Michele} http://pug1.blogspot.com/
Laurie} http://decoratingfanatic.blogspot.com/
All four of these girls have great blogs, so stop by to see them.
I apologize for taking so long to respond to this tag, but this is not an easy one for me. Since I tend to over-share, you probably have already learned more about me than you ever wanted to know. I'll give it a try though.
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they been tagged and leave them a comment.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.
1. My husband and I have been married for 39 years! Of course, I was a mere baby when we got married, and we have grown up together. He is a saint to have stayed married to me for this long, and I am still in love with him.
(See, we were just children when we got married!)
2. We have two children. Our daughter is 35 years old, and our son is 27 years old. Our daughter and her husband have given us two wonderful grandchildren, a girl and a boy, and our son and his wife have given us two wonderful granddaughters. I didn't believe people when they told me how wonderful grandchildren are, but that was before I had grandchildren! Mine are the cutest, the smartest, the best!
6. Now for the big reveal of the most shocking truth yet. I drink Tab soft drinks. For those of you who are too young to remember, Tab was the first diet soft drink. When it came out, everybody thought it tasted horrible. So did I, but I was drinking so many colas that I decided I had to drink this diet drink. It's kind of like beer-your first taste is horrible, and then you get used to it, and you like it (I never made myself get used to the taste of beer, but I sure made myself get used to the taste of Tab). I have been drinking Tab for more years than I care to count. Yes, they still make it, although it is a little trouble to find. The grocery store in my hometown stocks it for me! They do not want to see me have Tab withdrawals in their store!
The advantage to taking so long to respond to this tag is, that by the time I got around to responding, Donna had made an award to go along with this tag, so I get to post an award too!
Now, isn't that award so cute. Thanks Donna!
The disadvantage of being so late is that I can't find a blogger who hasn't already participated in this tag. If you haven't yet done it, please feel free to take this award and respond to this tag on your blog. laurie
Love the wedding photo and how sweet for you and your sister to get adopted together. My mother drinked Tab. You have to be friends with the grocery! I never see it, but I live in country away from the city thats 40 miles away. Thats why I live a simple life. I loved working in Arkansas. Sherdian,Star City, Magnolia, Ashdown, Eldorado, Murphysboro, can't think of them all. Little Rock, Hot Springs and a lot of small towns. My family just from my parents is now over 70 members!
Great comments Laurie... You did an excellent job on you’re too... I think it was very exciting... That is incredible about your husband... Good for him & you for being the woman behind the man... Have a great night... Love Ya
Girl now you told the whole blog world you are sleeping with the BOSS!! great tag game Laurie..and girl I never met anyone that liked tab...but I do remember it..Now me I love the taste of beer with peanuts won't drink it without them..and Congrats on 39 years with your best friend that really is so special Laurie..Thanks for coming by ...hugs and smiles Gloria
Well since I am a newer reader of your blog, I appreciate learning more about you!
I remember "making myself like Tab" too but I gave it up for the newer diet sodas.
Oh see now, how well liked you are! Look at how many people wanted to know MORE about YOU! I think it's so sweet that you and your hubby are still happily married AND can WORK TOGETHER!! How do you do it? my husband has been home more this past week and driving me absolutely crazy! My grandmother told me just today "wait til he retires ..." (65 years of married life under her belt!) So that is wonderful that you two enjoy each other's company and work harmoniously together. What a great woman you are to help support his dream! And TAB?! I am SHOCKED! ;) Wow, yes I remember my parents drinking that...I am going to see if I can track some down and give it a go! I am sorry you don't get to see your sister often but I am happy that you and her got to grow up together. You two must have had a loving family to keep you two together. :) So does the hubby's large family come to your house for the holidays? I bet that must be nice. My husband is the oldest of 12 and lordy, I hope they don't ALL come for Christmas! haaa! ;) Well, I enjoyed learning more about you - thanks for sharing! ~ Laurie
I remember drinking Tab in college. I would eat cookies to mask the awful taste of the diet drink, that kind of defeated the reason for drinking diet soda!! LOL! I was so thrilled when diet Coke came out!
What a cute couple and you and your sister are such beautiful little girls. Every time you mention your dear sweet husband you have the softest and most loving tone to your words.. Such a true love story, warms my heart all the way through.. Love, Cindy
Enjoyed the tag to learn more about you. I was a child bride, too, so my husband and I grew up together. I think that helps to make a strong marriage. I kind of remember Tab but I must not have liked it. Oh, but unfortunately, I'm addicted to Diet Coke or Pepsi. Take care, Sally
Ooooh! You and your sister are so cute and I wish I could enlarge that wedding picture, would like to see it closer. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your life history with us, Laurie. I always enjoy reading about it....Christine
Hi Laurie! This is great! ♥ Diane
How much fun to get to know you better and to get to see your wedding picture!! I love these tags. And I can't believe anybody still drinks Tab...dang that stuff is awful lol.
My Aunt used to tell me about "young love": "before you get married you feel like you could just eat em up, after you get married, you wish you had". I know of two instances where she was wrong, yours and mine. DH and I have been married for 32 years.
I have also been told that grandchildren are your reward for letting your children live after all they put you through while they were growing up.:-)
Some great truths!!!!! I used to drink Tab too! It's a joy to read that you speak so lovingly about your family!!! CHEERS!!! Michele
I loved this! Congratulations! 30years is a long time! And working together, you are so blessed to still be talking to one another. Yes I do remember Tab, but I don't drink it. I only drink diet drinks though. Deb
So nice to learn more about you! 39 years!...congrats! My Prince Charming and I have been happily married for 33 years....we're still IN love, too! (I used to work for him,too...USED to!)
Thanks for stopping by...yes, that is tulle under the tree...works great and so inexpensive! When will we get to see your New Year Tree? great idea!
I loved your answers!
You know I remember Tab! I drank it quite often when we were first married--Tab was always in our house. Your right--it does have a different taste and I cant imagine drinking it now. I do see it here and there and my memory always goes back to when I was newly married.
Your wedding picture is so perfect. Wow I learned so much I didn't know. I love these kinds of tag. I didn't know they still make Tab.
Hi Laurie...you and your husband have built a beautiul life & family together...but TAB...yuck! I wonder if anyone else IN THE WORLD still drinks that besides you...LOL ;-) Bo
Hi...Ceekay here...to answer your question on the old Santa...no it is not metal. It is blown glass. Very fragile. It gets a special box all of its own. Have a wonderful day!
You always crack me up! You have the best sense of humor!! The Wedding picture is so sweet. I wish you could have seen mine...the justice of the Peace, me, him, my daddy the shotgun...it was amazing LOL just kidding! My daddy wasn't there! LOL
Thanks for sharing all of these great things about you. P.S. you have a great big BLOGLAND family now...
God Bless you!!
p.s. it took me a minute to remember Tab ;)
I love hearing more about you, Laurie! What a story you have!
I had no idea Tab was still around. I remember when it was the only diet soft drink and no, I never got used to the taste.
Fun tag :)
Hello Laurie,
Thank you for your visits to my nativity blog. I just wanted to let you know that I just posted about the second holiday giveaway. Here's the link:
I love the tag game - you learn so many neat things about bloggers!! My mom used to drink TAB - I made her a can out a some paper mache (sp?) in high school art class - wonder whatever happenedd to that thing?
Anyway, loved reading all your facts and your wedding picture is too cute - thanks for stopping by to visit me!!
Talk with you later
gah, Tab, gross. Yuck. But certainly an icon.
Laurie, your wedding picture is just so cute. I'm married to my old boss also. Works out great huh!
Hi Laurie...Wow! Married 30 years...and to the same man! lol...Congrats! Now about the Tab...that I can't understand. I'm addicted to Diet Coke myself...Have a great day...Debbie
Laurie, I love learning more and more about you. This was so fascinating.. I remember seeing Tab when I was "younger" but have to admit I don't recall seeing it in our stores. I'll have to look next time I go just for fun. You're very lucky your store stocks it just for you..
hugs ~lynne~
Hi, Laurie, I enjoyed the tag game, and learning more about you. The wedding pic is so cute, and to be married that long and work together everyday! Wow! You are blessed to have each other! Tab? No, thank you, I am a Diet Coke addict! You are so interesting, I love to read about you. Love Ya! Connie
Loved reading all these things about YOU. Gosh, it's been year since I had a Tab...
Laurie girl I knew you were my kinda gal!! Lol!! I too am a tab-o-holic!! People constantly ask me "how can you can drink that stuff" Yi dun know.....I got hooked and have never looked back *winks* You and your hubby look so cute together! nd I love the pic with your sister! You are such a card girlfriend! Vanna
Laurie- I feel so stupid- I can't believe I have not come across your blog before- I loved your spaces on RMS-
Enjoyed reading your 6 random thoughts about you!
Well I will not lose you again I am going to put you in my favorites right this minute!!
mary (megardengal on RMS)
I loved getting to know more about you!!
So fun to learn more about you. We have been married about the same amount of time. I was tagged and revealed a few things as well!
Totally Artificial Beverage!! I used to drink that but now it's caffeine free diet Coke. I had to laught at "sleeping with the boss"! I think is wonderful that your husband followed his dream.
Hi Laurie, I am so glad I wandered over here to your blog. I love the things you listed in all about you.I remember Tab, I still think it had the coolest bottles with the little stars, is the bottle still the same. I have been married 39 yrs this March, looks like we were both child brides, hehe.My Dad was from Arkansas so there is something else. Thanks for sharing I really enjoyed it, kathysue
I have an award for you! : )
I love Tab too! And even Freska! Lol! Love getting to know more about ya! :-)
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