Hi, my name is Laurie, and I am an addict. Okay, I’m willing to admit that I have an addiction to china and crystal. I admitted that 8 years ago when I drew up plans to remodel our house. On the plans, I wrote “china pantry”. The contractor kept calling it the “butler’s pantry”. I kept telling him that I don’t have any butlers, but I do have a little bit of china!
I know, I know…it IS frightening – all of those cabinets just for china, but I knew I would use all of these cabinets, and the drawers underneath the cabinets, and I wasn’t wrong. This is a walk-through pantry. The room is too narrow to stand back to photograph the line of cabinets on each side. (When I added the china pantry, I thought I’d be the only person who ever entered it - I CERTAINLY didn’t think I’d be taking photos of it to post for anyone to see!)
HOW-EVAH, I filled them a little too quickly! A few months after we moved into our remodeled house, I started discovering that I could stack plates in various places on the countertops in the china pantry, and that’s how the countertops quickly filled with “extra” china.
The plans I drew up for the remodel also included a display cabinet to be built in my kitchen. My plan was that I would display some of my favorite things behind these glass doors. Those shelves really looked pretty for a few months, but then somehow stemware, glasses, and serving dishes started sneaking into my “display” cabinet. The invasion was spreading, and let me just say that my family was frightened!
Just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse, I discovered a blank space on a wall in my kitchen, and I knew I could put a breakfront in that space, and that is where I could display some pretties. Same story, same song – china, glasses, etc. soon found their way into the breakfront (not to mention on top of it and inside the drawers)! (Ooops, another of my addictions is showing– keeping old magazines!)
I still wasn’t worried though. I knew I had the built-in shelves in the breakfast area where I could display some treasures. But oh the horror of what happened next! The plates, pitchers, cups and saucers were suddenly three-deep in these shelves. Another display space bit the dust, and these shelves began looking like storage instead of display. Where and when would all of this horror end?
I do not give up easily though. I found a china cabinet that I wanted to use in our family room. I knew I could display special “stuff” in these glass-fronted shelves. You guessed it – I do not know when or how all of these plates, soup tureens, and cups and saucers got inside this “display” cabinet! It’s eerie how all of these tablescaping accessories take over everything in my house!
With relief, I found a wall in my back entry hall that could accommodate ANOTHER china cabinet to display some treasures, with drawers to hide some napkins. You already know the rest of this horror story! Tea pots and pitchers took over this cabinet. (Don’t ask me how it happened. It defies logic!)
In the study, I filled the bookcase with books – well, mostly books!
I hung two plate racks on the walls of my sunroom. Fortunately, they are not deep enough for me to stack dishes on them. However, I have cluttered them about as much as I can. Sometimes, I even set the table with plates I have displayed on door toppers in my house – of course, I do wash them first!
My name is Laurie, and I am a plate addict, and I am still looking for a place to display some treasures that have nothing to do with setting a table. The invasion of the china is soon to be made into a movie to be featured on the “Chill” channel on your television. I’m linking my horror movie to the party at The Tablescaper. Maybe I’ll feel better after I go visit all of the other bloggers who have this same addiction. Hey! This horror movie may turn into a series. Will your home be included in the series? Let’s go check out the links, so we’ll know how many shows will be in this series of horror movies.
The link up register for “A Few of My Favorite Things Saturday” will be here on Friday evening. I hope you’ll join us (I promise I’m not showing my favorite dishes).
I hope today’s horror show preview didn’t frighten you away. Thank you so much for your encouragement and support in my journey with this terrifying addiction. laurie
Well you might not feel better, but I do! You have way more than I do..so I am not as addicted..like being a little pregnant, LOL..
You have great storage there girl! So far Alma is the only one with dishes in the bathroom. I cracked up!
All we need is some popcorn to go along with your "horror movie" & we'll all feel right at home!
I KNEW you had an awesome collection!!
I'm very impressed with the way you've tucked them here & there, making decorative displays out of them instead of just storage.
WTG, Laurie & thanks for confessing...I feel so much better now that I know I'm not alone. ;-)
I would love to watch that Horror Show! It would be very entertaining. Next would be an "Intervention" series about us as well! As long as they don't consider us "Hoarders" like that new program! Thanks for sharing, I feel better - my Dish-ease is not as advanced as yours!
Oh my goodness me! I love your cabinets that you can store all your goodies in. Yikes your house must be huge!! I love your stuff :0)
Laurie-The "how-evah" is what gets us all :) I think it has something to do with the best laid plans of mice and men, the road to hell, and good intentions :) I SO wish I had a china/butler's pantry!!! I have to dig around in a dark closet. You made your way into my post too:)
ps-I LOVE your new header!!!!
Hi Laurie! Oh, I knew this was going to be good! Now I'm not so frightened about the horror but frightened because of the covetness I seem to be developing for all of your wonderful things and ALLLLLLL of your storage. I think you may get the crown!!! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I bow down to your collection! I am awed by the sheer amount of china cabinets and hutches you have. I would love more so I think you have inspired me that more is well more! I mean GOOD! Love it and also it is all lovely. I will be there for the movie as long as we don't have to give up any of our dishes!
Would love to see each & every plate/dish! I especially like the blue transferware (please don't inspire me to start a collection...I'm begging you!). Really like the hutch you have in the study. I, too, have 3 china cabinets, and I'm having a 4th delivered on Saturday! ;O) You know we can't help ourselves, right? There are worse problems to have...at least that's what I keep telling myself!
Laurie, I love all of your wonderful dishes and I for one think you NEED them all. Really, really NEED. Besides, you have found so many pretty places to display them. Wow. Love them all. Hugs, Marty
Ahh a sister collector - we just can't help it can we? I have so many of the same pieces that you do - it's a small world - and we need MORE SPACE for our dishes. LOL
Laurie, this is something you truly love to collect, so enjoy it! :-)
I think we were separated at birth! I am an addict too! I'm having Gary clean out cabinets in the garage for all my charger plates and placemats. Just bought more plates today. It's a horror show!
Thanks so much for coming and joining the party!
It's not a horror movie, it's a dream!!! Who would want to go to bed thinking of bare walls when our minds can wonder to our wonderful chock full cabinets and dream in china color, uh, I mean technicolor.
You clearly have more wall space than me. I couldn't fit that many china cabinets.
You have some wonderful treasures and I can't wait to see them out and about on your tables!!!
Thanks again for joining in the fun.
Do I dare tell Kathleen there's another bathroom in my house with dishes too? tee hee
- The Tablescaper
Laurie, you are world class collector!! The sheer numbers of items is amazing. I must admit, when I was looking at all the lovely plates and hutches, I kept thinking, "boy, its a good thing you don't live in earthquake country!!" Now that would be a horror of a whole different sort!
Laurie, Whoa Nellie!!!! It is amazing how you stay so organized with all your collections of pretties!! I love your dish pantry and am so envious of all that storage. And you truly have some magnificent pieces to store, too. I lose things in my pantry and storage closets. I would need a road map if I had as much as you! LOL
big hugs, Sue
Laurie, I want your "china pantry"! Actually I could use some of those nice pieces of furniture as well. You do have a few dishes! I'm beginning to think I don't really have much. LOL
This is great fun to see what everyone has and how they store it. ~ Sarah
I have so many dishes also. However, I don't have all the storage areas that you have...and those awesome cabinets! Totally understand the addiction though. Sunday, I went to TJ Maxx to look for some beach towels and of course, I made my way to the houseware and bought four new plates. I felt like such a dishaholic!
Holy Moly Laurie!!
Ok, I am flabberghasted! It's just amazing! Beautiful, beautiful china and you are very clever in how you have stored everything! I really love that beautiful china hutch too, it's a beauty. Thanks for sharing, this has been fun. I feel like the dish pauper after visiting you and Christine. hehe.
Hugs, Cindy
WOW!! You have a LOT of china! :D I almost feel guilty about packing up and storing a set of china a while back.
Hope you are having a great week.
Wow! You do have dishes! I need to feed my habit a bit more I think!
wow! what a collection! all so beautiful and very neatly keep in the cabinet.. you are so organised! thanks for sharing..
Laurie, it was YOU who inspired me to make a Holiday Room in my new home. Yep, your addiction is quite dangerous!
Thanks for letting me peek at your wonderful, LARGE collection.
Laurie oh my goodness girl! You do have soooo much gorgeous china, cabinets and glasses. It's all just amazing! Love this precious post! I'll have to keep my eye out for your thrilling movie debut. *Smiles*
I hope you had a wonderful long weekend. ~Melissa :)
wowzers.. you just might win the "I have DISHES" award:) you sure have some beautiful collections and luckily enough room to store them..
thanks for sharing with us..
Laurie, I love this post...you do have many, many, many dishes...it is so wonderful to see that I am at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to dish collecting...even my husband is amazed at how few I have compared to some of you ladies. Thanks for sharing your secret and not so secret hiding places!
Oh Laurie, I love it all! So many pretty things! I would love to have a china pantry oh and all your china!
Thanks for sharing all your beautiful things!!
Oh my I have dish envy. If my husband should ever fuss over a plate again, I think I will show him this ;-)
Oh Laurie -- I'm so laughing! At least your's are all in "proper" cabinets -- mine are in closets, under beds, under furniture in the TV armoire -- sometimes I find some I forgot about! There are days I wonder if we're all going to show up at the Betty Ford clinic...."My name is Martha, and I'm a dishaholic...."
Love the new header! It looks amazing! Really pretty. Love your dishes too!
THis is the most fantastic horror story ever and one I wouldn't mind not waking up from!!
I would so love to go through all those cabinets - just know there is something I could use and geez, you'd never know it was missing! (just something little, promise)
bee blessed
My husband thinks I have a lot of dishes! Girl, you have me beat all around.. and I am sorta jealous of all your lovely dishes.
Yep, my home is definitely included in the horror movie series. And it's a sickness cause we don't stop, do we? I have another set of Bavarian china coming in the mail soon, lol. Love all your storage, Laurie. I especially like the ones with glass doors....Christine
We all have our favorites and yours are beautiful!!!! I'm not sure if I have ever told you this but I LOVE your kitchen!!!! You did a fantastic job! :)
And I love all your plates displayed as well! My mother has those same plates (set of 3) that are above the molding!
Good Morning Laurie,
Hey girl, I have about a half yard left of that material. I used some for a pillow too. It you want it for something, you can have it. No charge either. I looked on the internet too but could only find one place selling it, and it was a French E-Bay I believe. The fabric name is Tea Time by Diane Ferchel for Robert Kaufman fabrics. So just let me know if you want what I have left.
Hugs, Cindy
Your extensive beautiful collection of dishes reminds me of my favorite Aunt who left me several sets of china. She was always known for her famous quote when asked about her numerous sets of dishes that her favorite dishes “were the ones with tiny chips on them, because you knew they were the ones that were being used the most.”
Thank you so much for making me think about my Aunt and all the lovely treasured dishes I hope to
pass on to my granddaughters, some with tiny chips maybe they will have accidentally put on them.
Laurie, how brave of you to share your addiction! I just have one thing to say to you - DO NOT seek help! Stay away from 12-step (12-plate) groups! You DO NOT want to get better!
Ha...I girl can never have to much china. I'm sure a lot of woman would agree. Cute post. Came across your blog and thought I'd leave a comment.
Eve..I had to go check my bathroom to see if I had a plate hanging in there but I don't..loved the plate viewing.. I just found a set out in the garage that I haven't seen in 15 years..Well, we are always prepared for any occasion!
I LOVED the pics of Danny from the war we don't talk about..Thank you, Danny for serving..
Pics of the new house of your son's!???Surely they need some more dishes??? Susie
What a delightful post, Laurie! It wasn't nearly as frightening as I'd feared when I saw your opening collage! ;)
From one plate addict to another, I feel your pain -- AND I know the joy of a new acquisition! Where does it all end??? I don't know, but I'm more concerned about WHEN -- hope it's not anytime soon!
By the way, your china pantry is beautiful. And I think you could actualy squeeze in several more pieces!
Warmest regards,
Oh my goodness! Your pantry is really neat! I just loved it all! I am sure your "addiction" won't harm anyone except your dish pan hands!! I hope you keep a pump dispenser of lotion near your sink to keep your hands from shriveling after washing your gorgeous collection of dishes!! Hugs!
Holy Moly! Laurie, you have got it bad.
There is no cure.
You are beyond help.
Just give in and enjoy!
Thanks for calling in at the Presbytere.
Laurie...you are so cute! You made me laugh throughout this post. I thought this "horror" movie was fabulous! If this is a horror movie...then I like 'em!
:-) You've really done a great job with finding pretty ways and places to display your beautiful collection...so much fun taking the tour!
You and me, dishaholics! Such a fun and charming post,Laurie! Love it as only one who can recognize herself in it would. Happy dishes! xo Lidy
What a gorgeous obsession! I feel much better now, te he.
My relatives think I have too many dishes, and I have only two sets of twelve and a few other pieces.
Now that is my kind of horror movie (I actually hate the real horror movies, I'm a romantic.)I agree with Tardevil, I too would love to spend several hours or days browsing through your cabinets. Or playing with tablescapes ;)
I love your cabinets, Laurie and thanks for sharing your addiction.
This would be a comfort to my husband who has forbid me to buy any more dishes.
Oh a china pantry!! A place in my dreams!! My hubby would see I'm not the only dishie in the world if I showed him these posts. Until blogging, I never knew there were so many of us that can't stop the maddness. lol
NIce blog i like it
Hollywood theme parties are becoming extremely popular these days as more and more people are deciding on putting a twist to their normal run of the mill house party.
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