Love birds surrounded by hearts have landed on the doily in my centerpiece. When my husband served in Viet Nam, there was a catalogue for servicemen in VN to order good buys from all over the world. He made the mistake of sending it to me. Oh my, what bargains that catalogue held. I ordered this set of birds from it (along with a FEW other items). In letters and tapes that he sent to me from VN, my husband always reminded me that "it isn't a bargain if you don't need it". In my letters and tapes back to him, I always said, "you are so right, that's why I'm only ordering things that I NEED"! (I'm sure you can see that I NEEDED these birds-right?)
Red stemware holds the flowers (which I obviously just plopped in there). The eyelet dresser scarf belonged to my mother, and had a few holes in it, so I had to scrunch it up under the centerpiece (at least I didn't use doilies).
Each place setting consists of a doily under the dinner plate; a white dinner plate; and a red, heart-shaped salad plate, a vintage napkin with a pink flower stitched on it; a napkin ring with the key to my heart; Towle Old Master flatware; and Lenox Moonspun crystal (with yet ANOTHER doily under it).
Somehow another doily has gotten under the pink salt cellars that belonged to my grandmother (see the cute little pink glass salt spoon?).

Aren't you glad I didn't put another doily under the votive candle holders at each place setting? I have had these "urn" candle holders for a long time. I can't remember where I was when I found these in a "dollar" bin, but I do remember I bought all of them they had.

I dimmed the lights for this picture (maybe all of those doilies won't show up as much in dimmer lights).
Or, maybe they will! Thanks so much for coming to see the invasion of the doilies. Please go see the other tablescapes by visiting Between Naps On the Porch. (I promise the other tablescapes will not have been invaded by doilies. I can promise that, because obviously, all of the doilies in Blogland have invaded MY table!) Now, I'm off to check the bed to make sure there aren't any there! laurie
Aren't you glad I didn't put another doily under the votive candle holders at each place setting? I have had these "urn" candle holders for a long time. I can't remember where I was when I found these in a "dollar" bin, but I do remember I bought all of them they had.
I dimmed the lights for this picture (maybe all of those doilies won't show up as much in dimmer lights).
*****Hi,Laurie! You must have JUST posted this because it's late (well, actually "early" now, here in AZ!)& it looks like the others haven't "arrived" yet! (Well, I also figured I should go to the BOTTOM of the list, cuz so often we never GET that far, & there you were, girlfriend!)~ ANYHOOOO, what you created here is just darling, & so "you"~~~ it's not only pretty, but it's CHARMING & WELCOMING, just like you (!), & your fun n' funny references to the doilies is a hoot! ADORE the fact that you bought those lovebirds thru the PX ("Post Exchange"), so many years ago ~~~ that HAS to make them SO SPECIAL to you both, especially because DH WAS in VN! I think that's sooo wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing this all! (And BTW, I would KILL for all your FAB built-in-bookcases! "Ohhhhhh be still my foolish heart"!). Love n' warm hugs, Linda
Ohmygosh--your tablescape is just too cute for words! Love the 'Love Birds' in the pedastal dish, and how you wrapped ribbon around the rim of the dish. I am a doily fanatic and don't think it was too much AT ALL! Everything was just lovely. Beautiful job!
I love it and the doilies just give it a warm eclectic look. Now those red salad plates and the Love Birds are just wonderful and Make it such a special setting. LOVE those bookcases! Cindy
What a beautiful room! I'd love to go to a dinner party at your place. You didn't mention the red cloth wound in and out on the centerpiece. And, yes, I adore the salt cellars with the tiny spoons.
BTW: Tell your hubby how much money you've saved with those bird; why, just look how long they've lasted!
Oh my gosh Laurie, that's the most beautiful table setting for Valentine yet. And that room is also beautiful.
What a beautiful table Laurie! I love your centerpiece, and I'm sure that those birds are very special to you. Love the heart plates and I'm glad the doilies invaded your table, they found a great home. And BTW, how did I never see all of those bookcases before - I'm drooling. Hugs, Kathy
How beautiful!
I just love the doilies, heart shaped plates and those doves are sooo amazing.
You have so many wonderful things and I always look forward to seeing what you share!
Laurie Eve..Beautiful..I loved the "Invasion of the doilies"..really fun to see your creative hand at work! I remember us making Valentine boxes back in the day..crepe paper, glue, lace, sequins..I am sure you found a doily of Weymoth's to glue on yours!:)
What a beautiful and dramatic table! I love the love birds and the centerpiece. All the doilies are wonderful! :D Jewel
Laurie, that is just the most gorgeous Valentine setting ever! I love those birds - I would have totally "needed" them too! Love the bookcase in the background!
Good morning Laurie...The scrunched dresser scarf looks just perfect with your lovebirds centerpiece...I spied nary a hole, except the ones supposed to be there...LOL. I like doilies & if any hopped on your bed, send them my way. BTW, I love the dimmed light view of your table... it all looks so romantic! ;-) Bo
What a beautiful table, Laurie. It's sweet, just like you and I really enjoyed the story of the birds! When ya need 'em, you gotta have 'em!
Hi Laurie! It's going to be 71 here today!!! You should come for a visit. Who doesn't "NEED" a pair of love birds? I'm a seasoned bargain hunter myself and when I show my husband what a wonderful bargain I've found and tell him how much money I saved he always says, "we would have saved even more if you hadn't bought it at all". I'm a doily fan as well and I think they were made especially for Valentine's Day. Remember making the Valentine's Box for school? We always used doilies to decorate them. I guess I'd better go pull out my little cupids and doilies and put together my Valentine Table before it's come and gone. Oh, just a thought....maybe you should surprise your husband with coffee in bed on Valentine's morning and be sure to have a pretty doily on the nightstand to sit it on!! Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Laurie, what a beautiful table. I love the bird centerpiece, they are just wonderful. I also love the doilies. I think they look great and remind me of all those wonderful valentines that use to have doilies on them. Beautifully done. Hugs, Marty
I so see why you needed those birds. Like the little key on the napkin too...a nice touch! And the salt cellar/spoon. But, what I really love are all of your built-in bookcases! I think I have a case of bookcase envy! :O)
Very cute, Laurie! I love the birds and I like the doilies too but my favorite are those little pink spoons and the white plate with holes around the rim....Christine
Laurie, what a beautiful romantic table. Your love birds are gorgeous..thank goodness he sent you the info to be able to order them huh.. love the key as a napkin ring holder..off to take Mr. P. to the doctor.. have a super day...hugs ~lynne~
Laurie, what a beautiful romantic table. Your love birds are gorgeous..thank goodness he sent you the info to be able to order them huh.. love the key as a napkin ring holder..off to take Mr. P. to the doctor.. have a super day...hugs ~lynne~
Hi Laurie,
I discovered you yesterday and am visiting this morning. I LOVE the birds! I've always loved birds and these are absolutely gorgeous. As soon as I saw them, I was going to ask where you got them but then read further.I suppose there's no way to get a pair now so I'll just have to admire yours. btw - your table is pretty :)
Hi Laura! Your table is gorgeous. Your bird centerpiece is so lovely! My mother has some of those birds - doves! Your dishes are beautiful! Love the little heart ones. Doilies! I love doilies!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Your table is perfect for Valentines Day! I love the birds!
Hi Laurie! I love your tablescape! You always add something totally unexpected...a touch of whimsy, as Gollum taught us!! It is soo charming! I agree w/ you about needing things! It's much easier to need them if they are a bargain, huh?? I hope everything is getting back to normal out there! Have a great weekend...Debbie
absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! i really LOVE your table settings! You inspire me, now i gotta get a nice TABLE! hehe :) Have a LOVELY day!
Oh Laurie! This is the best so far, I think! Oh your grandma's salt celllars and the adorable little spoon. The wonderful love birds, you've always had a great eye. Love the key napkin rings, napkins and all of your beautiful doilies. I just had to copy a picture for my files, your family room looks so beautiful! Hope you have a great day. Love, Cindy
Hi Laurie,
It's all so beautiful and romantic.
I absolutely love the doves featured as a centerpiece.
Happy Valentines Day!
~Melissa :)
My 4yo granddaughter was sitting on my lap while I was reading your blog. She said "that table is sooo pretty, it makes me want to cry"!!
Have agreat day, Denise
Your table is beautiful Laurie! I loved the paper doily idea too - you're just so clever! Gramdmother's salt cellars are to die for!
Yes, the birds were definitely a requirement for living and you NEEDED them! They're gorgeous! ♥ Diane
GM Laurie...girl this looks just so romantic and I love those love birds...you always do a wonderful job...Girl I would love to have all those build in bookcases..hope you have a great day Laurie...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
WOWEEE, looks beautiful!!!! CHEERS! Michele
It's gorgeous, Laurie. Those birds are amazing!!
That is so pretty.I love the birds and bet they are special to you.
Ok, this is gorgeous! The overall effect is WOW!
I appreciate you coming to visit my blog!
What absolutely stunning tablescape you have. Beautiful. I love the doilies on the table.
Laurie,I adore your birds.Awesome.And those plates are precious.But....the napkin rings are just so adorable.You have done a fabulous job here,dear...ann
Hey Laurie.. what a romantic tablescape... I love the birds... and all the doilies too... Great job done... LOVED it!
Love your tablescape & your commentary. You are a hoot!!! Some of your doilies escaped & ended up at my house in my tablescape.
Laurie....that is a beautiful tablescape....I love the Valentine theme and I certainly don't think you have too many doilies! For goodness sakes, it part of te theme, right? LOL
I have some of those Salt Holders too from MY Grandmother but I didn't know they were called Cellars. Thanks for teaching me something new!
Hi Laurie, your tablescape and room are Stunning. Happy Valentines Day. Kathy.
I just love your photos today, Laurie! Doilies and all! Until I revise my template I don't think I can do the enlargements (though your instructions were perfect and I mastered it quickly.) I tried, but with those sidebar 'things' my enlarged photos are cut off on the right side. My husband spent a year in Viet Nam 1966-1967. He was in DaNang. Those were hard times for all of us.
Beautiful table Laurie! I love the centerpiece...and all the doilies... everything looks wonderful...
Where do I sit?
Hello Girlfriend...
I love all...ALL of your doilies!!! I'm going to have to pick up some...I think they're just gorgeous to decorate for Valentines Day!!!
Well my friend, yet another spectacular tablescape...you're just soooo talented!!! Love your tablesetting...and that pretty centerpiece with the love doves is so beautiful...it really makes a statement!!! And...the fresh flowers are lovely! It's all just gorgeous!!! I only have one question...what time is dinner? Hehe!!!
Love ya,
Hi Laurie! I love your Valentine Doilie table!! What fun. Such cute little accents everywhere. The key for a napkin ring is such a great creative idea. I enjoyed the tour of your table and I really am intrigued by the back drop of those built ins I see in the room next beyond the table!
Oh Laurie it is sooo delish!! That first picture just took my breath away! Don't take this wrong...but I coulda licked my screen lol! I love all the doilies!! And those love birds are fab!!Of course you NEEDED them! I NEED them!! Lol! *winks* A feast for the eyes girlfriend! I soaked up every shot. Vanna
So beautiful!!! I love the Love Birds and the pink salt holders with the spoons made me Ohhhhh out loud!! They are beautiful. I bet your grandma would be proud you posted them!! I love the doilies too!!!Using the red glasses to hold the flowers! Too creative!!
Have a beautiful day!!!
You're a riot!
LOVE those pink salt cellars...I am in search of pink salt cellars...let me know if you see any! please!
Those red heart dishes are adorable!
and those doiles...they are always getting into places where they shouldn't...gotta keep your eye on them!
Happy Valentine's Day, Laurie!
Laurie this is my third time to try and post a comment! Third time's the charm?? Your doilies are perfect for valentine's day! Just adorable! Your whole table is beautiful! I'm just curious if you found any in the boudoir?! And by the by, your daughter looks just like her mom! Beautiful! God bless you today! Lauralu
Hi Laurie!
WOW! Your Valentine table looks fabulous! I don't think you can ever over doily!! Your table is very tastefully done. The birds are sooo beautiful Laurie! Oh there's no way you could resist something like that. And if our hubby gives us a catalog he MUST WANT us purchase something!! Go figure!
I would love to sit at your table by candlelight and dine and chat and enjoy the wonderful company!!
Hugs, Sherry
Laurie, I want to come to your house,It is so pretty and festive but it always is.You could open a Holiday shop and do very well with all your clever ideas. It is sooo pretty.Hugs Kathysue
Love the way you worked in all the doilies....so pretty....and the birds are lovely! Linda
The love birds are great - even more special because of where and when you got them.
I like the doilies, too!
Your table setting is very creative and attractive. I love your use of doilies...the white against the red tablecloth looks great, as do all the elements you've put together.
Your Valentine's table is beautiful. The cloth and the doiles...yes they look very pretty..the candles..the dishes...just lovely.
I really think you did so well with the birds. You've had them for some time and they must bring special memories to you.
Your flowers are lovely too..
Thank you for sharing with us.
have a lovely evening.
p.s. thank you for the advise about the towels and laundry and Abby. That was a very sad story about your friend's cat. I will think of that next time...whew.
Hi, Laurie, Oh my! I love that first pic, I have always loved your family room! The shelves show up so good, I am going back to enlarge them and just stare at all of it! The tablescape is gorgeous, you have the most beautiful dishes, and at a bargain, too! You certainly did need those birds, they are so pretty. You are so funny with all your doilies, it is all just perfect! I can see, you have been having fun! Love Ya! Connie
This is lovely, Laurie ... the little kid in me ADORES paper doilies, especially at Christmas and Valentine's Day. When I taught kindergarten, the kids made so many fun projects with doilies, and getting to use them made the kinderkids feel so elegant! Your white lacy plates are so pretty, too.
I always love seeing pics that show more of your rooms ... your bookcases are so pretty and nicely organized. I gotta get my kitchen finished on move on to a new project :o)
So many beautiful things to look at!! But I must say the little key napkin rings are my favorite!!!
Your table setting is perfect for a romantic dinner. I love the doilies!
Laurie, I love your Tablescape today! How precious all your doilies are! I'm a doily addict as well... ;) I especially love those birds too! Very sweet and romantic tablescape! ;) ~CC Catherine
Oh Laurie I think it looks wonderful and I love that last picture showing those gorgeous bookcases-
I seem to recall my Mom having some birds that looked similar to yours and am wondering if Dad brought them back for her. The only thing i can remember is this fork and knife set made of brass and carved wood- it was the ugliest thing- even as a child I thought how ugly that thing is!!!
Love those heart plates & I love those doilies! And the birds were definitle a must have!
Doilies, I don't see any doilies.....you can never have enough doilies, I say! This is such a romantically beautiful table. Those birds are precious! I too love the little salt cellars. ~ Robyn
Wow............that is gorgeous. stunning. cherry
Hi Laurie, your tablescape is very romantic! The doves make the perfect centerpiece.
This is the first year in 15 yrs. I haven't worked at a florist. I'm taking it easy for once! Happy Valentine's Day! Kristen
Woman, where oh where did you get those napkin rings with the key???? I just have to find some! I love the birds...but I am tellin you, I am on the hunt for those napkin rings!!! Happy Valentine's Day!
Without the doilies I don't think the table would look complete, maybe even a trifle empty. The centerpiece is absolutely perfect with your beautiful birds. So glad you were able to use your Mother's dresser scarf and display it underneath the focus of attention. Unfortunately sometimes older textiles just seem to come up with holes for no apparent cause or reason.
Love the way you arranged the flowers in your stemware. You used a masterful touch when you used the key around your vintage napkin. I would like to have some of the "urn" votive holders. I'll have to keep an eye out for something that will work as well as yours did.
Love your invasion...too cute! That centerpiece is adorable. The setting is all so pretty!
Miss Laurie~ I love the love birds! They are the perfect center piece for your Valentine's tablescape. My mother in law left me with many of her crocheted dollies and tablecloth. I'm reminded of her love and dedication to each knitting and crocheting design. I cherish everyone.
Did I miss where you found the charming key napkin rings? The heart plates look like they were made with glitter? They glistened in the candlelight.
I don't know what was more adorable...the tour of your sweet friends cabin or her pups.
I've just started visiting Gollums blog. I hope she'll visit my blog someday. You two look like you truly enjoyed your time together.
Sweet Wishes,
Laurie..well I love all the doilies. Your center piece love birds are beautiful!
I don't know how I missed this post, but somehow I did. Wow, is all I can say...it looks gorgeous.
I love the birds and the doilies, and the napkin rings, everything.
Happy Valentine's Day
How lovely! The birds, Oh so sweet! Your table is with the hearts, I just love it!
Laurie, now if you sneak off and go to Georgia, March 2, you can stop by Mississippi and pick me up! I heard you been looking at maps! lol
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