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Wednesday, February 25, 2009


If it weren't for Susan at Between Naps on the Porch, I'm not sure I'd ever have anything to post on my blog. I do know that, at least once a week, I can post a tablescape. I also know that my tablescape does not have to be anything spectacular. People often leave a comment that they want to start participating in Tablescape Thursday, but aren't comfortable doing a tablescape. I cannot imagine that, after seeing what I get away with on TT, anybody would feel inhibited about posting a tablescape on their blog! That's why I do these tablescapes--just to make everyone else feel great about their tablescapes (well, that and the fact that I can't think of much to post on my blog!)

I know last week I said my tablescape was a hodge podge, but I think this week I topped the hodge podge of last week! When I decided to do a St. Patrick's Day tablescape, I started grabbing everything I could find that was green. One thing led to another, and I've ended up with ANOTHER hodge podge table (can you believe spell check doesn't recognize "hodge podge"-of course it also doesn't recognize "ya'll"!--I think we need a Southern version of spell check!).

These bamboo place mats are perfect for me (they are cheap, they come in a lot of different colors, you can roll them up to store them, and they don't have to be washed-just wiped off-- as a matter of fact, they are so inexpensive, they are almost disposable. If I have a messy guest, I just throw the mat away! Yes, I do occasionally throw something away!)

The plaid plates remind me of a kilt, so that is how (in my hodge podge mind) I justified using them on the St. Patrick's Day tablescape. Of course, at Christmas time, they remind me of Christmas, and on other occasions, they remind me of something else-I'm not sure what, but I am sure I've used them at other times).

See those leprechaun bumble bees on the table square? That's what made me think I could use a yellow tablecloth, yellow napkins, and a bucket with bugs on it. (My brain tends to tie things together in strange ways - this may also be referred to as Laurie justifying putting things together that don't match one another).

I'm sure ya'll have figured out that the reason I love to use mug trees for centerpieces is that they are inexpensive (so much nicer than saying cheap). You can find these mug trees (and measuring spoon trees, which I've also used in centerpieces) for a quarter at junk stores. I've never used one for mugs or measuring spoons. Maybe NOBODY ever has, and that may be why I always see them in junk stores.

Tuesday Morning sometimes carries these "smokers" (I think that's what they are called). I often buy them on sale after Christmas, but since this one is an Irishman, he gets stored with my St. Pat's decor instead of the Christmas decor (well that, and the fact that there is not one one more inch of space left on the Christmas storage shelves).

Of course I have a leprechaun with a pot of gold. I'm just hoping that he is going to find me a real pot of gold some day (Every St. Pat's Day, I say to him [in a whisper, so my family won't have me committed] "sweet little green guy, if you bring me real gold, I promise I'll share it with you"--so far I've had no response from him, but I still hold out hope).

The mug tree holds more leprechauns and a vintage bridge tally that my mother had saved.

Since I ran out of St. Pat decor to hang on the mug tree, I got out this vintage costume jewelry that belonged to my grandmother to hang on the tree (well, it IS green-don't you just love how good I am at justifying?), and beneath the tree is a gold shamrock with mine and my dh's initials engraved on it. This was gift from my childhood friend, Melinda. I just love anything that has a wonderful memory attached to it, and my memories of my friend Melinda are certainly wonderful.

I'm sure there are frogs in Ireland! (Of course my justification for using the frog pitcher is that he is green). The tea towel under him was a gift from my sweet sister in law, Brenda.

I snapped this picture before I took any other photos of the table, because I knew I'd start eating those Ande's chocolate mints before I finished photographing the table. I love those things. (I put them in little St. Pat cups, for my guests to take home-I'm re-thinking that now though).

What do you think?

Be sure to go to Between Naps on the Porch, and see the links for all of the wonderful tablescapes. And, now that you've seen just how hodge podged (I'm sure the past tense of hodge podge is not in spell check) your tablescape can be, please join in next week.


Two of the sweetest bloggers, with two of the "bestest" blogs have given me the Sisterhood Award. If you haven't visited Carol at Carol's Heirloom Collection and Miss Laura Lu at Hidden Promise, you really need to go see them. Carol has the most precious new grand baby whose pictures are currently posted on her blog (and probably many more to come-you know how we grandmothers are!) Laura Lu hasn't been blogging long, but you wouldn't know it to see her wonderful blog.

A lot has been said about this award by other bloggers, and I don't think I can add to it. However, I do have to agree that Blogland is filled with a wonderful sisterhood of women, and I feel so blessed to have found this sisterhood and to feel so welcomed and accepted by this sisterhood.

Thank you so much Carol and Laura Lu for honoring me with this very special award.


Now, at the risk of making this post WAY too long, I just have to tell you about Kathy (Life in the Slow Lane). She is the s-i-l of my friend, Susie, who so graciously welcomed us into her home and her Valentine's party on my blog. Some of you have already met Kathy. She has had a blog for awhile now, but she has recently joined our great sisterhood of bloggers. She is a very talented lady, and if you are not already a regular visitor to her blog, you should run right over to see it here.

Thank you so much, my sweet sisterhood of visitors, for stopping in to see me. laurie


Unknown said...

WOW, you did fabulous, love it. Mishelle

Myrna said...

Hiya Laurie!
Oh, how I LOVE your tablescapes!! Always so creative and a feast for the eyes! Great job. I think the only thing you're missing is the Blarney Stone! ;-)

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Your commentary is so cute and funny you had me laughting all the way! In fact, not only is this so cute and adorable but your creativity is so over the top! I love it! Did you notice that the frog looks like he's maybe going potty? See, my mind works in wierd ways too. Love it Laurie, Cindy

Anonymous said...

Dear Laurie,
you are a "special" lady that just makes me laugh with about everything you are great.
I love the frog pitcher so he one of a kind or is he him soooooo very much
I love the table cloth...very pretty...I love it all...very creative
I would love to dine with you one day

Knittings Nice! said...

Wonderful tablescape...I just love looking and admiring....

Kat said...

I love this! I just love St. Patrick's day. Or maybe I just love an excuse to make corned beef lol. This is a really fun table, and I love the little leprechaun bees! Very creative and I think the plaid is great. Hugs, Kathy (ps - spell check doesn't recognize hissy fit either - you may have something with the southern spell check idea!)

Anonymous said...

Laurie-girl, what IS that expression the kids used to say... "Yer da bomb"?!?!?! (It's a compliment, I know!). Well, YOU ARE!!! I don' know WHICH is MORE DELIGHTFUL~~~ your incredibly FUN n' CREATIVE tables, or your MAGNIFICENT sense of HUMOR!!! Either way, THANK YOU for this WUNNNNAFUL-a-WUNNNNAFUL posting~~ in EVERY way!!! (AS the wife of an Irishman, THANK YE!!!).~~~ Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

* (P.S. Interested in having your OWN garage sale?~~~ You know, to "make room" for MORE delightful "things"???~~~ If so, may I have FIRST DIBS on that EXTREMELY FANCIFICUL FREDDIE the FROG??? He simply touches my heart ~ DEFINITELY worth many a GOLD COIN to frog-lovers everywhere!!! XOXO)~

Martha said...

Love your St. Patrick's table -- I've got plaid plates, too and never thought about pulling them out for St. Patrick's Day --

Great job!

Jewel Sauls said...

Cute, cute table! I love the plaid for a St. Patrick's Day table. I have put candy out on my table before only to find that DH has eaten it all. Those mints wouldn't stand a chance at my house! One year I got dark chocolate kisses or something and they lasted the whole season!!!! :D Jewel

Bo said...

Well, top 'o the mornin' back yo ya Laurie...You are the 'bestest' storyteller...I loved your St. Pat's hodge podge! BTW, I'd love to visit Kathy...did I miss where to go to see her blog? ;-) Bo

Kristen said...

It's wonderful!
I grabbed my Ande's chocolate mints and cup before you could take them off :-)

LillyB said...

I'm GREEN with envy! LOL
Now where is my Kiss me I'm Irish button???
Love your table sweetheart!!!
Love Lilly

KBeau said...

Hey, Laurie. Thanks for the free advertising. I do think you must have a much holiday stuff as Susie. I remember when they moved from Virginia to Conway, they had to have a second moving van just for her decorations.

Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

Well, I figured out why you were up in the middle of the night taking tablescape pics! All those Andes mints!! The chocolate had you on a sugar, caffiene rush! Laurie, your tablescape is ADORABLE! You say it's a crazy hodge podge of stuff but you make it work girlfriend! God Bless you today! Lauralu :)
P.S. When the weather figures itself out, I'm serious, I'm coming to your town and you're going to show me the great places to bargain hunt! Think of the blog posts we can make!!!!

Anonymous said...

Laurie Eve, it's not even Mar 1st yet, and you are all ready for St Pat. That was asked us "what do I think about the favor"?..
I think you ATE all of my Andes mints, that's what! So glad you displayed Mel's brass 4 leaf clover..what does DH stand for? Dang Husband?:>)
The frog pitcher is so cute..I see others are vying for it too..Surely you can find a BS around that house somewhere! (Blarney Stone) Love you, Susie E

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Laurie, what a great tablescape. I think all your reasoning makes perfect sense to me and I don't understand why spell check doesn't have yonder, hodge podge, ya"ll and a lot of other perfectly normal words. lol Congrats on the award. Hugs, Marty

xinex said...

You are so funny, Laurie! Thanks for making my morning. I love your tablescape. I'e never made a St. Patrick tablescape but you have given me lots of good ideas. Save me some of those Andes mints. I love them!...Christine

Anonymous said...

I love your st paddy's day table, I am a hodge podge decorator too, and you do it well! Sue

MARGE said...

Wow what a great table. so many cute ideas. I love the centerpiece and the cups with mints. Great table. I think I will come join you :)

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Laurie! I love your tablescape! So festive! The little table square is my favorite! Hey...I'm with you on the Andes candies...that cup of green straw looks like a good take-home gift for your guests! Eat that candy, girl! lol Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM girl where's my corn beef at?? All of this and all I get offered is a mint...come on get out of the BOSS's bed and do me a dinner here girl!!
You really did find your place here in the "wonderful world" of Blogging where you can show us all your great talent Laurie and your beautiful tables you come up with each week..and whats so awesome about you just shop your house...This was another fun one girl..hey I'm Irish so you know I would love it..Oh and pour me a GREEN Beer...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Cute, cute, cute. That is an adorable table.

Tardevil said...

I love your St. Pat's table. I think it all works well together! Love all of your decorations. The idea of using the mug tree was genius! :O)

Anonymous said...

Laurie! Look at you! This is marvelous! I don't know anyone who has St. Patrick's Day table things and you do! This is darling! I wanna come over!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Laurie,
There are various reasons why I love this great tablescape. Not the least of which, your words gave me a good little ol' chuckle this fine morning!!

Great tablescape and great story telling!!!

PS, Gollum's Foodie theme for Mar. 13 is St Pat's

~CC Catherine said...

Hey Laurie! I love your St. Patrick's Day Tablescape theme! I started last month taking lots of pics of Green glass in antique shops so I'd have something to show in March! ;) I think all your little touches are great...and I think the andes mints in the cups for guests to take home was very nice! Love the mats too.......great idea! ;) ~CC Catherine (Stop by my place today for a nostalgic tablescape...grab the tissues first! ;)

Rattlebridge Farm said...

That frog is adorable. I love the tablecloth..and those cute bees in the shamrocks! Love your plaid dishes.This is perfect for the St. Pat's potluck!

Helen said...

Love your Irish/Scottish tablescape today ~ even though it's hodge-podgish! A dear friend of mine, no longer here, loved all things Irish - traveled often to Ireland, attended Notre Dame football and basketball games, loved Digger Phelps, drank lots of ale, could belt out the Notre Dame Fight Song anytime/anyplace AND her ashes rest somewhere on the Notre Dame campus! Here's to you Miss Peggy!!!!! Thank you Laurie for giving me time this morning to remember her.

Ginny said...

What a great tablescape! It actually makes one happy looking at it! Your ideas are great. I have yet to design a tablescape. I don't think I have enough "stuff' to create. But I do enjoy looking at all those creative gals and their tablescapes.

Cindy J. said...

Laurie dear you must be the most fun grandma ever! I so look forward to what you have created, and it always delights my heart. My dear baby boy is back home from the hospital and doing great! More testing to do to find out what caused all of these problems, but we will tackle that when it comes. Thank-you so much my precious friend for all of your prayers and support. You mean the world to me. Love, Cindy

Kim said...

You are WAY too modest! This is one of the best tablescapes I've seen! However, your sweet comments have prompted me to at least think about possibly trying to perhaps maybe one time in the near-foreseeable future.....give it a whirl.
I have tablescape issues, can you tell? ;)

Designs on 47th Street said...

Laurie, let me first say that I loved what you wrote in the very beginning of this post. That was so sweet of you making other bloggers feel comfortable about joining in with TT or anything for that matter. We all have things to share and ideas to pass along. You are a dear person.

Yes, your "hodge podge" tablescape as you call it is adorable. You truly are so creative. I immediately thought of kilts when I saw those plaid plates with the green around it too. How creative to use those at Christmas and now at St. Paddy's day! Brilliant! I love your silverware too. It was all very fun...ummm, love those Andes mints too!

Lastly, thanks for stopping by and giving me such compliments on my tablescape today. I appreciate your nice words. That is so funny you have my same baby plate!


Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hey Laurie! What a fun table. I love that tree in the center with the cutest little things hanging from it. What a great idea to hang jewels from it! Vintage no less. You always have the neatest creative....we need to visit and go for coffee! How far away are you from S. Calif? Big smile....ok blogging will have to do then.

Ginger said...

Laurie your table is always decorated so nice. You are one creative lady!!

santamaker said...

Well, girl....don't cha ever run out of ideas or plates?!?!
You are certainly very creative and your tables always put a smile on my face! (Look who's calling me "off the wall"...LOL )

xashee's corner said...

BEAUTIFUL table! i think the andes chocolates are a WONDERFUL thing to take home!
Thank you so much for AlL that you share! :) Have a GREAT day!

Treasia Stepp said...

Wow it's looks great. I love it. I don't think it's a hodge podge of things it all comes together in the end.

Anonymous said...

Laurie, I love the FROG PITCHER. The tablescape is very cute. I love your blog. Blessings, Deanie

Four Paws and Co said...

Laurie, There is absolutely no HODGE PODGE here! This is beautiful & I love your thought processes! Awesome! ☺♥☺

ps could you pass one the Andes mint cups over here please?!?

SmilingSally said...

Lovely St. Pat's tablescape, Laurie. Hodge podge is not Southern; I use that expression too, and I'm a Yankee.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hey Girlfriend...

I'm so glad that you stopped by...and thank you for your sweet, sweet comments!!! You're always so sweet...I love when you come by! I hope that everyone isn't getting sick of my frenchy studio/office yet...I sure am having fun! hehe!!!

Well my have turned out another marvelous table!!! You're so talented and creative!!! I love your St. Pat's just looks like so much fun! I love that tablecloth...those little bees and four-leaf clovers are darling! And I must say, as soon as I seen your photos...the first thing I thought was how perfect the red plaid plates are...whenever I see red plaid...I always think Irish/Scottish!!! I love it all...I'm going to have to get me a mug rack...I think that's a great idea for centerpieces!!! I always get so many great ideas from you, my friend!

Love ya,

nikkicrumpet said...

So the festive feel of the table....but OH how I love those plaid plates!!!!!!!!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Well, that is about the cutest table ever - makes me smile! It's so happy and festive and I love the shamrock fabric - really fun! Linda

Anonymous said...

oh Laurie,I love,love,loe thoe plates.I would've never thought of plaid,but you're right.It is so Irish.You just keep getting better and better.It really is awesome...Ann

Belinda said...

LOL, at needing a southern version of spell check, Laurie! And as for your tablescape being a hodge way! You have a real knack for putting together these themed tables, and I didn't even think about a St. Patrick's Day table...what a great idea! I adore green, so what's not to love! The leprechaun bumblebees and the froggie are way too cute, and I love the plaid plates as well. Super fun table, Laurie! :-) Now, where's the tacky green beer?! LOL

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Laurie, what a fun and festive table..I searched and searched for a four leaf clover to bring us luck..unfortunately it must not be meant to be.. I so appreciate your prayers and support..they mean the world...hugs ~lynne~

Unknown said...

Just way to stinking cute!! :)

Anonymous said...

Laurie, The table is so darned cute! You know I love the red plaid plates, and I am just amazed at how you put everything together, but even more than that, your witty writing! I laugh all the way through all of your posts! Love Ya! Connie

Anonymous said...

What fun your St. Pat's table is. I love the plaid with it. You have such great economical suggestions for centerpieces, etc. I appreciate the tips. Enjoy!!

Unknown said...

Not hodge podge at all! You are so funny and very creative. I love how you pulled everything together. My mom LOVES LOVES anything Irish (Irish ancestors) a has a collection of Irish stuff I may have to use. She would so love being a guest at your great tablescape. Thanks for the idea.

Tomarie said...

"Little green guy"~~Hahahaha!!
Beautiful and CUTE TT! And you funny girl! LOVED this post!! :-) L~

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Running late this week visiting blogs....again...LOVE the ST Patty table...gorgeous!!!
Hope you had a great Tablescape Thursday

B said...

I've always said that work interferes with my life! lol
Seriously, that tablescape is so lovely. How clever are you, to mix and match all those seemingly different things together, and make them look like they were made to go together. That's what I call true creativity.
Don't work too hard, and I'll look forward to a visit from you to BzPlace whenever you have the time.
Have a great weekend. :) Brenda

Southern Lady said...

A Southern version of spell check would be nice!

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie! Please come by my Foodie Friday post - I have some special for you.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Nicole ~ said...

You are so creative!! I love those plates, and that cute little leprechaun.

Cass @ That Old House said...


Thank you so much for this joyous and fun blog on Tablescape Thursday. You made me laugh, and made me feel braver about posting my own humble table scene!

There's a giveaway on my blog today,if you have time stop by! I really enjoyed your blog and will be back.


Chandy said...

Laurie, such a sweet looking table! I love the bumblebee leprechauns... Cute! Where did you get that cake stand, it's so awesome. I'd love to have one...

Carolyn of What Now? Tablescapes

OCDesigner ~Athella said...

LOVE IT!!! Laurie,It doesn't matter how you do it, it just matters that you do. Wish I had your stuff and your energy. ~Athella

Miss Janice said...

I love your hodge podge scape! I love everything! You are too funny..."if it weren't for Tablescape Thursday, I'd have nothing to post." Sometimes I feel the same way!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

I loved the tour--both visually and verbally, lol! You are so creative!

I have a little something for you over at my blog♥

Lady Katherine said...

I love your table, just wonderful! I love the frog, the cloth, the gold, the bees, the everything! A mug tree in a can! I should have known you would find something to do with it, and its great!!! I have a metal one I saving for something! Now I know what I can do with it! lol Girl, this is just great!

Anonymous said...

MOrning, Laurie! You're so welcome on the award. You DO deserve it! You're awesome with everything!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Glenda said...

I still need to go back and read all the comments to see if anyone had the same thought as me. If they did, it will just be said more than once. Any table this cleverly put together needs no justification.

I think your use of the mug trees is a genius idea. I am always trying to find uses for things I already own or acquire that the inventor or manufacturer never dreamed of. The more uses I can find for an item, the more I can "justify" acquiring it in the first place.

I really believe our "gold" in this life is our family and our love for them. Your pot is already overflowing with all the people that you love and that return that love.

Salmagundi said...

I'm slow in getting around, but so enjoyed the St. Pat's Day tablescape. Is there any candy left? Sally

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Well..well...your tablescape is just fabulous!! Perfect St. Patrick day setting! I just loved all the little details, and whimsy and colors...well I mean green!!LOL! Stop by my blog for a little something I have for you on my 2/24 post under friends. Have a blessed day!!

lvroftiques said...

Laurie your tablescapes intimidate me! Who the heck in all of blogaritaville has has much cool stuff to tablescape with as you?? Well maybe Gloria.......But otherwise NOBODY!....I'm pretty sure *winks* Ya know it took me about three views to see the mug tree! It just looked like a fabulous display piece to me...Hey I've even seen those at the Goodwill! I could use one too!! Yippee!! That was a great idea girl! I never woulda thunk of that...course I never woulda thunk of pretty much anything else either without all the fabulous bloggers to inspire me! *winks* Ummm I am not able to disclose the name of my bird Achoo-sexyrexy....because Gloria is after me for birdie support! So mums the word OK girl? And my UPS guy is a hottie, but I'm not going out to say "howdy" in my old brown robe....And I remove it for no man! Lol!! Love Vanna

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Laurie, :)

You sure do display some of the most creative tablescapes in Blogland!
I just adore this one and all the festive Greens.
The little leprocan and plates are just too cute.

Come and check out my new blog makeover if you have a moment.

Have a wonderful weekend.
~Melissa :)

squawmama said...

Laurie... I am lovin your Irish tablescape... Really nice... you really know how to set up a special occasion...


Connie said...

Hi Laurie,
Wow did I have mail today. Thanks again for your support. I just feel so much better, too.
Your green tablescape is so cute....... I should go buy a shamrock or something. Here, we eat off paper plates, and sit on the couch. I say I, I mean me. They are called, no fuss lunches .
Our temperature dropped 25 degrees today. It was almost 65 this am, and it's now in the low '30's. Another front, but Sunday is March 1st and it's my daughter's birthday. She missed leap year by 5 hours.We will plan something.
Have a good weekend and start writing on your 3rd part of the story. It's great. Con :)

Anonymous said...

I think your table is the top of the everything! I love it! I would be hard pressed to come up with a green tablescape and would be scavenging from all over the house and the garden too. xo Lynn

The Muse said...

Your post made me smile a smile that even the loveliest of Irish fairies would envy! :)

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hey Dearheart...

So glad that you stopped by and took a peek at my ebay ironstone bargain...I know, I just couldn't believe that I got the whole shabang for just $10! After I bid on them, I worried that the seller might not be on the "up and up"...since no one else bid on them and they were so cheap! Whew...glad it worked out! hehe!!!

So what are you up to this weekend, plans? It's pretty quiet kids and Russell's busy out in the shop!

Have a super Saturday, Sweetie,
Love ya,

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Laurie, I love your whimsical and fun St. Paddy's Day tablescape! It's really pretty, too! Oh...LOVE that frog, too! :) ~hugs, Rhonda

Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

Oh Laurie! Whatcha doin?! Is it snowing up there?! It is here! All afternoon and night! And I know you have a good place to shop because I remember you showing us an adorable plate or platter or bowl (I guess I don't remember!) that your DH got you for Christmas from your favorite antique place! I may not remember why I walk into a room but I remember that! sort of! Oh shoot! The memory just ain't what it used to be! Lauralu :)

Rhondi said...

Hi Laurie
Your tablescape is wonderful! I love everything about it. It is very creative.
Hugs, Rhondi

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Miss Laurie~ What I adore about ALL your tablescapes is your inventiveness! You have a talent for pulling random items together to create the perfect theme. The Academy Award table....with those plates and stickers provided the ambiance for the Oscar night. I would have panicked, hitting every store imaginable looking for movie themed dishes.

My laptop has been out of commission. I had to wait for my son to fix it. Which took him all of five minutes! I waited several days for that quick fix. Somehow my Hubs and son's didn't see the urgency in fixing it for blogging. Go figure.

Sweet Wishes,

Kristens Creations said...

My Goodness Laurie, I can't believe I missed this one. It's fabulous! I wish I could do more tablescapes, but that would mean I would have to go buy the "stuff". Hubby says I can't just go buy "stuff" to post on my blog. Darn! Well, I can just look at yours. Thanks for checking out my red! I do have alot of! My tooth is feeling great, hardly any pain at all, Thank the Lord! Talk to you soon, Kristen

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Laurie, I love your tablescape! It is so fun! It just made me keep smiling! I ama fan of your blog and have just started my own. I am struggling to figure everything out! If you get a chance, please check it out! Thank youand have a great weekend:)

Lou Cinda

Rue said...

Hi Laurie :)

That tablescape is wonderful! I can't believe you pulled that all together from what you had!! Amazing :)

Oh and I think you're pretty fabulous too ;)


Kristens Creations said...

Hi Laurie, tell Connie thanks for stopping by and her nice comments. I'm extremely computer illiterate too, if it wasn't for hubby, I would not have a blog at! I do miss RMS, I hardly ever go there anymore. I might post something soon just for the heck of it! Take care, Kristen

Lady Katherine said...

Good Morning Laurie, stop by I have some awards for you, if you wish.


Look at you! Wow, who knew you are an irish girl at heart!!! Lovely job,


Mari @ Once Upon a Plate said...

Beautiful! You have me in the spirit for St. Patty's DAY! :)

Very nice blog!!!