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Sunday, September 25, 2016


Halloween Edgar Allan Poe's Office

To begin the Halloween season, I'll be your guide on a tour of Edgar Allan Poe's office, which just happens to be in our sunroom. If you'll look to your right, you'll see his typewriter with some of his famous words still in place just as he left them.

Halloween Decor

You may have read that he was fond of Ravens. Did you notice the Raven sitting on top of the moon on a tag in his office?

Halloween-Scottish Prayer

He kept a framed copy of a Scottish prayer on his desk. It reads: From ghoulies and ghosties, and long-leggedy beasties, and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us.
Halloween Decor in tool box

A dapper Raven, carrying a clock, is being serenaded by a couple of strange looking cats. You knew Edgar's cats wouldn't be normal, right?

Halloween Pumpkin Heads on Crow

Much research has been done about it, but scholars have been unable to learn the story behind the pumpkin-headed boys riding on a Raven's back.

Girl on Crow

Some historians believe the girl riding on this Raven's back resembles Edgar's love, Lenore.

Halloween Decor on sunroom plate rack

Guests who dared enter his office were welcomed with a banner on the shelves over his desk.

Halloween Decor - Vintage Scrapbook Sheet

One of his treasures was this vintage scrapbook page. (Wait a minute, Edgar! That's my treasure. I don't know how he came into possession of my mother's scrapbook page.)

Crows-Halloween Decor

Proceed with caution. Those Ravens on the top shelf appear to be prepared to take flight.

Halloween Decor in Sunroom

Thank you for joining us on this tour of the office of the great poet, Edgar Allan Poe.
In parting, I'll leave you with his words:

"Quoth the Raven, Nevermore".


Summer said...

The raven carrying the clock is so adorable ♥

Unknown said...

You have some of the neatest stuff! I am going out in a few minutes and start bringing in some of my Halloween stuff.

The French Hutch said...

What a great nod to Poe with this awesome post Laurie. I'm a fan and your post holds frights that delight!
Thinking of you, hope it's a good week............

rhoyost said...

Are you sure the two on top aren't blackbirds on their way to become pie filling? (4 & 20 )
You have creative decorating ideas. 😊