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Monday, November 10, 2014


Pilgrims and Indians 1

Pilgrims and Native Americans are getting together all around our house.

Pilgrims and Indians 2

The metal picnic basket is filled with Pilgrims and Native Americans gathering to give thanks.
Pilgrims and Indians 3

Little girl and boy Pilgrims are waiting to serve salt and pepper.

Pilgrims and Indians 4

On top of the piano, Pilgrims and Native Americans are ready to dine.

Pilgrims and Indians 6

I paid fifty cents for this vintage stand-up centerpiece at an estate sale one time.

Pilgrims and Indians 7

Pilgrims and Indians 8

I printed a page from my first piano book to decorate the piano.

Pilgrims and Indian 5

The praying Pilgrims under a cloche were in a Thanksgiving centerpiece I sent my Mother more than 20 years ago.
Thank you for gathering here with the Pilgrims and Native Americans.  laurie

I’m partying with Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch, Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life, Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House, and You’re Gonna Love It Tuesday at Kathe with an E.


Carol said...

Your Thanksgiving figurines are wonderful. My Pilgrims & Indians haven't arrived yet, still in the attic. Once again you have motivated me to get busy.


Mary Ann said...

I'm so glad you celebrate Thanksgiving so beautifully!

Mary Ann said...

I'm so glad you celebrate Thanksgiving so beautifully!

Sarah said...

I have the turkeys out here. ;-)

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Oh Laurie, you always do such lovely vignette's on all the holidays. Everything looks terrific. Have a great week.

Unknown said...

I love the printed sheet music, Laurie - great memory for you, too. Your pilgrim collection is adorable and so fun. The show-stopper for me, believe it or not, is the old roasting pan back-drop. What a terrific and creative idea! Blessings~

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Laurie, Oh how sweet are those praying pilgrims. Love all your Thanksgiving decor and I just love that printed piano music of yours.
The basket filled with all the figurines is a great display idea.
Hugs and Blessings

xinex said...

I love all your pilgrims, Laurie. What a great collection!...Christie