Do you see your comment?
After folding them, I put them into the bowl.
My husband thought I had gone crazier than usual when I asked him to let me take a picture of him mixing up the comments. (I had to promise I'd only show his hands!)
The anticipation builds as he opens the little piece of paper.
Do we have another weiner? Well, if we have another weiner, we must have another winner. (I didn't tell you I had two of these bowls still in the box, did I?)
I want to thank all of you who leave messages on my blog. I wish I could send each of you a gift. I am amazed that anyone visits my little blog.

~"You do fantastic work!~Be proud of your accomplishments."~
What a very special and kind award. A huge thank you to a couple of wonderful bloggers:
Melissa at Melissa's Heart and Home and Connie at My Thoughts and Creations passed this award along to me. These are two darling ladies with lots of creativity. If you haven't seen their blogs, you need to check them out. Thank you so much Melissa and Connie for this special honor.
I have been asked by a friend to give instructions about leaving a comment on a blog. All of you who already comment can skip this little tutorial (I guess you can skip anything you want-you sure don't need my permission!)
When I started visiting blogs, I didn't leave comments for a long time. At first, it was because I didn't know how. But, one day, I saw something on Gollum's blog that I just HAD to comment about (can you imagine that I couldn't keep quiet any longer?).
I went to the bottom of the posting, and I saw that there were 15 or so comments. But how did they comment? I couldn't see their comments. By that time, I had learned that clicking with that little mouse seems to open magic doors on the internet, so I left-clicked on that word "comment", and yes, magically, the comments appeared. I was very pleased with myself until a little box popped up and I read "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items. Do you want to display the nonsecure items?" YIKES! I exited the blog without leaving a comment!
That did not keep me from visiting a few blogs though. I kept seeing how many people were leaving comments, and I reasoned that they wouldn't be doing that if there was a chance of their computer contracting a virus, so I clicked on "comments" again, and very bravely left clicked "yes" when that little box appeared again. I read some of the comments that others had left, and then, in the little comment box, I typed my little comment. Then I had some choices to make. I chose to click on anonymous. I had signed my first name to my comment. Some blogs do not allow anonymous comments, but mine does. If anonymous is not a choice, you will need to type in a screen name (just choose something that reflects you). Then you have to give an email address and a password. Then, you click "publish" and you're done.
After my first comment on a blog, I started leaving comments (or what some might call "books") on everybody's blogs. Some of the blogs required "word verification", and most of the time I was able to type the letters that appeared for word verification. There are still times when it has to give me a second set of letters, because these old eyes do not always see the correct letters.
These directions may sound difficult, but once you have done it a couple of times, it becomes easy. So, please DO NOT HESITATE TO LEAVE A COMMENT ON MY BLOG OR OTHER BLOGS. It really means a lot to a blogger to know that someone is actually reading their blog! I would love to see non-bloggers start leaving their email address in their comment, so that I could occasionally respond to them, but that would be up to the "blogless" to decide whether or not to do that. Most of you may have already heard more than you ever wanted to hear from me by the time you finish reading one of my posts! laurie
Congrats to Ginger and Zoey! I am sure they will enjoy the rooster bowl! And how generous of you to give out not only 1, but 2, Laurie!...Christine
Congratulations Ginger & Zoey!
Laurie, you are sooo funny! I just giggled through your commenting tutorial! ♥♥♥ Diane
ps I have a heck of time trying to read some of the blasted word scrambles that I have to type to leave a comment. I wish whoever came up with that idea realized that some people are blind as a bat!
Congratulations to the winners. I just know they will be thrilled with their treasures. I also loved the tutorial. Such great fun! Thanks for all your posts, I always enjoy. Marty
Congrats to Ginger & Zoey. I bet all of our dh's think we;re crazy anyway. Ha was a great helper. Very.. cute hands!! LOL
Hugs, Terrie
Congrats to the winners! And Laurie, you are not the only one who can't read those darn things! Thanks for the tutorial...Debbie
OK I'll leave you a comment Laurie...Boo hoo I did't win..thats it I am taking my ball and going home now...Congrats to those that won..great prizes ..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Congratulations to Ginger and Zoey and to YOU!
Congratulations to Ginger & Zoey! I always have a good time coming over to visit you, so that makes me a weiner, uh...winner too!
;-) Bo
Sorry to admit that sometimes the letters have to recycle three times before I can get it right. I persevere however until I get the task accomplished.
After all, if you enjoy a blog, you really should let the blogger know.
Well congrats goes to Ginger, I love to visit her and Zoey, haven't met her yet. I wanted to thank you for your visit, come back anytime. I alwys love to see ya.
I am so thrilled to be a winner of that gorgeous rooster bowl! You can be sure it will be going to a chicken-friendly home! :)
Thank you so much. I was a little let down when I saw that Ginger had won...congratulations Ginger. Then after reading a bit further I see my name for a second bowl....what a thrill!
I enjoyed reading your comment experience. I had never thought about that unsecure pop up might scare people away.
I shall be eagerly awaiting the new bowl for my rooster collection.
Congratulations to you on your award and congrats to Ginger and Zoey!
Thanks for leaving those instructions, too...we forget that there are many who don't know yet all the stuff we've learned...it is so nice to share our know how with each other!
You are a sweetie!
Have a great weekend!
Congratulations to the winners! I promise not to pout about not being one of lucky ones! LOL ;>)
This is such a cute post! Congrats to the weiners! I love reading your blog, so much fun.
Congrats to the winners! Nice tutorial. I remember my first time commenting too. I still don't know what the heck I'm doing half the time and I have to call Jacob in to bail me out. Thank goodness for teenagers! ~ Robyn
Hi Laurie:
I am so excited to have won the rooster plate!!! I just looked at a pottery container (I don't know what you call it) that I bought at Christmas when I was in Las Vegas, and I think this plate is going to look so cute with it...
I tried to send you an email but it came back to me, so I am going to try the email address you have listed here on your blog.
Thanks so much...
PS I loved your tutorial on leaving comments...that describes me a few months ago. I was so intimated I was afraid to leave comments, lol. And I have trouble with the scrambled letters at times too.
I tried again, Laurie...my email is not going through to you. It comes back.
Congratulations to the wieners/winners!!
Congratulations to you Laurie for receiving this lovely award.
I am so happy you started commenting. I always look forward to what you have to say at your blog and I love hearing from you at mine.
big CONGRATS to Ginger and Zoey!
Thank you for the chance at so much FUN here on your blog! :D Hope you have a SUPER weekend!
Oh! I didn't win, but congrats to those that did - lucky people!!! I'm now having a giveaway - stop by when you have time! Have a great weekend. Sally
You are so nice..what a lovely tutorial for everyone :)
And the wieners LOL / winners too cute! Loved it...!
So I shout a happy congrats times 2
YEAH !!!
This was such a FUN post! I was really on the edge of my seat! LOL! Congrats to Zoey and Ginger! I bet they screamed when they saw their names! Hahahahaaaa!
Congrats to the winners!
Thanks Laurie for the helpful hints about leaving comments!!
And thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment too!
Hi Laurie and congrats fo Ginge & Zoey! I'm a little bit jealous, but I'll get over it! lol
You're a silly and I love ya!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Congrats to the winners! Lucky ducks.
Ah...geeze...if it couldn't have happened to me, at least it went to Ginger and Zoey!
This was fun, Laurie!
Thanks for your visit. It always makes me so happy to see your face . That must have been a deja vu moment for you when you went to the hospital and recognized the place... I agree, we have a lot in common! ((we're both smart and beautiful!!!), oh, wait....that wasn't what you were refering to?...Tee..hee...
Laurie, Good for you. Sometimes we forget how it was when we first started this blogging world, I have been visiting blog for a while, but just started one less than 2 weeks ago. My blog would be the ugliest blog on the block if is wasnt for Janene over at primitive Lifestyle. Even though she is a busy mom of 6, she took the time like you just did to teach me about this strange and wonderful world of Blogs. Thanks for sharing! Sue
Clever little post today, Ms. Laurie!
Laurie you are such a treasure! You always bring a smile to my heart! Congratulations to your wieners/winners. Thanks to you I figured out where my dashboard was, I didn't even know I had one! Love, Cindy
Congratulations to the winners! I'm sure many appreciated the how to comment tutorial.
YAY Ginger and Zoey! And your comment tutorial was so much fun....You make me smile!
Ginger and Zoey are lucky girls...enjoy your fun gift from Laurie! And I did spy my Brownie's little horsey profile in that pile of comments! :-)
I like your page. And your house is very nice. I have some nice things and am new to this blog please check my page
Thanks Laurie....YOU ARE AWESOME!
THANKS Laurie, You are awesome
Congrats to Ginger and Zoey! Great job to your dh! Those bowls are darling!
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