I DO HAVE ANOTHER FRIEND! Last Saturday, I told you I had run out of friends. My good friend, Connie, is going to let me share her lovely sunroom. Connie's decor is English Country style. The first time I saw her decor on RMS, I thought: it looks like a beautiful and happy person lives in this house. Her love of the color "red" makes everything look so happy. (Of course, her wonderful mix of toiles and plaids-two of my favs-didn't hurt either!) I've never met Connie, but she is a wonderful cyber friend, and I can testify that I was right about her decor being a reflection of her personality. She is a beautiful and happy person. I'm going to let Connie take you on a tour of her sunroom now.
Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! My dear friend, Laurie has asked me to share one of my rooms with you. It's not fair, having to follow her's and Vanna's gorgeous rooms, but here goes. My name is Connie, or puddin07 on RMS. A lot of you have seen my rooms, but for those who haven't, I need to explain that I love the color red, and I have to have lots of it, or I'm not happy, and Laurie thinks SHE needs psychiatric care! I also collect blue and white porcelains, and apparently red lampshades! LOL! I also like lots of stuff, like Laurie does.
I have chosen my sunroom, I guess it is my favorite room. To get to it, you come through the french doors in the Dining Room, and down a couple of steps. To the right, is a bookcase, and a small table, that is really a stereo speaker, which is full of stuff, naturally!
At the bottom of the steps, is this sitting area, which is two recliners, and a table. There is also a small TV. I am overrun with recliners, don't ask me why, I don't know! They're pretty comfy, and Hubby likes them. I better explain, this room used to be a deck that we had enclosed, but Hubby wanted some of the deck left for flowers, and the space is pretty tight, I wish we hadn't done it, now.
This is the table at the end of the room, with a spare DR chair beside it. That is my little kitty, Puddin asleep on the back of the chair.
This room consists of two sitting areas with just a hallway like area in between. On the right is an old stereo cabinet sitting under the kitchen window.
On the left is a hope chest, that I've tried to make look like a window seat, by covering it with a tablecloth (toile, of course!), and putting throw pillows on it.
Now you come to the main room. to the right is my computer. I can also watch TV,which is behind me, in the mirror. I call it multi-tasking. LOL
This is my sofy, as Vanna says, and the lamps my Hubby made from candlesticks we got from Hobby Lobby, and, of course, my red shades. lol My artificial ficus tree leaves have changed, cause it's Fall! Silly, I know!
At the end of the room, is a little chest I tried to make a focal point, out of. It is actually an old night stand.
Here is yet another recliner, and the door behind it is Hubby's bathroom, and behind that, the laundry room.
This is the whole room. I got the coffee table from Big Lot's, and the rug came from K-Mart, half price, so Laurie isn't the only bargain hunter. lol
This has been fun, I hope I didn't bore everyone. Thanks for visiting me, I have enjoyed having you, and Laurie, thank you for asking me to do this, It's nothing special, but we enjoy it. Connie
Connie, Thank you so much for sharing your English decor with my blog readers. You may think it's nothing special, but I do, and I'm sure those who visit my blog will think so too.
I hope I can find another friend before next Saturday! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. laurie
oh..oh..oh...I get to be the first to post a comment on Connie's room! Thanks so much Laurie for inviting Connie to let us see her rooms! I have loved these spaces on rms for the longest. Of course you know I love the PLATES and the toile. I didn't know Puddin was your kitty cat. She needs to meet my crew of four. Thanks so much for sharing!!!! Debbie
Hi Laurie and Connie, I love love this room! Red is my favorite color as well. It has always been one of the prettiest posted on RMS! Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us and the different views are great. It's gorgeous! ~Warmly, Melissa :)
Debbie,you and Melissa are the sweetst ladies! I love both of your spaces, too, so your kind words mean so much! Connie
Oh Laurie THANKS for showning us Puddin aka Connie great sunroom..I just love this gal more than my luggage and she knows it. Connie you do English country proud girl..I always loved your blue and white girl..and no room would be Connie;s without that dang Puddin in the picture that was the first ting I looked for on RMS to make sure it was her space..Hey Connie thanks so much for sharing I can now give you a 10* girl..thanks Laurie one again..Hugs and smiles Gloria
Connie you KNOW how much I love your whole house!! You do english country better than anyone I can think of ( A style I adore!) and you weren't even trying to! *winks* The red sofy that I have in my family room was influenced by all your beautiful red! I'm addicterd now girlfriend and it's all your fault! Lol!! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful sunroom with us! Vanna
Hi Laurie, Thanks so much for having Connie's post here. I always loved looking at her rooms on RMS, so it was a treat to find her here too. :) Pam (pc25)
Connie, I hope you are feeling much better this week. This is such a comfortable space. Would stretch out in one of the recliners for several hours, if allowed.
Your topiaries balance those wonderful lamps (good job DH) perfectly.
Your torchiere near the corner adds a lot of interest to the area.
Laurie.. it is wonderful to be able to see Connie's darling room again. I love the coziness of this room and the punches of red sure touch my heart. Puddin sure has a wonderful spot to lay..Thanks so much for sharing a great gals room this was fun...~lynne~
Laurie, I just loved these rooms... they are so me! Red is definitely on of my very favorite colors too... Thanks Connie for allowing us into your home... It was wonderful... Have a great day!
Oh so pretty and comfy. I would hang out here all the time. You have a great talent for decorating. Love it. Marty
I love it! That fireplace with the built ins around it is beautiful. I love all of Connie's colors.
Bring on more friends Laurie!
Laurie you are so right about this beautiful and joyful room being the reflection of it's owner. Connie dear, you are just one of the sweetest, and beautiful people I have ever met. It is impossible not to smile when viewing your lovely home. I love every bit and every collection, warm, colorful, and always homey and welcoming. Everything a home should be. Thank-you Laurie for the chance of another visit. Love, Cindy
You've been tagged! Come over to get it! Michele
I've always loved Connie's home so much! I'm like you Laurie, when I first saw her spaces on RMS, I just knew that a happy, cheerful, fun, and sweet person HAD to live there!! How could you not be with all that sunny yellow and glamorous red around you?! :-) It says something about Connie that she would pick those "happy" colors. Her spaces are just so BEAUTIFUL!!!! She inspired me too...I'm on the hunt now to incorporate more yellow and red in my home! Even her desk area is comfy and beautiful!
Thanks Laurie for featuring her home and thanks Connie for having us in! :-)
Oh Laurie and Connie, I can tell a happy person resides here. I am in love with your fireplace and the colors are so warm and inviting. I can only imagine how wonderful Christmas is in this home. Thankyou for sharing it was a treat,Kathysue
Thank you Laurie & Connie! I've always loved Connie's home on RMS. It's so nice to also read about the little details and the history of the room and pieces. ♥Bunches of hugs to you both!♥ Diane
Laurie - thanks for finding us another room to look at!! I remember looking at Connie's DR on RMS. She and I couldn't decide if we had the same dining room set or not. I think we decided they were "kissing cousins"!! Connie, I posted as "clm650" on RMS. I'm in NC and my DR set was my DH's mother's - not sure if you remember us "talking" about it??
Anyway, thanks for sharing your sunroom with us - it was a great tour and I loved it.
Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving.
Oh, Laurie! I love Puddin's home! I remember her from RMS and just adored all her lovelies!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hello! Yes! I remember Connie's room well from RMS. I love that whole fireplace wall - everything is just stunning! The blue & white with the pops of red really welcomes you in and those lamps the hubby did - love them! I really like your "Share A Space Saturday" it's like looking in a pretty magazine except I don't spill my coffee on the couch while browsing, I'm just not that coordinated but clicking my mouse, oogling AND drinking coffee, I can handle!:) Swing by when you get a chance - i've tagged you! na-na you're it! ~ Laurie
Of course, I love your home,Connie. You must know cause I have told you often enough. It has that warm homey feel which I like in a home. Laurie, thanks for showcasing another beautiful home!...Christine
I enjoyed seeing this wonderful room. It is warm and welcoming and filled with interesting items.
I loved seeing Connies room on your blog- I have her space bookmarked on my RMS spaces- then I went down a little further and saw Vanna's!! I don't think she has shared all this room with us before! It was fun to see it and thank you for the great idea of sharing a space Saturday! I will be one of your faithful followers from now on!!!
Laurie-- Thanks for introducing me to Connie! Her room is wonderful and so welcoming. You just can't beat pops of red with blue and white dishes. Nothing better!!! Sally
Charming room Connie...thnaks for sharing it w/ us!
I have tried to thanks everyone on their blog or RMS page, but RMS says "null"! How aggravating! So Cindy, Tomarie, and Kathysue I want to thank you here for the sweet comments on my sunroom. You are sweeties! Connie
Lauri dear, you never fail to take the time to visit blogs, make people feel great. I do wish we lived close. You have so many of the same ideas and ways of putting things together. So much of things I see you do is things I would hope i find time to do in the future. I love thrifting and finding treasure. We don't have much opportunity for that without me traveling distances, but I do know that when my sister live in Arkansa she found the most terrific things. I'm traveling in September to pick up my son in Nashville. I would really like to go on my own and make it a trip of stopping by shops and finding thrift places. I intend to make this a trip on the way out of just that.... looking for antiques, shops, etc. Maybe you can give me some clues as where to go. I'm starting to do the research now. Like you, it's my hunt for treasures that don't cost much that makes these finding so precious to me. You ought to see the old jewelry I just picked up from a man that drives through town and stops to sell on the little flea market we have. He promised me to save things for me as first choice. Oh my, he had old, old picture in the oval bubble glass frames and they all went to a lady before he got to town. He said he would save the next ones for me. I feel a connection to you. (did you notice our piano's are very similar)... love and kisses, Nanette
Happy Monday! I've always been a big fan of Connie's. Thanks for posting her pretty spaces!
Thanks for sharing your room Connie. I love red.
Oh Laurie...I can't tell you how excited I got when I saw you were highlighting Connie's gorgeous sunroom this week! I love the way Connie decorates...so many wonderful touches and all that lovely blue and white porcelain and toile. The way she mixes in the red is perfect! Connie's home is sooo warm and cozy...one of my all time favorite rooms/spaces on RMS! Thanks so much for sharing these pics here...soooo much better than trying to view them on RMS. Thanks Connie for allowing Laurie to show us your beautiful sunroom! Puddin was just adorable curled up for a nap. :-) Love to both of you, Susan
Oh I love RED!!!! Your home looks wonderful!! Kathy
Laurie, I love you are letting friends show off their homes. Its fun! I love all the red and the blue dishes, white rooster! I love the side chair that has a red pillow on it. Enjoyed the tour!!!!
I count myself among the privledged to claim Puddin as an "old" friend! Whenever I view her English cottage decor, I'm thrown back more than a year to my beginning days on RMS. Her home has always evoked a feeling of comfort and cheerfulness derived from a medley of color and elegance. An artful eye has she with an uncanny knack to pull together a decorating concept with an eye towards elan and creativity. She's one I've added long ago to my list of those that inspire!
Twizzis, I just read your nice compliments to me, and I want to say you have always been one of the sweetest people on RMS! You ccommented on my first post, as you said, a year ago, and I miss you! I have never seen you make one derogatory remark on anyone's page, and you commented on a lot of them! You are so missed, it isn't the same without you! Love ya! Connie I hope you read this!
The rooms, the decorating, the Christmas spirit everywhere...beautiful.
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