My good cyber friend, Vanna (LVROFTIQUES on RMS) has some of the most beautiful and interesting antiques I've ever seen. That is why I asked her if I could feature a room in her home as my first "Share a Room Saturday". Vanna graciously consented, and I am so excited to show you this room. Hopefully, she is the first of future "Share a Room Saturday" guests on my blog, as I hope to share beautifully-decorated rooms of some friends who don't have a blog (Oops! I may have just lost all of my non-blogging friends!). Vanna not only has beautiful tiques, she is also a hoot, so I'm just going to let her take you on a tour of her gorgeous family room. I'm tellin' you, you're gonna love this.
My French Country-ish Family Room:
Howdy y'all!!My dear friend Laurie asked me to be her first guest for her "Share a room Saturday" And I'm so thrilled to be asked!This is the most country french of all my rooms (at least I think it is.....)And the room where I spend the most time. I'm so happy to share it with her (and you!*winks*)
I've decorated it almost entirely with flea market, estate sale, garage sale and Goodwill finds. So if it looks like junque? Well y'all know why! Lol!
The french armoire was a craigslist find at $250, and houses all my TV stuffs.The french chair by the window was a $125 find at a local antique store. And the antique table sitting next to it was $65 at an auction.The sofy was a consignment find at an antique store for $300. It was love at first sight! There's a whole long story that goes with it that can be viewed on RMS. But I digress.... The art nouveau planter of a mother and daughter is one of my favorite things! (You'll hear me say that a lot! *winks*)
A closeup of the coffee table (A $135 antique store find) and the mother daughter planter. Isn't it sweet?
Moving clockwise is the fireplace flanked by some of my antique 12 months of the year prints. Found at a garage sale for $10! I have them scattered all over my house.
A closeup of one of the prints. This one is September.
Still moving clockwise, one of my favorite slag lamps with one of my beloved french spelter figures.
Here is my sofy. Not the most attractive shot but you get the jist *winks*
My 1840's secretary. One of my favorite pieces of furniture. I found this at an auction for a steal, and when my hubby saw what I'd purchased he was shocked and said "It's so not you!" But I really love the beautiful old flame mahogany. Oh....and if anything sits still for very long...I'll put a tassel on it!*winks* Lol!!
Yet another favorite...Yeah I know!...AGAIN!..... There's a whole long story to go with this one too. As there are most of my stuffs *winks*But I'll give you the shorter version. My sister and I were discussing one day, which piece of art in our homes was our favorite? I told her this carved portrait of a young girl was probably mine. She said "Oh honey, I hate to break this to you...But that's a boy! He has an adams apple" And danged if she wasn't right! (Don't ever tell her I said so *winks*) Guess I'm not very observant! But WHATEVER!! It's still one of my faves! Lol!! 
View from the back side of the sofy. Another one of my beloved french spelter statues. This one titled "Fleurs de Printemps" (Flowers of spring) And a bouillotte lamp that I found at the Goodwill. My DH said "The last thing you need is another lamp!" Silly man! As if anyone could ever get enough charming lamps *winks* And while I do appreciate my DH's opinion, I have found that if I love it...or even like it strongly? Well, better safe than sorry right? Lol! I'm glad I took it home. What do y'all think?
Here is a shout out for help! I have tried for years to identify what this bronze box was used for? It's victorian and features hunting motifs 8"x5".I thought maybe a cigar box? Or maybe a gentleman's dresser box? If anyone here knows please give me a holler.
On the other side of my sofy (yes I know it's a sofa....I like sofy better...I'm quirky like that. and yes....other words have also been used lol!)is my treasures armoire. Full of all kinds of whoosy whatsits. No rhyme or reason here...If I like something?...In it goes! Lol!
Some of my treasure...Oh boy, lots of stories in here!
Some plates given to me by friends and family. I love old plates!
A couple of my busts...Yep yet another collection. "What don't you collect?" you ask. Well NOT MUCH! That's fer sure! Lol!!
Love this handsome boy by the name of Virgile. And the little french general is a sweet little painting on ivory.
On the opposite side of the room is a billiards table (hubby HAD to have it!) The two dogs lounging are two of our four fur babies. Shelby (lrg) and Jewel aka/ Juju bear (pom)
In the far corner is a working telephone booth that came from a boutique hotel.It was an anniversary gift from me to my hubby (He's quirky too!)
The right side of my billiards area features a 1912 upright grand piano. One of two grands in my house...And I don't play a note! Found at a garage sale for $200.
A closeup on the french hunting relief plaques above the piano. Aren't they wonderfully detailed?
I carried this french bust titled litige (litigation) home in my lap on my last trip to france. I thought my legs would never work again! Anyhoo I collect sheep figures also. For those of you who already know me...Ya'll know I'm a bit of a black sheep *winks*
The left corner of my billiards room with a darling little bird (Rexy) from my dear friend Lynne's shop (decorator101 on RMS & you can visit her shop at Lynne's Gifts From the Heart blog) And some pix of my mom at 16.
Behind the library screen hides a pinball machine (much to my dismay) Another one of those things that hubby just "LOVED" What could I do? Some concessions had to be made for all the lamps.....Chairs....sheep......chandeliers.....Well you get the picture *winks*
Other side of the room.
Close up on the table with a darling cherub found on ebay. Sometimes you can find the neatest things for cheaps!
We've come full circle. I hope you enjoyed the tour. Are your eyes still working? Would you like a refill on that hot spiced cider? Perhaps some more cookies? Come on! Just one more won't hurt ya! Vanna
I am so grateful to Vanna for giving us this tour of her beautiful family room. Remember to stop by and see her on RMS (LVROFTIQUES). laurie
OH laurie how exciting to see Winks family room...and Vanna you got some stuff that just screams me name so LOUD!!! I really need to do some shopping at your house girl!!I love the that the one you just got a few months ago??All your wondeful plates and the bust girl you know you made all of us want you!! and sweet Rexy..I have my Cathy sitting on my little table by my bench which girl is just like yours...great minds think alike winks!!! Great tour girl friend...and Laurie what a super duper idea you came up with Share a cool is Vanna banana get your butt over here and do a blog...we have been waiting long enough for you...You silly things have a great day...hugs and smiles Gloria
Oh Laurie...and Vanna I just had the best time reading and taking the I can't put my finger on one thing I like the best..I love it all..Girlfriend you have some mighty fine things here.. Can I come back againa and again for a tour? Your drapes look "great"..Your pups are the telephone booth.. need I go on? Girl I just love it all..hugs ~lynne~
Hi Laurie and Vanna, my French twin...twinned again...I have the same drapes, along with Lynne and Kristen! Funny, huh? It was so much fun to get a guided tour of all your little whoosy whatsits! I can't pick a favorite either. Love your doggies. How nice to see your stuff here in blogland! Thanks you ladies for the cider and cookies...yum...snarf...Debbie
Vanna, do you have a "big purse" I might borrow for a little while? My absolute favorite is the "working" phone booth. Alas I don't have enough room to accommodate it, even if I could spirit it away with me.
The first year that DH and I were married, I bought a fairly small pinball machine as a "family gift". Several years later, when we needed more space in our 982 square foot home, we sold it to BIL for his basement game room, to be used by various Church youth groups he entertained in his home. It couldn't begin to compare to your beauty, though it did bring a lot of fun to all that played it. That was more than 30 years ago. Thanks for the memory trip.
I enjoyed my visit immensely, and thank you for the cider and cookies.
Goodness! what fun. Laurie! Vanna, Thank you so much for the tour of your smashingly beautiful home. What an inspiration. The look you have is exactly what I love. I will be looking at the pics over and over again. the only thing I wish is that we could click on the pics to enlarge them. I need *details* girls!!! Thanks again for the fun early this morning!
Vanna, your family room is so beautiful! I can go on the tour forever. your furniture is so gorgeous!!! I love all your chairs, lamps,everything. I could go on and on!!Beautiful job.
Thank you both so much for the tour - it was wonderful!! What a great idea Laurie! Y'all did a great job together with that one. Your home is lovely Vanna. I don't think I've ever seen your spaces on RMS, I know I've heard a LOT of people mention your name, but I feel honored now to finally meet you!! LOL!
Y'all have a great weekend.
I think your room is beautiful. I love that sofy! I so need to get to checking out goodwill stores, and antique stores..I just always found around here they overprice everything! I've just about given up on estate sales because you nearly gag at the prices they put up. Even at half price its way overpriced.
That was a great tour of your friend's room. I love it! I certainly understand the concessions she makes, with the pool table and pin ball machine. I can't believe she gets all that beautiful furniture at such great prices. I'm looking forward to peeking into other rooms soon.
What a great idea Laurie, I had just been introduced to Vanna's lovely home on RMS recently. It's gorgeous! Love the draperies and topper of course. (Wink, Vanna..) Thanks for sharing this beauty with us. :)
Oh Laurie & Vanna...This was the most spectacular tour! I told my Dh I was ready to throw everything out and start over...the only problem with that is...where to find all the beautiful things like you have and at such great prices...Such a fabulously decorated home! ;-) Bo
Laurie thank you for making my family room look so great!
Gloria yep it's that same sofy *winks*
Lynne thank you so much for the heads up on the drapes! I really love them! And it sems that a lot of others do too! Debbie I think Melissa Miller has them as well *winks Great minds huh?!Lol! Glenda I'm sorry you had to give up your pinball machine...Sounds like it went to a really great home and purpose though...wish I could get my DH to donate ours somewhere! Donna thank you! I'll be posting over at RMS with some bigger pix for ya *winks*
Awww Ann you're my girl! I love you!
Lynette it's so nice to meet you too! I haven't seen your spaces on RMS either, but I'd love to! Dawnie do you do craigslist at all? Some good stuff there girl. Thanks everyone for being so kind. It really is so much friendlier here in blogland *winks* Vanna
Abslolutly Gorgeous!! Vanna has so many treasures. I love the mix of lots of different things. The plaques over the piano are so uniqe and beautiful. Kristen
Oh Laurie, thankyou for sharing Vanna's beautiful Family room. Her home is amazing and she calls her things Junque, I beg to differ, they are Treasures. She has an impecable eye for treasures and design. I haven't seen anything posted that compares to her rooms. Oh and did I mention her sense of humor, she makes me chuckle and smile everytime I read something she has posted. I will be back, this is a great idea you have to share rooms. Thankyou and SMiles to you, kathysue RMS
What a fun tour! I know Jacob would love that phone booth and pinball machine. Vanna, you just have a way of knowing where to place something so it looks just "right". Laurie, thanks for sharing your blog today with Vanna! ~ Robyn
How wonderful! What a feast for my eyes Thanks for doing a blog on Vanna's room, Laurie. I really enjoyed the tour and your blog isn't giving me a hard time like RMS. I can't even get past the first pic there and it won't let me leave a comment. Vanna! If you are reading this, I am so jealous of you, girl! You just know how to decorate and you always get the best buys for less....Christine
You have such a beautiful home, I love French and British decor!!! Michele
Lovely room, that phonebooth is awesome. I can't believe the deals you get WOW
Kathy :)
Laurie, thanks so much for showing us Vanna's gorgeous room! I have to admit I am just a little bit jealous, oh, alright, a lot jealous! I haven't seen this room on RMS, and I don't know what I like the most! I love the drapes,where did ya'll get those? I love the sofy, the coffee table, the chair,the 1840's secretary, just everything! Vanna, you've been holding out on us! I love all your rooms! Love Ya! Connie/puddin07
Bo thank you! And Kristen, Lynne told me that she found the drapes from you! So you're the reason I have those wonderful drapes! *winks*
Kathy Sue I love you girl!!
Robin I wish Jacob could come over and play! Give that ole pinball machine a good workout!
Christine I'm jealous of you too girl! *winks*
Connie the drapes came from linens n things..on sale too!
Thank you so much everyone for all of your kind comments. Vanna
Oh Laurie & Vanna, It's just beautiful! Chock full of beautiful things to feast your eyes on! I love it, full of life and character and all the little seating groups to get a different view and take it all in. I could spend days in there just gazing around and I would be so happy to do so! Just a beautiful, warm and cozy home! I'm going back for another (okay 3rd time!) look! Thanks for sharing it. ~ Laurie
Laurie~you couldn't have picked a more beautiful room and beautiful PERSON to showcase!
Vanna~I almost feel speechless when I sit here and stare at your gorgeous family room! You have the most impeccable taste...and such TALENT for decorating!! Every piece, corner, vignette~~is a work of art all in itself...and you so masterfully put it all together! Every pic and item is my favorite! You are able to seek out and find such beautiful things...and THAT says something about you!!!!
Laurie~thanks for the tour of our V's home! Now back to staring and drooling over these pics!
PS~And Spongebelle says "Hi" to Rexy! :-)
Laurie~you couldn't have picked a more beautiful room and beautiful PERSON to showcase!
Vanna~I almost feel speechless when I sit here and stare at your gorgeous family room! You have the most impeccable taste...and such TALENT for decorating!! Every piece, corner, vignette~~is a work of art all in itself...and you so masterfully put it all together! Every pic and item is my favorite! You are able to seek out and find such beautiful things...and THAT says something about you!!!!
Laurie~thanks for the tour of our V's home! Now back to staring and drooling over these pics!
PS~And Spongebelle says "Hi" to Rexy! :-)
Wow...Vanna and that room! I can't believe you found that fabulous armoire for that price on Craig's List...never see anything that good here!!! I love all Vanna's collections...just awesome! Your secretary is all that flame mahogany! Thanks so much Laurie for sharing Vanna's gorgeous room. I hope her house is on a home tour every year 'cause I know how wonderful the other rooms are from RMS!:-) Susan
Wow Laurie your friend Vanna has an exceptionaly beautiful home... In my opion this room was breathtaking... I LOVED the entire tour... Thank you so much for sharing it with us...
Thank you Laurie & Vanna! This is awesome. I've loved Vanna's rooms on RMS & it's a treat to see them & hear about them. :0} Diane
OOPS... went to far down for my comment...LOL LOL here it is again... Thanks Laurie for stopping by... I always love it when you visit... and I am still in love with Vanna's home...
Hi Laurie! Absolutely loved the tour of Vanna's room. I remember her from RMS! Thanks for doing this.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
GM Laurie...girl thanks for coming by my PINK we need to get this winks to do a blog girl..if anyone can talk her into it its you girl!! Hugs and smiles Gloria
Laurie when I first came to RMS I was sorting and sorting through the rooms. Blah and more blah...And then I came upon your room! And I caught my breath....and thought WOW! Finally someone who loves the same things I do! It's still one of my all time favorites! So I'm thrilled you love my family room too!
Laura you my girl!I hope Laurie will feature your wonderful home next!
Susan I knew if anyone would appreciate flame mahogany, it would be you girlfriend!*winks* Thank you so much!
Squawmama, Diane and Shelia, Thank you thank you! Vanna
Laurie, Thanks for stopping in to visit. l love this tour you've given us. I'm a french country girl too.
I'll be back for more!
What a gorgeous home she has!!! I love so many things in there....makes ya want to go shopping at her house! Thanks for the tour. I don't make it over to RMS any it's great fun to see some of what I'm missing. Thanks to the both of you!!!
Laurie and Vanna thank-you both for this wonderful treat! Everything about this beautiful room is perfectly done. Both you girls are master treasure hunters, and divine decorators, that is for sure! Love ya, Cindy
What a great room. I need to go shopping with you. You have found such wonderful peices.
GM Laurie...well here I am in my Red robe with my coffee in hand..I don't think Winks would care if I took a nap on her sofy do you?? now I hope you had a great weekend...I when back to my old home town on Saturday girl and I did the memory lane know visit the high school, seen my old house where I grew up and girl I can still picture myself sitting on that lawn with my beehive Hairdo listening to my portable radio thinking I looked cool!! Oh girl not a pretty site...hope you have a great day...hugs and smiles Gloria
GM Laurie...well here I am in my Red robe with my coffee in hand..I don't think Winks would care if I took a nap on her sofy do you?? now I hope you had a great weekend...I when back to my old home town on Saturday girl and I did the memory lane know visit the high school, seen my old house where I grew up and girl I can still picture myself sitting on that lawn with my beehive Hairdo listening to my portable radio thinking I looked cool!! Oh girl not a pretty site...hope you have a great day...hugs and smiles Gloria
Wow your finds are beautiful.
Happy Holidays
Interior Rooms
What a warm, inviting, BEAUTIFULLY decorated room!
The phonebooth is awesome!
Laurie - thanks for introducing us to Vanna and some of the most wonderful treasures ever! I need a list of the places she shops. Please pass on to her that I thoroughly enjoyed her home. Sally
Hello Girlfriend...
Ohhhh my happy that you posted Vanna's family's absolutely exquisite!!! Love seeing the pretty plaid drapes after hearing Ms. Vanna talk about them...they're so perfect for this room, don't you think? Vanna, girlfriend...all of your furniture is exquisite and I love the sofa...the color and pattern is just gorgeous!!! Well my friend, the entire room is just gorgeous!
Thank you Laurie for showcasing Vanna's family room...I enjoyed each and every photo and reading what Vanna had to say!!! Hope you have a restful evening, girlfriend! Love ya Sweetie...
What a great tour! That's just a beautiful room! I love all the mix of different things - that working telephone is so fun!
Gloria you never fail to crack me up!! You and that beehive hairdo! And girl you're just tryin' to get even with me because I wouldn't get off your sofy,and then bed! Well I don't care if you're on my sofy! I'm smack dab in the middle of the pink palace...and I'm still not ha ha ha!!Lol!!
Bridget,nikkicrumpet,Kristin,Blossom, Cami,Sally and Manuela, thank you for your lovely compliments!
And you're all welcome to come up to Washington and go shopping with me! I'd LOVE that!
Chari, a post without you?Just ain't worth postin' at all! *winks* Love you girl! Vanna
You're a true power shopper, your collection is stellar! Thanks for the tour. My fave is the phone booth, and I love that your hubby's quirky too. Makes shopping so much more fun, doesn't it?
Oh and last but certainly not least!! Cindy you my girl!!!*winks* Love you! Vanna
Vanna is nice of you to feature her room. I remember her name from RMS, but not the room. She has beautiful taste. But I'm with her on the pinball machine. ;O)
What gorgeous rooms. I definitely identify about the tassels. They go on everything don't they? If you get tired of that gorgeous tiger oak piano, let me know! ;D
Hi Claudia!! I'm pleased as peaches to receive a compliment from you!! Your book "The Paris Apartment" is one of my design bibles!! My home is in part the way it is, because of you!Your book helped me create the "feeling" I wanted so THANK YOU!! It's not often that one receives a compliment from one's design idol!! I feel like drinking champagne!! *winks* Vanna
Sue and Judybug, thanks so much! And Judybug I'll let you know when I want to sell the piano...cause I sure don't want to have to move it again! Lets here it for the tassel girls!! *waving tassles like a cheerleader* Yeah!!! Vanna
I am so glad I stopped to find this lovely post...I really enjoyed taking the tour of Vanna's beautiful room...Many thanks,
Hi Laurie
I loved the tour. Beautiful rooms!
Laurie and Vanna...Thanks for visiting my blog, both of you! Laurie, did you see the Quimper cookie tins? I thought of you when I took that picture! Vanna...that Eiffel tower made me think of you and you have it! Funny! Thanks again for the tour of Vanna's space and congrats on the classy following that you have...Paris Apartment! you think Charles Faudree is reading this remark...? It's possible...Debbie
What a beautiful room with wonderful collected furnishings! I love the window over the fireplace especially! Lots of interesting details and delights!
You remind me so much of myself!!! My mother will always tease me when she visits, she will walk around and pick stuff up and turn it over...I'll will say Mama what are you doing? She will say, I feel like I am in an antique store, this one doesn't have a price, is it for sale?? Then we laugh!!! She has more stuff than I do, so she has no room to talk!!
I love your blog!!!!
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