The hard part about listing the things I value was cutting the list down to 6, because there are so many things I value in life.
Faith in God: I value the faith and the trust that I am able to place in God.
Friendships: I am so fortunate to have girlfriends who have been friends since childhood. I value their friendship greatly. I have previously blogged about my new cyber friends, whom I also value so much.
Home: No, I don't mean my house. I mean my sense of "home". It's that wonderful feeling I get when all my family is gathered together. When I walk into my home after a day at work or after a trip, I value coming "home" (my shelter from the world).
Memories: I value memories of the parents who raised me,. I value memories of my childhood, memories of meeting and marrying my dh, memories of me and my dh growing closer in our marriage, memories of raising our children, and memories I have shared with my grandchildren.
Housework: An avoidance of housework is what started me blogging (I'll do anything to avoid housework!)
My sweet s-i-l, Brenda cross stitched this
as a gift for me when my children were young.
Mice: I am one of those wimps who can't stand a mouse. Mice make me pick my feet up off the floor and screech.
Did you really think I'd have needlework depicting a mouse?
Snakes: Okay, I am a wimp who also can't stand snakes. Snakes make me pick my feet up off the floor, screech, run for cover, and then probably faint!
And certainly no needlework depicting snakes!
(Can't you just picture me cross stitching a picture of a snake, with my feet off the floor while screaming: EEEK! EEEK?)
Hard headedness in anyone but me: I like to think I am not hardheaded, but my dh might disagree with that at times. I do not value stubbornness in a person who will not even open their mind to listen to an opinion that differs from theirs.
(If old age had not affected my eyes, I would definitely cross stitch this).
People who are not honest with themselves: One of my pet peeves is to hear someone talking badly about someone else -especially if the "talker" has the same attributes that they are attributing to someone else. I sometimes have to bite my tongue to keep from telling them that everything they just said about someone else is a perfect description of themselves.
People who always blame others: This is a major pet peeve with me. It seems it is more and more common "these days" (as my mother used to say) for people to repeatedly say, "It's not my fault-it's somebody else's fault". Of course, it CAN sometimes be somebody else's fault, but we just have to make the best of the situation and not let it take over our lives. But it does seem so common to meet people who blame EVERYTHING on someone else. I just want us all to take responsibility for the choices we make
Benjamin Franklin
(Another one I would cross stitch if my eyes were better)
I know I have given a lot more information than was necessary, (and I'm sure a lot more than you wanted to read) (Surprise! Surprise! Laurie over-shared). I've also made an assumption that everyone else is interested in an explanation of what I value and do not value. If I read back over this, I would probably delete it and start again. In addition, I am suffering from a virus (my dh has diagnosed it as a computer virus),so I will not read back over it. That means I won't correct errors either. Please forgive my errors, and as usual, please forgive my "book". laurie (bargainhunr on RMS)
Susan at Between Naps on the Porch. Susan hosts Tablescape Tuesday, which has become such a huge hit with bloggers, and she is such a creative decorator.
Artie at Color Outside the Lines - Artie just made a lamp from twigs (now, how creative is that?)
Chari at Happy to Design -Chari creates such creative and beautiful vignettes in her home.
Gloria at Happy to Be - Gloria has just started blogging. She has such a creative way of using words and her creativity in her home is also wonderful.
Glenda - Okay, I am cheating a little. Glenda does not blog, but the messages she leaves on our blogs are worthy of a blog award.
Lynne at Lynne's Gifts 'N Things, whose blog is not yet up and running, but those of us who have been to RMS already know how creative Lynne is, and I can already tell that Lynne's blog is going to be very creative.
Hi Laurie, Congrats on your blog award! I'm so happy to put a face with a name from RMS. You are such a beautiful lady! I have tried so many times lately to leave you messages about my new Fall post and the site is just not working right. Love your blog! Hope you don't mind I left you a note since I found you through Lynette. Have a wonderful evening. Warmly, Melissa :)
My dearest Laurie, you make me sooo proud! Girl you get an A++++ on this homework assignment! I totally second everything you said!
You surely have the gift of writing. So glad you shared your thoughts with us and that fine cross stiching! Beautiful!
Oh Laurie I am only hours old I got got an award already??? Thanks girl...now how do I get the thing over to my blog?? You know it would help if I knew what I was doing before I started a blog haha!! Girl I need drugs to be doing this or maybe just C/X to sit here with me and help me !!! Thanks agin girl...hugs and smiles Gloria
Hey Girl! Thanks for that lovely award! Chari passed it to me this morning, also...I feel doubly blessed. I will post it sometime very soon. So appreciate you thinking of me! I totally agree with all your values...very well said! Love ya,
I am so beyond dumbfounded, I don't know what to say. If you knew me like Susan does, you wouldn't believe that was possible. I am totally at a loss for words, a first, I might add. When I was lured into blog land by my pied piper sister, I didn't realize what a hold it would have on me, in a very short period of time. I have become a blog land junkie.
I don't have enough talent to create and maintain a blog, but nothing but admiration for those that do.
Laurie, I also use to cross stitch. My sweet sister gave me half the DMC colors, with the thread holders, and notebooks with the proper pages to hold them, for Christmas one year. On my birthday about six months later she completed the remainder of the thread colors and everything needed to keep them organized. She has a cat I did for her in her kitchen posting on RMS. My eyesight has gotten so poor in the past few years, that I no longer cross stitch. You have shown some wonderful pieces here. Only someone that has cross stitched can truly appreciate how much time and love goes into each piece.
All this Southern girl knows to say is Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for this award.
I loved everything you wrote...it's all so true! But man oh man~~I had no idea you could stitch so well! I'm inspired and in awe friend! :-)
Laurie...I just realized Glenda got an award...you are amazing, girl! :-) So nice!!! Susan
Dear Laurie, I agree with everything you said, and you said it so well, as usual! Your cross-stitching is amazing, and you are such a sweetheart! Love Ya! Connie
Congratulatioins on your award and I think I see many more to come for you in the future! ;-) Bo
GM Laurie...well another day as they say...thanks girl for your help with my blog...OH and I see you gave Glenda an award she is not the best??? hope you have a great day...Hugs and smiles Gloria
Wow girl,you can write.How many other talents do you have,that we don't know about.Oh-cross-stitching.What beautiful work you've done.Yes,cross stitching is alot of work and alot of love.You have quite a beutiful collection.My eyes have gone to pot too,or I would attempt to make one for you.Sorry.
I enjoy your blog so much.Please keep it up.And what a sweet thing to do,giving Glenda an award.She would be an awesome blogger.She's smart as a whip,like her sweet sister...Ann
Thank you Laurie, so much! I will definitely take this award, and thanks for following the lamp construction. I am working on the base now - so we'll see how well everyone likes it! Great blog - wonderful to finally make it over here, I'll add it to my list.
Everything is wonderful Laurie! Your words, your stitching and your choices of both. Congrats on your award sweetie I see many more in your future. Love ya, Cindy
I love your glass plates and napkin idea. I will have to copy that one!!
Hello Laurie; I found your blog through another and I love the honesty--my favorite is the witchy table set up. And love those Napkins, "Broom rides 50 cents!" If we were going to be home over this Halloween I'd have to have some but we will be on the road in our motor home. I like the way you have so many photos and colors on your blog. Check mine out sometime, not nearly as snazzy as yours, but I do enjoy writing. We are heading out on the road for about a month and will be going through some of Arkansas to see a friend who lives in Rogers on our way to Branson, MO on our way back home to MN probably for the winter snowstice! Keep blogging, Congratulations on the Kreativ Award!
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