thanks you! (I still believe you are one of the funniest people I 'read.')
Is that the Banana Pudding that they serve in Golden Corral or something like it? I have been looking for this recipe for years!
I haven't had banana pudding in many years...seeing your post makes my mouth water!
Hi Laurie, Your banana pudding looks so good and looks like it's not that hard to prepare either and that's what I like to serve so I'll have to try this. Thanks for the recipe. I have to add how much your post always make me laugh. So you like me in an afro huh? LOL!...Christine
this recipe sounds and looks soooooooo YUMMY & easy! Thank you for sharing! :) Have a FANTASTIC weekend!
That sounds delicious...the Leprechaun's will love it!
Thank you for the recipe..
I have a basement like your closet...my friends are dying to get down there, but NO NO..they will tell me to get rid of things..a bargain hunter's dream..
You must come to my blog and see the bargain I got at WSonoma outlet...Scroll down to the Did you ever have Thumbits...
The banana pudding looks wonderful! Love the Irish table with it. Love all your answers to questions. I had my grandchildrens for months and not much time on the computer. I know I have missed a lot. sigh
Yummy! That banana pudding sounds so good! I love it and make it, but it's very simple and yours sounds so much better - the eagle brand and sour cream! Yum.
Thanks for sharing.
I would love to have a holiday closet. I'm a little jealous! Hey, that's where you can hide all your dishes too, isn't it?
Be a sweetie,
You are too funny! I love reading your posts as you are sooooo real. Oh and your banana pudding concoction looks pretty yummy too. I am so going to make it for my family. But I'll probably end up eating the entire thing if I'm not careful. Thanks for the laughs, from one collector to another.
Oh, fancy~smancy...your banana pudding is both beautiful and sounds very tasty! LOL! You outdid yourself! I'll certainly be trying this one! ~hugs, Rhonda :)
oh banana pudding is one of my favorites...EVER...going to try your recipe soon! Happy Foodie Friday! Have a great weekend ~ Susan
We have a deal...you don't have to show me your closet and I won't show you the state of my dining room, and living room and bedroom...suffice to say I need some time to get some cleaning done! Maybe if I could pull myself away from this computer when I'm not at work I could actually get my house clean! That banana pudding looks like the recipe I got out of the Paula Dean cookbook and made when my relatives were here from the hurricanes in New Orleans! It is so good!!!! The best ever! Love ya girlfriend! Lauralu :)
I'm laughing about the final instructions on the recipe card. It reminds my of my hubbies ex-wife. She would make his favorite dishes and then when he came home from work she would tell him she made them but then her and her friends ate it all. It was soooo mean and she did it all the time. Poor hubbies...they are so picked on!
Laurie, I love banana pudding, once I start eating it there is no stopping me...it's true...one time when I was a little gal Mom made one and i ate the whole thing..while she was at work...lol :) They are my weekness.
Blessings, nancy
Yum! Banana pudding is one of family favorites!! I still can't believe you can fit all the decor in that one Holiday closet - I think you must have a machine that shrinks it all down then when you need to bring it out put it in the machine and pop it's regular size- but dear you say it is true so I will have to trust you!!
What do you mean your food's not pretty? This looks sensational! My mouth is watering. I think that anything with Eagle Brand in it has to be good! This is a keeper. ~ Robyn
Hi Laurie! I love banana pudding but always cook mine on the stove. I will be trying this one, my recipe doesn't call for sour cream or eagle brand milk. I can't wait to try this! Deb
PS you did a great job on looks too!
Your banana pudding is really a classic and a favorite - some good comfort dessert....yum! Linda
I think you did VERY well creating Banana Puddin' Art!! It looks delish and I think I'll use this recipe...one of dh's favorite desserts! Love your Irish tablescape too! :-) Love ya! L~
I LOVE Banana pudding. I think holding out some Vanilla wafers is an excellent idea. Maybe you should make one smaller bowl for your hubby. That way he is sure to get some!
I scrolled down and looked at all your Easter decorations. I am not worthy!!! Woman, you definately have the decorations. I would love a visit at your home and PEEK under the beds, in the linen closet...I say this, cuz I know where I "hide" all my stuff...and trust me, you WIN!
Have a fun filled weekend my friend.
Banana pudding, one of my hubbies favorite. Like many of the bloggers, I love reading your posts. You have a great sense of humor!
I would love to have a holiday closet. Smart idea!
Oh Laurie,i think that was an excellent idea.putting shelves over doors and windows to put 'stuff'on.None of us have enough places to put our 'stuff"
.Your recipe looks awesome and it
s about time for me to fix a banana pudding.It has been quite awhile since the last one.
Great blog as always.Thank you for all the support you have unselfishly given me lately.It is alawys appreciated.love ya....Anniepoo
Laurie, I'm SO thrilled that your joined the potluck. When I saw the Eagle Brand, I said to myself, this is going to be the best banana pudding recipe in the whole, wide world. I can't wait to make this for my family. I love it in the trifle with your pretty dishes.
My husband and yours must be cousins, too. Half the time he doesn't need a plate!
I'm am such a bad cook that you got me with the FOLD NOT BEAT. Why????????? Haha. I really need to take basic cooking lessons !!
That looks absolutely yummy, Laurie!
I wish I lived closer to you!
I have never had banana pudding with Eagle Brand, I bet this is mouth watering. I could just eat tablespoons after tablespoons of Eagle Brand straight from the can!!
You are so funny!! You always make me laugh.
Have a great Sunday, Nicole
Well I was wondering where you were last week! I was missing you and didn't think I'd missed a vacation plan. Computers. It would have been better to have been on vacation.
This pudding is delish. I am so into bananas and banana puddings and pies and I am going to give this a try.
You answered so many questions that I had on my mind too. Thank you for sharing.
Hope you had a nice weekend.
Yum! Banana pudding is a favorite!!! Love your moldings and pediments too!
kari & kijsa
I know! I sort of messed up I guess! I've never posted for two events before! I guess I should've put them both in one post instead of posting separate! Oh well, I went back and added a little blurb to check out my blue monday! Thanks! And where is your blue monday?! I know you've got something blue around there!! Love ya girlfriend! Lauralu :)
Mornin' Dearheart...
Just waking up here at my place...found your sweet note! Yes, it was on RMS that I seen that pretty tablescape...it was all done in white and pinks...I thought it was fabulous! I really don't have anything blue in the way of dishes to go with my blue ladies...hmmm, see how these things snowball? Hehe!!!
Girl, I've never seen a banana pudding recipe like this before (with the sour cream and condensed milk)...I'll have to try it! You made it look so scrumptious!!! I love banana pudding! Loved your honey's written addition to the bottom of the recipe card...how cute!!! Are ya'll doing anything special for St. Pats day? I just plan a special dinner "in" for us. Although there is a great Irish pub in our little town nearby (believe it or not...hehe!) They serve the best corned beef and cabbage on St. Pats day...hmmm, the more I talk about it...I'm thinking that we might go down there for supper!
Have a marvelous Monday, Sweetie!
Love ya,
Laurie,in your "spare time'haha.Please put it up.It was so hard for him,as i said I couldn't help,too short.But the pics donot do it justice.It is gorgeous.i cannot envision the room without it.
And out of the mouths of experience.we tried the expensive stuff to put on the paper.it was the easiest just to wet it thoroughly.
when you do it I want to see,ok?love ya.Oh yes,i am doing fine.I just have to take it slow.everytime i get too exc ited it stes me back...thank you for keeping tabs on me.
we should be hearing something soon from St.Louis.....Ann
That looked so good Laurie,I think if I made it I would make it with cooked pudding,I like it even better.I only make a pretty table if it's a holiday.My husband is thankful if I cook him anything,I'm kind of unpredictable.I would really have to make an effort to be taking pictures while I'm cooking,oh,I need more time I think.Maybe someday...glad you shared this yummy recipe though,really glad others are taking the time to share them...funny I find time to read alot of them.hehe
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