Since the first time I visited Ceekay's blog, Thinkin of Home , I have been so inspired by the cloche on her header. She has those tea cups very neatly and beautifully stacked in the cloche. When I saw that, I thought it was lovely, and I wanted to copy it. So that is what I've done. I have shamelessly copied the fabulous inspiration from Ceekay's blog! Ceekay, I hope you remember that imitation is the highest form of flattery! Thank you Ceekay. Of course, mine looks more like the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, because I didn't stack them as neatly as Ceekay's.
Are you thinking this blog has become the mosaic blog? You may be right. I've decided that anything I do looks better in snippets rather than being able to see the whole picture! Please note that I didn't use a single mosaic in yesterday's Father's Day tablescape posting. Of course, that's because there was so much pattern in the posting that it already looked like a mosaic!
I cannot believe I'm going to do this, but I'm going to show you why I ended up having to copy Ceekay's idea. I started out with a Cloche Village. Every time I looked at it, I thought "Everybody is living in a bubble - maybe they are trying to keep from getting the Swine Flu!" When my husband walked by and started laughing (I'm talkin' laughin' out loud!), I decided that I couldn't put it on my blog, but here I am doing it anyway. I guess that is an indication that I can laugh at myself, and I don't mind if you laugh along with me (or maybe even laugh at me)! Some bloggers will do anything for a laugh! So, without further ado, I welcome you to the very protected community of "Clocheville"!
You understand now, don't you Ceekay? It was a total disaster! I just kept thinking about your pretty tea cups, and I had to copy that idea. But wait until you see all of the other fabulous cloches Ceekay posted for the party! Now, go over to A Stroll Thru Life, and get the links from Marty. You won't want to miss a single one of the creative cloche ideas. Thank you for visiting me. Ya'll come back now, ya hear! laurie
Good Morning Laurie,
I think you should have gone with your first choice....it was creative, fun, had imagination and was quite charming.....same as a test...always stick with your first answer.
I like the cloche that was like a bird cage and the cloche that had the three girls.....I just loved how you used the different textures.
Your second one was good but it wasn't the "ORIGINAL LAURIE" that I have grown to love, appreciate, and has lots of talent.
Love the teacups! What a great idea, and it looks so pretty. And the cloche village is quite cute! The tea party mosaic is really well done. I've just starting experimenting with mosaics. Not having much luck, I think all of my pictures are too big and haven't had time to play with editing much. Thanks for the inspiration. Kathy
I love the village cloches!!! I would even do a teacup cloche is I even owned a single teacup!!! lol Beautiful cloches and beautiful pics girl! Have a great weekend!
Good Morning Laurie!
I love them all! That village is just the cutest and hubby shouldn't be a snickering,. The teacup table is fabulous and I noticed that interesting teapot from Harrods? (or something like that) That is way cool! I e-mailed you, hugs, Cindy
I just knew you would have a great post for the cloche party, Laurie and I was right!! They are all beautiful!!
Hi Laurie !
I did some teacups too but, hadn't seen Ceekay's site yet...LOL !
I need prettier teacups like yours -love them !
Hugs ~ Kammy
Laurie- Your village was far from a disaster, but I do LOVE the mad hatter's tea party look! You are getting to be a pro at those mosaics!
Laurie, I'm halfway through this list of cloche participants- whew- I got a couple hours of sleep last nite, anyway. I LOVE your teetering tea cups!! Adding the saucers in the others was fun too, but my fav is just the cups. Mad Hatter,it is! Your little village display is adorable. Is that little bitty pieces of moss all around the tray? So how are you doing all of these mosaics? Special place you visit? Give the dirt and share the love, girl. I want to learn. Love all you've done for today- :-) Sue
Laurie, I love your teacup cloche, I will run by Ceekay and check out hers although I doubt it looks any better than yours, great job! Sue I have got to get me some of these!
Oh Laurie! I do so love your posts - what you think of as disasters -- I think of as absolute masterpieces! I loved your Father's Day tablescape masterpiece as well. You are the Dr. Seuss of tablescapers! Who couldn't love that?
I love this idea! I don't blame you for copying. Now you can't get upset when I copy you. LOL This is my all time favorite! Great job!
Wow Sweet Laurie......That is a protected Cloche Community! ;) TOO CUTE>>>>I mean, really ingenious! You need to WRITE a book, I'm serious! You come up with the cutest ideas... And, I haven't seen Ceekay's Cloches yet...but your teacup ones are DIVINE! I am lovin those mosaic vignettes you're doing now. What are you using to do them, they are fabulous! I've heard Flicker gives great options. Well done friend! ;) ~CC Catherine (Your Blue/White bunnies are on their way to your house to retire at your mansion and I'm jealous!) :)
Love the teacup cloches, but honestly, Lori, the ones with the tiny folks trapped inside the cloches -- Oh wow, I can just picture MY husband also laughing out loud (although he says nothing surprises him anymore).
Hahahahaha... great post, and very pretty mosaics!
I love your madhatter tea party! So cute! I think Ceekay would approve - it IS flattering to be copied.
You have some great ideas.. Your mini village is cute.
It's good to know you are human like the rest of us after all. I was beginning to wonder what with your super clever tablescapes. I'm sorry your hubby laughed at you but I can sort of see why. I'd like to think I would have broken it to you a little softer. lol
Your tea party cloche looks beautiful!
Laurie: I love them all! The teacups are beautiful and I am going to do it too! BUT, I also love the village, I think it is just as beautiful!!
You have options!! Great job!
Lou Cinda :)
Hi Laurie! I love your stacked teacups! And your village in a bubble is CUTE! I don't know why your dh was laughing! I don't call it being a copycat...I call it being inspired!! Happy Friday!...hugs...Debbie
Oh Laurie, I love all the wonderful pics of your cloches. I love all the teacups and other ideas you've shown, but I really think my favorite is the little village in glass. I just think that looks like some kind of wonderland. That's by far my favorite and I think the MOST creative. Love it. Thanks so much for joining the party. I have had a ball. Hugs, Marty
Men just don't understand Laurie..Now girl I am loving what you did here...I just put some pretty dessert plates under a cake dome on the counter and Len wanted to know if I ran out of cupboard space again ha ha!! Told him Yes and No its suppose to good pretty...he just looked at me and said whats with all these dishes...I used paper for years and got by just find until I met you...ha ha!!Of course you should have seen his house it was decorated in early auto parts ha ha!! I swear girl I didn't even know the man had a couch until 2 months after I met him...told him one night I was tired of sitting on a ladder when I went there to watch TV and he needed a couch..well he jumped up and started moving things and I swear girl he had a 3 piece sectional behind all these car seats and hoods...I kid you not..to him a roll of Brawny was his good napkins...I opened his kitchen cupboards and he had Drumel tools in them and old auto lights...just what every kitchen needs right...oh girl I am still trying to train him ha ha!! I had 3 kids and didn't have this many issue as with one man...Oh girl I could write a book about this guy and the way he lived ha ha!! I knew when I seen his kitchen I should have ran for my life ha ha!! Hope you have a great day my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Laurie, those are amazing ideas. Thank you. I don't own any cloche yet, but as I've mentioned in other blogs, I want some now for the upcoming holidays. I can't wait! Wish me luck that I'll find some great ones!
I don't mind you copying at all! Your cloches look lovely, however, I did chuckle at Clocheville. That is kinda funny...those sweet little children - always behaving themselves and never getting dirty! My mom would have really liked that for REAL life!
~Beautiful Laurie!
Love all your pretty cloches.
~Happy Cloche Party! ;)
I love all your teacup cloches. I can absolutely see why you copied such a wonderful idea. The village is a scream. Love the mosiac thing you have going on. Is there a special program for that?
hugs ~lynne~
Oh Laurie.. I love clocheville! You are so funny! I needed the laugh! I am hoping to find a cloche soon... I hate that I missed the party!
I love the mosiac photos. nGirl pleas let us in on how you did them. I thought the ties were a great idea! Kathy
Laurie, You've given me the giggles again! Your tea cloche party is a great idea, now I need to find a bigger cloche! Awww, cloche-ville to too cute! Bet it'll be adorable for the holidays with snow inside... Your mosaics are amazing too. ☺♥☺ diane
Laurie, what a BEAUTIFUL display of cloches! Stunning!!!! Love the tea party display!
You just crack me up!! Which I totally love by the way. I'm always stealing decorating ideas. I love the tea cups & saucers stacked up. I may have to steal that idea as well. I liked the cloche village, but I do like the tea cups better. Thanks for laughs.
Laurie, your home is the most beautifully decorated home I have ever seen. You have such a touch to decor and so blessed. I bet there are days you never want to leave home! Your home is a vacation in it self! What an inspiration you are dear!
Hello Dearheart...
My friend, I love your "Mad Hatter's Tea Party"...it's so beautiful!!! I was just over at Ceekays and told her that I had been wanting to find a cloche big enough to do the teacups too! You have some really pretty tea cups, Girl! Ohhh...and your tea table is so lovely! I just love that pretty aqua colored plate under the one cloche..Ooooh! Girl, I have teapot napkin rings just like yours...hehe! I found them at Hobby Lobby on sale several months back...aren't they pretty? I love those beautiful embroidered napkins and your table cloth too! Such a pretty tea table!!! I sure do enjoy all of your beautiful mosaics too!!! I sure have had fun making a few lately! Hehe!
Okay...I like your little cloche village! I think it's darling! I sure did enjoy looking at all of the pretties under the cloches!!! Well my friend, thank you so much for sharing more of your beautiful home and that fabulous "Mad Hatter's Tea Party"!!!
We're off tomorrow for Texas...finally! I've been beside myself with excitement! Hehe! I would like to ask for prayer...for a safe trip and you know how I have trouble with the fibromyalgia...that long car trip is going to be tough! I sure would appreciate your prayers, Sweetie!!! I'll miss you and catch up with you when I get back in a couple of weeks, Darlin'!
Love ya,
Laurie, I think the cloches with the tea cups is a great idea, and so cute. I don't own a cloche, but I have to have some now! Your Hubby tickles me, like you do! Love Ya! Connie
What a fun time you have in life, Laurie. I love you contribution to the party! The teacups are perfect.
Hi Laurie! Oh, the cloches! By the way, I love your mosaics with all the fancys on them! Oh, the teacups under the cloches are so pretty! Your little village under glass is making me giggle! You know the tiny people living under there are going to suffocate! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Laurie- I always know there will be something to smile about when I come over to your post! Love your teacup cloches and the village is too cute too- sometimes wish we had little covers over us like that the way life happens sometimes. Of course we really do though it is the person of Jesus and not a cloche!
These are so charming. Thanks for sharing them.
Yes, I'm laughing with you! Imitation is the highest form of flattery. But nothing is really original. We all copy from magazines like crazy. I know I do. I love your cups! Now I know what I want to try next. You are such a funny gal!
Oh Laurie...Another fun post from you! Aren't cloches the best decorator thingy ever??? Okay, I'm off to check the other participants.
Bye-bye, ;-) Bo
Laurie.. there is no shame in being inspired by the beauty others create... remember what they say... "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"... and I bet Ceekay is... flattered...
blessing for a beautiful weekend... hugs. Dixie
Beautiful display of cloches!
I tried to display some little cups like Ceekay but don't have anything big enough. I'll be looking for cloches when I go to yard sales.
Oh Laurie I love your clocheville! :-) - the little houses, the teeny bity people - love them :-)
Hhhmmmm for someone like me who does not drink tea much but just adore pretty teacups, maybe a stacked teacups in a cloche is a wonderful way to display them :-)
Laurie, I love it all!!!! And, honey, I love the mosaics too! They are always beautiful! Nancy
Your comment about the swine flu made me laugh outloud!
To many times the idea in my head just didn't execute well but I had fun trying.
I had lunch with Ceekay yesterday and she is even lovelier in person.
Hi Laurie,
Cute cute and cute! Love the tea party with the tea cups under the cloches. The buildings under them is darling idea too.
Fun to see , thanks,
Linda Q
It's not so bad you were inspired and that is always good. enjoyed my visit as always,I served up some shortcake under cloches this week, picture is up on the post. heidi
Hi Miss Laurie-
No matter what you do , it always turns out.
Everything looks great.
Enjoyed visiting,
Your little cloche village is just so cute! I love little things like that!
I just LOVE all of the pretty teacups you have in your cloches! They're beautiful!
Laurie, I don't know how but somehow I missed your cloche party. I am sorry...but I am here now. wow girl....I love all your cloches. xo Lynn
Laurie, just love your cloches, They say coping is the best form of flattery! I adore your village all in a bubble, I feel I live that way sometimes! lol
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