EDITED TO ADD: Following some comments on this posting, I decided I should have posted more about my Valentines. Most of my cards are vintage. I was very fortunate to receive many of them as a gift from my good friend, Charlie Ann, who acquired them when she had a vintage clothing store (all of the cards with hinged body parts and moving eyes came from her-the vintage doll, who is your hostess for this posting was also a gift from Charlie Ann). Some came from the attic of our family home. There are a few reproductions in the mix as well (some from my friend, Susie). Thank you for being interested enough to ask. laurie
Cute!! That probably took you awhile. :)
Oh what fun! I really like your cute old valentines!!
These are so sweet! I love the way you presented them, you are so creative. Great post, happy valentines day. Hugs, Kathy
Oh, what precious vintage valentine cards. I love them all. You did present them in such a wonderful and cute way, it gave me a real smile. Thanks, Hugs, Marty
Your Valentine mantel looks like a picture right out of Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion magazine! Very pretty! I loved looking at all the vintage cards!
Laurie, The old valentines are so cute! You made me laugh as usual! I saw some things I wish you would doa close up of, I just love your home, and all your pretties! Love Ya! Connie
I love all of your Valentines! I was just thinking the other day how I miss getting all of those cute Valentines in elementary school. It was always so much fun creating cute boxes to put them in. I wonder if they still do that? I guess I should ask one of my friends if their kids do that still.
I have been thinking about putting out a few valentines decorations around the house. And, I really love the colors red & pink. I will come up with something
This was such a fun post,it made me smile the whole time I was reading.Love your vintage cards.And they do still make the boxes and awsp valentines in school.My grands love valentines day school party.
This is just too cute, Laurie! You sure have a lot of Valentine cards...Christine
Love those cards. I almost bought a little girl like her off of eBay. I can only aspire to have a collection like yours! :O)
Oh Laurie these are all so cute and the way you did them was great..girl you always amaze me by what you come up with..thanks for another great post...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Laurie, you have some wonderful Valentine cards. Are they all vintage? Thanks for sharing a fun post. I appreciate the visit to see the table vignette. Have a super evening. hugs ~lynne~
Laurie...Well...is this not the cutest post ever!! I love your Valentines and your captions are a hoot! Hope you had a nice weekend...Debbie
Wow now those are Valentines! The ones they have now not so much. They are really sweet and I am sure you enjoy them alot, thanks for sharing! Sue
How darling! You enjoy Valentine's Day, that's clear. ;-)
Oh Laurie, you're too funny! I loved all the little dialogues going on. You have an amazing collection! ♥ Diane
My goodness how
Full of warmth and whimsy. I just love it!
Oh Laurie,
You are so creative! I just love how you have them displayed, I love your home (that hutch and clock are wonderful) I love all the cute little things you added to the valentines. have a great Monday--Cindy
I am in absolute looooove with these antique cards!! Oh their precious little faces...they just don't make 'em like that anymore!
So nice to see how you've decorated for Valentine's Day! :-) L~
How cute! I love vintage valentine's! Thanks for sharing! You did such a cute job decorating with them and presenting them in your home! Looks like fun!
I love--------------vintage cards,I even remember alot of them.OH DEAR.SHHH..........Great post honey.I imagine there's going to be alot of Valentines stuff.Thus way you were the FIRST,huh.Laurie,thank you for all the dear and sweet things you always say on my blog.You mean the world to me and always have...ann
This SO reminds me of all those Valentine Days in grades 1-8! The anticipation of who would give the cutest cards, who would give the most romantic (as I grew older) cards and the excitement of it all.
ADORABLE!!!! oh you can see the eyes and movable parts!! VERY cool and thank you soo much for sharing your AWESOME display!! :D Your vintage valentines are WONDERFUL!!! Hope you have a MARVELOUS Monday!
Laurie those were the cutest little vintage Valentines... What a great collection and how cute your little story was for them,,, tee hee... Have a great Monday
Loved it!!! What a creative way to show off your Valentines to us in blogland. I wish I had vintage Valentines to display. I just have a CD where I can print off reproduction prints. But I guess that is better than nothing. Thanks for the great post.
Good Mornin' Girlfriend...
Ahhh...I love all of your sweet vintage Valentines!!! They're absolutely precious! And girlfriend, you went to some work adding all of the darling little sayings...soooo cute!!! Your fireplace mantle and home looks fabulous all decked out in "LOVE"!!!
Have a great Monday, Sweetie...
Love ya,
This post is very pleasurable with the cute valentines and the captions. Great collection of valentines.
they are sure cute :)
love the thought bubbles too..
first time here ..u gotta nice place
This was a totally delightful post. It is hard to believe that you not only decorate for every season but for all the holidays or special days as well. I am sure your GC love it.
I am a retired paper/pencil pusher (bookkeeper) and deeply admire your organizational skills. Lady, you've got it together, no question about it.
Laurie! Just so cute and fun! I love the notes! I want to know how to do that! Love the plates above the doorway. The mantel is so pretty! This is such a wonderful Valentine Home! But then your home is always special!
These are an amazing collection. I love the comments you added!
You are so clever!
You have such a beautiful collection of cool and unique valentines stuff! And what a charming and fun way to post about it! I enjoyed every minute!
Laurie...those are the BEST Valentines I've ever seen! I could just look at each one for hours...they are soooo cute! I love your captions! You are a riot, woman! :-) Love your humor!
Cute post and super cute Valentines! ~hugs, Rhonda :)
Laurie... you are sooooo funny with some of those comments... made me smile the entire time I was reading!
have a beautiful week... Dixie
Seeing how cute these are decorating your house makes me want to decorate too! The vintage ones are such treasures...& the remarks you made fit the pictures perfectly...LOL...;-) Bo
What a wonderful Valentine card collection, Laurie! And how cute is this post...very clever, and so sweetly done. :-) I love the way you have your mantle decorated. I'm definitely in the mood for Valentine's Day now!
I just love those! I only have a few...love the graphics. cherry
What personality's those lil Valentines have! That was quite an undertaking corralling them together for their photo shot.
I had to order a vintage Valentine CD at ETSY. It's expensive to buy Valentines from an Antiques store. Little did I know, when I was in elementary school all those cards I passed out would be such a precious commodity. There are so many childhood treasures I wished I had held on to, like you did.
Sweet wishes,
You are so creative with all of those vintage valentines! I loved seeing them and that great mantle of yours.
Eve, I do love those vintage valentines with the movable parts..
I see them in antique stores and they are $10 each(or more)..I have a couple.
I have the perfect companion for your antique doggie valentine..will put it in the mail today.It's a repro
but a good one..Susie
Adorable post, Laurie! And lovely cards :o)
Laurie,, watching the weather I'm wondering are you all ok down that way? Were you hit with all the ice? I hope your family are doing alright.. hugs ~lynne~
My laptop slipped and I lost my comments. Too long, anyway. You don't want to hear all those compliments, do you ?
Great Valentine pictures and settings, also your tableware is so cute. Where do you find the time to do all this work ? I know, it's fun.......
How do you get such a large picture ? I can't get one anywhere near that size and I post it on large.
I soon hope you will be back to normal after nature's assault on you.
You have a lovely blog !
What a wonderful post!! All the valentines are so beautiful! Doesn't that one look hust like Cracker Jack? He's adorable!...They're all adorable!! Girl you have the most wonderful collections of anyone I know! Vanna
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