Our small town in Arkansas has become sort of famous (at least in the literary world), because we have a fabulous bookstore owned by a fabulous friend of mine. I will be doing a blog entry about the bookstore soon.
Right now, I just want to share with you a couple of the unique people who have recently stopped in our little town because of the bookstore. Hey! When you live in a town as small as mine, it doesn't take a lot to get you excited, and if someone from out-of-town comes into town, well, they are a celebrity!!
Unless you have little girls or granddaughters, you may not be familiar with this first illustrator. Having three granddaughters, The FANCY NANCY series of books is something I have had the fun of learning about and reading over, and over, and over ......again. My granddaughters LOVE Fancy Nancy. She is a "dressing up diva" just as my granddaughters are. We have flying feathers from little girl's boas all over our house (and sometimes on our bottoms if I don't vacuum the sofa after dress up--those little feathers just kind of stick to your clothes - I'm sure I've been out in public more than once with a pink feather on my rear end).

Isn't Nancy a cutie pie dressed up in all of her finery?

Do you want lessons in "Fancy" from Nancy?
I recently hosted a "Fancy Nancy" Birthday party for my granddaughter, who turned 5 in September. I'm still vacuuming up feathers!
Granddaughter's birthday party table.
See what I mean about the feathers?
Okay, I'll try to stay on track. The author of Fancy Nancy books is Jane O'Connor, and they are illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser.
Recently, Robin Preiss Glasser was here to autograph the new book she illustrated for Duchess Sarah Ferguson (No, Fergie wasn't here).
The book is entitled TEA FOR RUBY, and
the illustrations are just charming!

As you can see, Ruby appears to be a diva too!
I fear we are creating a bunch of little divas!
Okay, if you haven't already been bored to tears, just wait, because now I'm puttin' on my grandmother hat. Run! She's bringing out pictures of the grandchildren again! Silly, you don't have to run...you can just click on that little "x" up in the corner.
My grandchildren all attended a Tea Party for Ruby and met Robin Preiss Glasser (who was dressed for the occasion).
My oldest granddaughter, Madison, with Queen Robin.
My five year-old granddaughter, Carly, with the illustrator.
The youngest of my grandchildren, Brayden, wasn't
really interested in what the Queen had to say.
(She's kind of the same way with her parents, but
don't tell them I said so!)
My only grandson, Gavin, poor guy...
(It's self-defense-with 3 little girls
playing dress up around him all of the time,
what choice does he have...when in Rome?)
Do you think my son-in-law might kill
me for posting this picture?
(s-h-h-h-h-h, don't tell him)
A couple of days after all of this fancy royalty visited our little town, Mary Engelbreit showed up. Her NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS is illustrated as only Mary illustrates.

And you thought MY house was cluttered!

Isn't this the cutest window box and
shutters for papa to throw open?
That's me with Mary Engelbreit. I'm the one with no eyes. Wow, did I need a haircut?
And just look how thrilled Mary is to be having her picture made with me!
(Sorry, Mary)
Tonight, our town's guest author will be George Hamilton. I will be reporting back to you about whether or not he still has a tan! Are you on pins and needles?
I know that, unless you adore looking at pictures of my grandchildren as much as I do (and who wouldn't?), this probably wasn't a very interesting posting. I'm not sure I can be interesting enough for others to want to visit my blog. As I've said before, I'm really doing this for me, and if you don't stop by, I'll miss you, but I will understand. You, my very kind blogging and non-blogging friends, have been so indulgent up to this point, and I do appreciate it. I just don't want you to feel that you have to come by. I'll be fine ... really I will....really! (Sob, sob, sniff, sniff! Would someone hand me a tissue, please?) laurie (bargainhunr)
Girl you could't scare me away with a BIG broom..I am here to stay..Now I love all your Grand Babies and Yes your SIL should kill you!! However his son is darling in the feather Tiara..Oh my did I say that?? now he kill me!! I love your little book store..and to meet Mary..I have one of her signs in my Kitchen that says "its good to be queen" I love the Fancy BD party you did and you are so right those feathers are like Christmas glitter you clean them up for months...Great post today Laurie..Hugs and smiles Gloria
Fun post!! Your town must not be too small to host such guests. Enjoyed all of the royality including your cute grandkids. Sally
That birthday party looked like loads of fun! We love some Fancy Nancy at our house! Now about Mary....she needs to learn to smile with her fans! Your grandkids are adorable. I agree, you may want to be sure your son-in-law doesn't see that posting. I know my husband would die if he saw a son of his (he doesn't have any) in a crown! Good luck w/ George...he's quite a character!
Love the picture of you with Mary E, you look & don't need a haircut! What an awesome birthday party table. You're just the best grandma. The grandkids are too cute. Hmmm, does your SIL know you write a blog??? :0} Diane
OK, My brain isn't functioning... I meant to say: Love the picture of you with Mary E, you look WONDERFUL & don't need a haircut!
Oh Laurie,I adore Mary Englebright.I would've loved to meet her.
And George Hamilton,wow.Even at his age he is still-----a honey.I can't wait.
beautiful grandkids,beautiful.I'll bet they had a blast.Thanks to you...Ann
Wow!Laurie, you are really hobnobbing with celebrities!The grandchildren are so cute, and the birthday table was adorable, I agree, you are the best granny!! I want to thank you for tagging me in your friendship blog, and to tell you my server was down, so I couldnt comment yesterday. Yes, you are a dear cyber friend, and all of the real life friends in your life are so lucky to know you, as I am. I love when you blog and when you email me, you can't run me off, with a BIG broom either! You are so enteresting and funny! Love You! Connie
Well Laurie...I am dang glad you showed up at my blog. Thank you so much...and thank you for letting me follow you home. I enjoyed every single minute of that post. The commentary and the pictures. I love the illustrations of Fancy Nancy...what a talented lady. And I bet your grand daughter went NUTS for that beautiful party. I wish my party today could look half that girlie and fun! I also laughed at how excited Mary was to be photographed with you...too funny! And best of all....that adorable grandson who is maintaining a wondeful sense of humor amongst all the girls in his life. What an adorable kid! Now I'm off to snoop around your place some more.....
??? now why would anybody NOT want to read your thoroughly entertaining blog??? You have a delightful sense of humor and it shows in your posting...LOVE it!! And after seeing the fun your grands are having, I want to read Fancy Nancy too! ;-) Bo
I am so jealous, Laurie! I wanna meet and see those people too. The only author I have met so far is Greg Iles (not in a bookstore but at a party) but that's b/c he lives here. Do you know him? I didn't, until I moved to Natchez and I have been reading and enjoying his mystery books since, which are mostly all set in Natchez. I learned more about this town from his books than anybody else. And speaking of George Hamilton (saw him in Vegas and he still had his tan then), I read on one of the books that he owned one of the antebellum homes here, actually it was in his name but actually belonged to Imelda Marcos then. Your grandchildren are so cute, so cuddly and they have beautiful smiling eyes just like you. I enjoyed reading your blog so much! Keep them coming!....Christine
Your grandchildren are adorable. I can't wait to buy Fancy Nancy books for my granddaughter. But you're killing me here, I want to be there with you all. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Oh PUHLEEEAASSEEE!! You know we adore you! And those grandkids of yours are darling!! Bring on all the pictures you can girl!! What a fabu party you threw for your grandbaby! Diva perfection! And you met Mary E!!!! I'm so jealous! Girlfriend she looked like she'd seen one too many books kwim? You look fabulous!.....She looked....well less than fabulous *winks* Lets hope George H will be more photogenic! Maybe you should "do" like Gloria, and hand him your autograph!! Lol!! Vanna
Loved the post... your grand daughters are precious...I have a couple of those too... and those books how sweet... I must share those with my daughter.. she probably already knows them..LOL
Give old Georgie an BIG hug from me... saw him recently on tv and the tan was still there... ;-D
Laurie,J can't find a seperate post for the dishes.I love the glasses,no-they don't look plastic.And I adore those plates.No wonder you couldn't NOT get them.I have never seen any like them.And tell hubby,see " did use them."hey'll really come in hany when the g.kids areteens,huh?..Ann
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this post! Not only did I get to see more of your adorable babies, but you shared the most incredible tablescape I have ever seen. Laurie the more you show of yourself the more amazing you prove to be! Oh my goodness I am so honored to know you. Girl, you are amazing! Love ya, Cindy
Hi Laurie! Oh, what a wonderful post. We're both being very literary today, aren't we? Your grandchildren are just adorable! Oh, how I love that Mary. She doesn't look very happy - shame on her. Did you tell her who you were? What a great time you must have had.
Be a sweetie and thanks for popping in.
shelia ;)
oh you silly wabbit! Stop worrying about your blog! It's perfect... just like hanging out with you, very comfy!
That was too funny the face of Mary.. guess she must have been tired.
Oh, girrrrl, you get around, tonight a date with that tan man?!? Watch out! Gotta hear all the details.
Your grands are soooo adorable and YES, what a good sport your grandson is, wearing that tiara!LOL
Happy Halloween,
Laurie, just wanted to pop by in my halloween costume...whatja think? Should I use a little more hairspray?...ummmmm maybe a little Nair wouldn't hurt either! He He
Laurie - You're a hoot!! I loved looking at your wonderful pics and reading your ENTIRE blog.
I dropped by to wish you Happy Halloween but got caught reading up when I saw the pictures!! OK, now Happy Halloween - hope you have a fun-filled and safe time.
Laurie, the Birtday table was so wonderful! I agree you might want to hide from your SIL, I know I would! What an absolute lovely, amazing, you got to me Mary and the others! Wow, what a wonderful treat for you, for Halloween! lol
No, you are so lucky! Thanks for sharing, wish I could have been there. Lucky You! What a treasure,
and last week you were all down and out. Now you spread your wings and got to do somethings, we all would love to do!
Hi love your post so much I want to do a little post linking to you if you do not mind. I would love to share your wonderful post.
I am so excited for you. Wish I could done a picture, I was going to add my latest issue cover of Home Companion. But for some reason it would not up load. Have fun.
Well what did George look like girl was he still tan?? or did you get to even see the toasty one?? Hope you have a safe and happy halloween...now put down that candy girl...hugs and smiles Gloria
Your grand kids are so cute and that's great that you got to meet Mary E. Hope you had a great Halloween! Kristen
Laurie what a wonderful story ,I love the Fancy Nancy my 6 year old grand daughter would love a birthday party like that she is a no.1 diva.I am going to have to look for the Fancy Nancy books my Lexie would love them.And as for Mary Engalburt I love her work I buy the Home Companion every month to see what she has going on.I started saving the little paper dolls for my Lexie.All lillle girls need to play paper dolls.
I just think your post was great.My first visit here but I will be back,I enjoyed it.
You're too funny! You're not an antique!!! Have a great weekend!
Laurie, thanks girl for coming by..now after reading your comment I did wipe my tears on my old red robe...Good lord girl I need a new robe this one is getting all messed up with tears..My daughter Dawna came by also and I just cried like a baby..those kids can get to you no matter what age they are..Hugs and smiles Gloria
I swanee girl. Would have bet you anything that I left a comment, when I read this the first time. I have the comment page bookmarked so that I can check, off and on to see what everyone is up to. That (no comment yet) is something I can straighten out right now.
Gavin put me in mind of Johnny Cash's song "A Boy Named Sue". After being reared along side three sisters, I don't believe there will be much he can't handle in life.
My GD would've thought she had died and gone to heaven if she'd had a party table that looked like that. She likes to act grown now at the ripe old age of 11 going on 21.
I am ready to run off the track with you anytime. I always learn something new, sometimes about you and sometimes about myself.
I do believe Madison inherited your beautiful smile. That is one good looking bunch of kids (from one Grandmother to another).
Do you think we could do them like houseplants, pinch them back, and slow down their growth for a few years. They grow so fast. It is not fair to Grandparents.
Just like your kids, one day they're stepping on your toes, and the next day they're stepping on your heart.
This was my first stop at your fun blog, I had a wonderful time, and Fancy Nancy, I have no children but my niece does and he little girl loves Fancy Nancy. The birthday party you did was beautiful, we might have to do that next year, she will be four. How fun.
Well your small town sure has more surprises that the bigger one I live in, If Mary were to stop by this town no one would ever know. But I would hope that she would smile a little more.lol. Stop by my cottage if you have time, I AM HAVING A GIVEAWAY! Hugs for a wonderful day. Deb
How neat to meet great authors in person! I love the Birthday decorations for the Fancy Nancy party you threw for you grandaughter. That was too cute! I love Fancy Nancy, so much that my 15 year old baby girl might get one of the books for Christmas! LOL! (She's getting a barbie too! LOL!) Great post! Hope you are having a great weekend! ~Rhonda
I love to go when author's are at our nearby book store. Great for kids too..it really encourages reading.
Laurie.. I so remember this party..those grandkids of yours are adorable...I'm sure you enjoyed meeting Mary...what fun that must have been... Thanks so much for swinging by the blog... I'm so far behind I think I'm ahead.. they've already called about the schedule for next week...and I'm not sure how I'm going to work all that in plus my shop and open house too....guess I need to put in new batteries huh??
Hope all is well with you and yours...hugs ~lynne~
Hi Laurie..I thoroughly enjoyed this post! Your g'kids are adorable!
Can't wait to hear about George H.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Hi Laurie, Your grandchildren are precious! Love the feather decor' party idea. I set up a blog for myself and I would love it if you checked it out. I have no idea what I'm doing yet. :)
Warmly, Melissa
Your grandchildren are adorable! And that party table was over the top, girl...which means I loved it! Ok, I have to ask, did you have a gun in Mary Englebriets back or something? What was up with that face of hers? Geesh...the woman could have lifted the corners of her mouth just a tad...would it have killed her?! It's that look in her eyes that really says it all. Does she have a rule against pics or something...gee whiz! :-)Susan
Hey lady, come on... spill the beans! How was Hunky Hamilton? Could we see a picture....puhleeze?
Cant wait to hear all about it!
For the record, I did ask Mary about taking a picture. A lot of people were having their picture taken with her. I think she looked that way in every picture. So, maybe it wasn't just me! Her illustrations have always made me think of a very happy person, but even when she did a little talk (prior to signing books), there just wasn't a lot of expression in her face (I hope she wasn't getting the flu-hey! maybe I got it from her), or maybe she was just really tired that night. laurie
Hi Laurie...I've been in your spaces on rms and wandered here to find your blog. There's a whole nest of rmsers here! I love your blog..so much fun! I am trying it but I am still pretty much clueless. Your party looked like so much fun! I wish my mom could see the pic of Mary...she was her biggest fan. Your babies are so cute. Aren't grandchildren wonderful? I live for the time I spend with mine. Great post!...Debbie
I'm impressed.
stuff... Found this here on bargainhuntingwithlaurie.blogspot.com [url=http://easyrvoutdoors.com]RVs[/url]
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