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Friday, March 1, 2013


Do you know Suzy at Worthing Court?  She is one very talented lady with a beautiful blog.  Look at this pretty vignette on her table.  You’re not going to believe this.  She MADE that wonderful lamp from a wicker cloche!   Now that is awesome!

Worthing CourtRound table vignette via Worthing Court blog[1]

This is Suzy’s vignette on her vanity.  Wouldn’t you love to sit here to put on your makeup?  It might even make me feel pretty, because instead of looking in the mirror, I’d be looking at all of the pretties around me.

master bath vanity lamps via Worthing Court blog-010[1]

And how about this great vanity in her powder room?  Worthing Court Powder Room

She has a “to die for” master bedroom.


And look at her gorgeous bed at her beach condo (yep! they have a beach condo too!) 

Worthing Court beach condoDSC_0008_41[1]

Suzy has been featuring a different blogger’s home each week this year.  If you’ve been following her blog, you’ve seen some wonderful homes.  Well, you’re not going to believe this (I couldn’t believe it either), but today, Suzy is featuring our home on her blog.  I am soooo excited and honored (even though I’m a little intimidated).   I don’t want Suzy to regret featuring our home, so please click on over to Worthing Court, and tell Suzy you think it was so nice of her to feature Laurie’s humble home. While you’re there, you’ll want to be sure to see Suzy’s beautiful home and all of the other homes she’s been featuring.  Suzy, I hope it’s okay that I shared photos of your homes.  You are welcome to display my button “Laurie borrowed from my blog” from my sidebar.  Thanks!  laurie


Carlene @ Organized Clutter said...

Suzy's does have a beautiful home. I will stop by her blog too.

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Suzy's home is many pretty things!!

Atta Girl Amy said...


I'm visiting her via Suzy's blog. Love her and her home, and I love your home as well. You're not a hoarder, you're a curator of beautiful things, and you do it so well. Looking forward to exploring your blog.

Atta Girl Amy


Thanks for sharing, Suzy's beautiful home. I will pass by her now.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Congratulations....I am going to see it....

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tour it was, Laurie! I did make sure to tell Suzy, too! Going back for another look now....

Curtains in My Tree said...

I'm going over to see your home

Sarah said...

Laurie, I don't know Suzy, so thanks for introducing me. Love her master space!

Dewena said...

I'm going there right now!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Laurie,
Congrats on your home feature. I will visit at Suzy's next. The pics your shared of her home are amazing. Have a great evening.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Laurie, Just came back after a visit to Suzy's. Your home is gorgeous and I love every detail. Certainly magazine worthy for sure. What a talent you are and how special to live in your childhood home.
Congrats on your feature.
Hugs, Celestina Marie