Before I post my tablescape, I want to tell you about a blog I'd like to encourage you to go read if you haven't already. Shoal Creek Cottage is being produced by a 10 year cancer survivor. She is having a giveaway of a darling snowman, so please stop by and sign up for her giveaway and read her moving story. You can click on her addy in my blog list to get there.
Now, on to my posting for today. I am again joining Tablescape Tuesday with Susan at Between Naps on the Porch. Just click on the "Tablescape Tuesday" picture below to go see all of the wonderful tablescapes posted by Susan and other bloggers.

My DH always wanted to be a cowboy. (I think he still wants to be a cowboy..can't you just see me, riding in a covered wagon with all of my "stuff"? The poor horses would give out before we ever left town!) He watches EVERY western on t.v. (even if it's one he has already seen several times). Now that there is a channel that shows only westerns, the only time he changes the channel is if there is a ballgame on that he wants to see. I've talked about HIS recliner in a previous post--well, he just sits up there in HIS recliner, flipping the channel from a ballgame to the western channel and back again.
For his birthday dinner this weekend, I did a cowboy tablescape. (As usual, I overdid it. There was more tablescaping than food...good thing I was serving buffet style, because I couldn't have put food on the table with all of this conglomeration of decor!) So, giddy-up now, we're going to a cowboy party.
I used one of my bandanna tablecloths. I purchased 5 of these at a Dillard's Outlet store for $5.00 each. In lieu of flowers (which seemed a little too feminine for the cowboy theme), I used the tops of some ornamental grasses from my backyard.
The weighted rocking cowboy and Indian were gifts to my dh from my mother years ago. The silver hat in the center of the table is actually a dip and chip bowl I purchased from a gift store that was going out of business.
I decided that metal cookie sheets fit the theme better than placements for this "macho" table setting. I had purchased 8 of these black and white cowboy plates at Tuesday Morning. I just realized when I looked at this picture, that this plate is turned the wrong way. The horse is supposed to be raring up! Oh, I want to turn it around so badly, but sadly, with everything we can do to our photos on the computer, turning the plate is not one of them. Just tilt your head to the right a little bit to see what this plate is really supposed to look like!
This divided child's plate held condiments for our green salads.
And rolls were served from this metal steak plate.
Yee-hah! The cowboy wannabe had a good birthday party! Thanks for coming by. Now, "git along little doggies" --"git ursef" over "thar" to Between Naps on the Porch and see all the "purtty" tablescapes. laurie (bargainhunr)
Very cute table. It is amazing the different plates and tablescapes that we see each week!
Now cowgirl that was mighty clever of you all..what kinda fixin did you make!! I bet you did a cow Poke the boss was walking in tall cotton..."Happy Birthday" where we your work do you find time to do all of this Laurie?? you wear this old gal out..hugs and smiles Gloria
Hi Just found your blog and noticed your in my Howdy, neighbor! I'm in Hot Springs. Where are you?
You're so clever! I bet your DH was grinning ear to ear when he saw he birthday table scape! :0} Diane
How thoughtful & creative of you. My favorite things were the white horses/cowboys from your are the Dillard's tablecloths. I have the same tv problem at my house, only it's ESPN chs. 1-50, the Golf Channel, Disney & Nick...they take so much of my signal, I can barely see HGTV or TLC any more! :O) LOL!
****** "Wellll, hellllo there, littlllle Missy!!!" ~~~~~~~ As a gal who prefers COWGIRL BOOTS n' COWBOY HATS, turquoise jewelry n' old Indian silver conches, to "satin n' bows" these days, I MUST THANK YOU for sharing such a delightful setting!!! ~~~ THIS was suuuuch F-U-N to see, Laurie! You put alot of THOUGHT into what you wanted to "say" with this setting, n' girlfriend, ya didn't miss a beat!!! "YAHOOOOO, yer GOOOD"! Must "git along now", honeeeyyy!!! (I know, "gag you w/ a baked bean!", right????) Big smiles n' grins, Linda
Hey, Laurie, you little cowgirl, you!! This is the cutest table, ever. I love that you used cookie sheets for placemats...very cute!!
I know your cowboy loved every minute of his birthday dinner!!
love, bj
What a cute table. I bet your husband was feeling the love!! The cookie sheet for placemat idea - brilliant!
Now can I just say that I'm so glad we don't have an all western movie channel. My husand would never turn it off!!
If this isn't the CUTEST tablescape, I don't know what is!
The grasses were perfect, well so was everything else too. Loved the cookie tins & cowboy plates...and say "Happy Birthday" to your Buckeroo, won't you? ;-) Bo
Cute cowboy tablescape, Laurie!
Happy Birthday to your cowboy!
Laurie - What a great tablescape!! You are so creative! Everything was wonderful - and I loved the cookie sheets as placemats and the grass was the perfect touch. Everything looked wonderful. Tell your hubby Happy Birthday from me!!
Love your table. The plates and cookie sheet placemats were so creative. Love it
What a super cute table! Love it.
The baking sheets look awesome! What a clever idea!
What a cute, cute, cute, cute, cute table! Did I mention it was cute! ;o) Without being too cutesy either...great job!
The cookie sheets as placemats was pure genious!
Laurie! That is just fabulous! I love your cowboy themed table and your commentary is as good as being at a rodeo! :0)
This is so cute and reminds me of my Dad, he wore cowboy boots everyday of his life. He was an Oklahoma boy long from the ranch out here in Ca. Thank-you for such a delightful post and for the memories of our cowboy. He would of loved this. Happy Birthday to your sweet husband. Loved every single bit of your creative style. Love ya, Cindy
OMYGOSH--this is just amazing! You did a fantastic job!! I loved your use of cookie sheets...and all your bargains and childhood treasures you used! Great job!!
Wow, you creative little lady! Love it, so different and original...great to see your personality come through!
Dat dere is a winner!
Yeh-haw! I love it. You were creative with your design of this tablescape. The cookie sheet idea is awesome. Thanks for allowing us to visit your home.
Miss Janice
Hi Laurie, How cute, fun and creative! Love it all.
Wonderful job. ~Happy B-day to your hubby from Blogland. :) ~Warmly, Melissa
First want to thank you for the link at the beginning of your post. I had to check it out, and then realized I hadn't commented on your table setting and had to come back. That's quite a "spread" you have laid out there.
Suggestion for a future BD present would be a split screen TV. Then your DH could keep up with a game and a cowboy show at the same time, and just switch the sound back and forth between the two, based on the action. My DH is the only one that understands how to work ours. I'm technically challenged.
He doesn't really watch sports; the times it is usually utilized is when the weather is threatening, so we can watch a program and keep the other screen tuned to the weather channel.
You are extremely creative Laurie.
Yippe eye oh ki ya... LOL Whoa Pardner... I enjoyed this... It was so different ande fun... Great job with the western theme of cowboys... Have a great Tuesday!
Hello Girlfriend...
Yeeehawwww!!! What a darling tablescape...hmmm, can I use the adjective "darling" to describe a "Cowboy" tablescape? Hehe!'s just darling!!! Girl, I would never have thought to use cookie sheets for placemats...I just love that idea!!! You're sooooo clever!!! How do you come up with this neat stuff? I love your table...and I bet the Boss loved it as well! I sure do hope he had a wonderful birthday!!! Love ya, Laurie!!!
Warmest wishes...Chari (Happytodesign)
I'll bet that birthday cowboy was thrilled to pieces!! What an amazing job you did! I'm in awe...not only for your decorating ability.....but your collecting ability!! *bows* Vanna
Laurie, what a great table! Your hubby is so spoiled to have such a wonderful wife like you...and you can tell him I said so! LOL BTW, a friend of mine calls his recliner the "Command Center" since that's where he sits with his plethora of remotes. Ha! I love that...sounds like it might fit your DH's recliner, too! I hope Laura (Tomarie) sees this because she is gonna love it! Susan
Your theme tablesetting is so very creative in how you put the various elements together.
Love, love, love the cowboy theme!! My daughter collects cowboy dishes among other cowboy stuff. She's always trying to walk away with some of the things I have inherited from my cowboy ancestors. I have to keep my eye on her!! Sally
Laurie, I'm late again! You are so creative, he is one lucky guy to have you! I don't know how you do all this, and work! The placemats were so cute! My DH loves the Western channel, too, but he flips all over the channels. Love Ya! Connie
Hi Laurie, This is so creative and unique! Just love your tablescape! The mug that was yours as a child is precious! And I love the idea of using tin sheets for the "charger", or placemat! ~Rhonda :)
LAURIE, your table is just beautiful and so it. vickydarnell
What a fun table! I have a couple nephews that would actually sit at the table if this was their place setting!
Thanks for visiting my blog-yes my MIL did do a great job-she is wonderful!
Your tablescape is really cute. I love all the deatails. Great job.
Jean in Virginia
Hi, Eve..I love the Danny Table,he's our in-state cowboy. My favorite line was "there was no room for the food because of our over-decorating tendencies" Boy, can I relate to all looked darling, pardner!
Keep it up..did you tell everyone that Dale Evans lived close to us?
We're practically cowgirls ourselves..Thanks for that creative table! SA(Susie)
that is adorable! I love this tablescape thing....I just stink at it!
Wow! Cowboy theme is great, bet it was fun putting it together!
Hi. Enjoyed looking at your tablescapes. Noticed you're from Arkansas...Howdy neighbor...I'm from Southwest Arkansas. I'll come back and visit again soon.
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