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Sunday, November 19, 2017


How is it already time for Thanksgiving? Soon, it will be time to decorate for Christmas, and I haven't shared all my Fall decor! These pumpkin farmers are part of a Fall farm village on top of the piano.

They are headed into the village to sell their pumpkins, so the villagers will have pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving.

When they've sold them, they'll head back to their cottages where they left pumpkins so their wives could make pies for them.

On the other end of town, farmers are bailing their hay in the field next to their cottages.

Autumn Days was one of my first piano lessons. I copied it to make Fall decor. The Doxology was a free download on a blog last year. I apologize that I don't remember which blog. Please let me know if it was yours, and I'll edit to give you credit.

On a nearby table, Fall ornaments decorate a tree.

On the shelves in the family room, Native Americans meet Pilgrims for Thanksgiving dinner.

This 1928 Child Life magazine depicts a little boy telling his turkey goodbye the night before Thanksgiving. I've always liked this image, but it's kind of a sad image for a children's magazine. Maybe in 1928, children were accustomed to their pet being Thanksgiving dinner.

I hope I'm going to get time to post our Thanksgiving tables, but the older I get, the "behinder" I get. Thank you for stopping by.
If you missed them, you can see our Thanksgiving mantel here and 15 Thanksgiving tablescape ideas here.


Ivy, Phyllis and Me! said...

Good Morning Laurie, Your home looks beautiful decorated with your plates and Thanksgiving ornaments.
I too felt a little sad that a child was depicted saying goodbye to his turkey. I could imagine how my daughters would have felt if they had to do the same.
My mother grew up on a farm and she said she never gave an animal a name, because it was too traumatic when they had to go.
Have a lovely Thanksgiving..... your home is certainly a place for celebration.
Best Wishes

Mary Ann said...

I love the Doxology and got tingles when I read it just now... it is PERFECT to post for Thanksgiving, and I am going to steal your idea! Your home looks great as usual, and I hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Your village composed of different plates is so charming. I will need to be on the lookout for similar pieces so I can copy your display. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

xinex said...

Love all your thanksgiving vignettes, Laurie. The child saying goodbye to his turkey is sad.... Christine

Sarah said...

Laurie, it is always a treat to visit your holiday decorations! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.