I'm eating out and rudely have brought my laptop. We have no electrical power. These pictures are our front yard.

My grandchildren have made me remember games I haven't played in years (pick up sticks and slap jack). I have read the Wizard of Oz several times, all of the Fancy Nancy books, and I have even been able to catch up on some of my own reading. I see that the Blogland has gone on without me! I don't know how I'll ever catch up with your great blogs. I'll "see" ya again when we get electricity. laurie
Oh girl! I hope you get power for sure soon. I remember one stint in Washington when we had no power for a week! Yikes. Thankfully it was so cold we could put our frozen food on the deck and still not lose it to spoiling....
I was just thinking about you & wondering what you're up to. Freezing rain is beautiful, but it sure makes a huge mess. I sure hope you'll get your power on soon. I feel for you in the cold, but I bet you're having fun w/ the grandkids. Be safe on the icy roads! (Not that you'll be able to read this anytime soon!)
Take care of yourself and your family! Guess there isn't much you can do but wait it out. I'll be thinking of you. Sally
Laurie, I'm so sorry. Ironic that such a hard time has to be so beautiful. The ice on the trees looks magical. I have lived through similar circumstances. I know how miserable it is. I had to sleep with a stocking cap and gloves on. Thank goodness for the fireplace. Camp stoves come in handy too. I hope you have power soon.
I'm so sorry your part of the state was hit so hard,I am praying you guys have power soon....Barb
I was afraid from the news you had been hit.. looks like pretty hard.. at least your family and you are ok.. look for you when you get back online.. take care..
hugs ~lynne~
Bless your heart Laurie! I can sympathize, we went through the same thing in Dec. '07.
We did have an ice storm Monday & Tuesday, but thank the Lord it didn't break trees or powerlines. The driving conditions were horrible. Today almost everything melted. It's crazy it can be 16 on day & a few days later 60!
Be safe & warm!
Hi Laurie, You are missed! We got some ice here too, but not as much as you did. I hope you have power soon! Kristen
So sorry to hear of your outage! We miss you hear- The pictures are so very lovely of the ice trees- too bad they didn't you as lovely as they look!
It sounds like you are making the best of it!!
Oops that should have been "we miss you here!"
Wow Laurie! I hope it doesn't last too much longer for you. But I just have to say they are all lovely pictures. Stay warm! Deb
The trees are so beautiful they look like glass,but all those broken limbs do not look so good.Sorry you are without electricity but sounds like you and the grands are making the best of a bad sitituation.Hope you get electricity soon,you are missed.
Oh Laurie...I had no idea!! Bless your heart! I hate ice storms! We have them occasionally and they are sooo much worse than snow! I hope you get your power back on soon. Stay warm! We miss you...Debbie
Oh...as annoying as it is to be without power...there is a certain awareness it brings...of how dependant we are on "modern conveniences" and how much time we waste on them...don't you think?
We will look forward to your re-entry to life with power!
Hi Laurie,
I was just listening to the news tonight about the ice storm and how many were without power. I hope your's comes on sooner than expected and that your all safe.
OMG Laurie! Is this normal for your area? I am sorry you have no electricity and I know how that feels. I hope you get it soon cause we are suffering from Laurie-withdrawal.Take care!..Christine
Oh no, Laurie! Fingers crossed that you get electricity back VERY soon...if not sooner. Bless your heart! All of that ice just makes me shudder...and the poor trees. Know that all of your bloggng buddies miss you and are sending warm thoughts you way. Please keep us updated if you are able to get online during this nightmarish weather. Take good care and try to stay bundled up and warm.
Oh Laurie, I've missed you! Your pictures are amazing. The trees are so beautiful! I'm so sorry to hear the power's out & hope you can stay warm. How far did you have to go to find a restaurant? ♥ Diane
Thank God you surfaced. I guess I can call off the posse now. I've had the TV glued to the Weather channel for the past several days and knew things were really rough in Arkansas. Glad you are safe, and remember your goal is to stay that way.
Aww Laurie I feel for you hon. Here in Marked Tree, Arkansas at my house we only lost power for one 24 hour period. Thankfully we had heat during that time.
The pictures are beautiful. But we all know how dangerous it is as well. Stop in at my blog and check my pics out of my yard. LOL.
Oh my goodness Dearheart...I had no idea that your area was so hard hit! Those ice storms cause so much damage...so sorry Laurie! I'll be praying for you and your family...stay warm and enjoy your time at home!!! We'll be here waiting for you!!!
Love ya,
Laurie, It's a shame about your branches of your big tree, but it looks like it will be okay. Your lucky it didn't go through your roof. I hope you're keeping warm and it sounds like you're surviving okay, but I guess you are in for a long weekend. We'll be thinking about you -Hang in there - Robyn
Oh Laurie we have missed you..hope you get power soon..and don't you worry about blogland I'll hole down the fort until you get back...love ya sis..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Oh wow! I have been hearing about all the bad weather across the country. I hope you get your power back soon, and that we see you posting again! Yet I must say your pictures are beautiful.
I'm so sorry about the ice storm. I have a dreaded memory of one we had in 1973. We lived in our first home, no fireplace, and our one month old daughter. Being a first time mom, I was so worried about her (though she stayed warm as toast!). We were without power for 5 days. My husband used our ancient grill and cooked ham and eggs and said this was kinda fun. I said he was crazy! We laugh about it now. Hope things thaw soon. Linda
I just saw the damage and power outages on NBC this morning. You have some beautiful photos of ice, but it looks like it is a huge mess out there. Hope you get power soon. I feel so sorry for the people in Arkansas. Keep Warm.
Hi Laurie...Y'all really did get a deep freeze...the pictures you took were interesting, but it looks like a lot of limbs have been broken off...Blogland misses you!! ;-) Bo
Hi Laurie. Glad to hear that you are safe and sound, but sorry about the mess and the loss of power. It does sound as if you are making the best of it with your grandbabies, I know that's been fun for you. Hope you get power back soon, we miss you. Stay safe (and warm) and we'll see you soon. Hugs, Kathy
Our precious Glenda just sent me an e-mail worried about you.I came to see.I "though"you posted yesterday,wasn't sure.Are you warm enough?It sounds like with just the firelogs,hmmmm.We'll miss you .Take care of your sweet self..ann
This is NOT fun; it's like this when our electricity goes out with a hurricane, but you have the additional chore of staying warm. Ugh! I feel for you.
Wow, so much ice and snow. I do remember loosing power every winter in Oregon. No fun. Glad you have some source of heat. Stay warm. Hugs, Marty
ugh! poor thing. I hate not having electricity. Sounds like you are prepared though. Hopefully it comes on before Monday. Keep eating you have got to keep that body warm and nourished. mishelle
Laurie, glad to hear from you!
bless your heart! and thank God for gas fireplaces! stay warm. I hope you have a gas stove too!
take care and thaw out!
hugs. Dixie
Oh my. Looks like your trees are devastated. That happened here two years ago and the trees were severly damaged. They do rebound though.
I sure hope things turn back on for you quickly. Stay warm!!
Oh my, those pictures of the ice covered trees are gorgeous! But I'm soooo sorry that it made such a mess and left you without power.
The good thing is that it gave you time with your grands! Hope it thaws out for you. Come on over to my blog, we are all enjoying the sweet southern WARM city of Charleston!
i am so sorry you are without power! Sheesh!! everything here is electric and when we lose power, it is NO fun! i hope it is not that bad! i hope you can still stay warm!! Hard to believe how bad the East Coast area is getting hit and i pray for an early spring for you!! You are missed! :)
Oh no Laurie!! Poor thing! but what an excuse not to cook! That would be the only positive thing for me - the having to eat out part! and the "camping out" with the grandkids as entertainment - and to sit and read and not have to worry about vacuuming 3x a day. hmmm....;) No, really - I'm sorry - I really feel for you. A night or two might be bearable but after that I am sure the "adventure" wears off real quick! Well, we miss you, stay warm and I'll be praying that the power gets back on soon! ~ Laurie
Oh no! We have a lot of ice/snow too and our poor trees look identical to yours. There's an iceberg in my gutter that weighed it down so much, it's snapped off. :( Luckily, our power is okay. Thinking of you. Keep warm!
Hang in there. I am from Iowa and we had a similar storm last year- wow- so much tree damage to repair in th Spring. To think I was kind of missing all that together time we had last year! The ice is pretty though, if you can get past the no electricity and tree devastation.
Looking at your photos, I'm shivering and remembering ice storms we endured in Northern Mississippi. I didn't realize that your area got this bad storm! Hope there was no damage to your home from the trees...
Looking at your photos, I'm shivering and remembering ice storms we endured in Northern Mississippi. I didn't realize that your area got this bad storm! Hope there was no damage to your home from the trees...
Laurie, I've been thinking about you, I'm sorry your power is out, but I'm glad you have the gas logs! Sounds like you are having some fun with the Grandkids. Hope it comes on very soon, the icey trees are beautiful, though. Love Ya! Connie
OMG...I've NEVER seen trees like that! I didn't realize ice could do that much damage where you couldn't get power....I'm SO sorry! If it wasn't so devastating the pictures would be pretty.
Take care and stay warm!
I am so sorry that you do not have electricity, I cannot imagine it. I am hopeful that it comes back on really soon.
Thinking of you and your family, hoping the power is restored soon and that you stay safe!!!!
We were out and about yesterday and I've been sorta working on the house, so I'm just now seeing this.
I figured you didn't have power. We didn't get ice, just snow, so our power stayed on. It got in the 50's yesterday afternoon, most of the snow is gone.
I remember being with out power in the late 70's during the week before Easter. On Easter Sunday morning, while we were at church, the power came back on!!
We baked potatoes in the wood burning fireplace. We had a camp stove, too. We lived in the country and had a deep well...the pump didn't work without power. We hauled water from town. The kids loved it. We had sleeping bags in the family room and "roughed it" till the power was on again. That was the longest we were ever without power. We've been snowed in for several days, not able to get out of the back pasture, too.
Looking forward to seeing you post. You will surely have some great stories to tell about your adventure!
So sorry Laurie that you are living in the "dark ages"! How miserable to be without power that long. I sure hope they get you taken care of soon! We miss you!
Oh my Laurie!
Gorgeous photos of the icy mess...but I am sorry to hear you are without power for so long!
Sounds like what happens here (Georgia) when there is an ice storm...everything shuts down and it takes a long time for power to be restored!
I hope you are able to stay warm.. and that all your family are okay. We miss you..but thanks for checking in and letting us know that you are okay (all things considered!)
Hi Lauri, I'm praying for your safty!
I also have family in AK. The pictures beautiful... but they make me cold!
Be Safe!
If you have a chance by Thursday come by I'm having a give away.
Laurie,Just listen to you,Even with no electricity you are making the best of it.That is one of the many reasons we love you. You are the best.I love pick up sticks and flashlights and junk food now that just sounds down right fun.Your yard looks amazing and beautiful.Hang in there my dear,I will be thnking warm thoughts for you,Hugs Kathysue
Hello Dearheart...
Well I just wanted to check in on you today...I know that you're probably not able to read this at the moment...but when you are able to...just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and praying for you Sweetie!!! Praying for all of the folk out your way!!!
Missing you...
Keep warm Laurie! That is some storm.
Oh, my goodness, Laurie. I hope you have power by now. What a horrible experience!
I know you're having a rough time right now.But when you get everything settled back down.Come by my place,I have an award for you...Ann
I don't know the world is turning! I am so sorry to read this, Laurie--but glad you have gas logs. Back in '94, we had an ice storm and lost power for almost a week. I'm sending warm prayers your way!
Laurie Eve: hang in there..bring out the old Nancy Drew books and start reading about Nancy and her chums..and boyfriend Ned(I think?)..or what about making pot holders?..or are your fingers too cold?!! I have sent your ice pics to many of our friends..I know the clean up will be massive. Hang in there..and come back soon!!!
Wow! That's a long time without power. I guess you're probably not alone, it seems as if other areas are also suffering outages.
Laurie...I'm soooo hoping that this finds you with electricity!
I can't believe we live in the same state and we didn't get any of this.
We had a bad ice storm several years ago and we were w/o ele. for about 2 days...I nearly cried when the lights came back on because I was so cold!!
Beautiful pics though! :-)
Oh, my goodness...I'm having LAURIE withdrawal...I miss your beautiful, loving photos & stories!!! Praying for your quick return! Big hugs, ;-) Bo
Hope by the time you read this, you have power again. We were without power for several days a few years ago. No fun. Take care and let us all know when you are up and runnung!
I"m sorry I didnt know you were going thru this! Its so beautiful--but oh man thats awful. I hope your ok and things get back to normal soon.
Thats one thing about living in Wisconsin--we are so used to harsh severe winters its rare anything like this happens.
Oh dear Laurie
This is not a nice place to meet you for the first time! Whew. I hope it doesn't last too long before your weather improves and all that ice melts and you can be back home with warmth and electricity!
I'm glad you have someplace to say.
Nice pictures though I wish they weren't in front of anyone's house.
come by for a visit when you get back...and can catch up.
Laurie, I was afraid this was what I was going to see on your blog. I am so sorry for all you are having to go through. We have had enough of that in our area (luckily not me, but relatives). I know it must be very hard just getting by day to day. I'm glad you are having some memory making time with the grands.
Take care and do hurry back!
Hey Laurie! I was wondering where your sweet lil face was! I miss you too! Stay warm...keep reading...and keep enjoying those games by firelight with the kiddies! How precious these memories will be for you with your family! Life has a way of slowing us down...and that's always a good thing! As for us in Blogville, we'll be hangin out ready to visit with you when you return! ;) ~CC Catherine
Hey sister! I prayed for you when I heard about the weather there. I am so sorry that your family and others are having to go thru this. I am praying hard for you guys...we take so much for grantite don't we...I miss hearing from you but I know you will be up and running soon. I pray God will keep you warm and safe!!
Hurry back!!!
Back to check on you...hmmmm, no post. I sure hope you are doing okay there!
I hope you guys are ok!
That's a shame it broke those trees!
Be safe!
Laurie I'm so sorry you lost your power!I know that no power thang is NO fun! Do they know how long you'll be without? I sure hope it's quickly resolved! Anyhoo I sure missed ya and wanted to say Hi! Vanna
I just found your blog. We lost our power in the ice storm too here in Kentucky! It was awful. I'm not very good at roughing it! I live in an all-electric apartment. Our water went out and cell phones, and it was no fun! But it makes you appreciate all the small thins even more. I am glad you're back up and running now. :)
OMG...that's some ice storm! I'm glad you are safe, and I hope your power is restored very soon!
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