I am joining Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper.
I just want to let you know that I have the best blog readers in all of Blogville. In my previous post, I explained why it had been awhile since I had posted. I wasn’t asking for compliments. I just thought I owed you an explanation. But my kind readers filled my heart with joy by leaving notes of encouragement. I have to tell you, y’all are THE BEST! You make me feel that blogging is worth my time. Thank you so much. laurie
Such a fantastic collection! Keep on bringing us your treasures!!! We love them.
- The Tablescaper
I love the Valentines, love the cowboy, is that the cutest thing ever...I also love your paper dolls, sure wish you could come over and we could have some tea and play with our paper dolls....lol...or maybe a margarita....loved the post...
Wow!!! What fabulous Valentines. We all hit the blog post wall from time to time. I know I sure do. You have so many wonderful things to show us I am always so happy to visit you. Don't ever get discouraged.
Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
What a cute 'Be Mine'? Banner! I saw some cupids like that today (except they were bigger) in the window of a florist, and I wish they still sold them and not the made in China cheap looking stuff. Those were the days. Hope your grands are doing well! <3
I have always enjoyed dropping in on you. Your posts are candy for the eyes! Hugs
Great Valentine display with some truly beautiful vintage Valentine's...
I love how you displayed your old valentines in a heart shape on the cabinet. Did you make a hole in them or are they clipped on? I have a lot of Valentines too. Always looking for ways to display them.
Laurie you have a really sweet collection of vintage Valentine's! They made me smile! Big Hugs, Linda
What a great collection and I love how you displayed it! You do have the greatest decor!
Oh how fabulous. I love your collection of antique valentines and the paper dolls. I use to spend hours playing with those. Great post. Hugs, Marty
Why didn't I keep my old Valentines? At least I have a box full in the attic that the kids gave me when they were little. Must get them out sometime. Not as vintage as yours but they do get older every year! Yes, that little cowboy is darling, and the pipe one. I used to love seeing a man smoking a pipe. Too bad that it wasn't good for them.
Your blog readers love you exactly the way you are!
Laurie, it is great fun to see all your seasonal collections. I scrolled back and forth to take these in again and again. Makes me wish I had kept my valentines though the years. You have a fantastic collection. Joan Walsh Anglund ..... now that's a walk down Memory Lane. ;-)
Hi Laurie! After reading your post, I went back and read your last one! I think we all feel this way at times. I wonder why anyone would visit my silliness and am just amazed when they do. You've always been at the top of the list for me. I'm so inspired by your treasures and how you display them. That's totally enough for me, well, maybe your personality too! Love it. Love you and love your many wonderful Valentines.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
What a great collection! Thanks for sharing it with us! Blessings, Tammy
What fun, dear Laurie! I LOOOOVE Valentine's Day...so many sweet childhood memories...and a day celebrating love, what is better than that?
Hope you are well, and that your precious grandson is getting stronger each day...
- Irina
Since I had an unscheduled blog break myself, I am just getting caught up here. I completely relate to what you said about that voice asking why in the world you blog. I also relate to the intimidation of bloggers who seem to have it all together.
I don't know whether I'll be keeping mine up, but for the record? I come here because I never, ever leave uninspired or without a smile. I'm like a kid at a candy store when I'm bargain hunting and chatting with Laurie.
Just wanted you to know.
I love this collection; you must have been at this for decades!
I dropped down and read your previous post. I know you're not talking to me when you ask folks to "scale it down." I know what you mean about how intimidating some folks can be.
I posted every day for 2 1/2 years, but hit that wall. It takes a huge chunk of life, doesn't it? Now, I've reduced my blogging to Mondays. The problem is, I've lost touch with so many bloggers who I used to count as friends.
What's a girl to do?
Love love love for all these vintage cards! Thanks for sharing these photos.
Isn't blogging a great portal to gain new friends? I love my readers too, and the best way to give back the support they give is to simply thank and treasure them and show appreciation for all the support received from them.~
These are so much fun! They just make me feel good just looking at them! Takes me back in time!
Oh my Laurie! I'm not jealous often but that wedding valentine is so perfect! I met my husband because I gave valentines to all his roommates in college but not him. I didn't know him...He came to my dorm door and asked me why I didn't give him a card!? Do you have a Flickr where you have scanned any of those treasures?
Hi Laurie, I always enjoy seeing your holiday posts especially. This one is wonderful with all of your valentines. Oh how I wish I had kept all of mine through the years. I do have a few that managed to survive all the moves. Thanks for sharing yours.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful and Happy New Year...............
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