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Monday, September 21, 2009

Butterfly Bush

I'm linking this post to Mosaic Monday at Little Red House.

Some day, I'm going to surprise everybody, and just post mosaics with pretty pictures and none of this silliness! Don't forget to go see all of the links to pretty mosaics at Little Red House. Thank you Mary, for letting me post some silliness on Mosaic Monday (AGAIN!). And a big thanks to all of my visitors for putting up with my silliness (AGAIN!). laurie


Kat said...

Beautiful photos Laurie, and please don't stop the silliness! We all need the pick me up. What better way to start the week than with a smile??
Hope you have a wonderful week! Hugs, Kathy

My name is Riet said...

THose are really beautiful photo's in beautiful mosaics. LOve the colours and the butterflies.
Have a nice day

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Oh No! Don't stop your sillies! We LOVE them! Happy Monday!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Laurie! I love seeing all of the butterflies! I have the same bush, but not so many visitors for some reason! And don't stop being wouldn't be our Laurie! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

Kathy said...

Gorgeous mosaics, Laurie!

santamaker said...

You got the most gorgeous butterflies on your bushes! WoW! I have one too, but they must not be as happy with mine. Just saw a couple this summer. Beautiful collages my friend!

Carol said...

Your photos are beautiful! I have never had that many butterflies at one time!

Stacey said...

Gorgeous! Butterfly bushes are wild and beautiful. They also smell so good.

Millie said...

Please keep up the "silliness"! Those mosaics are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute! I love butter fly bushes Laurie. We had a volunteer come up this summer and it had grown to about 2 ft. tall. So I told Bobby G. to let's transplant it next to the new Romantic Roost. Well he did...only he did it when I wasn't around. We have terrible red clay soil and he just dug the hole and stuck the bush in it. Had I been there it would have had soil amendment put in the ground along with other stuff. The poor plant probably will not survive. He was so proud of his self for going ahead and planting the bush that I didn't have the heart to fuss. ARRRGh!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Please don't STOP being silly girl..I'll just stop coming here if you do...Now you know thats why I lve ya...Great photos again my friend...Hope you have a great week fo me I have wall paper to tear off...what a mess I get myself into most of the time...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Beautiful mosaics and I love your writing, Laurie!

The "colored pencil sketch" is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie! Oh, this is so beautiful! I love the colored pencil effect! I'm joining in for Mosaic Monday for the first time today! I owe it all to you, Most Wonderful Dive of Mosaics! :)
I'm bowing -
BE a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

Your mosaics of the butterfly bush and the butterlies are so pretty. Thanks for sharing.

Melissa Miller said...

~WOW! It is a gorgeous lilac bush Laurie! The butterflies are stunning and look so peaceful.

I hope all is going well my friend. ~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Your header is GORGEOUS...I love it!!!

As always your mosaics are wonderful!!! The butterflies are amazing!!! The color is beautiful!!!


{Bellamere Cottage} said...

No.........don't stop the silliness......Life can be too serious and it's the silliness that makes life fun! Keep right on, girlie!

Loved your post.

Blessings and huggies,

Sharing with Sherri said...

Please don't stop your silliness Laurie, I love your sense of humor!!

How perfect is this post, it has all my favorite things!
Your sense of humor, butterflies, your mosaics, and some great special effects!!!
What more could I ask for! Well accept maybe ice cream... but I'm trying to cut back on that anyway!


P.S. You wanted to know where I got the pics on my last post...
You can click on any of them and it will take you there.

Melissa Miller said...

Laurie I'm grabbing your pretty new button to display on my blog! It's just so precious! ;)

Bridget said...

I think I have one of those, I didn't know it was a butterfly bush though. My gardener just over trimmed mine so there is nothing but sticks left : (

Cindy J. said...

You always put a smile on my face.. and I love your butterfly pictures.. goodness, don't know if I have heard of a butterfly bush before, but your pics are beautiful and your silliness is always wonderful! Love, Cindy

Wildflowerhouse said...

Love your mosaic and I love butterfly bushes and don't you dare stop the silliness. We need more of that. LOL

ellen b said...

Hi Laurie! Love your Butterfly Bush mosaics and your silliness :0)
Happy almost Fall to you!!

Candy said...

Well I hope that day never comes...the one where you don't have your witty little verse. I LOVE IT!!!
And I love the bushes that drive the winged beauties crazy. Can't wait till mine blooms.
Thanks for coming by and leaving your sweet comments.
Happy Mosaic Monday ;-)

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I love your silliness. It is what makes you, you. I love butterflies & butterfly bush. Wish I had some in my yard. And your cush for your tush is cute too.

puddin07 said...

Laurie, please don't ever stop being silly, I love it, you have a talent for it most people don't have! Love Ya! Connie

xinex said...

So very cute, Laurie!...Christine

Display homes Melbourne said...

Those are lovely photos. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing. God bless!

Sassy J said...

I love the pictures of your butterflies......I have always talked about getting a butterfly bush........I definately will be getting one this spring.....can't wait!