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Friday, March 19, 2010



These are

fav thngs cmbnd

When I began my blog, I boldly stated that I was going to post a “Share A Space Saturday” each week. I planned to share photos of friend’s homes. Well, I didn’t have as many friends as I thought I did – As a matter of fact, I ran out fairly quickly (another reason I stopped is because I lost my nerve to ask friends if I could photograph their homes). Recently, I gathered my courage and asked my friend, Jill, if I could share her charming home on my blog, and she said yes! Since I’m going to share some of my favorite spaces and things in Jill’s home, I decided I would re-title Saturdays on my blog.

If anyone would like to join me for “A Few of My Favorite Things” Saturdays, I’m hosting a link-up for it. With my new Saturday title, we can share favorite spaces in friend’s homes; or some favorite things in our own homes; or some favorite things we find on the internet; our favorite inspiration photos; or our favorite flowers.  If our favorite things are pink, we can also link to Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound, or if our favorite things are places we’ve visited, we can also link to “Sightseeing Saturday” at Christine’s Home and Travel Adventures. We could even write about something that is a favorite thing (i.e., raindrops on roses). The list is never ending.

Now, on to the main event – Jill’s lovely home. You are in for a real treat! Let’s start in the living room.

frplc secty 

Isn’t that a gorgeous secretary?

bunny lamp

Look at that sweet lamp.

it lamp Such a pretty vignette on this side table.

kit hutch This hutch, painted by a local artist, is in Jill’s kitchen.


I knew you’d want to see a close up of this tassel on the hutch.

dog pntng

kitchen window Of course, all of you know how much I love this toile window treatment over her kitchen sink…


and this Frenchy clock on her kitchen wall.

dng rm

Such a beautiful dining room!


Wonderful bedroom!

bdrm armoire

Jill has a great bird house collection on top of this pretty armoire in the bedroom.

bthrm wndw The fact that they are toile makes them beautiful enough, but just look at this amazing window treatment and that shower curtain in her bath-fabulous! bthrm drsr A pretty cabinet with a pretty vignette in the bathroom.

059 Look at those gorgeous bathroom mirrors and the pretty little sconces!


I can’t leave Jill’s home without showing you her charming front door and her wonderful living room draperies.

Jill, I cannot thank you enough for letting my readers see your beautiful home.

Please run take a picture or write a paragraph about a few of your favorite things, and join me for my first ever “Favorite Things Saturday”.  MckLinky will be available at 5:00 this evening (March 19th).  Just copy a shortcut to your Favorite Things post, and paste it in MckLinky below.  Thank you so much for visiting me today. laurie


The Muse said...

I love, love, love all those bits of red :)
And that bovine framed heart sang a sweet song!
Moooo mine ! LOL
Lovely home...
thank you both for the pictorial tour!

Four Paws and Co said...

WOW! Did you hear me ooohhhhing & aaahhhhhing?!? Jill's secretary is gorgeous and I'm suffering from some serious lamp envy right now! Thank you for sharing Jill's beautiful home! ☺♥☺

(Good to see you on Facebook!)

vignette design said...

Jill's house is just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing it with us, and thank you to Jill too.
I am so linking up to your "Favorite Things Saturday!"
Hmmmm, what will it be. Too many favorite things is the problem!

KBeau said...

That's a great idea for a Meme, Laurie. Gives us a broad range to work with, and a way to link up.

Tell Jill she has a lovely home. I think you two must have inspired each other.

GardenOfDaisies said...

What a beautiful home! I wish I knew how to make rooms come together like that.

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Beautiful!! Love all of her rabbits and those curtains! ALL of them! LOVE!!

The front door!!! Want it!!

Thanks for sharing!

Lou Cinda :)

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Good morning Laurie!

Jills house is beautful! I'm so glad she let us peek inside for a tour! thank you Jill!

I'm glad I stopped by. I might have missed he big debut Satuday party! Humm, favorite things huh? Me thinks I have too many favorite things...I hope this party goes on for a very long time!! LOL

fiberdoodles said...

You're right she does have a lovely home ~ WOW. Thank you so much for the tour, it was fun ;)

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

I enjoyed this so much, Laurie. Her home is absolutely beautiful!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks for sharing your friend's beautiful home with us.
Have a great weekend.

squawmama said...

Good Morning Laurie... What a beutiful home your friend has... Just wonderful and decorated the way I love! Have a super day!!!

Lisa said...

What a fun tour! Your friend has a lovely home and such fabulous decorating taste! My favorite has got to be the red toile shower curtain and window treatment.WOW!!! Thanks for letting us tag along.:)

Sue said...

What a fun tour, Laurie. She has a very lovely and comfortable home. Thanks for sharing it with us- I saw one little idea I could implement in one of my rooms. It is great to get inspiration from others, isn't it? hugs, Sue

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

That's a gorgeous home wow!!!
Have a great weekend

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Laurie, I just drooled my way through every one of these pictures. What a lovely home with such gorgeous pieces. Everything is displayed so beautifully. Breathtaking vignettes. Thanks so much for sharing. Hugs, Marty

joyh82 said...

What sweet house decorations she has and what a fun post. Can't wait to see more.. Have a great weekend!

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Your friend Jill has a beautiful way with decorating. What caught my attention was her subtle touches of wallpaper. There have been so many designers who have steered away from using wallpaper, some even badmouthing it. I'm still a big fan for it's application in adding artistic details of color, pattern, texture to a room. Seeing Jill's home confirms my attraction.
I also enjoyed how her small window was enhanced with the grand curtain topper, making an elegant statement. Everything was so gorgeous!

Sweet Laurie ...I want to thank you for your visit and especially your post for meant a lot to me.
Your words brought me such comfort at an extremely difficult time. Your support touched my heart deeply. I so greatly appreciated your concern.
Sweet wishes,

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Jill has a lovely home. The secretary really caught my eye, as it matches my dining room furniture!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a beautiful house. Thanks for showing us and hosting this great new party. I am linking up with a little 'spring' post.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Your friend's home is lovely. That bathroom is bath a licious! Thank her for sharing!

Anonymous said...

What a pretty home your friend has! Thank you so much for sharing and thank you for the new party!! I am so behind in blogging that I didn't know about it till just today- do you have a button I can put on my sidebar for it?

Also the pictures are not showing all the way for me but I don't have a mouse as such (you mention on your sidebar for the solution) and was wondering if you would know what I could do since I am using a lap top. I tried the CRTL button and taking my finger and moving away on the touch pad but nothing happened. Probably just me and my no techy finger!

bee blessed,

Wanda Lee said...

What a delightful post! Thanks to you and Jill for sharing that fabulous decor!~

Truly exceptional, inspirational and stunningly beautiful my dear!..,

Do pop over for a visit soon!

Also this meme of yours sounds great!

Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

Wanda Lee said...

Just li'l ol' me again!..,

'Yay!'.., I've joined your meme!

Cheers from Wanda Lee

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Laurie...Please tell Jill thank you so much for showing us her beautiful home...Love those curtains in that bathroom and all those beautiful quilts in her bedrrom...WOW!! this is just awsome my friend...Ok now I linked up to you...but if you think my posy is dumb please feel free to take it off laurie you know it won't hurt this old gal...Might hurt my old red robe feelings but not mine ha ha!! Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Nancy's Daily Dish said...


I love all the red and the shower curtain and window treatments in that red toile are gorgeous. I almost used that same fabric! What a lovely, lovely home. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful photos and for hosting a few of my favorite things! Hugs and more hugs, Nancy

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Laurie so glad I stopped by tonight to catch up on your site. This home of Jills is really pretty. I enjoyed the tour.
I hope your doing well and that your enjoying your weekend.
Thanks for sharing all of these lovely pictures

Mellodee said...

Your friend's home is lovely. Feeling about music the way I do, I love the montage (uh, collage???)of your favorite things!! However, the absolutely best part of the post, without a doubt,is Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail in the header. I love it! Happy Saturday!

Natasha in Oz said...

Hi Laurie,

Thanks for sharing this lovely home with us today. No wonder you love it so much-it is gorgeous.

I tried to link up with your party today but the MckLinky had already closed. Maybe next time....

Best wishes,

KBeau said...

I was going to do a new post and link up, but the list was closed. Guess I'll save it for next week.

Ginny said...

What a beautiful home! Jill has taste much like mine, only a bit more elaborate. Thanks for posting about her home.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I tried to join up with today's party, but could not link up. It says MckLinky is now closed.

Heathahlee said...

What a gorgeous home! That bedroom with all the windows is amazing!

Natasha in Oz said...

Thank you so much Laurie for coming by and linking up our Saturday Favourite post to your lovely party!

Thanks for your sweet comments too!

Best wishes always,

Sharlotte said...

Hi Laurie,
Thanks for visiting my site and inviting me to your party! I just love this idea and can't wait to join and visit your participants.

I LOVE your friends home. The colors are so inviting and the decor is just gorgeous! The window treatment in the bathroom is so pretty, I just love it all! Thanks so much for sharing!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

What a delight to visit your friend, Jill's lovely home! Just beautiful!

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello Dearheart...

Ohhh my...your friend Jill's home is gorgeous! It's my style for sure! I just loved everything about's one of those homes that I could walk into and not change a thing and be perfectly happy! Jill certainly is a talented interior decorator!!! Ooooh...I love her red toile curtains!!! Sooo many pretties! Thank you for sharing Jill's home with us today for your Saturday Favorites!!!

On that note...I didn't know that you were doing a "Saturday Favorites" meme until today, Laurie! I think it's a GRAND idea, my friend! I hope to join in with your party next week! Thank you for hosting!!!

I also wanted to thank you for coming by and taking a peek at my Spring Green tablescape and for leaving me such a sweet, sweet note! Thank you, Darlin'!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Love ya,

Stacey said...

Laurie, Jill's home is stunning. I will look at these pictures again and again!

I'm excited about the new party on Saturdays. I'll try my best to remember. :)

Kathleen said...

Laurie, I didn't know about this. I have no friends...HERE, they are all in Fla. for the winter. Maybe I could get a key and go take some pics! LOL..
Jill's home is lovely..she must really like you!
I wonder who I can get to do this!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Gosh, Laurie, I don't know where to start! So many lovely things. But I especially like the tassels on the cabinets - nice touch. Oh, and for some reason the cow picture really catches my attention - just love those landscapes with critters. What a beautiful home! Thanks for the tour. Linda

Kathysue said...

Laurie, you are right Jill does have a beautiful home. I loved the little bunny lamp and the toile window treatment and the front door is so charming. Thanks for sharing. I also want to thankyou for all the comments you left on my blog post, especially the one about the entry that was very kind of you. Have a wonderful weekend dear friend, Kathysue

Anonymous said...

What fun to tour my old friend's, not house but HOME. I love
that front door the is so charming and distinctive. I see so many pieces in that secretary/hutch that remind me of our mom's..what a joy to peek back into our childhood and see the things of old being enjoyed and cherished..I just hope our kids will treasure them.:>)
Great job, Jill..and Laurie Eve in photography. Susie

susan said...

Laurie-I just got over to visit--I've been painting! Jill's house is beautiful--she has exquisite taste! I love your idea for Saturdays. There is not much going on in the land of Blog on Saturday! I know you have a gazillion friends...but you can't just everybody if you can post pictures...they might not understand :) BTW--My house and my daughter's are both in a place you can easily get to and you are always welcome!! We could use your advice and help!

lvroftiques said...

OMG! What a beautiful house your friend Jill has!! Her window treatments totally made me swoon! Not to get too graphic girlfriend but I wanted to lick the screen it was all sooo yummy!! Lol! Vanna

Sarah said...

Laurie, this was definitely a treat. Thank you to Jill for allowing us to visit her charming home. I love that secretary and that precious rabbit lamp. And of course the toile in the kitchen. It is all so beautiful.

kanishk said...

I love the montage (uh, collage???)of your favorite things!! However, the absolutely best part of the post, without a doubt,is Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail in the header. I love it
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