One of my favorite things are silhouettes. (Yes, I collect a few lot of different kinds of things, and yes I have some quirky eclectic collections.) Most of the silhouettes I’ve collected reside in my master bedroom. I’ve never liked a photograph of myself, so I’ve always thought I should have my silhouette done. I think I’d like that (if it was of my “good” side!) Or, maybe I’ll just find a really pretty silhouette and tell everybody it is me! When you see that my blog picture has changed to a silhouette, you’ll never know if it’s really me. I’m liking this idea more and more.
I’m sure all bloggers know how difficult it is to take a photo of something behind glass without getting a glare and/or reflection.
I inherited two of the four seasons reverse paintings on glass from my grandmother (Spring and Summer).
Amazingly, I recently bought the Autumn reverse painting at a yard sale for $1.00!
I’m still looking for Winter. (Well, I’m not really looking for Winter – it’s okay with me if we don’t have any cold weather at all! I AM looking for the matching Winter reverse painting on glass.) I have found sets of all four seasons on Ebay, but I’m not paying the $450.00 they are asking (especially since I already have three of the seasons). Winter IS my least favorite season, so maybe I’ll just pretend it doesn’t exist.
I have found single seasons on Ebay, but none of the singles were Winter. (Just my luck – everybody else has the same 3 I have!) If you ever see a Winter of the Four Seasons by Fidus at a reasonable price, please get it, and I will reimburse you and pay for shipping it to me. (I think in the Winter scene, the nymphs are wearing clothes.)
Last year, I got this Halloween plaque at a gift shop. I guess this is what they call “cross collecting”. I collect silhouettes, AND I collect ANY decoration for ANY holiday, so I HAD to buy this, even though it wasn’t on sale. I know what you are asking yourself …. is there something she doesn’t collect? Unfortunately, I don’t collect much money!
After the very colorful tablescape I shared in my last post, I thought maybe seeing an all black and white post from me might be a nice rest for your eyes! Thank you for coming to see a few of my favorite things. I hope you’ll go see all of the other favorite things by clicking on the links below. laurie
Your collect is lovely. I especially like the barn. Have a wonderful weekend.
What a wonderful collection! When I was teaching, Fall was always the time of year when I would do watercolor backgrounds and silhouette images with the kids of barns and such. They always turned out so beautifully! Hope you have a great weekend. :) Tammy
This collection is very appealing to me. One favorite is the romantic silhouette of the man and woman. All your items are very charming and one day you may find Winter!
I haven't' seen a lot of these silhouettes but I love your collection. I think it would be lots of fun to have one done of your good side!! Thanks for sharing these and I love the seasons very much!!
I am not into silhouettes but I love the 4 season reverse paintings you have. It seems almost impossible to believe you found a matching one for $1.00. For me, it's all about the deals, though the fact that you inherited 2 from your grandmother makes it just as good.
Hi Laurie!! Oh, you do have the most wonderful things!! I love your silhouette collection! Don't you become a silhouette! You're beautiful and we want to see your pretty face.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Laurie, I love all the silhouttes especially the farm ones. Very unusual.
Oh are so funny....I totally get the collections thing. I have to control myself...or I would be on Hoarding TV. I just love pretty stuff! I have on reverse would love it...and I have a silhouette of a lady doing needlework that I cross stitched years ago and NEVER framed!! My problem...?? I have no more walls. What a bummer!!
Laurie, your silhouettes are just stunning. Such a beautiful collection. You do have some of the most wonderful collections. Hugs, Marty
Laurie, your silhouette collection is awesome! I, too, adore silhouettes and can never pass them up. I don't have as many as you do. The Seasons ones are so unique ~ I'll keep my eyes peeled for Winter for you!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
I just adore all your silhouettes. I love all the different things you collect. But this is one of my favorites. I sure hope you find the winter one you are missing. They are fabulous.
Laurie...I am very interested in learning the art of scherenschnitte and have recently bought a couple of books. All yours are simply gorgeous and I would be half tempted to find that winter piece at all costs, lol. Great post!
These are fantastic, and I have never anything like most of them. I think this is the neatest idea for a collection! They have a real elegance to them, IMO.
I also laughed at your comment about not collecting money. Ha!
I'm with you there.
Hi Laurie...
Oooh...I loved getting a peek at your awesome silhoutette collection! I remember seeing the first one that's done on the plate and have always admired it! I also love the Marie Antoinette silhouettes...sooo frenchy fabulous! My friend, I have never even heard of the four season reverse paintings but they really are intriquing! I love them! The pictures of the children during their various seasonal activities is sooo beautiful! I think Autumn is my favorite! I certainly will be keeping an eye out for the winter painting for you! I hope you are able to find it and complete your set! That would be awesome! I also love your halloween cross's darling! Well sweet friend, thank you so much for sharing your lovely silhouette collection with was such a treat!!!
Love ya,
Chari @Happy To Design
I love your silhouettes, especially the Halloween one. I did some fun stuff with silhouettes for my Halloween decor. Silhouettes look amazing no matter what you do with them.
Hi Laurie! I think I am just as bad as you when it comes to collecting. Your reverse paintings are amazing, very rare. I love the silhouettes especially the courting couples...Christine
Oh I love 'em! Brings back memories of my mom making silhouettes of all of us. I've missed "visiting"~too much going on!
Laurie, this is a charming collection. Personally I don't think one can have too many collections. It's always more interesting to have a group of something rather than a single. ;-)
Happy Weekend! ~ Sarah
I hope to have a link up later this evening.
A very nice collection, indeed, Laurie..You have a lot of them. So pretty.
Thanks so much for hosting..
Hi Laurie, I've been pretending that Winter doesn't exist for decades!!! :)
Love the silhouettes! My mom had one of me hanging in the house as long as I can remember. (I was 4 and had pigtails, it was cute!) I haven't thought about that for a long time. I wonder where it ended up.....
Oh Laurie -- I hope you find your winter! I love these -- they're all so charming.
Love seeing your collections. You definitely live in a home much bigger than I do, as i ran out of room long time ago. :-D
Thanks for hosing again this week. Can't believe "they' are saying in the 60's Sun. and Mon. :-O
Enjoy your weekend.
Hi Laurie! No Little League tonight, so I actually got here on time! Yaay! I love your silhouettes! They have such a vintage air about them, don't they? I have one of my grandson from a trip we made together to Chattanooga...such a fun souvenir! Have a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie
You now have a lot of people in blogland on the look-out for your "winter" silhouette, Laurie. I really don't recall seeing much in the way of silhouettes except profiles, so these scenes are really unique to me! Very pretty... I would love to find the one of me when I was in grade school. It's probably long gone by now.... But I do have our son's from kindergarten and pre-school. I WILL hang on to these!
hugs, Sue
Fun for you that you collect something that has come back in style big time!! I have 2 silhouettes that were made of me when I was about 12. I need to find those and get them out!
Laurie-I adore your season silhouettes. I have silouhettes of my children....somewhere:) You have just reminded me. Maybe you should have a contest and get people to create a winter silhouette scene for you--bet you'd get some beauties!
I adore your silhouettes. They are all so unique. My mother has an older one, as well, which has a room thermometer in it. It's amazing. I truly do love them. I think I will start a collection of them as well. I don't have any collections...but I really do love these!
This is such a fun collection! I have a couple of silhouettes of my children and have often thought I'd like more. Seeing your beautiful group really makes my heart sing.
Your silhouettes (gosh, why is that word so hard to spell?) are amazing! I especially love the platter. I have a friend who is a Hallmark artist and a couple of years ago she designed several silhouettes for the Halloween gift items.
And since you love silhouettes, you should check out this amazing artist that I stumbled upon a few months ago. I really love her work.
What an amazing collection! I love them~! I really like the plate your featured first - any surprise? And the seasons are darling.
Thanks for hosting.
- The Tablescaper
Hi Laurie!
I do not own a single silhouette! Wow, how can that be? Yours are so fun. I love the seasonal reverse ones. Adorable!
Have a great weekend!
Oh I LOVE that reverese painting. Only a dollar? This looks fantastic~ well done!
If you have a moment, please stop by and enter my Fab Fall French Giveaway.
Hi Laurie,
I've been tempted to collect silhouettes too. Your lovely collection just may inspire me. I'll keep my eyes open for the Winter nymphs to complete your four seasons. They are way too cool! Wondering where you have them displayed?
Thanks for hosting Laurie!
xo Delores
Very interesting! I will keep my eyes and ear muffs out for Winter! I only have one of my son from Disney World when he was 4! I do remember learning why they are named Silhouette's though. He was a pretty sharp guy! :)
Have a wonderful weekend, Laurie, and thanks for hosting!
Laurie, I love all of your silhouettes! I will keep an eye out for your 'Winter' never know, maybe it is here is SC! I have a silhouette of my mother as a little girl and my grandmother...very dear to me! Thanks for sharing your collection!
Thanks again for hosting this fun party every week! What a unique collection! I never knew there were so many kinds of silhouettes out there! All of your pictures are lovely. Your post will have me keeping an eye out for a silhouette item to decorate with - especially fun at Halloween, I think!
*giggle* I wondered if the people in the winter scene would be prancing around naked.
My Grandmother used to have a collection of silhouettes...I wonder whatever happened to them. I must check. Your collection is quite amazing!
Thanks for having me..I am very late to join but I really wanted to take part!
Best wishes,
Hi laurie, I love your collection of silhouettes! I only have one which is my son at age 4. He is now a grown man with his own family. Take care.
What an amazing silhouette collection. I have always loved silhouettes, and your collection is beautiful.
Sister I love it!!!
Your silhouettes are just amazing! Thank you so much for sharing them with us all!!
I have fallen in love with silhouettes and these are to die for..very, very nice.
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