and Laurie is having a costume party! Join me for wine and cheese.
This plate will hold a cheese ball. Since it is a “for display only” plate, I have topped it with a glass plate.
A few extra cloches for the cloche party:
Witch’s shoe spreaders were a gift from my friend, Charlie Ann. Cone hat cat was a gift from my friend Susie. Halloween tea towel was a gift from my sister-in-love, Brenda. I’ve had everything else too long to remember where I got it (or else my brain is too old to remember where I got things).
I’m linking this post to Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps on the Porch
Thank you for coming to visit me. Y’all please come back Friday evening, and link up for A Few of My Favorite Things Saturday. laurie
Laurie! I love Your costume party! You have a wonderful collection indeed! Enjoy!!
Oh Laurie! You are Ms. Funness! Love your costume party and fall decorations.
Love your fall and Halloween decorations!
Laurie I would enjoy your party! Lots to eat and to look at as we chat and enjoy the season! Very cute decorations!
It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to pick a favorite from your collection of wonderful things! I wish that I had half your knack for display. This all looks just wonderful.
OK..just thought of a favorite. Those witch shoe spreaders.
Everything else is a *cloche* second.
What cute fall and Halloween decorations! Love those "witch shoe" spreaders!
Just flat out stinkin' cute! love everything, I want to come to your party!
I don't do wine, but I am a great WHINER, ask dh!
Those spreaders are so cute! And do you think you did enough cloches? Are you trying to make the cloche impaired feel bad? :)
They are so creative, and bewitching!
Still summer at my place!
Look at you, all ready for Halloween and the Cloche Party. What a fun tablescape! So clever to put the pointy hat figures inside the hurricane lanterns. I'm going to remember that idea! ~ Sarah
Amazing decor. Thank you so much for sharing. I am going to have to come back and study this, I love it.
I just noticed you put Pat's new blog address. She scared me, I missed her and thank you so much for posting. I had written to a couple of people cached in her old blog. Blessings, Janet
Oh Laurie,
How come you are always so clever? You never run out of cleverness! This is so adorable! I love the Halloween people inside the terranium. It's like their having their own little party in there. I want to come to this little party it's just the cutest!
Oh Sigh, your friends and family in Arkansas are so lucky to have you!
Love it! So spooky :)
The cat is my favorite and the shoes spreaders are just too cute. Thanks for sharing all your fun ideas.
So festive, Laurie! Those witch's shoe cheese knives are just the cutest. You decorated your cloches so wonderfully. I better get going on mine.....Christine
What a cute and festive table setting. Really like your cloche decorations. Have not even started on mine.
Hi Laurie This is so usual!
Thanks so much for linking the new Back Porch. I was able to work a little magic or not so much magic and get the old page back. I left a note on a post to direct folks over to typepad, where I have found a home for the "new" Back Porch Musings. I think I will be happier with that setup.
Your support and generosity is very much appreciated!!
Laurie, you always do the neatest things. I love your party. Those little shoe cheese spreaders are the cutest things I have ever seen. You are always so clever how you put things together. Your cloches look fabulous. You have such pretty ones and you display them so beautifully. Thanks so much for linking to the party. I will have Mr. Linky up later this afternoon. Hugs, Marty
That was fun. As always your decorations are awesome! I think I need to get my fall things out today.
Your decor and photos are fabulous! Beautiful header, too!
Hi Laurie,
I was still clinging to summer with my table post this week, but your "not even October" costume party's getting me in the mood for fall! Loved all the cloche displays! Your attention to detail (and flair for fun) is always amazing!
I enjoyed your scrapbook post very much. The old photographs and the artistic arrangements of items on the pages were beautiful. Your recent teatime with a story post was very special. You're a wonderful writer (as I'm sure you hear often). I'm a visually oriented person, but I found myself scrolling quickly past the pretty pictures to continue reading ... I hope there will be a part 2 ... and 3 ... and 4 and ...
Laurie, what a wonderful Halloween table. Those little witches shoe spreaders are the cutest. Love the jack-o-lantern plates. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend! are indeed getting a jump on Halloween.
It's still pure summertime here in West Texas.
Everything looks really cute.
I don't know how to get a message to Pat at BPM...would you tell her I said hello and WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!! Thanks!!
xo bj
Ok, long list here... I'm lovin' the clear plate over the decorative one! The Haunted House Wine label is too fun! And the little paper pumpkin is beautiful in the painted cloche! This looks like a fun party:@)
Don't you just love all the fun things you can pull out for October? I find myself collecting more and more Halloween themed items because there is so much you can do with them. Fun to see them on your table.
I LOVE all your photos and your cloche displays are gorgeous!!
You are doing it up right and are a knutt! hugs♥olive
You are doing it up right and are a knutt! hugs♥olive
These are amazing! Thanks for sharing, Paula from Idaho
Hi Laurie! OH, leave it up to you to have the most wonderful fun displays! I love every single one! Now, I'm not scared, nope, not a bit! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
This is such a gorgeous post. I love the way you decorated for Halloween. Your table is gorgeous, and I love all of your Halloween Cloches. I really like how you took your glass house and filled it with such wonderful Halloween creatures.
You always come up with new ideas, you are amazing.
Hi sweet friend...
Laurie, as soon as I seen your name on Marty's cloche party list...I knew I'd be in for a treat!!! You know that your place is my very most favorite to visit during any holiday!!! Ohhh...what an awesome halloween table! I love your large conservatory...that's adorable! Hehe...I just cracked up when I seen your "witches shoes" cute, Girlfriend! You always have the neatest things! Loved getting to see all of your cloches too! My favorite is the tall cloche with the beautiful autumn leaves and vines...there is a little bird sitting in the branch! Sooo pretty! Well my friend, it looks like you are set and ready to go...for a party! Wished I were there!!! Hehe...I wouldn't be afraid to use the witches shoes!!! wink!
Love ya,
I love everything. Love the vintage style decorations. Love the cloches, and you are the third? person with a terrarium. Sigh...
I love all your Halloween goodies. They are so fun. I especially like the witches shoes cheese spreaders. Very festive!
Hi Laurie...
Wow! So much deliciousness going on over at Laurie's... Love all of it.
A fabulous collection indeed!
Thanks for sharing! =)
Oh Laurie! What a delight! You have the most wonderful imagination...and it translates to magical spaces! Love love love!
Oh Laurie! What a delight! You have the most wonderful imagination...and it translates to magical spaces! Love love love!
You have cute things! I love all the old looking Halloween decorations. The cat and pumpkin with the them. I also love the one with the postcards...I really enjoyed my visit.
Laurie, your cloche collection is pure delight. I particularly like the little pumpkin people looking out from inside the cloche. I especially appreciate to workmanship on your lovely painted cloches. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay
Your party looks like the place to be. The side table is set with so many interesting and beautiful things to see and admire. Your cloches are gorgeous and the painted ones are over the top, Char
Hi Laurie,
Your decorations are so cute. Love the witch shoe spreader. I love the cloche with the vintage postcard and beads. Might try that idea!
Laurie, I love your costume party! What a pretty table, plates and decorations. I really love how you have decorated your mantle in your header photo, too! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment.
Blessings, Beth
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