This page is filled with bridge tallies. I have several of her bridge tallies hanging from a lampshade in my study. Aren't the graphics cute?
This page contains souveniers from parties she attended. I assume the "How Dry I Am" frog alludes to prohibition.
Souveniers from movies, dances, and card parties.
What daring swim suits (they kind of remind me of those outfits we had to wear in gym class - YUK)! (My mother is the next to the last girl in this picture- remember I was adopted, so no, I didn't have a chance of inheriting her slim figure.) Her best friend is the girl in front of her in the picture. They remained friends and visited often (living only 60 miles apart) until my mother's friend died.
However, we are still trying to be creative in our party ideas, our scrap booking ideas, and even our emailed letters. Yes, a lot of things have changed for the better, but I'm glad we have not YET let computers completely take over our creativity. I don't want to click on a symbol and have a scrapbook created instantly, or send an invitation that I didn't select, or have an email sent to a friend, without selecting the words that I want to say.
Blogging has become a way for some of us to express our creativity, and also a way to record our history for future generations, just as mother's scrapbook did that for her and for me.
In the future, when my family remarks that I spend too much time on my computer, I'm just going to tell them that I am scrap booking, so that I will be able to leave them with memories, just as my mother left me with her memories in her scrapbook.
Now I'm going to change the subject a little, but it does pertain to creativity (which is NOT one of my strong points). I love having visitors come to my blog, and I love visitors leaving comments. Does it bother my visitors that I do not have a "cute" blog, or that I do not have music on my blog? Since I began visiting blogs, I have diagnosed myself as having Attention Deficit Disorder! Sorry, when I go to your blog, if there is music, I have to turn the volume off, so I can concentrate on what I am reading!
When I began this blog, it really was just going to be a place for me to record my thoughts and memories (and perhaps for my children and grandchildren to read in the future), so I wasn't too concerned about the appearance of the blog. I guess I've just become accustomed to having a very plain blog (I've probably also been lazy about changing it). My eyes are old enough that I also like to have a lot of space for my words, so that I can read them easily. I didn't start out trying to please anyone but me. However, I have loved getting to "know" all of you, so now I want to also please my friends who come to visit! Please feel free to leave your thoughts about your visits to my blog. I know it is not as cute or entertaining as other blogs, and I do want you to keep coming to visit, so if I need to add music, or make it look better, I'm willing to give it a try.
Sorry, I know I'm trying to cover too many subjects today -- just one more short one. To Donna, who signed my guestbook (t.v.): Thanks for stopping in and signing my guestbook. If there is a way for me to personally respond to a guestbook visitor, I don't know how to do it, so I'm answering your question here and hope that you see my response. The "Bless This House" plate on my header is "Fitz and Floyd Town and Country". I received it as a gift. Kristen at Something About Nothing Blog (check my blog list) just told me that she had seen it in a store, so you might check with her, but you can probably find it on line.
Bloggers and Blog Visitors are the greatest! I am still amazed and humbled by the fact that someone else will read my little blog. Thank you so much. laurie
Your Mom is Adorable! She was really creative, more so than most! Oh, and she was a Scrap-booker!
So, I'm thinking my blog looks a lot like yours, no fancy pages, no music (I always turn the volume off too) and you know I like it!
Gosh I love all the moments of memories you have been so kind to share!
I have a music player but it comes on only if you turn it on....
I think the blogs should reflect what you like as a color etc...
but I keep in mind that readers need to feel comfortable on your/my blog or they will not return.
i feel comfortable :)
Laurie, Your Mother was so cute and creative. I'm like you, I usually turn the music down so I can't hear it. I've never thought of your blog as being plain, just so enjoyable. I love it. Love Ya! Connie
I have an eye problem called macular degeneration. Yours is one of the easiest to read blogs I frequent, and for that I thank you.
Most of my blog reading takes place in the same room where DH is watching TV, so I either have the sound muted or turned so low that I can just barely hear if I have a new e-mail come in. If I really want to hear the sound, I can always wear an earpiece and still not disturb DH.
I sincerely hope you and your Mother became as close to each other as you both desired. For you to have these treasures of hers speaks volumes. I truly enjoyed this post.
That book by your mom is so Awesome, special and a very good piece of family history. I love it and i bet she was or is a great gal. Don't worry about the music i don't know how to put one on mine at all. I love pictures to look at, so just post pictures alot. lol. Mishelle
Your mom's scrapbook is amazing. Don't you just love looking at old pictures and seeing the way things used to be? As far as your blog being "cute", it's just as cute as it needs to be. I think your header alone speaks volumes. I personally come to blogs to read what other people are thinking and doing. If you don't want a music player, don't add one! Music is such a huge part of our family life that it was natural for me to add it. I try to post playlists to complement a particular post, but if someone is more comfortable turning the music down, that's totally fine with me. My blog feels very plain to me also, but it works for me and I hope my readers too. Hugs, Kathy
I love your blog just the way it is. If you want to change it up a bit then do so because you want to and will like the way it looks.
Your scrap book is awesome. My mom is going through old pictures and making books for my brother and myself. I can't wait to see what she comes up with.
Your mom's scrapbook is just wonderful. How great to have something that records a big portion of her life. A real treasure. I like your blog the way it is and I never thought it was plain. Hugs, Marty
Your mother's scrapbook is such a treasure! Thanks for sharing!
I do not like music on blogs; you may notice that I don't have it. If I have my own playing and I'm visiting blogs, it's waaay too confusing. So I totally agree with you. However, to each his own.
It's your blog do with it want you want to;) I like music because usually it determines my mood or the words touch my heart or sometimes it jsut goes along with the blog but that's me I love music;) Now that scrapbooking it awesome how wonderful to have those memories...I chuckled at those bathing suits;) French
Good Morning Laurie. It's so neat that you have the scrapbook full of memories. I agree with you that blogging is a type of scrapbook. I just hope it doesn't get lost somehow...that's a fear of mine.
I've thought about the look and sound of my blog too. Used to have it with a busy background and decided to go simpler for awhile. I often turn blog music off too. The option is nice.
How sweet!!! Mom's are awesome! I hope my kids think that about me!! I want my mom to scrap book some of the pictures she has because she has so many of them but I don't know if she will, she is pretty busy maybe if I show her this it will change her mind!!!
Have a great day!!
Good morning Laurie...Your mom was a knockout...hubba-hubba in that swimsuit picture. I think it was very unusual for women to go to college back in that day... OK, about your blog...DON'T CHANGE A THING! I never listen to anyone's music because I don't have my speakers on...and when you click to leave a comment the music stops anyway...also, sometimes the fancy backgrounds obscur some of the keep on keeping on with what you're doing! It's always fun to come by your place... ;-) Bo
I have some scrapbooks and photo albums from my mom and they are the best! She is 84 and we still hoot and holler over some of them from time to time. Love that you shared some of yours.
Wow, Laurie! What a treasure you have to share with your family! That's the best kind of scrapbook! Filled with her personality and spirit.
My adoptive mother graduated highschool in 1930 !
Hi Laurie~
What a wonderful family treasure you have in that is awesome! Looks like your mom was quite creative and very attractive!
How wonderful!
I think your blog is just fine! I too, turn off music and I find some of the busy backgrounds make it difficult to read the content. Not only that but some of the added features really make for a long time for the page to load and be made readable...which can be a bit frustrating if you don't have much time to check it out.
I say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"!
; D
The blogs I read I read because of the humor, the style of writing, the content, it has nothing to do with how pretty they are, or whether they are the "cutest blog in blogland". My blog is very plain too, partly because I just started and really dont know how to do anything fancy, but now that I think about it, that is ok. Thanks for helping me to see that it is more important what you are writing then what it looks like! Thanks, Sue
oops, I forgot to mention how very neat I think it is that you still have your mom's scrapbook! I wish I had some similiar things from my mom. What treasures!
Laurie, you are so fortunate to have all of these treasures of your mothers. She was a knock out. I don't have anything from my mothers earlier life. I'd give anything just to have her. As tears roll down my face I at least have the memories, I hope those don't fade too soon in the future. hugs ~lynne~
Oh i thoroughly enjoyed looking through your mother's scrapbook!!! Thank you sooooo very much for sharing something so special!! How cool that you have that!!!!
Your blog is like mine, without the music! :) Well i LOVE your blog as it is!! and to prove it, i just happen to have an award on my blog for you!!! :D Please do stop by and recieve it! Thanks again for sharing ALLL that you do!! Hope you have an AWESOME day! :D
Well, we know where you get your creativity from - your Mom! That was a fun peek into her scrapbook. I think with 79 followers you wouldn't have to change a thing about your blog - it's perfect! ~ Robyn
Laurie, what a treasure you have there. I love your blog!
Have a great day,
Laurie what a treasure, this scrapbook is! How wonderful you have this archive! Beautiful post!!
Laurie - how lucky you are to have that wonderful keepsake of your mom's!! I loved looking through all the photos.
Now, about your blog - I personally don't care for music, but then again, (shhhh) I blog at work and don't care to have everyone know what I'm doing. If other's want to have it on their blog, that's their choice, I just choose to keep my volume down and not to have it on my own. I like coming to your blog knowing it will have that prety red plate in the header and the soothing yellow background, kind of like coming home, you know? I change my background because it's just about one of the things I can do fairly easily!! OK - that's my 2 cents!! Basically, its your blog - have fun - don't change it or change it as much as you want!!
I don't find your blog plain, boring or anything coming close to that. I enjoy the simplicity and I also always turn off blog music so I am able to concentrate. Your post today was totally priceless. I spent a long time looking at everything.
GM Laurie...OH girl I am loving that you have this scrap book of your mama's this is just priceless to say the least..
Now about your blog girl...I come here because I enjoy your blog I don't care if you have on a blog dress or music..I think to each his own..thats why its your blog you can do whatever you want with I like to change mine all the time..but I am the same way in my home also changing things..its not the music or appearance its the person behind the blog that counts..their now you have my 2 cents..hugs and smiles Gloria
Laurie... what a wonderful post! thanks for the letting me walk with you and your mom down memory lane... it was a delight!
Oh, Laurie, your Mom was a cutie. What precious pictures and her scrapbooks! What a treasure. My husband has some of his Mother's scrapbook and they are similar. She kept everything!
No, I love your blog! I do the same thing about the music from other blogs. I have my volume turned down. As much as I love music, Note Songs, it is distracting when visiting others I think. Laurie, just be you and that's all that matters.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Laurie:
Oh how lucky you are to have something so precious of your mom's. I wish I had something of my parents, especially a scrapbook like that.
As far as your blog goes, I like it just the way it is. I love the larger print, for my old eyes, it is easy to read. My blog is very simple and plain too, only because I am not that smart with the computer and it's all I know how to do. lol. When I visit blogs with music on them, it doesn't play on my computer, something is wrong, or maybe because I am on dial up, it is slow and doesn't load. I enjoy reading everyone's blogs and different stories...and it doesn't matter to me if they are plain or cute.
If this isn't ever the neatest post!
I love looking at all this stuff. Your Mom was very beautiful.
Thanks for sharing it Laurie. :)
I love your Mom's scrap-book! Its so fun to see, the pic of them above the hedge! What a wonderful treasure. Now we know where you get all of your energy! lol
Hey Girlfriend...
Ohhh my, what a treasure!!! I'm so glad that you shared it with us...I really enjoyed looking though all of the old photos and momentos...don't you just love the artwork on these?
I've been doing the same thing at my place, my friend! Going through old photo albums and scrapbooks that belonged to Russell's Mom & Dad! We have tons and tons of photos that go clear back to Russ' Great-great-grandparents!!! They're so interesting!!! I sure would like to do something with them...many of them were just in old brown paper bags...would love to do some scrapbooking with them!
Well my friend, hope that you're having a good's cold and snowing like crazy here! Brrrr...
Love ya,
PS...I think the bridge talleys were my favorite..I just adore the artwork on them!!!
Oh Laurie! That was such a lovely post dedicated to your Mother! I wish I had taken better care with my "Mementos" growing up so my children could have seen the "other side" of me too. Not just the "Mom" they know now. I thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the keepsakes that were important to your Mother and seeing the past. I like your idea of blogging as scrapbooking. I have in the past printed out my posts that my kids are the main subjects - I want them to someday read them and see what I went through! lol! and as for blogs go - I never thought yours to be plain! with my slow internet - blogs with music or lots of blinking stuff make it harder for me to comment or view - too much going on for my type of connection. Sad but true! I like yours just the way it is! ~ Laurie
That is so special that you have that piece of family history!! That is a true treasure!
Thanks for the blog advice & for entering our giveaway! I just added ways for you to get extra enties in our giveaway...come by and check it out.
Take Care
Oh Laurie,what a treasure you have here.This is priceless.I"d love to have one by someone I didn't even know,let alone my MoM.You lucky lady you...Ann
What a creative mom you had! My sister scrapbooked and I's sorry to say that I didn't understand why at the time. Now I love it! She was 16 years older than I am, and passed away in 1988 at the age of 53. She wasn't a cancer surviver. I, too, was adopted, and my parents were also older.
I love reading your blog. So, borrowing from the song, kind of... It's your blog and you can do what you want to! ☺
Laurie, I can't imagine a more priceless treasure. Your Mom was beautiful and so artistic, every page you shared is so beautifully laid out. Though you were chosen through love, you have inherited that wonderful artistic ability. I can now see your Mom in so many things you do. Love, Cindy
Laurie Eve, I am in shock over your mom's bathing suit pic..I think she
looks just like sis JULIE! How can this be? Don't you see it???Amazing.
I have seen Weymouth's scrapbooks in person and I loved them so much. When I think of all those scrapbooks that landed in the wrong hands and were chunked..makes me cry! The graphics are so just can't get that on an e-vite, now, can you? And I loved the divided bowl that cowboy dan got you for Christmas..wish Tommy had a Steven.:)
Love, Susie
What a wonderful treasure you have there. It must be so much fun to look through it. I'm a plain Jane type of blogger, too - I don't enjoy fiddling with it. Also, I have my speakers off, so never hear the music. I enjoy your blog just the way it is!! Sally
Laurie, I just saw your comment on Debbies page about the White House garage sale. I think that's a fabulous idea, should we write our congressman? Kathy
Thanks so much for sharing those! How cute! You're mom was certainly creative!
I grew up in an old farmhouse and we had a spring house on our property. In that attic, there were old Valentines and cards just like you're showing here. My sister and I felt like we were on a treasure hunt! You brought back those fun memories!
That is quite a keepsake. How wonderful that you have it and it can be passed on to future generations.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Thanks for your sweet comment.
I think your blog should be what you want it to is OUR blog! I don't like the music either...just because I want to clearly think about what I am seeing and reading...but I know some love it.
My husband always teases me about being a closet competitor. I tell him all the time, I am OUT of the closet. Blogging really has challenged me outside my comfort zone...but I enjoy it. Only change your blog when and if you want to....I come for what you have to say and show. I think you are doing great!! and I will keep coming back!!
Hi Laurie! Greetings from Florida! How neat that you have your mom's scrapbook in your possession. We used to make similar scrapbooks when I was in College. She is very creative....Christine
This is so special!
You are so lucky to have this.
I remember my mother and my grandmothers scrapbooks and they were so unique.
I know all the scarpbookers out there enjoy themeselves, but I really don't like all the pre-made products that everyone uses.
Your mom's scrapbook is one of a kind.
Thanks for sharing.
xo xo
Hi Laurie! Wow! That scrapbook of your mom's is a real treasure! It is oozing with artistic talent! And about your are a silly girl! Your blog is WONDERUL! Remember my friend Linda I told you about??? Oh... forgot to mention that she's the one on my antiquing post whose husband Bud sneaked out and bought her the hutch as a Christmas gift! Have a great week-end!...Debbie
Wonderful scrapbook your mom was ahead of everyone.They always say that thing come back around.It was just not called scrapbooking back then.
I left a little something for you at my blog,please stop by and oick up your little something.
Your blog has been MINI Featured in the comment box of A Divas Hammer game Rub A Dub Dub !!! :)
Love, The Muse
ur mom's scrap book is so pretty! It's wonderful that you have that. My friend is so grateful for the many prayers lifted up for her. She is still undergoing more evaluations. Thank you so much for YOUR prayers!
Laurie, I think this is one of the most thought provoking blogs I've ever encountered. I'm enraptured with your mom being a college grad. Nary a Cajun back then graduated from college to my knowledge, but that doesn't keep me from thinking my mom the smartest person in the world. You are to be so lucky to have your mothers scrapbooks. I would liken them to a time capsule...or even a novel that I would read over and over and over.
What a wonderful treasure to have. I just love the pages and the memories it holds for you. Have you thought about scanning it and storing it in a place other than you own home in case of fire. (ok, I'm crazy but I think of things like that).
I change my background occasionally. Sort of like redecorating the living room. I'm not a fan of music at all. I keep my volume off so I never really know who has music! :)
The pictures of your mom made me reminded me of my mother in law. She didn't start her family till she was in her forties. She had my hubs when she was 42! He was the in the middle with two sisters. I loved reminiscing about your mom with you. The scarp booking pics were precious and the memories they carry are priceless.
Coming over to your blog is like... walking in from the cold. Finding a warm cup of cocoa waiting by a roaring fire. Settled in for a nice chat with a *sweet* friend.
Don't mess with perfection.
Sweet Wishes,
Thanks for sharing. I like your blog the way it is. I must have ADD too because I get distracted with music and too much stuff! HAAAHAAA You're doing a fine job, look how many comments you have!!!!!! CHEERS! Michele
You are so lucky to have something like this (but I'm sure you know it). I think you're blog looks just fine! I can read it easily (the type isn't too small and I always turn the music off so I never hear anyone's music LOL)!
What wonderful memories you have!! I love the old photographs that you shared of your mom and her friends! Thank for stopping by the bookcase/family rearrangement!!! I'm glad you liked it... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage
That scrapbook of your mom's is wonderful. I'm so glad you have that!
I like your blog the way it is. And I keep my volume turned off, so if someone does have music I wouldn't know it anyway.
I really enjoyed my visit with you today!
The scrapbook was amazing! And the bath room!
I will come back to see you again..giggles!
I love your mom's scrapbook. It is precious. The photo of the gals in the bathing suit is the best.
I am playing catch up on reading your blog after being away for 2 weeks. My did I miss alot! I loved looking at your sweet rooms and looking at all the wonderful collections- then all the interesting dialogue that goes on!! You have a great blog!
Ps I am so bummed I missed out on your giveaway!!!
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