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Monday, December 30, 2013



Several years ago, I found a box of vintage New Year’s hats at an estate sale.  They welcome in each new year on our mantel.

New Year Decor

One thing I like about New Year’s decorating is that it’s the one time of the year when excess is okay, and it’s even okay to be a little tacky!

New Year Decor

Since I normally decorate in excess, I feel that it is more acceptable for this celebration.  Some may think that my normal décor is tacky too, but I’m not admitting to that in this post.


New Year Decor

The New Year’s nutcracker was from another estate sale long ago.  He’s wearing a top hat with his tux, but I thought he needed something more celebratory, so I put a New Year’s horn on his head!  I had to cut some of the streamers hanging from the horn, so Mr. New Year Nutcracker could see where he was going.  I didn’t want him walking off the edge of the mantel.

New Year Decor

I displayed my Grandmother’s and Granddaddy’s pocket watches under a cloche.

New Year Decor

Even the champagne buckets are wearing party hats!

New Year Decor

Most of the vintage cards belonged to my Mother and my Grandmother.

New Year Decor

When a local gift store recently went out of business, I bought these sprays, and since they remind me of fireworks, I plopped them into the urns on the hearth.

New Year Decor

Are you ready to ring in the new year?  I’m still not used to writing “2013”, and now it’s time to start writing “2014”!  I can’t believe it!  It was so nice of you to drop in to visit.  laurie

I’ll be joining Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch, Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life, The Scoop at Confessions of a Plate Addict, and Open House Thursday at No Minimalist Here




~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You are the best at decorating for the holidays! These vintage hats are awesome! Happy New year my friend! Happy blogging for this coming year, too! Hugs!

Ginger said...

I love your New Years decorations, especially the nutcracker. Happy New Year

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

I love your mantle - it's so festive. You always do such a great job on your decorating.
Happy New Year Laurie. How did Dillon like Christmas?

Maggie said...

Laurie, your New Year's mantle is stunning, you certainly know how to ring in the new year in style. Hope 2014 brings you everything you wish for.

Candy S said...

Happy New Year Laurie! I love the New Years Mantle!! Bright and sparkly is perfect!!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Decorating should be about what you like not what others like. Your mantel is fun and full of cheer! I like the pocket watches- great idea!
I'm lazy- I just leave all my Christmas deco in place and then dissect it after the New Year. Not looking forward to the work but it will keep me busy for a while.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

Debbie said...

Tacky? You? Perish the thought. What you are is festive and detailed. Looking at your decor is always like reading a story book to me. I hunt for the small details in the big pictures. It's a treat for the eyes.

I love your mantel and am envious of your vintage hats. Those are fabulous!

I have been a blog schmuck for too long. I miss it and am hoping to be enjoying more of it in 2014. I am anxious to see what you have up your (festive and detailed) decorating sleeve this year.

Happy New Year, Laurie! Put on a hat and blow a horn!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Laurie, wonderful mantel display. Love the party hats and those puffy sprays are perfect. Love your grand dad's pocket watch. I have my grand dads too and also display it under a cloche like this. Do you have an outlet on your mantel to plug in your lamps? I think all builders should add this.

Wishing you a wonderful New Year my friend and looking forward to your inspiring posts in 2014.

ellen b. said...

Happy mantel and a very Happy New Year to you and yours, Laurie!!

Sarah said...

Festive is a wonderful way to live life, Laurie. You do it the best!