Do you think out loud (TOL)? I'm afraid I do it often. I'm one of those people who is uncomfortable with lagging conversations. I step right up and say something - anything - to fill the silence!

One of my faves this week is this Lava cake, which I can't wait to make. Can you imagine how the house will smell while this is cooking in the slow cooker? (Don't forget to go to the original site to pin or share.)
I'm not saying that I blurt out something mean or ugly when I TOL. I've never told anybody that I think what they are wearing is unattractive, or that their hairdo looks like something from the 60's. I'm way too conscious of the fact that what I'm wearing is probably unattractive, and that my hairdo does look like it is from the 60's.

Frosted Lemonade
I can only imagine what this frosted lemonade would taste like on a sweltering hot day. I'm looking forward to whipping up a batch of this while the grandchildren are swimming in the pool.
I just blurt out things that make me sound dumb, or make me sound like a crazy person. (I realize there is a possibility that I am both dumb AND crazy, but I know I shouldn't advertise that to everyone I meet!)
Isn't that butterfly absolutely gorgeous? If you want to try your hand at one of these signs, check out the instructional video.
When I think out loud, I say things that make people raise their eyebrows, or look at me with a puzzled expression, or even walk away!
After reading this post, I went to get the creamer bottle I had just put into the recycle bag. Why did I never think of this? A simple but brilliant idea.
So, why have I decided to broadcast my TOL problem on the internet? This is my space in the big wide internet world. My space to be me. And, like it or not, thinking out loud is part of who I am. I did a little thinking out loud in my previous Fri Faves post. I don't know whether or not anyone read it, but I do know I enjoyed thinking out loud with my friends.

Look at all of the storage this cute framed pegboard offers. I'm looking for a blank wall right now!
So, some of you may raise your eyebrows; some may wonder what in the world I'm talking about; or if I'm dumb or crazy; and some may even click away, never to return. But, I'm coming out of the closet anyway. I'm a TOL girl, and occasionally, I will be thinking out loud on this site, just because that's what I do.
I hope some of you stayed until the end. My blog readers are the absolute best (they really are), so I'm sure that some stuck around until the end of this post. Thanks so much for reading my blog. Feel free to think out loud in the comment section!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Most of these are not my images. If you want to pin or share one of these images, please click on the name under the picture and share from the source. If I have posted a photo from your site, and you you want it removed, please email me, and I will immediately remove the photo. If I have shared a photo from your site, please feel free to post the "I've been featured" button found on my sidebar, and thank you for your inspiration.
Yep - Been known to do it quite often.:)
Cake looks yummy.
Enjoy the weekend!
Hi Laurie, I do the same TOL.
All you share for Friday Favs are wonderful ideas. I do use the creamer bottle idea too and also pour paints in them for my studio. It really helps instead of working out of a larger container.
Darling idea for the peg board and organizing craft supplies. I love it.
Have a nice weekend and remember to TOL.
Hugs and Blessings to you my friend.
Laurie I too am a TOL person I do it because my cats aka roommates /kids/babies aren't the best conversationalists and they tend to look at me with strange looks the problem is when I am driving my TOL tends more to be road rage than just me talking.oh well I guess I got work on that.Susie
Good for you Laurie, You make the world a more interesting place!!! And thank you for all the wonderful posts...enjoy them all
Lilies and Glitter, I hope you'll come back to see my response to your comment, because I can't find a way to respond directly to you. I love your comment. Thank you!
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