Today, I'm participating in What's On Your Wall Wednesday, sponsored by our fabulous hostess, Barb at Grits and Glamour. Barb, thank you so much for sponsoring this weekly event.
I not only keep china in my cupboards, I keep it on my walls too. Well, you know Gullom (Designs by Gollum) stores beautiful, expensive china behind her draperies, so my bargain china on the walls doesn't sound so bad, does it?

My husband doesn't understand
why we have plates hanging on the walls. For awhile, after I started hanging plates on the walls, when I would give him dinner, he'd look around suspiciously and then ask if I had taken a plate off of the wall. He just knew I was going to feed him dinner on a plate that had dust bunnies on the back of it!

Hmmm, do these look familiar?
If you enlarge these pictures, I just want you to know that your computer screen is dirty, not my plates! Be sure to go see all of the beautiful treasures on the walls of other Blogvillians. You can get the links at Grits and Glamour (You are going to love the wall decor that Barb is featuring on her blog today).
Just thought I'd better show you that I do have a few plates in cabinets! We do not eat off of the ones I have on the walls (or if we do, I wash them first!) I didn't put upper cabinets in my kitchen, so I set aside a space for a walk-through china pantry. Unfortunately, I am even running out of room in there! Can you say "Laurie, you have a problem"! I know... you already said it!

Just look at this award! Isn't it the most fun award you've ever seen? I love this award. Susan at A Southern Daydreamer has honored me with the "Zombie Chicken Award"! Yes, you read that right! Zombie Chicken! I want a Zombie Chicken trophy for my bookcase! I don't think this is an intentional description of me, but as it turns out, this is exactly the way I feel when I am trying to post to my blog! When I saw this award, I thought someone had been spying on me while I was working on my posts. According to Webster's, a "zombie" is

Just look at this award! Isn't it the most fun award you've ever seen? I love this award. Susan at A Southern Daydreamer has honored me with the "Zombie Chicken Award"! Yes, you read that right! Zombie Chicken! I want a Zombie Chicken trophy for my bookcase! I don't think this is an intentional description of me, but as it turns out, this is exactly the way I feel when I am trying to post to my blog! When I saw this award, I thought someone had been spying on me while I was working on my posts. According to Webster's, a "zombie" is
(a): a person held to resemble the so-called walking dead ; (b): a person markedly strange in appearance or behavior.
I'm telling you, when I'm sitting at this computer after midnight, I look like the walking dead, AND I am markedly strange in appearance and behavior. I am also saying (out loud, since nobody else in my house is awake), "Laurie, are you reeeeeely going to click on that 'publish post' button, and share this nonsense with other people?"), and that little finger my mouse produces on my computer screen just hovers over that "publish" button for a good while, until I finally just look the other way and click on it. You see I am also a chicken when it comes to publishing a blog post. So, you understand why I thought this award was perfect for me! Now, disregard everything I just told you about this award, because none of that has anything to do with the award (I told you, after midnight, I get strange - okay you're right, I'm pretty strange all of the time!)
The real description of the Zombie Chicken award is:
"The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken - excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all..."
"The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken - excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all..."
That's sounding a lot better than my description of this award! It is a "world-renowned" award! Of course, you know me, I am going to risk the wrath of the zombie chickens (just let 'em try to come after me!). However, it does say that if I choose unwisely, I am risking the zombie chicken wrath. I think it would be unwise to choose any 5 blogs that I visit, because all of the blogs I visit are worthy. I don't visit a blog unless I think the content of that blog is remarkable, so if I have left two or more comments on your blog, that is an indication that I believe your blog content to be remarkable enough to risk an attack of zombie chickens to go read your blog. I further believe that you are worthy of this prestigious award, so please take it with you. Susan, thank you so much for this honor. I've had a great time with this award. I suspect that all of you already visit Susan's beautiful blog, but if you don't, you are missing a wonderful treat, so get right over to A Southern Daydreamer and check it out!

I am honored to have again received the Attitude of Gratitude Award. Although I've received it before, I am so pleased that Lorna at Lace and Ivy Cottage thought of me when she handed out this award. If you've never visited Lorna, you need to go right over to her blog. She has such wonderful and beautiful ideas. I don't know how she even has time to think, much less come up with great ideas, since she has a gazillion beautiful children (I really think it's ONLY 7, but that would feel like a gazillion if they were at my house!) Thank you so much Lorna.
Thank YOU so much for visiting me, even if I am strange. Now I'm going to look the other way while I click on that "publish post" button. laurie
Let me just say that you are so deserving of all awards! I love your posts and I always will risk the wrath of lunatic chickens (hehe) to read one of them! Now, about those plates my dear, they are so beautiful and I gasped a bit when I saw the one's in the kitchen. You have a LOT of plates my dear. Well, of course you knew that and your hubby sounds like a fun kind of guy too. I knew if I was a little kid again your house is the one I would want to live at because you would be such a fun Grandma/Mom. Hugs to you Laurie, Cindy
very funny about hubby looking for missing plates! You have more storage in your house than I have ever seen, it's my dream home!
Congrats on your awards!!!!!
Love all your plates and I want your pantry! Congratulations on all of your awards! You certainly deserve them all. Have a wonderful day!
If I had a "Queen of Plates" award, I'd give it to you Laurie!
hugs. Dixie
Hi Laurie! When I read the title of this post, I knew right where you were going and hurried over! I was not disappointed! I love all of your plates...but you know my favs...your Quimper!Funny about taking them off the wall to use them...I have been known to do that! I always figure if I've got a crowd, I can feed them on my blue and white Spode!! lol Have a great rest of the week!...hugs...Debbie
Cool plates!! Funny about your husband's comments.
Oh MY! Your pantry cupboard full of dishes --- you are living my dream. I have dishes everywhere ... I am now using the ruse of claiming to acquire them for my daughters; I should have had more kids.
GREAT post, love the dishes!
Girl! You do have a lot of pretty plates! I have to find me a plate rack like that wooden one you have to hang on my wall!! Your cupboards are amazing...
Enjoy :0)
I just love all of your plates, inexpensive or not... I'm glad to have found your blog. And I'm glad to see that I am not the only one with a pantry full of dishes! Sue
Congratulations on all the awards Laurie, they are so deserved, and yes I would sustain the wrath of anything to read your blog. lol On to the serious subject of plates. I absolutely love all the ones you have hanging on the walls, they are each and everyone just so lovely. However your dish cabinets, walk thru pantry is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I think you really do qualify as a dishaholic, but I'm sure I would love and cherish each and every one of them. What a fabulous collection. Someday we need a tour of those cabinets. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty
Laurie - I would SO brave a pack of raving zombie chickens to read your posts. You always have such great advice and I feel so connected to your every word. You also have a fun sense of humor - my kind of girl! So never be afraid to push that button, cause I'm always on the other side waiting to read it. You deserve that award! Love ya, Kim
Laurie, you deserve awards. You put your whole self into your blogs. I really enjoy reading all of your entries! I have four sets of china and a Christmas set and have nowhere to store them. I keep the Christmas ones in the basement. and two sets in my china cabinet, one in kitchen cupboard. I am a dishaholic but have no hiding spaces! Like your plate racks and dishes too!
Laurie - you are just too funny. If it makes you feel any better, I become zombie-esque too after midnight when blogging. Maybe its a shared disease. Who knew! :-D
I have plate storage envy!!! I love that wall-o-china. I would kill (ok maybe not kill but badly injure) to have an area like that. Yes, I am pretty much like Gollum. Dishes, dishes, everywhere dishes. sigh!
I love it when deserving people get awards. Even zombie chicken awards. LOL You are one of my bestest followers and I enjoy your blog, as well.
Hope you're having a great week! Hugs my friend, Barb
Love your plates. Larry doesn't understand hanging plates on the wall either. I have them in my kitchen, on my screened porch, in a bathroom, and in one upstairs bedroom. If I had my way, I'd hang a few more as well. Maybe I will. You've inspired me.
Great collections ! Mishelle
Congrats on the oh so well deserved awards Laurie! You are just too funny... Okay, I admit to being a chicken with posting too. I have to walk away a bit to rethink the post, then come back to edit, edit, edit! Then after I hit publish, I rush to read it again & see all the claring mistakes that I didn't catch the first 50 times I read it & have to edit it again a few more times. (Hmmm, I sound a little bit anal huh?)
Your plates are beautiful. Hubby sounds adorable - I can just picture him looking suspiciously around the room for a missing plate.... Yep, I'd be checking for dust too. (I used to have to do that at my mom's house...)
Oh yeah, I'm now suffering from some serious pantry envy! Geesch, I have a small stack of plates on the counter as we speak that need a new storage spot & I'm not sure where I'm going to find that spot!
☺ Diane
Hi Laurie,
Congrats on your awards! I say you can Never Have too many plates on the walls! LOL
Oh, and be sure to tell that hubby he's the best!
I love seeing plates on walls as decor and plan to do it myself one of these days! You have a great collection(s!). And congratulations on your awards! I enjoy reading your posts so keeping clicking the "publish post" button! :)
Oi. Parabéns pelo excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração
ROFLMBO!!!! Christine, CHRISTINE. We need an intervention here. I'll get the plates and you take Laurie where ever it is you go for an
intervention... Wowser Laurie, I have hesitated to post my plates.
YOU WIN!!! I Love them all and am clearing a space as we speak.
Great post. ~Athella
Laurie, your posts are always worth a good belly laugh and I am dizzy jealous of your plate collection! Oh my, love, love, love them all!
I don't have any on the wall, but my dh asks "which one of your plates are we using now?" Can you believe it, he wants to know the pattern name and who made it!
Thanks for passing on that cool award. I think I deserve it more for how you described it. LOL
Your china pantry is to die for...I have china stored in the kitchen, dining room, hall cabinet, living room and bedroom.
You have lots of fabulous plates. I've run out of room to store plates at my house. I still have my Easter plates stacked on my table trying to figure out where I can store them that I'll actually remember where they are next year when I want to use them again. I'm notorious for putting things away & forgetting where I put them when I need them again. And I'm not even that old yet.
Laurie, you have a wonderful collection of plates - I saw one that I have....the yellow rim with blue and white - Spode. I forget the name, but anyway, your plates are beautifully displayed. Linda
I love all the plates on your walls! You definitely deserve all those awards. Your blog is _always_ entertaining! :D Jewel
Laurie,forgive me for being late, again! I love all of your plates. When I started putting up my blue and white plates on the wall, my DH said we couldn't have the same set to eat from, cause guests would think I took them off the wall and served food on them, so he insisted we buy another set to eat on. I was happy to shop for another set, but you have more gorgeous plates than I have ever seen! Congratulations on your awards, you deserve them all, and you never cease to blow we away with your wit, so funny! Love Ya! Connie
You do have quite the plate collection and I love them all!
Laurie, you are not strange!! You are so funny, and I enjoy reading your post very much!! You are very deserving of many awards.
You have a HUGE plate collection, I dream of having one of my own some day. I love your idea of creating a walk through china pantry, good thinking. Nicole
See, I kept telling my husband I wasn't the only one who loved plates! Girl, you have a lot of plates and I love how you have displayed them! Congrats on your awards!...zombie chicken (who thought that one up):
You are sooo funny! Zombie chicken plate lady!!
Congrats on your award, hehe!
You always put a big smile on my face every time I read your posts!
Laurie, that's not a problem honey, it's a healthy addiction! :) I love all your plates.
Congrats on the award, Laurie. You sure deserve all of them!. You are a great blogger and you have one of the best fun blogs that I enjoy reading.....Christine
i want that pantry.i love it.truth be told honey.all of us could fill it up quickly.and look at Susan and Gollum,wow.I'll bet you can't catch them,think about it that way.
you are just among the lucky...ann
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