JUST A NOTE FROM ME: I just want to thank all of you who left such wonderful comments on my blog posting yesterday. My friend, Cindy, at Sisterhood of the Creative Hearts, has a fabulous term for what I did on my blog yesterday. She calls it "heart plopping". I think she coined that term just for me, because I've done a lot of heart plopping on her! I did some huge heart plopping on my blog yesterday, and you responded with "heart plopping" comments. (You kept me in tears most of the day-but they were good tears!) I am so grateful for having found this corner of Blogville. Thank you for letting me do my heart plopping, and thank you for being such wonderful and kind people. laurie
Oh Laurie!!! This is so cute!!! Where do you come up with all of these ideas...amazing!!!
My son is pulling for Kris to win so you can count on us for a few votes!!! I am sooo excited for you and your community...HOW FUN!!!
I hope you have had a great start to your week!!!
Laurie Eve, As your special correspondent and reporter for Mr. Kris Allen of Conway, AR(affectionately known as Kornway), I would like to thank you for giving me this task for your Blogland viewers. It was all very exciting for us here..hot and muggy but no rain as predicted, thank goodness..Kris is a great kid, a newly-wed, a worship pastor in his church & fabulous singer..I must correct" my" reporting..his song will be "Apologize" by One Republic..Go Kris and thank you, Laurie! Susie
My, not only is Kris a celebrity, but thanks to Laurie, Susie is a celebrity, too. And Susie, any town that would celebrate Toad Suck Daze (or is it Days) would naturally be called Kornway.
Just kidding! Go, Kris!!
The best part is "the smooch."
Signed, the reporter
I'm not an Idol viewer but I might have to tune in to see your local boy!
I wish him luck, B.
Hi Laurie and the reporting team, this was brilliant, I am cracking up right now, I truly hope Kris wins he is so cute and has an amazing voice and Apologize and One Republic is my daughters favourite. I may even pick up the phone myself and vote (have never done that before) lol. What an exciting day for Kornway, AR. Kathy.
Laurie my friend how exciting for your town and for Kris Allen..But being's I am from Ca. I do have to vote for my guy Adam...Please don't hate me its a Calif thing to do..Love how you did this post...you my friend are funny...Hope you had a Great Mother's day...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
What a fun post. You are so CREATIVE!!! I will be sure to watch.
PS I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Thank you for the kind wishes!!!
Hi Laurie! Super cute and creative post! I would like to see either Kris or Danny win. I have a hard time deciding between the two! LOL!
Your post below on your mother was just precious and so touching! I believe she did a very good job raising such a fine lady, YOU, dear friend! You are a gem! :)
~hugs, Rhonda
You are such a sweetheart, Laurie and a fun one at that! I will watch American Idol tomorrow, be thinking of you and dialing for his win.
Your blog is so fun and your broadcasts are view-worthy. ;-)
How cute is this! You are so creative!
Laurie that is the cutest thing ever. You really are creative.
I love American Idol...just enjoy seeing all the young people singing and displaying their talents. Kris seems like a sweet guy and very talented.
dear laurie,
even huckabee is pulling for kris.
you are so very creative.
we have relatives in conway, arkansas...some of my husband's family. my father in love grew up in donaldson and my mother in love grew up in midway.
the show my daughter and i watch is the amazing race. sunday was the finale...it was very good.
Hi Laurie,
You are so creative girl!
I just giggled when I saw your comments on my blog today! I love it~ Our local Craigs List doesn't have much either, so I just look on the Twin Cities one. We are about 2 hours from there and it has been worth my drive. HeHe. I love Kris, I do I do however my sweet friend, Danny is from Wisconsin and I love him too. I will be watching of course, my hubby is a big AI fan. Laurie, your notes back have meant so much to me, I'm so glad I found you as a friend. That's what blogging is at it's best, making new friends.
LOVE Ya, Cindy
I love this, Laurie!! Cute post! All my best to Kris!!
cute idea! I like Kris also, but i have to be loyal to Danny Goky, he lives only about 45 minutes from me.
What a roller coaster of emotions. I am amazed of the creativity of your American Idol post and was practically sobbing at the end of your Mother's Day post.
Life is beautiful.
Great post! I'm pulling for Kris to win! Can't wait to see the show tonight!
How creative! How do you do that? I think Chris is one of the sweetest and most genuine singers on American Idol. I don't usually vote, but I will be rooting for him.
oh my goodness this was the CUTEST post EVER!!! lol GREAT job too! :) i do watch the show but have never voted. (slapping hand) "Bad bad girl" hehe i really think all three left (heck EVEN Alison) have AWESOME talent!!! Thank you so much for sharing!! Have a TERRIFIC day!! :)
Gosh, you are so talented! If Kris wins, you deserve a ton of credit as well!!
I'm having a giveaway over at my blog! Come see, please!!!!!
Wonderfully creative! Now, where are those posts from Adam and Danny's home towns ???? Should be an interesting final.
You're so creative! That was so cute! I'm not watching AI this season but I'll take a peek now. Good luck to Kris!!!
Oh Laurie, what a cute post! I wasn't even going to blog b/c I am up to my neck with work but I had to see this. I have been babysitting Brendan and when he naps, I work on the wedding party favors. Wedding is this Sun. so can't put off the work much longer. I am glad I did not miss this breaking news though! Good luck to your star!...Christine
Laurie, you're so clever! Great post! ♥ Diane
Heart Plops! Now isn't THAT a cool word and feeling! Really enjoyed you cute, clever post and can't wait to watch IDOL tonight! I LOVE Kris....he's awesome....and no matter what happens with AI...he'll be a star. And it's SO great that he's so spiritual and a good Christian. :)
PS: I was Sort of near you this weekend. I went with a friend to visit her Mother in Mena, AR. :) Had a blast...and loved Arkansas!
What a fun post. I love how you did it. Very creative. I'm not sure who I want to win American Idol, I love them all (don't tell that to your friends in Arkansas).
It's gone full circle. My friend is so delighted to have his work, as he puts it, "out in cyberspace now with his wife.
His friends are emailing me now and are thrilled they have these memories of her.
We are meeting in our hometown next Wed. with another gal who was one of my best friends.
I hope he gets a chance to talk !!!!!
Thanks for your comment.
I don't watch Idol, but if you want me to vote for him I will. I trust you! :)
Lauarie--I must be losing it. I watched at 7 also! Kris feels like my hometown boy now (I'm from TN). He was fabulous with the song of his choice! I also read yesterday'spost. In my opinion, you and your adopted mom both got "special" people in the adoption!
When I watch Idol and Kris comes on and they announce he is from Arkansas...I get sooo pround..*s*...because I "know" someone in Arkansas where Kris is from. Isn't he great? He was so good tonight...loved it. He seems like such a nice young man too. He'll do good no matter how he places.
thank you for sharing this really fun post! You did such a great job.
Hi Laurie, I do love Kris Allen. He is so talented, good looking and you can tell he is deep down nice. It's nice reading he is a Christian too. He's got it all! He did great last night!
Oh how I loved reading about your mother! And oh how I loved reading about you and your sister and your childhood. Thank you for sharing all of that with us. My, your mother was indeed a very, very special lady. I just smiled through the tears as I read more and more about her. I'm sure she passed on many, many of her great traits to you and your sister.
Laurie, I wanted to tell you I often times try and comment and can't get the comment box to open up! Does anyone else tell you this or is it just me? I have had it happen several times but today it opened right up. I do read your great blog often and sorry I don't always comment.
Hello sweet friend...
Just read your sweet note about my little bunny...using one of those wire card holders is a great idea, my friend!!! I've actually been looking for one of those for sometime...to display some of my vintage cards but haven't run into one. But you're right, I think it would work perfect!!! Thanks for the idea!!!
Darlin'...I hate to admit it but I don't follow American Idol. But your Chris from Arkansas sure is a cutie, isn't he? This was such a cute and creative post...I love it!!!
Wanted to let you know that I'm going out of town this weekend but I'm still planning on doing Sunday Favorites. I already have my post together for it and I'm crossing my fingers that it will publish Saturday at 4pm like I told it to! Hehe!!! We're going to a car show and really looking forward to it! Not to mention that this little town where the car show is...they do a community wide yard sale on Saturday...yeeehawww!!! Hope they have some good stuff! Hehe!!!
Have a wonderful Wednesday Dearheart!
Love ya,
Hi Laurie :)
That post was too cute!
Your last post made me tear up. You know, I love my mom, but being my real mom doesn't mean that she was more loving than yours. I'm insecure because I was told I couldn't and it's taken me years to know that I can. Your mom was a wonderful mother and she raised a fantastically talented and beautiful daughter.
Laurie----HE MADE IT!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? His dad was just so cute with him. I did love Danny, but they all deserved it.
* OK Sweets, your "kid" just came on!!!~~~ "GOOOOOD LUCK ARKANSAS!!!"~~~
Big hugs & wishes for "champagne corks a flyin" in two hours!
XOXOXO Linda *
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