I’m sure you thought you had seen all of my Christmas décor. WRONG! I’m tellin’ y’all, I do Christmas in Excess every year. This year, I have done less Christmas décor than usual! Since Christmas décor is a favorite of mine, today I am sharing the rest of my excess of décor! WARNING! An excess of photos in this post!
You don’t have to look at all of the pictures now though. (Of course, you don’t have to look at any of the pictures!) I am going to take a blog break, so this post will be here until after Christmas when I return.
WHEW! That was a lot of decorations! Please sit down and share a cup of tea with me.
I’m linking this post to the Show The Décor Party, hosted by Sherry at No Minimalist Here. With a blog name like that, I’m sure she won’t mind my excessive décor; to Vignette Friday, hosted by Artie at Color Outside the Lines; and to Seasonal Sunday at The Tablescaper. Thank you to all of these hostesses and host.
Thank you so much for your friendship and for visiting me. I will not be hosting Favorite Things Saturday next week, since Saturday is Christmas day. I’ll be back after Christmas.
Please go visit the linkups below. I promise their posts will not be as long as this one! laurie
Wow! I thought I was bad :) I love it and think everything looks beautiful. The vintage stuff is my favorite. Thanks for sharing. Laurie
Wow! Laurie your header is gorgeous! What a statement those two trees make by that fireplace. This is just beautiful! Your collections amaze me. All of your decorations are very nice. I wonder how long it took you to get that all up. Have a Merry Christmas!
I love coming to visit you because you always make my collections look small. I really need to have my husband take a look at your blog so that he can see what I aspire to! Ha, Ha! I wish YOU were on my Christmas list because you would be SO EASY to shop for. Will you PLEASE show close ups of your bookcase one year? I collect Santas, and I would love to see yours. Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful blogging break!
Every bit of it is glorious Laurie!
Merry Christmas to you and all your wonderful family!
You are a woman after my own heart! I am going to come back and visit your post again, because I want to relish every decoration you have used. I was watching a tv program -- designers telling us how we should and shouldn't decorate. One thing they said was, "Don't overcrowd your tree with decorations." My response -- What's with that? My tree is crowded because that's the way I like it and because I don't want to leave any of my wonderful ornaments off, thank you very much. Besides, this is my Christmas home, not yours! So I join you in singing, "Gloria in Excess" at Christmastime. (And for those who personally prefer it, gloria in simplicity, too -- it's all in how you want to keep Christmas!)
Hi Laurie! I think it is not excessive...just glorious! My fav...the cage angel with the little houses...gorgeous! And...I posted two links because I am unable to edit myself! lol Feel free to delete one if that's against the rules! Wishing a very Merry Christmas to you and your family....hugs...Debbie
Laurie, I'd just love to go shopping at your home sometime. Everything is just simply beautiful. And I do love the title of this post. You are so clever.
Lots and LOTS of pretty decorations here, Laurie. Thanks so much for hosting.
xo bj
Good Golly Miss Molly!! That's a Christmas WONDERLAND!!! Excess at its finest!! Just the way I like it! *winks* Lots of juicy images to savor and salivate over.
BTW Laurie could you send that settee....And the tapestry over it my way? Pleeeaaasseeee??!!I'm tryin' not to be too greedy lol!
And thanks for hooking me up girlfriend. I even managed to get it linked back to you all by my little blonde self haha! Progress...it IS possible! Love Vanna
Holy Moly girl...that's alot of eye candy...Loved seeing it all and glad I don't have to repack it all...Are those Jim Shore angels in your hallway and I love the boot tree the BOSS has...Many Blessings to you and your family my Dear friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Be Naughty with the Boss girl it's one less stop for Santa to make...
Oh wow Laurie, you house is like a Christmas shop. Everything is just fabulous and I have thoroughly drooled over every picture trying to take it all in. That's really impossible. I love it. Fabulous. Hugs, Marty
I think you have outdone yourself! :-D
I enjoyed seeing all your very pretty and festive decor. Thanks for hosting again this week. You are appreciated.
Have a very Merry Christmas!!!!!
"OMG Laurie", I feel like a kid in a candy store!!! I want to come to "Your House"!!! That is So much FUN, and I saw your nutcracker tablecloth in there too!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT ALL!!!
Merry Christmas to you and yours,
More is better lovey and you do more quite well lovey. I adore all your snowmen!
O.k. going crazy here. Somehow I left the comment on the wrong post. You can read it at the next one down. I did not know we were going to start getting charged on the linky for the pics. Ugh. Your house is beautiful.
Laurie, I LOVE your excess! While you are taking your break I'm gonna come snatch that cage Angel. It's just beautiful.
Happy Holidays,
You ARE the Holiday Queen -- with your decoration Gloria in Excess -- and I just love every inch of it! Have a MOST Jolly Christmas and we'll see you after all the fun!
That was fun looking at all your beautiful decor. You truly have the Christmas spirit in your heart. Thanks for hosting the party. Merry Christmas! ~Marlee
Did I misunderstand? Did you say you had decorated less this year? Wow, Laurie, your decorations are truly amazing.
Laurie, what fun it is to tour your home. I just smile with each new photo. That little penguin couple dressed for a Black Tie event, the boot tree, the angel with the cage skirt, the snow village, all the vintage Christmas ~ it goes on and on. After all this decorating, you deserve a break!
Merry, merry to you dear friend. ~ Sarah
Wow! I love your dollhouse and the Christmas Village, Laurie. But I actually love everything. I envy you for having the energy to set all of this up. It's all so glorifying to look at....Christine
As always I am impressed. I can't get enough of your vintage. Every inch is beautiful. You are truly a wonderful decorater. Have a very Merry Christmas. I won't be posting pictures until maybe Wednesday but the can't hold a candle to your!!!!!!
I need to come back and peruse when I have an hour to spare!! LOL Where do you find the time to make your house looks so special? It looks wonderful, Laurie!! I wish I had started earlier here in my little corner of the world. I hope you enjoy every minute of your time with family and friends this holiday season. Sending lots of happy Christmas wishes to you~ Sue
Laurie ~ I am speechless (most unusual for me). Your decorations are over the top and absolutely fabulous!!! I will have to go back over your pics again and again to try to take it all in. Your home is a Christmas wonderland! One question though ~ do you dread having to pack it all up when the holidays are over? Thanks for the fabulous tour and for being such a kind hostess.
Susan and Bentley
Laurie, Your home is gorgeous. I knew it would be. Thanks for showing us all the rooms. All your beautiful pieces are beautiful. The header photo with the two trees is breathtaking. Have a Merry Christmas, Ginger
I am join the party today.
Everything looks so festive and so pretty Laurie!
I would love to come visit your beautiful home.
Thanks for the friendship this past year and thanks for creating such a lovely blog that I love to visit!
Merry Christmas my friend!
What would it actually be like to be there in person?! And people ask me where I store my Christmas!!!
It was wonderful, but really, I am sure the pictures don't do it justice. I loved everything, how could one pick anything out! Ok, I am going to say that someday I am going to have a little tree with "food and candy" ornaments in the kitchen too. I could tell by the little snippet we got to see that your kitcen is gorgeous. Have you posted it anywhere else so I can see it all? Those little penguins were adorable too. Fantastic fantasy fun! Have a Merry Christmas.
Beautiful images that we can all appreciate! You have such a great festive spirit, and with so much colour and shine in the varients and differences to ponder, wonder and contemplate.
Thank you for sharing these images. Take wonderful and gentle care. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
Laurie, Everything is so gorgeous. The two trees in your header are fabulous. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful home at my party. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday.
Howdy Sweetie
Wow what a year it has been !!! I am so glad that you are still you and that I can come to visit and find you here being yourself blessing others as always :)
Thank you dear blogging friend for the most amazing Christmas ever .
I hope to someday be able to decorate and share with others until that time I am thrilled that you are here to do the honors :)
God Bless You with the very best Christmas ever as well as a truly
wonderful New Year too !
Until next time
Happy Trails
As we took out only one box of ornaments (we have a new kitten, so choices are limited) this morning to decorate the tree, I felt I too had cut back on the decorating this year. Mostly used greenery. Your decorations so inspired me to be more proactive next year.. Merry Christmas
Laurie, thank you for that house tour!
How festive everything is. All your collections, so lovely, and I am sure connected with fond memories!
I am really having a cup of tea with you.
I am really digging that lady with a house under her grilled skirt. Now is that where that expression comes from, as big as a house? :)
I am feeling sad I didn't do my usual amount of decor, but I will be happy come January! We go to my son's for Cmas, and last year no one came out. This year it will be the same, they are going away skiing, so I cut back. Just enough to make us feel Christmasy!
My very best wishes for a blessed, happy, Merry Christmas to you and your dear family!
Laurie, lovin' the little tree on your table! Enjoy your bloggy break and family, wishing you a beautiful Christmas:@)
Wow, that is amazing. You do such a great job of decorating, what a lot of love you put into it.
Merry Christmas!!
Hello, I am glad I discovered your blog -- Gorgeous Christmas decorations! Wow, you could open up a shop, you have so many! But I am sure that you wouldn't be able to part with even one. I am sure each has a special memory for you. I think maybe I will even join your party linky! :)
Thanks and have a wonderful holiday!
Best regards,
I think, no, I KNOW, I've met my match. I think you have even more Christmas decorations than I do. I loved seeing them all--the more pictures the merrier!
The glittered Christmas village caught my eye--first in the birdcage and then again more pieces gathered together. I dearly wish the ones my mom had for many years hadn't met their demise in a flooded basement when I was still a kid. I attempted to bid on some at an auction this past year but lost the bid.
I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas!
Oh my~ it is hard to believe that it all is under one roof. You must have worked for days.
God rest ye merry gentlewoman. :)
Hi Laurie,
I'm just popping in to wish you a Blessed Christmas, my good blogging friend!
OMG I love your house and all of the wonderful decorations. There is so much I love, the dollhouse, the doll with the house in the skirt but I really am loving the tablecloth with the drum and nutcrackers. Could you tell me the name of it or where you bought it? I have 3 boys and they would love this on the table on Christmas. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
Hi Laurie! Merry Christmas and wishing you a safe holiday season! thank you for sharing such WONDERFUL decorations, your house looks absolutely STUNNING! see you next year! :D
Laurie I know your busy as can be but I wanted to wish you and your family a MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Vanna
Laurie, I'm flabbergasted! Your house is beautiful and awesome! When do you start decorating - New Year's Day? LOL! I love the two trees flanking the fireplace, and the tree on the dining table - question: the box that it sits in - is that an ornament box, or did it come with the tree? It looks grand!
First of all Laurie, I want to apologize. In all the hub bub of Christmas, I never saw this post. And clearly this was NOT a post to miss. You are AMAZING. How do you get all of this done? I thought I had a lot of Christmas decos, but this is beyond! And everything is so special and so well done. By the way, I LOVE that setee in your entryway. I'm a blue girl and it's so neat to see the rest of your home and get to see some of your blueness. Maybe we'll get to see more in the New Year.
Oh, do you have a "Followers" button? I can't seem to find it.
- The Tablescaper
I just found you--and I know this post is "last year's", but had to say what a beautiful job of decorating for such a special holiday. Goodness, I can't even imagine what it must have looked like in person--but I know it was lovely and warm and inviting. Just what you want to see when you walk into someones home.
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