If you have visited my blog before, you probably are not surprised that I am one of the Village People. Anyone who collects like I do would have to collect Christmas village pieces as well, right? Of course, I began collecting them before there was a Snow Village, or a Dickens Village, or any of the others. That is why my village is kind of a conglomeration, but I look at it this way--a real village is a conglomeration of different styles and types of houses, so it's okay if mine is too. I can rationalize anything when it comes to my collections!

A pet store would also be required in my village.
Then we can walk up the hill to see the live nativity scene.
Farther up the hill, we find Santa's Amusement Park, where we can take a trip around the hill on the train ride.
We really should stop and help this man get to his car with all of his Christmas gifts.
As we leave the downtown area, we enter a residential area of town.
The bank, on the edge of the downtown area, is next to the home of the bank president. I guess if the bank's alarm goes off, he can be there quickly, so we won't try robbing this bank.
We could stay overnight at the lodge located on the outskirts of town.
But before we check into the lodge, we have to go to the Flea Market and garage sale. You know how I love a bargain!
The plastic church in this area of town is identical to one we had in our home when I was a child. I don't know what happened to that one, but my good friend, Charlie Ann, gave me this one, and it brings back wonderful memories of my childhood.
One of the Flea Market vendors has decorated his r.v. for Christmas.
If we want to leave town on a train, we will have to go across town (actually across the study/dining room). On the way, we pass another small community that is built on shaky ground (my mother's portable record player that she took to college). I guess they have to worry about possible earthquakes if someone cranks that handle on the front.
I hope you are not getting too tired of walking. We have finally arrived at the train station.
Oh! there's a vendor selling chestnuts. Shall we get some for the train ride?
Aaahhhh, this is so awesome! You don't over-do-it - you create a wonderful fantasy holiday world & I love it! ♥ Diane
ps... my son asked what I'd like for xmas a couple of months ago & I promptly said crown molding & baseboards in the MBR. He had been working on their MBR at the time & doing a fantastic job of it. We'd buy the materials & would be so ecstatic if he'd cut & install. He thought it was a great idea. They're on a tight budget this year. This way he gives an amazing gift that just requires time spent with us. That's the best kind of gift I could ever receive. ♥
Wow! Laurie, you have been working! What a wonderful village. You have from the porch to the house all decked out! I always wanted a train around my tree, but seem to never get one. Enjoyed your tour of your village, and the thought and work that went into it! Time to relax a little?
I'm not a village person, but I'm right there w/ ya' sista - w/ the over-doing thing! That's why I haven't been posting this week...still dragging it out! :O) I don't know what that train station is on (a piano, maybe?), but it is beautiful! My daughter would have a field day in your house!
What a fabulous tour...I can see the elves were there to help out..lol.. I've been reminded alot today that I haven't taken my village out in years... I believe it will be on the list of things to do for next year.. I especially loved the ladies decorating the tree... those stole my heart...you know my address..lol hope you're having a great day..hugs ~lynne~
Wow! Everything is fantastic!! What a great job you have done as ususal!!!
Your village display is spectacular Laurie! I noticed you have a lot of the same Hallmark house ornaments that I have. I enjoyed visiting your post today.
Smiles & Hugs,
I don't know if I can get my chin out of my lap enough to be able to type a comment. I am awestruck with the complexity of your undertaking.
Each scene seems so complete and well thought out. Can't even imagine how you pulled this off. The only way I can see, is one idea or grouping at a time. It has grown the way a real village would, little by little. At least that is what I think. I think it is the most wonderful one I've ever seen. I will be looking at this for days.
Kudos to you, Laurie. You deserve the black belt or whatever the highest level of achievement is in the category of "Villages".
How cool that you incorporate all different things in your village...just like a REAL village would. I've never seen a flea market OR a RV in a scene...too cute! You've got some great collections there girlie!
Wow, this is amazing! You have some really unique items, and I love the way you used each part of town to tell a story. Just beautiful. Kathy
I absolutely loved the tour. You have such a huge and beautiful collection and displayed like a fantasy land. Thanks for sharing. Marty
OK Laurie, now you've done it...my DH is sulking & pouting because your village is soooo much better than his...heehee....and now I'm mad at you because we'll have to buy more stuff! Really, yours does look like the kind of village I'd love to live in! ;-) Bo
I found your blog through another...think it was the title that attracted me. LOL
I love your village. I have the North Pole and my grandkids really enjoy it.
Those little carolers are adorable!
Wow Laurie, your village is impressive! I didn't find any pieces like ours. Of course our village is really a tiny town, not quite a village! I did find a barn like ours at Rhoda's village.
It's a beautiful village and you have the perfect place to set it up.
I love visiting all the villages at Christmas time. It's like playing house and cars. I played cars when I was little, too. Building roads to drive my make believe cars through make believe villages.
You have such a knack for putting together the villages. I have Dicken's and it's buried in the basement. I'm a slacker this year.
Love your plates, too.
I wish Dept. 56 would make Mary Gay's bookstore. Can you just imagine those handpainted tiles and the books--and a peek inside showing the pot-bellied stove! Heaven!
Oh Laurie I would love to live in this sweet little village! It looks like the perfect place and I am sure everyone is just the friendliest!
What an awesome collection you have!! And a wonderful job displaying it- how long do you think it takes you to get your village all in place and do you find yourself tweaking it here and there?
villages are so magical! yours is just beautiful!
villages are so magical! yours is just beautiful!
So are you the indian or the policeman? lol
I'm a village people too but I haven't gotten mine up yet. I don't have nearly as much as you do though! Thanks for the pics. It is so fun to see everyone's decorations.
Wow! I love love love Christmas villages and yours is fabulous. A long time ago I had a neighbor who set up a village like yours and I used to love to go see what she got new each year. Your photos reminded me of her.
Thanks also for being a loyal follower of my blog Laurie, I really do appreciate it. I don't have many followers and the ones I do have rarely leave a comment, so yours really are special to me!
Thanks again!.
Laurie, I am just blown away by all your villages and colections! I would love to stay at your house at Christmas, what a magical place! Girl, I don't know how you do it, I was feeling good that I just got my tree up, and look at you! It is all so beautiful, just a fantasy! Love Ya! Connie
Oh girl this is all just wonderful can I move into the lodge?? I just love it all and you can tell you have been collecting for years Laurie..that Vicortian Train station was my first dept 56 piece I got and my kinda grew from there also..I buy form Wally world K-mart whereever I can find them now..I still need to set mine up girl..you are so far ahead of me..I just have a problem finding places to set my every day things while Christmas is out...oh I need more storage space girl!! thanks for sharing your great Villages..hugs and smiles Gloria
Oh Laurie~~This is so beautiful and what everyone keeps saying~MAGICAL!! Looking at this really puts me in the Christmas spirit! And the snow on your blog adds just the right effect! :-)
If I was there though, I'd have to be sneaking those carolers in my white bag! I LOVE those sweet little faces! L~
ummmm Laurie....that's not a village....THATS A METROPOLIS...THATS THE NEW YORK CITY OF VILAGES! Holy cow woman where do you store all these treasures! It's really amazing..I bet you could look at it for hours and still find something you hadn't seen before!
Laurie this is heavenly!!!
Love it all! Beutifully done! Love the amusement park. I have never seen one before. How long does it take to set it all up? I'll go back and read more on your post. I'll bet you've already told us.
~Melissa ;)
Wow Laurie... You have such a nice collection! And it's not over-populated like you told Bo. It's just layering!I love it...Debbie
WOW. So fun. So impressive. My son would love this. Nice job.
THANK you too for visiting my blog and leaving comments. You and I know how great it is to have a new face come by.
Oh...I love your blog and the beautiful antiques. You have such a great eye for making everything look so inviting and wonderful.
Ooooh! I just love your Christmas Village, Laurie. The details are wonderful. You sure did not leave anything off. I can't imnagine the time it took for you to set that up but it's all worth the effort. Thanks for sharing...Christine
Thanks for the tour of your village...I would love to live there
Your village is spectacular! My favorites are the stained glass ones, I have never seen anything like that! Just amazing!
OMG!!! Laurie this is insanely wonderful!! I want to go shopping in your towns!! Ummmm universe? Lol!! Cheese and rice!! Laurie it would take me a year to put something like this up! And you work full time, blog, and decorate like this? I thought our Ms C was crazy busy, but I think it might be a tie! You guys have WAY to much energy for me!! But I'm sure glad you do! This is just unbelievable! Seriously amazing! Vanna
Oh Laurie this is just one of the best most magical things I have ever seen.. You have created a whole world of wonderment! Dear I really don't know how you do this. I sure wish I could come to help you take this all down when the time comes.. Thank-you so much for sharing your wonderful village. Love, Cindy
Oh, I really enjoyed my tour of your festive village! Very pretty! The RV was my favorite piece! :) ~hugs, Rhonda
that is so adorable!!!!! I love this!!!
You know sister, I was just looking over your blog again and I find things I missed the first time LOL, It is amazing and so beautiful!! I think you should be crowned the Queen of Christmas decor!!!
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