I am excited about participating in the Heirloom Party hosted by Marie at Emma Calls Me Mama. Marie is such a sweet lady, and her blog posts are full of inspiration, so be sure to stop by and check it out. Marie, thank you for hosting this party.
My heirlooms do not have monetary value, but (Surprise, Surprise!) they do have sentimental value to me.
My heirlooms do not have monetary value, but (Surprise, Surprise!) they do have sentimental value to me.
I don't know if you can see much in the photo below. It is a photograph of my mother playing with her doll furniture. At the back of the table, you can just barely see the top of the chair I have, and on the right of the photo, you can see the doll bed that I have. It looks like, when this photo was taken, she had about outgrown the play furniture, and I KNOW that bow in her hair had outgrown her!
Don't forget to go to Emma Calls Me Mama to get links to see heirlooms that I'm sure are more valuable than my heirlooms.
I'm having lunch with some of our blogging friends today!! I'll be taking pictures and telling you all about it. I am so excited!
Thank you so much for coming to see my "heirlooms". laurie
I'm having lunch with some of our blogging friends today!! I'll be taking pictures and telling you all about it. I am so excited!
Thank you so much for coming to see my "heirlooms". laurie
I could give a rip about monetary.....itmes...give me sentimentality any day! LOVE that chair and your mamas doll bed....adorable. cherry
I love that you have those treasures, and pics of your mom..
Such a wonderful memory..
Great post, Laurie!
Can't wait to see your lunch photo..
I meet a blogger this week too, a first! It was so much fun.
We had lunch and then shopped for bargains..4 hours! Never a lull in the conversation!
Have fun!
Great mosaics of your treasures!!! I love that you have all of these wonderful treasures that remind you of your mother...worth their weight in gold!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
What great treasures! Thank you for sharing them with us.
Hi Laurie,
Some darling things, love the chair, love the photo with it in it. So fun to have these special things and enjoy them! Also like your family jewels hanging around, you gave me an idea on the chandelier thing!
Hope you had fun with the blogland buddies!
Hugs, Linda
Hello sweet Laurie - thank you for joining the party! I love your mosaics and look forward to each one. The doll bed is adorable! Love the chippy white. And your Gramma's crazy quilt is fabulous! Love the design. Your Mother's chair is so sweet. What a neat weave it has. And I really like how you've showcased your jewelry by hanging it around! So pretty. Wishing you a fun lunch date!
I love treasures with stories! You have some really special things! Lucky you!
TGIF! Enjoy the weekend!
Laurie, you have such treasures of your Mother's, and the bow outgrowing her is so cute, and funny! I love all the family jewels, and the doll is so cute! Looking forwad to the post about meeting the bloggers! Love Ya! Connie
I just love that you have so many of your families things! Love the chair, and the photo of your mother is priceless. Great job on the mosaics. Can't wait to hear about your blogging buddy lunch! Kathy
delightful treasures all of them!! i especially love that sweet little dolly's bed & quilt :)
I absolutely love that darling little chair!
Everything is wonderful! The doll bed, the chair, the crazy quilt! I'm with you - monetary value doesn't really matter, but memories do!
That painted china is beautiful! I love your mom's little chair too. You have some wonderful things in your home.
Your moms treasures are so sweet. So neat that you still have them.
I love my treasures too, even though they aren't worth much, only to me.
Hi Laurie :)
Lunch with friends? How fun!
That picture of your mom with the doll bed and chair is priceless!! I love your comments on it too LOL
You have so many true treasures. I especially like your mom's childhood chair.
Laurie, heirloom treasures do not need to be monetarily valuable. They just need to belong in the heart of their owner, and not necessarily in the pocketbook. The photo of your mother is so sweet. I love all of your treasure mosaics, too. hugs, Sue
Family treasures are definitely the best. Old family photos are one of my favorites. I'm going to Camden to visit my mother in September, and I can't wait to look through her drawer of old photos.
That's not junk - those are wonderful treasures! And, to have the picture is doubly special. Sally
what wonderful treasure. Love the china!
Oh my, you have such precious treasures there!
Your aunt's china is very pretty. We have my dearly beloved's grammy's depression glass. It's pink, and I love it. We have a few pieces of her furniture, too, and some family portraits from about 100 years ago. Those are the best things of all.
Love the chair and wonderful photo of your mom!
Stop by....love new friends!
hi laurie,
what a fun and lovely post all at once! love the photograph!
Hey Laurie! I just caught up on your posts I've missed! I missed heirloom day and shoe day!!! I might try to sneak a belated heirloom in tommorrow! I had such a great time today! I hope your DH was as impressed with your purchases as I was!! Is this the china Susan has too? It's beautiful! I also loved the masterbath tour!! Love ya Sweetie! God Bless! Lauralu
I would love those dishes too if I was you!!! they are stunning!
now...I just got all your comments...thanks for being such a great friend!
Hi Laurie, I just loved all your momma's things... How precious especially since you have a picture of her playing with everything... I am so sad... I arrived in Memphis this afternoon around 3. I would have loved to have lunch with you guys... Hope you all had fun!
I am enjoying seeing everyone's heirlooms and the stories that go along with them. You have some fabulous treasures there.
What a collection of treasures you have. Loved the china. When I get home I'm going to join this group, I love it.
Good Saturday morning to you! Looking forward to seeing some photos from the bloggy lunch! It really is great to have a photo with your mom in it enjoying the pieces you now have as keepsakes. Have a great weekend...
Oh how fun....I love all your heirlooms. The hand painted china is fabulous and the doll furniture is adorable...and check out the family jewels! :-)
I hope your weekend is beautiful.
LOaurie, I love the family heirlooms. I have some of those and wouldn't trade them for anything (even though they are really not worth much money). They are charming. Thanks for your comments on my blue toile sofa. I'll have to post a pic of it. Linda
Hi Laurie,
No pole dancing for me today. I showed my hubby your comment and he just laughed and laughed. Ha!
Your mother's doll bed and the photo are amazing. You really have the most intersting and beautiful things. I would love to tour your gorgeous home one day my friend.
I'm having a giveaway tomorrow if you would like to stop by. You're always welcome! :)
Ahhhh I love that chair that was your moms. It's so wonderful that you have that photo of her playing with it!!!
Hi Laurie !!
I love the painted china...my Great Grandmother painted china - roses and other flowers, I don't know whatever happened to them ...
So yours brings back memories....guess I got to practice my roses to paint my own china, LOL !
Love the doll bed and chair - how special to have all of these years and what great memories !
Hugs ~! Kammy
What treasures you have..thanks for showing them to us.
I can't wait to see who you are lunching with today. I know you will have lots of fun!!
What sweet treasured family heirlooms, these memories are more precious then gold riches. I love your mother’s bow, she was a very pretty child. FYI, I have tried to come on your blog several times last month, but my computer froze up. Tonight my computer was chugging and slow tonight, but I finally made it here, YEA!
You have some great looking stuff. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Laurie!
Oh my goodness.......your Mom's chair and dolly bed are just too darn cute for words. I love 'em. How lucky for you to be able to have and enjoy them. My Mum was a "pitcher"....if you don't use it goes to the dump, so there were really no fun things from her childhood to save....or mine, for that matter!.... :-) No wonder I hang onto every, single thing I own.
You have some great treasures...I wish they were allllll mine.
Huggies and lovies,
Thanks so much for sharing your family heirloom treasures. All are so very special! Especially when they are displayed in one of your beautiful mosaics!
Thanks my friend, for your sweet and thoughtful message and prayers for my Mom and sister.
They are both doing better!
Hi laurie,
Your heirlooms are wonderful and the mosaics you make with your photographs are fabulous. You really have an eye for making them and they showcase your special heirlooms beautifully. Your mosacis are litle works of art.
Have fun with your blogging friends.
Really enjoyed meeting everyone on Friday. You would have thought we had known each other for a long time. :-) It was fun! Did not know my plans would get changed til later that afternnon.
Your china is so pretty and it is great that you have the chair and doll bed that belong to your mother, plus the photo of your Mother with the pieces. Have a great Sunday.
Signed your Guestbook and ended up on there twice?!?!?! Could not figure out how to delete one - Sorry. Looking forward to going back and looking at some of your other posts.
Hi Laurie! I love your heirlooms...especially the doll bed and your mom's childhood chair. I have my mom's chair, too...a wicker rocker that I painted white. I had my daughter's picture taken in it years ago. Isn't it nice to have some sweet reminders of your family? Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie
Happy Heirloom Party Laura! I am running late (way late) for the party but I am so glad to be here now. I love your party post. So sweet! You have some wonderful things of your past. And looking at the little furniture it reminds me of some things my Dad made that I didn't post, like my doll wardrobe and doll cradle. We just found out we will be having another grand-daughter so I know where those heirlooms will be going. Have a wonderful week. ~ Lynn
These heirlooms are so precious, Laurie, especially that chair cause you have the picture of your mom with the chair to go along with it. That makes it priceless! I am glad you like the pool. I did not use the new Polish Pottery dishes for the party. I don't have enough plates yet. So far, I only have 5 luncheon and 2 dinner plates. Besides there were so many kids so I used plasticware, lol!....Christine
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