Tablescape Tuesday, hosted by Susan at Between Naps on the Porch, is just so much fun that I had to start "practicing" for Thanksgiving, so I could participate this week.

I'll be using my vintage Thanksgiving tablecloth for one of the tables at our Thanksgiving celebration.
In the center of the table, I have filled a hurricane lamp with faux fruit and surrounded it with faux leaves. We WILL be eating real food!
She's a little fancy for a pilgrim, isn't she?
My favorite fall iced tea pitcher:
I serve gravy from this cute container that I got at a garage sale years ago:
I have these plates, because I was in the right place at the right time. A local private school was having a garage sale. Of course, yours truly was going to that. As I got out of my car, an elderly lady (this was before I became an elderly lady) who had parked her car next to mine, asked if I could help her get a box out of car. The box contained china she was donating for the sale. I took the box straight to the cashier and purchased them before anyone else got a look at them:
Your tablescape is very pretty and I bet you practically ran to the cashier to buy those dishes! Great purchase!
Love the dishes story! That truly is being at the right place at the right time!
Love your Thanksgiving table!
Laurie you guys are so good with all your tables..I love the china...but you as our local bargain hunter did't tell us the price you got them for..they really are pretty girl..I nedd to stop shopping at the dollar store for china..Haha!! Now what time is dinner?? and thanks girl for not waking me today...hugs and smiles Gloria
How CHARMING, with a GREAT BIG "C", Laurie!!!! LOVE how you mixed pieces you love & have "found" ~~~ it "FEELS" SOOO "embracingly warm" n' wonderful ~ & kind of like something that "used" to be done, before everyone seemed to get the "silly" idea that EVERYTHING had to match!!! Nowadays, tho, and thank goodness, we all know better, and that "perfection is the enemy"... well, at least MOST of the table-setting time! THANK YOU Lovely Laurie, for taking the time to share! I'm "playing" w/ tablesettings for the next few days cuz DH is gone, and it's just so much FUN!!! (But ewwwww....but "ME"? "Cooooook?"~ I don't THINK so!!! Grins!)~ Best, Linda
This is beautiful Laurie! I love the story about the dishes. How many pieces were in the box & how much of a deal did you get??? Sounds like a good blog topic so we can all drool about your pretty bargain. :0} Diane
What a great find! Your all ready for the turkey! Love the serving bowl, and the pitcher is just wonderful! I enjoyed my look around!
Your gravy server goes perfectly with your china. You have a wonderful "eye" for just the right thing.
The swish of that Pilgrim girl's dress seems to indicate an attitude. She and the Pilgrim boy/man cut a fine figure together.
Hi Laurie...Your Thanksgiving table does need one more thing...
ME! I really do like your Pilgrims...I'm wanting some, but haven't liked the few I've seen. I surely would have snapped up those beautiful dishes too! ;-) Bo
Laurie,Lovely tablescape! What time is dinner?
Wowzers Laurie, What a gorgeous Thanksgiving table setting. Love you pilgrims and the dishes and overall colors are just perfect!
What a find!
A beautiful table!! And, those dishes are awesome...
Good Morning, Laurie! Love your dishes. I bet that was an exciting find! Everything is just lovely. The pilgims are so pretty! You did an outstanding job putting this together! ~Rhonda :)
Very pretty! I love the pilgrims and the elderly lady plates. :)
So much fun practicing for the big day! You have some lovely vintage, and traditional pieces that makes this holiday in particular so special!
So much fun practicing for the big day! You have some lovely vintage, and traditional pieces that makes this holiday in particular so special!
I love your Thanksgiving tablescape, it's so classic and the colors are perfect. Those pilgrims are perfect. Love that pitcher also!
Miss Janice
I love the fruit in the hurricane & will use that idea at some point! And I almost bought those pilgrims a couple of years ago i wish I had! Lovely table as always Laurie!
Those pilgrims are beautiful! I love the centerpiece with the leaves-just perfect!
I am hosting a Trim the Tree Thursday event to show off everyones holiday decor-not just Christmas but all holidays-if you would like to be listed please comment on my blog!
Laurie, your tablescape looks beautiful!
Oh girl! You parked at the right place at the right time. What a wonderful table setting. Love the pilgrims and the pitcher and the dishes. Ahh heck I like it all. Enjoy!!
You are just one of the luckiest people I know to find these bargains.. I can invision the mad dash to get the check out to pay for them before anyone else saw Love the pilgram people (I'm on a mission for some of them now) and that pitcher is screaming my name..hugs ~lynne~
Those dishes are spectacular - how could someone give those away? The whole table is wonderful. Love the Hobby Lobby pilgrims. Sally
You smart girl!!! Talk about being in the right place at the right time! :-) Love your you promise there will be real food? Hee, the way you write, Laurie...never change! Love ya, Susan
Talk about Divine assistance, I always look at these little events as "gifts" and those dishes couldn't have gone to a better home! I am really wanting a pilgrim couple but what would really make me happy is to have someone else make the Thanksgiving dinner! Isn't that awful? Hope this finds you having a wonderful day. Love ya, Cindy
Beautiful. I love reading your blog. Your yard sale finds are terrific. Nanette
Hey Girlfriend...
What a beautiful Thanksgiving table!!! Your vintage tablecloth is gorgeous and I just love those pretty dishes!!! You've given me some great ideas for a centerpiece too...I love your fruit filled glass vase!!! Beautiful...beautiful...beautiful!!
Well, I'm runnin' a bit behind, girlfriend...I just read your last few posts! I loved the post you did about "Toile" interesting and I enjoyed seeing all of your beautiful toile fabric displayed throughout your home...especially your bedroom!!! It's absolutely gorgeous!!! Hope that you're doing well Sweetie...
Love ya,
Oh! It looks beautiful! I am envious! This year Thanksgiving will be at my Mother's so I don't get to decorate..sniff, sniff..but I LOVE the pitcher and those dishes and your "gravy tureen" blends in so well with them. I was chuckling over you being oh so helpful carrying that box for that woman. It kind of reminds me of the time I was at a store last year picking up some turkey transferware plates, minding my own business and this other woman comes over and is practically taking things out of my hands! Well it got to be this unspoken competetion between her and I. I would grab a plate, she would grab a plate. Both of us filling our carts. I would see the woman throughout the store eyeing me and do you know that she waited until I was paying for my stuff and nearly out the door, that she decided she didn't want hers anymore!! I went right back in and bought some of "her" stuff out of her cart! (She was in the parking lot by this time - I'm not that bold!) There! That should teach her! ;) I love your pilgrims and I bet it makes you happy to rediscover them every year. And that last picture with the decorations in front of your hutch looks like a magazine photo! I would love to see more of your beautiful home. Thanks for putting up with another "tour" of mine. I am still waiting for my project to "dry" so I can come up with something new (well, it still involves my house! :)but the colder weather is wreaking havoc on it and the darn thing won't dry! So in the meantime, can you post another picture of that beautiful toile sette? It was making me drool the last time! Take care. ~ Laurie
Laurie your tablescape was so beautiful... and those plates how awesome are they... Did you get them for a good price??? Have a great day...
This looks like the kind of Thanksgiving table that we all dream of sitting down to! Beautiful, warm, and sooo inviting! Those plates are gorgeous girl! I would have hoarded that box myself *winks* And the ice tea pitcher is calling my name! Love everything my friend! Vanna
My, you were in the right place to get those lovely dishes! You've made a very appealing Thanksgiving tablescape.
Pretty Thanksgiving table, Laurie!
You were meant to have those dishes!
Very pretty...I love the fancy pilgrims...and I'd be a wonderful cook if we could serve faux food!
Laurie you are so good at this. Love your cornucopia.
Laurie, I love your tablescape! It is so warm and cozy looking, just like the rest of your cozy home! I love how nothing really matches, but goes together perfectly! It has the "Laurie" touch! Love Ya! Connie
Awwwww...I love the pilgrims! And always love getting a peek into your WARM AND COMFORTABLE home!!
This is only a practice, Laurie? I can't wait to see the real thing. Everything is so beautiful. How lucky of you to get to those dishes first...they're gorgeous!, love the colors. Love the pilgrims and the gravy container.
Oh know those plates are beautiful, don't you??? It always pays to be nice, doesn't it? My favorite thing is the brown pitcher! Your classy pilgrims make my resin ones look like poo. They almost look like collector's items! Beautiful table!
Hi Laurie, Your tablescape looks really pretty! Love your cornicopia too. Thanks for checking out my christmas decorating. I'll have more to show you soon! Kristen
FABULOUS BLOG! Love what you do!
That was your lucky day! That china is beautiful! ~ Robyn
Evening, Laurie! I don't know how I missed your beautiful tablescape yesterday, but I did. What a gorgeous setting! I love all of your fallen pretties, especially those dishes! What a deal!!
Thanks for popping in to see me,
Be a sweetie,
I did enjoy the last couple of days. I've gotten tons done..not alot of reading but played catch up on things I'd forgotten behind on.. tomorrow is shop day.. so I get to play with fun
hugs ~lynne~
I'm back! I just had to say I keep coming for more glances at your beautiful decorating. You have great taste (similar to mine! ha!) Love your dish story..don't you love it when things like that happen? Oh btw, we are very close in age and length of marriage. :)
Love the pitcher....well, I love it all! :)
Wow, gorgeous table. Love the pilgrims and the whole feel of the table. You did a beautiful job on decorating this. Wow! And the dishes!!!! Love it all.
Hey Girlfriend...
So glad that you stopped by my blog and corrected me on the location of Lynne's shoppe (shoot, I knew she was in Missouri...I'm just brain dead!) So how is Ms. Laurie doing today? I assume that since you're already decorating for Thanksgiving that you will be hosting it at your place? I bet you have quite a crowd!!! I'm not sure what we'll do for Thanksgiving'll just be the 4 of us...since all my family are in Texas! That's a lot of cooking for just 4...I always think that I'll do something other than the traditional Thanksgiving meal but end up cooking the "whole 9 yds."...hehe!!! You have a great day my friend!!! Love ya Sweetie...
PS...I see that you already read about the little friendship award that I gave you...Love ya!
I still love the serving piece.
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