Two fantastic bloggers, Tardevil at Confessions of a 40-something Mama Queen AND Lynette at Lynette's L.A.M. Blog, have honored me with this cute "A Perfect Blend of Friendship" Award. Now, I'm giving you fair warning, you shouldn't get me started about friends. I could blog for days about friendship (but I'll try to keep it a little shorter than that). I guess I should have given you that warning BEFORE you sent me these friendship questions. Too late now!
1. Do you have the same friends since childhood?
I have lived in the same town all of my life (and still do), except for brief years away when my husband was in the military and when he attended graduate school. Apparently, I will follow him..wherever he may go... Okay, not the subject at hand, sorry.
I was fortunate enough to grow up on one of those "Mayberry" type streets. Melinda and Morgan lived right down the street from me, and we played out in the streets, in each other's homes, and in the yards from sunup until sundown! Melinda, Morgan, my sister, Julie, and I formed a club one summer and put a sign on the door to my parent's storage room that said "PRIVIT". When my mother pointed out that "private" is spelled with an "e" on the end, Melinda (the genius of our little group) said, That is because we are the Privit Private Secret Society! That's how we became the PPSS Club! Melinda, my "bestest" childhood friend is still one of my "bestest" friends even though we live miles apart. Our friend, Morgan, died some years ago, and left a void in the PPSS Club.
I am also blessed to have several other childhood friends, whom I get to see frequently, (Susie, Cindy, Susan, Sha, Niki, and Ginger), and when we get together (Melinda too, of course), I always feel that we've never been apart. Believe me, we can do some serious talking and giggling! And no, it's not me doing ALL of the talking .... but, it IS me doing a lot of the talking. I am also very blessed to have a friend in my sister-in-law, Brenda, (She was my friend BEFORE I started dating her brother), and she has remainded my friend even after becoming my s-i-l.
2. What do you value most about your friends?
Since we are talking about friends I've had since childhood, I have to say that our memories together are one of the things I value about them. I value the fact that they probably know me better than almost anyone else, and they still love me (I think). I have been so blessed with very long-time friendships, and just thinking of them puts a smile on my face. (Yeah, I feel kind of silly sitting here, typing away, with a big grin on my face.)
3. What is your favorite activity to share with friends?
I know this is going to come as a shock to everyone, but my favorite activities with friends are just TALKING and laughing and TALKING SOME MORE!!
Next, I am supposed to share this award with 4 other bloggers. So....
I'm passing this award on to Gloria at Happy To Be; Chari at Happy To Design; (and, I know, I'm cheating again-sorry) Cindy (who has no blog) and Connie (who has no blog), but they are very dear cyber friends, and I want to share this award with them (I just put on my big girl panties again and broke the rules!)
laurie (bargainhunr)
I absolutely LOVE your tablescape/setting below! So unique, creative, and whimical! ...very pretty! ~Rhonda :)
Rules are made to be broken. When you break a rule, you take exception to it. And it is the exception that proves the rule.
Hope you have fully recovered from your bout with the flu.
Well wonderful, wonderful friend, I so enjoyed reading this post. We had such similar childhoods, so blessed with those God placed around us. He continues with these blessings in the most unlikely place, this cyber world has been so full of surprises! I so happily except this award, but most of all I am so honored by your friendship. Love you, Cindy
Oh, I was so tickled to receive my honor, I forgot to congratulate you on yours.. So deserved you are such a great friend. Me again, Cindy
Hi Laurie...I love the way you write. It's so "chatty" I feel like I'm in the room with you. Congratulations on your award!
;-) Bo
Hi Laurie! Congratulations on your awards - very deserving! I love those little pictures of the cute little girls in that book! Have a wonderful day!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I enjoyed reading about your friends. Yes, I've been told all about that American Girl place in NY (and apparently, Chicago has something too). I can forsee a trip in my future. We had actually planned to head that way for my husband's class reunion over Thanksgiving, but they're not having one. I wanted to do the Macy's parade AND OF COURSE....SOME SHOPPING! Maybe another time.
Hey Laurie, this was so sweet. Friends are really the flowers in our garden of life, aren't they?
I had been visiting my daughter in S.C. for a couple of days and just got back home. Yup, there is a lot of santamaking going on in the workshop these days...
I got your sweet letter and will be mailing your package out tomorrow! :O)
Are ya back on your feet yet?..Gosh..I hope you are feeling better.
GM Laurie...thanks girl for the award..but Laurie I have no real live friends left girl...I out lived them all..so don't know what I could say..how ever I do have all my great Cyber friends like you I have made..Congrats on your awards girl and I love all your stories..Glad you are doing better..Hugs and smles Gloria
GM sweet Laurie..Please come an get your award from me...Hugs and smiles Gloria
Laurie you are blessed indeed!The two wonderful awards are great! But keeping your friends since childhood....PRICELESS!! And such a RARE rare thing these days! Vanna
Congratulations on your award. I enjoyed hearing about your life-long friends. It's wonderful to be able to share growing-up memories. Sally
Congrats on your award! It proves what a wonderful and warm person you are to keep your same friends like that. You truly are blessed, Laurie!...Christine
As being mentioned as one of Laurie's childhood friends, I feel free to share we were all blessed to have such great parents and home
life in Mayberry, AR(actually Blytheville). Laurie and I loved to dress up as little girls and I have many pics of the three of us(her sis included)
in some sort of Rockie Smith Dance costume, looking fabulous. I cherish that my mom loved her mom so much..and now the circle continues. You know I do..Susie
GM Laurie now you tell Susie we want to see those pictures of you girls in your dress up clothes..one of my favorite thing to do as a kid..loved getting into all of my mama's jewelery and her high heels and Laurie she would get so mad at me..girl i ruined more of my mama's slik hose tryiny to put them on and with a garter belt..oh do you remember those?? Thanks Susie and Laurie that just brought back so many good memories for me today...hugs and smiles Gloria
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