I was getting ready to put away my Easter décor when I realized that a lot of my décor had come from estate sales. (Do you get tired of reading "I bought it at an estate sale" on my blog? Obviously, I love shopping estate sales.) The week before Easter, I went to a local estate sale and found this giant basket for $8.00. I noticed a planter with an arrangement of dried and silk Hydrangeas. I wasn't very interested in the planter (it had a broken handle), but I wanted the Hydrangeas. The next morning, I returned to the sale and bought the container of Hydrangeas at 25% off. You may remember that I used the basket and the Hydrangeas on our dessert table for Easter (here).
A few years ago, I bought this printer's tray at a yard sale across the street from our house. The owner had displayed it at a yard sale the year before, but I didn't want to pay what he was asking. A year later, when it hadn't sold, he marked the price down, and I grabbed it.

Almost everything in the tray came from an estate sale. The pink plastic bunny holding flowers was mine when I was a child.
The paper mache bunny (who obviously fell on his nose at some time) was my mother's.
I bought two of these metal plates at an estate sale in Memphis. I am fortunate to live an hour from Memphis, and they have fabulous estate sales. I try to wait until the second day of the sale to attend, because the prices are reduced on the second day.
You might have noticed my little lamb tureen on my Easter mantel (here). I purchased him at another estate sale in Memphis. Although I was there on the first day of the sale, it was 3:45 in the afternoon, and the sale was closing at 4:00. I told the cashier that I lived out of town and couldn't come back the next day. She sold me my purchases at the next day's price. Sometimes, it pays to be at a sale close to the end of the day.
I shared this tray of decorative eggs here.
The painted floral egg and the egg with bunnies on it were both estate sale purchases.
The White House Easter Egg Roll souvenir, the Asian china egg and the china egg with an Easter basket were all estate sale purchases. Many times, small, unmarked items are very reasonable at estate sales. The painted ceramic eggs were a purchase from a craft sale many years ago.
The brightly painted eggs in the centerpieces on our Easter dinner tables (here) were also estate sale purchases. I didn't attend this sale until the third day. There usually isn't much left on the third day of a sale, but when I arrived, the sale company had just found another box they hadn't unpacked, and this set of 24 eggs was in it. Sale companies don't want to pack up anything to take with them, so on the third day of a sale, the prices are drastically reduced.
Before I head out of town for an estate sale, I can usually look at sale items on line. Of course, not everything is shown on line, but it gives me a good idea of whether or not I'd like what is being offered at a sale. I try to wait until the second day of the sale to attend, but if I see something I think I really need want, I might go the first day.
For me, part of the fun of an estate sale is the hunt. I never know what I might find. I also love decorating with older treasures. I think they make our home more inviting. They certainly make it more interesting. And, as the name of my blog implies, I LOVE finding a bargain.
So, if you see an estate sale, my advice is to check it out. You never know what treasures you might find.
Thank you for stopping by today.
This post is partying with Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch and Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life.
Do you look in the paper for estate sales, or how do you find out about them? I don't ever see that many here, but I am going to start checking more.
Hi Laurie, such sweet Easter decorations! Glad you finally got the printers tray and I totally adore your eggs! I have a weakness for pretty eggs!
Have a wonderful last few days of March!
Great advice, Laurie. I occasionally go to estate sales if they are in my neighborhood or if something in the photos catches my attention. Like you, I think it's a fun hobby and it's more interesting to me to have vintage things in our home.
Thanks Laurie for tips on how to shop estate sales. You certainly have found some fun Easter collectibles. The tray was a great idea for display. Last time I attempted to attend a sale the line to get in was down the block. Needless to say I skipped that one. I think estate sales are popular than ever!
Have a nice day………..
You did get some great deals, Laurie, and I love those milk glass eggs. So very pretty! I usually do my "estate sale" shopping on line through a couple of companies that run locally, with a local pick up. Actually, it's more like auction shopping, but I have been able to get some nice things that would have cost much more on Ebay. I love a bargain, too!
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