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Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Barnyard animal birthday tablescape

Our youngest granddaughter turned two last week, and we celebrated with a barnyard animal birthday dinner.

Barn yard birthday

I filled my faux feeding trough with farm animals. Two of my chalkboard place cards wish a happy birthday to the honoree. A vintage rooster pull toy is the center piece in the trough.

cow creamer and hen on nest server

A cow creamer and a hen on a nest served salad dressing and grated cheese.

rooster server and cow creamer

Another cow creamer and a rooster server offered salad dressing and grated cheese to diners on the other end of the table. 

rooster and hen salt and pepper

Salt and pepper were served from a hen and rooster. One of the older grandaughters said she hoped she wouldn't shake an egg out of that hen when she was peppering her food.

birthday for two year old

The square dinner plates are Nova Rouge by Gourmet. Birthday cake was served on the barnyard paper plates.

Laying mash napkin

Napkins are printed with chicken wire and a hen on a nest.

rooster napkin ring

I bought the vintage rooster napkin rings at flea market years ago.

Animal tumblers

When my sister-in-law got married, her husband brought his collection of Pepsi comics tumblers into the marriage. Shortly after the wedding, she was selling his collection at a yard sale, and I rescued these "family heirlooms".

child's birthday tablescaoe

My apologies for these photos.  I almost didn't get this table set before our guests arrived, so these photos were snapped hurriedly, and I also had to fight glare from the sunroom windows. Excessive excuses?
 I'm glad you joined us in the barn yard.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

This is absolutely adoreable. Love it.

Unknown said...

What a lucky toddler. Everything is just so cute.

rhoyost said...

Thank you for sharing more wonderful ideas!

Rosie M. said...

Great idea for a youngster's birthday party! Actually, it would work for any age, it's so colorful, clever and welcoming! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

Mary Ann said...

I love this whole theme! Beautiful, as always!

candlelightsupper said...

Absolutely charming! You have so many amazing and creative ideas. Love how you put this all together for a fun enjoyable tablescape.

Darlene Gardner said...

A special table for a very special little lady! So adorable and cute!

Ginger said...

Happy Birthday to your granddaughter (and you too). I bet the kids are excited to come and see how grandma has decorated the table.

Leigh said...

That is so cute Mama Mama.