Those who already know me are aware that I have to feel that I'm getting a bargain before I'll buy anything, and I'm beginning to think that there are many of you out there who have the same philosophy. Also, those who already know me are painfully aware that I love to write "books" when I'm emailing someone or leaving a comment on another poor blogger's space. (I don't know why, as my son says, I over-share, or why I think anything I say is interesting enough to write a book to anybody. When I read back through what I've written, I usually say to myself [no, not out loud] "self, that wasn't interesting or important at all"! Of course, by that time, I've already clicked the "send" button.) For that reason, I have hope that posting on this blog will be enough writing to keep me from leaving boring "books" on other's spaces. This blog is really an experiment. I'm not sure that I'll be able to do it. So, I'll make a deal with you. If you find this blog, if you won't tell anybody about it, neither will I. I want to get this figured out before the crowds start pouring in! LOL.
Before I go any further, I think I should tell you that I have an illness, and I do not want to be cured (although many others seem to want me cured). I am a.... (long pause).... "collector" (s-h-h-h-h-h; I know some think that's a dirty word, but believe me, once you get the collecting bug, it's not so easy to get rid of it). It's that dreaded disease for which there is not a 12 step program, at least that I know of (of course, that may be because I haven't looked for one).
I've been doing some Fall and Halloween decorating. After the 31st of October, all jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, goblins and other things Halloween will be put into my closet, and the Pilgrims, Indians, and cornucopias will replace them. Yes, I know, my disease is rearing its ugly head. Now, if you have happened into my blog, and you are in the psychiatric field, maybe you will volunteer your services to attempt to cure this addiction of mine! You really may take pity on me if you view pictures of my home. Or perhaps, you'll take pity on my poor, dear, "neat freak" husband, who has to live in the midst of this disease.
A photographer I am not. Perhaps I will improve if I keep doing this.
A photographer I am not. Perhaps I will improve if I keep doing this.
We can only hope!
As you can see, the Halloween season has arrived at our house. (Or would you say it has over-arrived?) Stay tuned for Thanksgiving decor! I know, I know... it's overwhelming for me too! Happy Fall Decorating! Laurie (bargainhunr on RMS)
Girl I am thrilled to be your first "follower!!" I can't wait to read your stories!! And your home is magnificent! And anyone who thinks otherwise is a poopy head! *winks*....Ummmm and we collectors have to stick together! Lol!! Love ya girl. Vanna
I am so glad you started a blog, Laurie. You make me laugh. It is very entertaining and isn't that what blogs are for, to entertain people? You definitely accomplished that so you better not make this the last. I love your home and as you know, I am a collector too. Love that armoire! Show us more, girl!...Christine
Laurie, I chuckled and laughed all the way through.. You are a natural.. I can't wait to see what you will share next. Your illness is one that just has the best results.. You are a collector extraordinaire! I love every single item you collect. Love you mucho! Cindy
Laurie, I just love your blog! It made me laugh all through it! You know I needed that! You also know I love your home and your decorating! You are a natural to have a blog, and your disease just enhances your beautiful, warm, home! I am so looking forward to more blogs! You have such a wonderful sense of humor! Love you! Connie
What a wonderful surprise this morning to see you created a blog...you have the greatest sense of humor...so I know you won't fail to entertain us... You know I love your home girl.. and all of your "great" finds..it will be fun to go on this journey with you..I'll be looking forward to the next episode...hugs ~lynne~
Well,well,well,you never know WHO will be next.Laurie,if this is an example of your blogging,PLEASE never stop.You are a precious,sincere,gentle sweet soul.If anyone should share with this frantic world of ours,it should be you.You are funny,indearing,and very sharing of your heart and mind.
Perhaps for a few minutes reading your funny and sweet stories we can forget our woes.You go get it girl.You have alot to share,and I don't mean just your collections,ha.Love you...Ann
Hellooooo!! I need more Laurie-stories! I'll just wait right here until you come up with another one *winks* Hmmmm..... think I'll park myself right in front of your fabulous bookshelves! Vanna
Big hugs and warm welcomes to "blogger land"...hehe!!! Ann just emailed me that you had started a blog...I came a runnin', girlfriend!!! I'm so excited for you and want to encourage you to do it...just DO IT!!! The blogging I mean...hehe!!!
Congratulations on your very first post...I just love it!!! Of course, you already know that I'm probably your #1 fan when it comes to "total adoration" of your fabulous home...so getting to see it in all of it's Autumn finery is like icing on the cake!!! I lovvvveee your fireplace and how you decorated it!!! Well...it's all absolutely wonderful!!!
Sure hope that you're having a great weekend my friend...
Love you Darlin',
Chari (Happytodesign)
PS...not that I've really got this blogging thing totally figured out, but if I can help in some way...just give me a holler'!!!
Yippee! She's turned into an official blogger like all the young'uns! I am so impressed with her and all her talents..I hope she will share some of her poetry with us, later. My favorite vignette in your home is the wooden rack of blue
plates, enhanced by all the warm touches of autumn. Nothing prettier than blue, white and shades of pumpkin. Keep it up, girl. You are a natural..SA
Oh, Laurie, I don't know what's more beautiful...your home or your personality! I smiled the entire read. No doubt you'll make for a most interesting blogger, my friend. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to your finds and escapades.
OMG... Laurie I am impressed girl!!! and if those I did't get an email like Chari did I will forgive you haha!!! this is to cool to come home today from bargain hunting to find the Queen of Bargain hunting has a blog now...I love your home as you already know Laurie...and Also I have award for you at Happytodesigns ( Chari) a BBF award please go get it from me to you girl...maybe WINKS was the first comment...but I am the first to pass on award to you...haha Vanna..You will do great bogging girl.. Good luck..and as our governor of Calif says I'll be back...Hugs and smiles Gloria...noe go get your Gold card girl at Chari's
Yea LaurieLoo!! I love your blog! And you know I think you're hilarious so THIS is a blog I'll be coming back to...cause you know you always make us laugh! And you also know you have my favorite mantel on RMS!! :-)
Congrats on your blog~~you're going to be GREAT at it!! Love ya!
(((( Laurie ))))) howdie neighbor blogger! Just made my day when you told me you had a blog! You certainly don't need any help at all ...looks purrrrrrrfect to me ! I love you home all dressed in Fall and the little special touches everywhere... You have done great here, kiddo! Love you sense of humor, you know you make everything interesting with your little stories!
Going to bed now because it's almost 1 a.m....you better go too!
love ya
I'm so impressed.. you've changed things around again... you must email me and let me know how you did all of this.... I know you've had a ball working on it..hugs ~lynne~
I absolutely LOVE your first blog!! I don't think you have a problem. I totally agree with the adage of "MORE IS MORE AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE MORE, THAN YOU JUST DIDN'T FIND THE RIGHT ITEM YET!" What did you put behind your wall unit (is it wallpaper?). Tell me how you attached it. I have to try this idea. Joanne ~~ glamourgirljoanne@yahoo.com
GM, Laurie just came by to see if your still here girl friend...put you on my favorite list so I can visit each day...Hope all is well in blog land today...Hugs and smiles Gloria
Hi Laurie! Welcome to Blogland...love your first post! I just got home from a birding and nature festival and found an email from Ann telling me that Laurie had a blog...whoo, hoo! Can't wait to visit again...already added you to my blog roll! :-) Susan P.S. Love to list your blog down for Tablescape Tuesday some Tuesday...you already have a tablescape posted. Hope you join in sometime soon! :-) Love ya, Susan
What a lovely home you have...your mantel is gorgeous!
M ^..^
How can a pro be a beginner? Can't hardly believe you, when you say you haven't done this before. You have captured everything that I read a blog for. Interesting, beautiful, and wonderful storytelling all in one. I've already bookmarked you in my Blog folder in Favorites.
Love the Halloween decor & the blue & white shelf. Love the red & white bookshelf background/fabric too. Lovely!!!
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