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Monday, December 7, 2015


Christmas Santas-Bargain Decorating with Laurie
Some of our Christmas Santas have come out to play. Yes, that's what I said. This is only part of the collection! I apologize for my centered text. I've tried to get it to stop centering about five times.
Christmas Santas-Bargain Decorating with Laurie
I began collecting Santas before I was married. Eventually, I decided that it would have to be a very special Santa for me to buy another one. 
Christmas Santas-Bargain Decorating with Laurie
That's when I started receiving them as gifts. 
Christmas Santas-Bargain Decorating with Laurie
So, the collection continued to grow. The collection is out of control. 
Christmas Santas-Bargain Decorating with Laurie
I do enjoy seeing each one of them when I bring them out for Christmas. 
Christmas Santas-Bargain Decorating with Laurie
I remember where and from whom each Santa came. 
Christmas Santas-Bargain Decorating with Laurie
Some of them belonged to my mother and some belonged to my husband's mother. 
Christmas Santas-Bargain Decorating with Laurie
I love all of the reminders of special friends and family members who originally owned the Santas. 
Christmas Santas-Bargain Decorating with Laurie
And I enjoy remembering special times with my sweetheart when we purchased a Santa. 
Christmas Santas-Bargain Decorating with Laurie
I'm displaying more of the Santas elsewhere, and I will try to post those pictures soon. 
Christmas Mantel-Bargain Decorating with Laurie
I hope you don't remember that last week I said I was calling our Christmas mantel done (here). I should know better than to say that. I am always tweaking something in our home.
Christmas Mantel-Bargain Decorating with Laurie
I have a friend, who has great decorating sense, and when she told me I needed something taller on the ends of the mantel, I tried it. She was right! I like it a lot better now, and it will stay this way until Christmas (maybe).


Ginger said...

You definitely have a large variety of santas. I think the mantle is gorgeous

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

What a great collection of Santa's. Looking forward to the rest of them. fondly ~lynne~

S. McManus said...

First, I love the centered text. Second, your Santas are da bomb. Lots and lots of Santas mean it's Christmas. (not that I'm ready) Hope you, Danny and the entire family have a great Christmas and Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie! No shortage of Santies at your house! What a grand collection you have.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Stacey said...

Laurie, you have the best collections of everything! I bet it's fun to go shopping with you. You might be a good influence on me because I never can decide.

Celestina Marie said...

Laurie I just love your fabulous collection and the way you display these treasures. Visiting at your house would be a wonderland of fun. Thanks for sharing and always the inspiration. xo

lutfar said...

it's great and i love this !
By the way my new website kitchen decor sets

Clearissa said...

A great collection. It would be difficult to decide which ones to put out and which ones to not showcase. What a dilemma. They make your home look happy, comfy and cozy.

How does one join you in prayer on your page?


Candy S said...

What's not to love about your Santa collection? So many memories that make you feel good and they are darn cute too! The centering of the text is good. It makes it so much easier for me to read because the side bar with all of the icons blocks the first few letters of each line for more than a third of the text when the text is oriented to the left. I think that would be because I don't have a wide screen monitor.

Sarah said...

Laurie, it's fun to think about these being in the childhood homes of you and your husband. I have a small Santa from my childhood and one that my husband's as a child. I carefully studied your Santa collection. I don't think I have any that are exactly like yours, and I have a fair number too. said...

Laurie like you I am an avid collector of things not Santas like you but from one dish collector to another you know what it's like.I feel bad for you having to wrap them all up and put away every year.Love Susie