Sweet Christine at Christine's Home and Travel Adventures has given me the Honest Scrap Award. Thank you so much for thinking of me Christine. In accepting this award, I am supposed to list ten honest things about myself. I know you doubt that I can think of ten things I haven't already shared with you. I'm doubting it too, but I'll give it a try.
I'm one of those crazy grandmothers who believes that her grandchildren are the cutest, the smartest, and the best and tells anyone who will pretend to listen!
My husband and I will celebrate 40 years of marriage this August. Believe me, it is only because he is the most patient man I've ever known. The man is a saint!
I was a child star, at least in major productions in my back yard. I'm the one in the dress made from funny papers. My BFF, Melinda has on a hat.
And in the yard at the home of my other BFF, Susie. Susie is the "diva" who is modeling her paper skirt (3rd from left), and I am the "diva" with one leg up and my hand on the other leg (of the 3 dressed alike, center front, my sister, Julie is on the left, and I am on the right). (Don't ask me who I thought I w
as with that pose!) Our friend, Sha, is in the middle. Melinda (4th from left, back row) lost her "diva" when she looked down as the picture was being taken.
And in the yard at the home of my other BFF, Susie. Susie is the "diva" who is modeling her paper skirt (3rd from left), and I am the "diva" with one leg up and my hand on the other leg (of the 3 dressed alike, center front, my sister, Julie is on the left, and I am on the right). (Don't ask me who I thought I w
I later stared opposite Jimmy in "It's A Wonderful Life". I know, you thought that was Donna Reed, but it was really me!
Yeah, yeah, you're right! I'm supposed to keep this honest. Well, it IS my favorite movie, so my husband had my picture put on Donna Reed's cute body for the top of my birthday cake one year!
This is what I have for breakfast!
I know, I am just such a health nut! Yes, they still make "Tab". My local grocery store stocks it (just for me, of course-Remember, I'm a Diva!)
Yes, I know that is only five things, but I feel pretty sure that anyone who had read this far has quit reading this post, so they could rush to my comment section to lecture me about my breakfast. Besides, after we get past the "diva" stage of my life, there isn't much left that would be of any interest. Be honest, aren't you a little relieved that I didn't follow the rules and make a list of ten?
Thank you so much for visiting my blog, and especially for putting up with more facts about me. You can go over to Christine's and give her grief about that. Since I'm extremely jealous that she's off on another wonderful cruise, I think she deserves some grief anyway! Please don't forget to go by Lady Katherine Tea Parlor to wish her a happy birthday! laurie
Thank you so much for visiting my blog, and especially for putting up with more facts about me. You can go over to Christine's and give her grief about that. Since I'm extremely jealous that she's off on another wonderful cruise, I think she deserves some grief anyway! Please don't forget to go by Lady Katherine Tea Parlor to wish her a happy birthday! laurie
Hi Laurie...I love your cute tea party! You are getting to be quite the expert with some program or another...Picnik?? Too cute!! Love your 5 things! I often have Diet Coke for breakfast...followed by coffee because I need some fizz and a bunch of caffeine! Hope you are having a great weekend..hugs...Debbie
Hello Sweet Laurie! As always, you make me giggle! Your adorable "BEAR TEA PARTY" for Lady Katherine is precious! Love the little comment clouds., how did you do that? Totally cool! She'll get a big kick out that! And...loved learning the five things about you! Congrats on the award! Have a great and blessed Sunday! ;) ~CC Catherine
Laurie, This is such a precious tea party! I had a big smile on my face as I scrolled through the pictures. Great job! ☺
Happy Birthday Lady Katherine! ♥
Loved your 5 things & all the pictures too! BUT TAB & 3 Musketeers for BREAKFAST?!? Yikes! I can understand for the afternoon hump, but breakfast! ☺♥☺ Diane
You Diva you Laurie..Donna Reed..that is so cute what the BOSS did you for girl..Loved your tea party for Lady K...too cute..now give me my coffee and Old Red robe every morning and I'm good to go..Soda I have never drank the stuff can you beleive that..Hope you have a great weekend...hugs and smiles Gl☻ria
I so enjoyed your tea party. Every thing was wonderful!
Laurie, You are so funny and creative! That is a great blog, AND we will be married 40 years Sept. 6, AND I love "It's a Wonderful Life", too, and I love the picture of you and Jimmy Stewart together...hee hee hee.
Love your post, so much to enjoy! The tea party is wonderful, your grandkids are grand, & the vintage pictures of your 'wonderful life' are so special! I'm not going to judge you for your breakfast menu . . . you're a diva! ;O)
Smiles & hugs!
Hi Laurie...I don't know when I've been to a cuter tea party...thank you 'bear-y' much! The pics of you through the years were adorable & fun to read...I sure won't scold you about your breakfast, 'cuz I've been known to eat stuff like that too...not with TAB though...
;-) Bo
You always amaze me with your wonderful posts!!! I love your teddy bear tea party and the pics of you are so cute! You do have darling grandchildren and I kind of like your breakfast, I don't know where to get Tab so it will have to be Diet Coke. Cindy
Dear Laurie,
How wonderful was your tea party! I have only one comment about your breakfast. It looks alot like my favorite one. (I don't get it very often) but my "breakfast of champions" consists of diet coke and 2 glazed doughnuts. They can lecture us, but those of us who know cannot be reformed.
Have a Lovely Day~
What a cute tea party Laurie and a very sweet thing to do for such a wonderful gal...love reading more about you... thanks so much for swininging and all of your support...we take things around here an hour at a time...hoping all is well with you and yours...hugs ~lynne~
I have the same plate as shown on your header! See it here:
Oh My..lol. I have to laugh at Tab-I really thought that soda was LONGGGG gone. hubby and i were hooked on that for years, but its been probably 25 since I've had any. I have ice water and M'M's for breakfast..guess all divas think alike!
Nice tea party--gotta mozie on over and wish Katherine a Happy birthday.
Mornin' Girlfriend! That tea party is so sweet! Just like you of course! Yes, you are sweet! Christine's on a cruise?! Well, I'm just glad she shares her travels with us because otherwise I would have no travel adventures! You have a blessed day my friend! And brace up for the next bout of cold weather we're getting! Lauralu :)
Laurie, you are always so funny and I do think you're quite the diva. lol Great tea party also. Hugs, Marty
Great post Laurie! I love that Little Jack Horner teapot - how cute! And your five things are so funny. Tab for breakfast! I used to drink that all the time, haven't seen in in years. It always makes me think of the movie Back to the Future, when Micheal J Fox asks for a "tab" lol. Kathy
What a charming little tea party you are having over there!! Happy Birthday to Lady Kathryn.
You do have the cutest grandchildren, that is an adorable picture of them. And, congratulations on the upcoming anniversary, that is really something to be very proud of.
Your breakfast choice is OK with me, my theory is that you only live once & why not live it with joy, right??? I hope you have a wonderful Sunday, Nicole
What a great an interesting post.Congrats on the award.Thats one reason I am here.To tell you I finally came to tell you I have my thank you for the award up.
What a little diva you were.Look at all that confidense.And wer'nt you a cutie.
And yes your gkids are gorgeous.Just beautiful,and smart and sweet.etc,etc,etc.
And again,,,Happy birthday Lady katerine.How sweet of you to do this for her...Ann
Laurie that is the cutest and most adorable tea party in blogland! Your photos are wonderful. I still can't make mine big like that , one of these days I'll figure it out!
Yes, my dear , you qualify for Divahood! ( that dress you made out of the comic section is to die for!)
Cute tea party, Laurie. Love the dress up picture from your childhood.
Loved your tea party, and the adorable bears. Great learning things about you too. I didn't know they still made Tab.
Laurie, It was fun learning 5 things about you! Love your breakfast!!!! LOL :) Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! Nancy
Hi Laurie,
That is a cute tea party, and I'm sure it made Katherine so happy!
I'm shocked at your breakfast. LOL
And I read all 5 of your things!
Great post!
You are just hilarious Laurie! No, you won't get any flack from me about your breakfast, I've done those too only mine was rootbeer and Twix! LOL I love the little party you threw for Lady K, and that teapot set and with the bears, just a yummy setup!
I must differ with you Diva Laurie - my grandchildren are the cutest, etc. etc. But then, I may be neglecting them - I don't have teddy bears for a darling tea party. Cute post! Sally
Hi Laurie...your tea party is absolutely adorable! I want to come, too! Susan
The tea party for Katherine was delightful, and the rest of this post was just flat out funny! Now that you mention it, you may look a tad like Donna Reed!!! Nancy
BTW: That was a dilly of a breakfast!
That was great! You are a diva for sure!
I will hop over to wish HB to Lady K.
Hi Laurie.....Over here (me waving) I read the whole thing and loved it. My mother used to have Donuts and a Coke for breakfast. My brothers followed suit. So we named it. On our family menu we refer to it as the Melvin. LOL I know its multi-faceted. Thanks for the fun party. I always enjoy coming to your house.
Love Ya ~Athella
Hi Laurie! I just love you! You're such a hoot! Now weren't you the cutest and most creative little thing! Wearing those funny paper clothes! Glad no nasty little boys were around!
Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :0
Hi Laurie! I loved the teddy bear tea party pics TOO CUTE! I have a thing myself for teddies and bunnies LOL!
Omgosh! me and my sister used to put on shows too when we were kids for the kids in the neighborhood and we charged them a nickel LOL! Now how can you beat that!!
Thanks for stopping by and welcoming me to Blogland!LOL, and for the nice compliments. I'm still trying to figure out how to work the blogland program! but I guess I'll just have to keep at it!
P.S. I have been known to have cookies and coffee for breakfast! :)
Laurie, the little teddy bear party is so cute, just adorable! I love the pics of you when you were younger, so cute, also! You cracked me up as usual! I don't really eat breakfast, so I can't lecture you. love Ya! Connie
Hi Laurie!
Your tea party was sooo much FUN! (I'm a bit concerned about her, too)
And the 5 things...well...I for one would like 5 more...cheater!
And as far as your breakfast...well, no lectures...you're a big girl and if you want to slowly kill yourself with that crap, well then...who am I to tell you otherwise?! (although I DO wish you'd consider some healthier options...we'd like to have you around for awhile!)
Happy Monday!
Hahaha you crack me up! i LOVE the photos and thank you for sharing! i won't lecture about those breakfasts but i did put on 'shows' in our backyard too, when i was young!! how funny! Thanks again for sharing the giggles! Have an AWESOME day!! :)
Laurie.. you're a hoot! love your teddybear tea party...
but I really have to comment on that funny paper dress... do you remember back in the 1960's when there was a very brief fashion trend... paper dresses... I always wanted one but my practical Daddy just thought I (and the trend) was nuts! That's what your dress reminded me of today...
Tab... haven't seen that since they invented Diet Coke... ;)
have a wonderful week... thanks for stopping by French Lique yesterday!
Good morning Laurie :)
I loved all those pictures of you!! You're such a doll :)
Oh and don't feel bad... I just ate toaster stroodle with my coffee LOL
Laurie Eve! You have out-diva-ed
me as I have Never seen that pic of
me in the paper skirt!!! I do remember all those dance costumes that Mrs. Ulum made for us all those years..priceless..that woman must have been a saint.
Loved your bear tea party decor..and all those birthday parties you hosted
for the kiddos. Keep up the hostessing, you little hostess Diva you!(My fav was the Donna Reed cake)(Good one Danny)
Teddy Bear picnic -- how sweet!
Hi Laurie! Happy birthday to Lady Katherine! That funny paper dress is too cute, and you really did look like a star! Deb
Hi Laurie- I'm a fan of your blog, so come by and pick up your fan award! Kathy
What a fun post. Thank you for inviting us to the tea party with the bears...so nice. A nice picnic tea party.
I love your pictures. Isn't that sweet to have those special pics wearing newspaper dresses...what a great fit too!
Lots of fun...
and Dr. Pepper keeps you healthy...
have a lovely day
Wha cute post.....and that is the same breakfast I have except I do diet coke although in earlier years it was ONLY tab...I have pink sweatshirts from a hundred years ago saying how I love Tab!!!! I also received that same award a couple months ago...to funny...love that you were a childstar...
I'm sure Katharine's delighted with the tea party! Your posts always make me smile and giggle!
Such a cute tea party. Love the bear and the bubbles on the photos.
Lady Katherine will be pleased!
Laurie, I never knew you were in the movies. How could you have kept that secret so long ? Any more we don't know about you ???
Let it all out......... very theraputic !!!
Have a good one,
Hey Laurie...that was a wonderful post filled with so much fun stuff! Love the breakfast...although I shudder everytime I even think about drinking tab...ugh. And I think you have a fashion hit for sure with those funny paper dresses! You could start a whole new trend!
Love your tea party! Tab...haven't seen that in awhile. Have you tried the new 3 Musketeer's Mint bar? I enjoy your site. Hope you'll stop by and visit my new blog and give-away. Have a great day!
Oh, Laurie! How darling! They even sang Happy Birthday to me! The tea set and bears too cute! Are the cupcakes real? This was so sweet of you! I am so Happy! Tears of joy have came as I have visited each Tea Party! I am so sorry to be late! Thank you for giving me this Darling Tea Party on my Birthday! Thank you for asking about me, I seen your comments as I have gone around to each Tea Party! I am better today, still sore and a little weak. My 21 month old granddaughter almost fell in the creek and I caught her just in time. I pulled my whole right side mesh away from my body. Doc said hospital, I said Tea Party! lol I been asleep for days around the clock. I am honored by the Tea Party! You and everyone have lifted my spirit! Thank you so much! I just love it!
Congrats on the award and your granddaughters look like you when you were a girl. Love all your pic.
My Mother loved her Tab! I love a Zero coke, one day I asked Hubby to go get me one. He came back with a Zero candy bar! lol I love them too!
Your nice comments made my day! Have a wonderful Easter and those pics of you as a kid are just so darn cute! Hugs, Cindy
Love the Tea party, that was just so sweet!
Happy Easter
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