Today, I am sharing the home of my friend, Mary Gay. I'm ashamed to tell you that I went to a meeting at her home, and asked if I could take photographs, in spite of the fact that she has recently had foot surgery, and has a walker (which she isn't using as much as she probably should) and a cane, and a swollen and very uncomfortable foot. I hope she'll still be my friend after I had the nerve to ask her to let me photograph her home when she was in less the best condition. Of course, her home looked cleaner than mine does, and I haven't had foot surgery. Mary Gay and her husband, Paul, so kindly (as if their lives were normal right now) told me that I could take whatever photographs I wanted (Southern hospitality can't even be thwarted by foot surgery!). These two have such a unique style. They mix beautiful family antiques with modern art pieces. The combination of the two make for a wonderfully eclectic and interesting home, where everybody feels comfortable. (Obviously, I felt too comfortable, or I would never have asked her to let me do this!)
Mary Gay's sister-in-law, Pam, is an amazing artist. She created this screen (I had to combine two photographs to show you the entire screen, and my photography does not do it justice).
This view of her living room is an example of the delightful mix in this home. There is a modern painting hanging over the traditional fireplace, and on the wall to the left is a needlework picture. On the floor, to the right of the fireplace, is another of Pam's art pieces (the cactus in an urn). Isn't this a wonderful juxtaposition?

This lovely antique chest is topped with a vignette, which includes family photographs. My poor photography skills are showing, as I only got the base of that great "stacked book" lamp.
This charming china cabinet is in the dining room, and just look at all of the pretty treasures inside. My poor photography is showing again. I know "ya'll" would love to see that beautiful drapery, but I was so interested in all of the pretties inside the china cabinet, I didn't get a full picture of the drapery.
Mary Gay's mother stitched this lovely sampler. Having known her mother, I can tell you that she was a kind and generous person, who lived those words that she stitched on this sampler.
See the needlework pillows in the chairs? Mary Gay's mother and some other ladies took "girl trips". When they returned from each trip, they selected a memory from their trip to stitch into a pillow. Isn't that a wonderful way to extend the fun and memories from the trip?
I think this trio of traditional water colors looks so pretty in the dining room.
This beautiful desk in the entry holds several pretty treasures to admire when you enter the home.
Oh, I wish I had taken a better picture of this beautiful sofa. I am so easily distracted, and those pillows were just calling my name, so I failed to get the entire sofa in my photo. This is a very talented family. Pam painted the designs on this fabric, and Mary Gay stitched the designs. Didn't they turn out beautifully?
The turtles are another of Pam's unique artistic works. These were created for Mary Gay's father, who loved and appreciated all of nature and all of God's creatures.
A beautiful antique bookcase and clock with Pam's art displayed on top and on the wall over the case. I just love this marriage of the antique and the modern.
The kitchen island has a wooden top, which is made from wood taken from an old school that had been torn down. (The "vignette" on top is remnants of our meeting!)
Love that red tile! Doesn't this look like a happy kitchen? This is where Mary Gay's husband, Paul, cooks, and he's really a wonderful chef. (Of course, any kitchen where the husband is doing the cooking is a happy kitchen, right?)
Love the mix of this retro fabric on the chairs with the antique table in the breakfast area.Mary Gay, again, I apologize for being brazen enough to ask you to let me take my readers on a tour of your home while you were recuperating from foot surgery. Thank you SO much for being so gracious about it. I know my readers have enjoyed this peek into your wonderful home.
If you would like to see more of Pam's amazing artwork, click here.
Thank you so much for coming by to take this tour with me. I hope you have a happy weekend. laurie
Wow thanks for sharing Mary Gay and Paul's home. I am in awe of all the great stacks of books. I am also amazed by the beautiful pillows and furniture. They do have a very pretty home.
Thanks for sharing Mary Gay's beautiful and welcoming home with us Laurie.
I'm sure she didn't mind at all. You did a lovely job with the photography.
I love the pretty writing desk and the fireplace.
Happy Spring! :)
Mary Gay's home is just gorgeous. I love all the wonderful books they have every where. The furniture is also gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing. Hugs, Marty
You're friends are awesome! Mary Gay's home is beautiful and I'm drooling over the 3 watercolors of houses as well as several pieces of furniture.
Thank you Mary Gay and Paul for inviting us into your home. Mary Gay, I hope you're feeling better soon! ♥
loved the tour! thanks for sharing. I especially like the desk and that cabinet
Thanks for sharing your friend's home with us. I especially like all the bookcases - you can never have enough of them! But those pillows on that gorgeous sofa - oh, my, I would love to have them! I have done a lot of needlepoint, embroidery, and cross stitch that is framed or pillowed, but the colors don't go any more. What do you do? Hers look so nice.
Hi Laurie...Your friends' home is so warm & eye landed on that stacked book lamp right away! and, their pillow collection is so unique...thank you for showing their home of treasures & thank them for their generosity... ;-) Bo
What a talented family! Love all those painted art by Pam. MAry Gay and Paul's home is so homey and comfy, a place I can live in. And how lucky for Mary Gay to have a hubby who cooks! I am not quite that lucky. LOL! I hope she recuperates fast. Thanks Laurie, for sharing this wonderful home. I love it, especially the furniture!..Christine
Loved seeing Mary Gay's home. It's such an inviting home, and if I had to choose my favorite pieces, they would be the antique book case and built in shelving--I'm such a bookworm that they instantly called to me.
Thank her for being so gracious, and I hope she recovers from her foot surgery soon.
I'd like to see more of that book lamp. Maybe you can wrangle another visit.
Hi Laurie! This your friend house is beautiful! I love the furnishing and different what-nots! Deb
Love Mary Gay's home! There are several pieces I wouldn't mind havng in mine!;D
Hi Laurie :)
Mary Gay and Paul's home is wonderful and filled with gorgeous furniture! Thank you for sharing it with us and please tell them thank you too :)
Oh Laurie I love this.. oh my goodness such a creative mix of materials, the old and new, traditional and modern.. I am in heaven. Unexpected, fresh, my goodness you Arkansas girls sure have wonderful homes.. I love every single one you have shared. Much of the artwork reminds me of fabric or quilts with amazing colors and patterns.. Thank-you so much for this inspiring post. Love, Cindy
OH MY! I don't even know where to begin with how much I love this home. The desk, the sofa, the artwork, the pillows, the kitchen, all the wonderful books .... I loved all of it. Your photo skills aren't as bad as you think .. though I would have loved to see more of those amazing drapes ... next time Ms Laurie ??
Eve and Mary Gay..Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us all in Blogland..You have so many special memories shown in tangible art forms..I loved it! Those pillows that your mom made are wonderful!
It all speaks of the most important
things in our lives..FAMILY.
Thanks for letting us be a part.
Susie W
Hope you recover fast from that foot surgery!
What a beautiful home and such a gracious homeowner to let you photograph it. I can see why you were so taken with the pillows on the sofa, they are exquisite!
Thank you to Mary Gay for allowing us all into her home. Best of luck to her in her healing too.
Laurie, Mary Gay's home is lovely, and looks like home. My faves were the goreous sofa, and pillows and that cabinet! They are very talented! Love Ya! Connie
This certainly looks like a fun home! Isn't it wonderful to have sharing friends?
Mary Gay, we thank you for letting us tour your home! It is...a work of art in and of itself! I'm like Laurie, I love the marriage of the antique and modern. I love when a home is it shows the many facets of our own personalities! Your artistry is amazing and I'm so happy Laurie was able to share that with all of us! I broke my foot several months ago so I certainly know what you're going through...wasn't very good at the crutches and walker either! :-)
Great post Laurie! I love ya! :-) L~
Thanks to you and Mary Gay for sharing this charming home. All of the stichery is wonderful - an artistic family, for sure. Have a great weekend. Sally
Thanks so much for taking us on a tour of Mary Gay and Paul's wonderful home. It's beautiful!
Please tell Mary Gay and Paul thank you for sharing their beautiful home, and thank you for taking the photos! There are so many things to appreciate, the needlework, and writing desk were favorites. What wonderful friends to have.
I LOVE that antique bookcase. Those pillows are gorgeous too! I'm sure you enjoy visiting there & seeing all of the pretty antiques. Thanks for taking us along.
Hello Dearheart...
Girlfriend, you just crack me up! A true blogger through and through...(taking your camera to the meeting with you) Hehe!!!
Mary Gay's home is beautiful...I loved every inch of the tour! I especially enjoyed all of the embroidered pillows...they were fabulous! What a warm and welcoming home!
Thank you Laurie...for sharing your friend's home with us!
Love ya,
PS...I think your photos were beautiful!
Sheesh!! i don't stop in and visit you ONE day and here i am TWENTY FIVE commenters later!! hehe You ROCK and so does your photography!! :)
i absolutely LOVE the idea of stitching a memory from their 'girl trips'!! i admire your friend's house, it is LOVELY!!!
WOW on the sofa pillows!!!!! Pam and Mary Gay make a FABULOUS team!! :)
please thank your friend from me(us)for allowing to share! it was a FUN & BEAUTIFUL tour! :)
and thank you, too, of course! LOVE visiting you as much as i LOVE your visits! Have a SUPER Sunday!! :D
I know she enjoyed your visit and looking on line at her lovely home will help her smile! Love the books in that wonderful case.
I love the desk, and the sofa. The sofa looks nearly like mine in the parlor. I have it covered up until I able to redo it. I recovered it 15 years ago, I been offered money and cars for it. lol
I am so happy you want to join in on my Tea Party April 5th! Means so much to me to have you come join me this day! I can't wait to see what you do! I know it will be amazing! I am in panic. For I planning my Birthday Tea Party, here at home will be for about 20 or so. Oh, dear Where are they going to sit? My Tea Party will be the day of April 5th,and the numbers keep growing, one friend says oh, you have to invite so and so. and on on. I am honored! But what to do! lol I may have to go buffet style, and seat them on the 3 sofas! Talk to you soon.
You have the sweetest friends to let you photograph their homes.
I like the china cabinet (among other things).
Laurie thank you so much for stopping by my Met. Mon. As always you leave such gracious and warm comments. I love having you visit. Hugs, Marty
Mary Gay and Paul Thanks for letting us see your beautiful home...I just loved visiting with you...Now Laurie did you bring a BIG purse I seen some things that just screamed my name girl..Thanks Laurie for sharing yet another great friend home..may you can talk Puddin/connie into doing another room...may you have a great Moday girl...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hi Laurie,
This is such a warm and inviting home. You southerners really do things right! Thanks for sharing this home with us, Cindy
Hey, I wouldn't worry about it! Word around blogland is that you're sleeping with the boss! (LOL!) Man, I hope I'm right in remembering you work for your DH! or that joke is gonna fall real flat!
I'm fixin' (as us southerners say) to start cleaning my house! If you get a chance say a prayer for us..up most of the night with teenage boy problems! Nothing real serious...thank God no drugs or alcohol or anything like that...just teenage boy attitude issues!!!! ARGH! Calgon take me away! God Bless ya today Laurie! lauralu :)
Lovely post; I can't believe that bookcase, it is to died for. Love it. The furniture is so beautiful and I really love the detail.
Oh, Laurie, you lucky girl, you! This was a delightful peek into the warm, beautiful world of the Shipleys. I'm crying because I don't live in your town and wasn't at the meeting. The love of books shines through everywhere (and take note, Gentle Readers, there are no cold, eye-killing kindles on the shelves. I see real, hardback books that you can hold and smell and even write notes in the margin, if you are moved to do so).
The art is beautiful--the screen, the pillows, the sampler. I loved learning that Mary Gay's sister is an artist and seeing the two of them create designs for the pillows. LOVE the needlework on the sofa. I just knew in my heart, somehow, that she and Paul had a camelback sofa. The sampler is specially touching, because these words are put into action by Mary Gay. This philosophy comes through in her store, as well.
I adored seeing the cooktop where Paul makes his famous egg salad. Laurie, the man is a walking cook book; you gotta go back and get recipes! How wonderful to sit down at this table and be surrounded by the aromas of Paul's cooking and by all of those words--what a gumbo!
Laurie, please tell Mary Gay I have been worried about her foot and hope she is recovering from the surgery...I hope she isn't doing too much.
I hope your internet access is up and running soon. My wireless has been turned off while I finish YouKnowWhat.
Loved the tour Laurie and especially the chairs in the breakfast area. The bunnies are on their way. :) Have a super great and happy week. xo Lynn P.S. Tell Mary Gay that is a wonderful name.
I love this home! So welcoming and pretty.
I am wondering how you get your blog pictures so big? They look great!!!
Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful home, and thank you Mary Gay and Paul for letting Laurie share it with us. What a beautiful and inviting home you have, I just love your mix of styles. Your family is very talented, how nice that you are able to display their work in your home! Kathy
What a wonderful post and I adore that antique bookcase! The white shelving is very similar to those that my husband built into our last home. I do miss them! Thank you for sharing your freinds' home!
oh how gorgeous!
i love the books and the fireplace especially
What a wonderfully welcoming home Mary Gay and Paul have and oh all those books and what a great idea "Share a space Saturday" is, thank you Laurie, Kathy.
Hi Laurie! I'm running internet went down! Thanks so much for sharing Mary Gay's lovely home! I am especially taken by that sofa with those gorgeous pillows! She has so many lovely antiques! Her art work is wonderful! Tell her thanks for me! Have a great week...hugs...Debbie
ok girls,I know it's been awhile and we're all rusty.Since Lynne's hubby is is sick maybe we can get Chari to get Russell's pick up.You know Gloria and Vanna are itching to go.Lets all meet at Laura's,nope,she at the lake.Well Christine will help us I'll bet.I want the couch and the antique book case,no matter,.I dubs first.You all can snag whatever elze.but that couch is gorgeous .And all my treasures sure will look pretty in that bookcase,hummm?
Thank you Mary Gay for letting us come into your lovely home.We really only snag stuff in our minds,ha...Ann
Speedy recovery, Mary Gay..
And Laurie, thanks for the lovely tour!
A very cozy home!
Hi Laurie, What a treat! Mary Gay and Paul have such a warm and inviting can just feel a tremendous amount of love as you tour the rooms. I do love the red counters...what a cheerful place to prepare meals. So wonderful to see a home with an extensive book collection...says so much about the home and those who live there! Beautiful tour, appreciate you sharing Mary Gay and Paul's wonderful home with all of us! Susan
I just love the wooden top on your center counter in the kitchen.I even still love pine, even though it is s soft wood. Another one is pecan .
Did I tell you that houses are selling now up here, and you are getting our children and grandchildren. The job opportunities are getting slimmer, and slimmer.
I'd love to relocate.......
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