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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I think I may be the only person in Blogville who has never hosted a blog party, and as I said in my New Year's post, I am a party animal! So...I'm going to give this cyber party-hosting a try. On February 12th, I am going to host a Valentine Party (if I can figure out the Mr. Linky thing before then).

Let's share the Valentine love. I'll (hopefully) put Mr. Linky up on Thursday night, February 11th, and then I'll probably sit around and wait to see if anyone shows up for my party! I invite you to link any post pertaining to Valentine's Day decor, or a Valentine card, or tablescape -- If you want to share a photo of your wedding, or write something about the love of your life (which could be your pet), etc., that would also be welcomed at my party.

I'm going to take a very bold and brave step now. I'm going to demonstrate my love for my blogging friends by posting something I said I'd never post on my blog! (OMGosh, I can't believe I am doing this)

When I shared my holiday decorations, visitors kept asking where I store all of that "stuff" between holidays. If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I have a LOT of holiday decor for a LOT of holidays. I've had a number of requests from visitors to show my holiday closet, but I have always declined.

When we remodeled this house, I was so fortunate to be able to add a large holiday closet (my husband was tired of helping me get boxes from the attic). Sadly, this large closet is now overflowing and not suitable for public view, BUT to show my love for all of my blogging buddies, I'm going to show it to you! People who visit my home in person have never entered the holiday closet. (I think most people would open the door, scream, and run from the horror!) Most of my family will not step into this closet for fear of being trapped forever! So, this picture is not for the faint of heart. If you are appalled by a mess, don't look. If you've been to my blog before and you are back for another visit, apparently clutter does not bother you too much, since all of my home is cluttered. However, THIS clutter is different. It stays behind a closed door (never to be opened by anyone but me), so it's even worse than the rest of my house!! Okay, enough said ..... here it is!

YIKES! I didn't enlarge this photo, because I was afraid the enlarged horror would be too much for some.

You have now gone where nobody has gone before. You are very brave, and I'm glad you survived the horrors of the dungeon of decor. (Nobody can say that I don't keep it real on my blog!)

Maybe this is where I get my love for mosaics, since I love my holiday closet, and my holiday closet looks like a mosaic! I don't box up many of my decorations. I just put them on the shelves. These shelves are never empty, because when I empty them, I have to store all of that stuff that's usually everywhere in my house in the empty shelves in the holiday closet, so I'll have room in our home for the holiday decor! I've said it before, and I'm afraid I'll be saying it again....I need a psychiatrist!

I'm going to take your mind off of the horrors you were just exposed to by showing you some beauty. This was supposed to be included in my previous post (about the fun things I did in 2009), but I somehow omitted it, and it was the MOST fun. I'll include it here now, so you can leave my blog with a photo of beauty to possibly block the horrors of the decor dungeon.

In 2009...

Okay, I didn't really meet Christine in 2009. It was close to the end of 2008 though, so I've included her in my 2009 fun!

Now that I have shared my love with you by honoring your requests that I show you the decor dungeon (are you sorry you requested?), you HAVE to show me YOUR love by coming to my Valentine party on February 12th. That's much easier than showing me the messiest place in your home. You may be thinking that I would have demonstrated my love for you by NOT showing you the dungeon, but I'm only doing it because so many have asked me to show it.

Don't forget ... February 12th. (Can you tell I'm afraid I'll have a party, and nobody will show up?) You are welcome to take the party button on my sidebar to display on your blog. Thank you. laurie


Styling by Coty Farquhar said...

Laurie, I LOVE YOUR CUPBOARD!! I want a room just like that in my house.

and.........I'm in for your Valentine Party, and no, your not the only one that hasn't had a party, I haven't, but now I will have to, what will I do?

Your home looks so beautiful surrounded by the snow, stay warm and enjoy spending time indoors with all your yummy things,

Lots of love,

xxx Coty

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I have a closet...small, but that is where I "hide" all my dishes and centerpieces. Oh, I try to organize it....but it just gets messy all over again....I think it is fantastic you have a big closet to store Christmas. And not having to box it all up is brillant!
I will definately try to be at your valentine party!

artis1111 said...

We are leaving for Puerto Rico on Feb.15.,so the days before will be hetic. I don't know if we will have internet on the island of Vieques. We are staying in dpferemt place this year..In will try to join in the fun. Kathy

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Laurie,
Your header is gorgeous! I am so used to snow it never dawned on me that it's a novelty for anyone! hehe! Boy do I ever love your Christmas Closet! It looks perfectly organized and it is fabulous! What a treat to see it! Count me in for the party, I can't wait, it should be a blast! Do you have a valentine closet hid somewhere in that house of yours? Hope all is well with you, come by when you can!
Hugs, Cindy

Stacey said...

Jealous, jealous jealous!! I want a closet like that too. How fun. Now we do understand how you can have so many neat things. There simply isn't room in my house for too much stuff.

So fun that you got to meet blogging friends too. That's on my list this year. Several of us live near each other. :)

Foley said...

I'd love to have your closet!! At least the floor is empty so you can get around!

It's fun meeting other bloggers IRL - hope I get the chance to meet more this year!

I'll post your Valentine Party logo..sounds like fun!

Treasia Stepp said...

Oh my stinking gosh, I am so jealous of your closet. I would love to have a holiday section closet of my own.

Kathleen said...

I am out of your closet now, and very impressed! My bins are starting to line up in front of the basement door waiting for someone to carry them down for me. If you see a nice handsome man , send him over!

Of course I will come to your party, and I'll pray that the lazy no good Mr Linky decides to work that night! Now if it was called Mrs Linky she would take her responsibility seriously!

You have quite the gallery of bloggers there..I have just one!

I'll put your logo on my sidebar for the party, Laurie..

ellen b. said...

Oh what fun! I'm glad you are hosting a Valentine party!! That closet is the bomb!! I'm going to ask my husband for one :0)

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

You are just the cutest thing;)!!!

I think we are all jealous of your closet...not horrified!!!

Count me in for the party. I have always wanted to party with!!!


Glenda/MidSouth said...

I am jealous! :) I would love to have a storage closet like that. Count me in - I will join your party.
Got your bread and milk yet? :)

Melissa Miller said...

Laurie I will be there for your fun Valentine party! It sounds great!

Your Holiday closet is beyond amaziong. WOW! It looks like it could be a store. HeHe! It must be hard to keep your grandchildren from wanting to play with the "toys".

How fun to have met so many wonderful bloggers!

~Warmly, ~Melissa :)

Sarah said...

Laurie, I'll definitely be at your party. I LOVE Valentine's Day! As for the closet, I say' "What an absolutely terrific idea to have the thought of this." I'm certain everyone of us is green with envy. I know I am! I do have my Christmas things all together in one closet, but other holiday decorations (and yes there are a lot of those) are in plastic tubs on shelves in our attic. I don't like leaving them up there in such extreme temperatures but that's my only solution. If we were to build a new home (not going to happen) I'd insist on two things: a butler's pantry for dishes and a storage ROOM for holiday things.
Thank you for sharing your closet. And for public record, meeting you was definitely a fun part of my 2009! Hugs ~ Sarah

Helen said...

Dear Laurie,
I cannot wait for the Valentine Party! Thank you for putting thought and effort into its planning.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I plan on joining in. Please remind us right before. I love your closet. We have a small walk in closet in a guest bedroom where many things go. The rest go up in our closet around the top. I will post pictures when I am done.

Lady Katherine said...

Your one lucky lady to have such a wonderful closet! I think we all could use one. You amaze me with all the work you put into your decor all times of the year. Your home is lovely! I had so much fun looking at all your post since Thanksgiving. I loved every second. You are truly blessed and I love how you share your home, decorating, and life with us. How fun it is to meet other blogging friends.
PS I got hurt twice over the holidays and one side is mending the other is not. Hoping to feel better soon. Hugs to you! We are so suppose to get ice tomorrow. It really cold here! I going to try and make some brownies today to finish my post on how to make them. Since I cut them before taking the picture Christmas. Had company come in and wanted to take some home. So I forgot the photo on the last step! lol Everything is beautiful Laurie.

xinex said...

I'm coming, I'm coming, wouldn't want to miss the Valentine's party fun for anything! Oh Laurie, tell me where in your house is this closet? Make it easier for us when we come for the loot. LOL! I want one of these in my house. No wonder it's so easy for you take things out for each holiday, no boxes to open and no guessing game of where what is. Thanks for showing us!....Christine

Kat said...

Laurie, I'll be at your party with bells on! I just know that you are going to be one fun hostess! And I did enlarge the picture, and I'm impressed. I don't think it's a mess, I think it's genius that you were able to add this closet. Have a great week! Kathy

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I fainted from the horror! Just kidding!!! You are a lucky gal to have such a closet. I now have closet envy. Your closet is clean compared to where I store my stuff (in the attic). I'll never be showing that.

And I will be to your Valentine party. I love parties. Especially ones that I don't have to dress up for or even comb my hair. Can't wait.


Anonymous said...

Valentines party- I will be there but have no idea what to show! I don't tablescape, Valentine decorate but I do love those sweet heart candies! I will see what I can come up with-

I want your closet!! I have the Living room Christmas in boxes- 3 more rooms to go!


Mellodee said...

Laurie, It always amazes me that individuals can define a common ordinary word in so many different ways. For instance, you said your holiday closet was "messy". Excuse me, but I'm not sure we have the same understanding of what exactly that word means! Your closet looks wonderful to me. If I had a space like this, I could die a happy woman. It's organized, its clever, its hidden, and its multipurpose!! That's not messy thats gorgeous!! "Messy" is when you can't see any of the flat surfaces in your house, like footstool tops, counter tops, shelves, the floor (!) and it's been so long since you've seen the top of the dining room table, you can't remember what color it is!! "Messy" is when you never, ever, let a baby crawl on the carpet, you won't see him again until he's 9 years old! I could show you "messy" in my house, but then I'd be too embarrassed to ever show my face in public ever again and I'd miss your Valentine's Day party!

By the way, What does one wear to a cyber party, anyway??

Tardevil said...

Your closet/clutter doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I feel right at home! LOL! I have a smaller version of your closet, but wish I had one your size. Guess I have closet envy? :O)

Tardevil said...

P.S. I have to move my stuff out to make room for what it's replacing too!

Anonymous said...

it is know that some dating sites turn blind eye to bogus profile in their books :)

Chandy said...

Laurie, that is one awesome closet!!! I'd love to have something like when I have a house. You lucky dog! LOL

Anyway, count me in for that awesome V-day party! I can already feel my brain cells heating for some ideas! What fun!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Girl your closet didn't bother me at all in fact it looks like my whole house right now...I wished as so many others that I did have a closet just for my stuff...I'm getting to old to be down on my knees digging things out from under the beds and couchs ha ha!!
Hey I'm always up for a Par-ty girl count me in...oh NO now I have to go shopping for stuff ha ha!! Many blessings to you and the BOSS this year....hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Sue said...

Did someone say, "Party!" woo hoo...
But now I have to put on my thinking cap in addition to contemplating a Valentine's Cloche Party. Oh my poor concussed brain! LOL
Check out MckLinky- he is much easier to use, I think. I did a practice set-up on my blog to test the waters for hosting a cyber party. Super easy!
Love that closet. Looks like my old basement. Never boxed, either, - so much easier to find things...
hugs, Sue

The Muse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Muse said...

Alright..I'll lay out my dancing shoes for the party...they are red you know :)

Sounds like fun!!!

PS...there is genius awaiting in that crafty collection of holiday storage!

Love & Heaven's Blessings,
The Muse

PS. Word Games ~ adivashammer.blogspot
Poetry ~
Food Quips ~ mysterymeatloaf.blogspot
(coming soon Design ~

vignette design said...

Laurie, I accept the invitation. Now I have to come up with something to post by then relating to Valentine's. BTW, I "blew up" the picture of your closet! What fun! I felt like I was in a store, shopping. It does look like a mosaic! Anyway, I love clutter too, so I felt right at home. Thanks for sharing. OMG we just had an earthquake

vignette design said...

That was a 4.2 earthquake! How weird, I was typing a comment when it happened, Had to come back and finish my comment......--Delores

Anonymous said...

I love your closet. I wish mine looked as good as yours. You bet I'll join your party! Oh, and I like your snow header. Too cute! Rosie

Lisa said...

I think your closet is a dream come true. We have a storage unit that my husband gripes about every month when he gets the bill. But you can't put that stuff in the attic, at least not in Texas where my attic gets as hot as 120 degrees in summer. So every holiday I make the pilgrimage across town to the storage unit and trade out goodies. Your closet is like a really cool store right in your house! Lisa

Treasia Stepp said...

Just wanted to let you know I added the "party" button close to the top of my sidebar. When I post again I'll be sure and spread the word as well.

susan said...

Laurie--You may call it a mess, I would KILL for that closet. and, by the way, it looks very organized to me. How big is the Valentine's section?? :) I will post your button PRONTO and please consider this my official RSVP: Susan@ thoughtsfromovertherainbow accepts with pleasure :) What fun! We need a reunion luncheon. The new Salvation Army store is supposed to be awesome! Alas, it is not on Poplar :) Take care and stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Laurie, I would love to come to your Valentine party. Count me in! I love your's fabulous. LOL....I don't have a holiday closet but I do have a holiday shed....:)

Unknown said...

Hi Laurie! I'm so glad I stopped by. I would love to do your Valentine party. I'll be posting the sweet little button on my side bar. I am actually jealous of your holiday closet! :)


Kathysue said...

Laurie, thankyou so much for visiting my new blog and for your support it means so much to me. I would love to have a closet like this and my hubby would love it,he could get his garage back, thankyou again,hugs Kathysue

Tootsie said...

I love the cupboard!!! you are so lucky to have that!!! I also like the idea of the go girl!!! I will definitely try to remember!

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Laurie,
Your so sweet to come by and leave comments on all those posts! I know how busy you must be! I got your Valentine button up now on my blog, can't wait, mostly to see what you do! Thanks for your friendship this past year, you were one of the first to come talk to me on my blog. The other day I had hubby map out how far to Arkansas, and you know, it's not that bad! I think a little over 800 miles, so maybe in 2010 I will come a knocking! Don't worry, I'll call first! Your welcome here anytime! Hugs, Cindy

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

Oh my gosh! That is my dream storage!!

Laurie, I have never hosted a party so no, you aren't the only one. But now you're having one and I'll really be the only one (oh no LOL).

I'll be there - I have a couple of Valentine projects I'm planning so this is perfect!


nannykim at spindlecottage said...

Well you will have to remind us about the party--that is oh so far away!! (at least for my poor memory). Your holiday closet looks like what I call my secret room. We have louvered doors in our sunroom. Behind some are bookcases, but behind one set is a closet with a door. When you open THAT door it leads to an area quite a bit like your holiday closet. I store some of my holiday stuff in there! Along with wreaths, camping stuff and paint and tools ;-)

Terry said...

Howdy Sweetie
I love it ,I want one of my own :)
I am tired of dragging boxes in and out of storage and rearranging the stacks that are all way taller than me ,someday they are going to topple over if I'm not careful.
Your party sounds fabulous .
Looking forward to the fun .
Thank you for dropping by.
Google still says I have no followers or dashboard most days and somehow my profile photo got changed ????
Modern technology it is a love hate affair .
Blessings to you my sweet friend .
Take care and stay warm.
Big Hugs from Texas
Happy Trails

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Oh my, Laurie! I think it's a wonderful closet! I don't think it's a mess at all! And your Valentine party sounds like a good idea! I hope you are staying warm! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie

Kristens Creations said...

Hi Laurie, Oh how I wish I had a closet like yours! My stuff is still in the garage! Hubby and his friend were supposed to put it up in the attic the other day but they complained it was too cold! Wimps!lol...I think it's about 15 degrees right now, that's not too cold! hehehe. I hope I can join your Valentine party, I'll have to see what I can come up with. Great idea!! Have a good weekend! Kristen

P.S. I think green is the best choice for my island, I've stared at it for long enough! I hope to paint it soon.

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Hi Laurie!

Your holiday closet is awesome!

And, I plan to join Valentine party!! I'll write a little post about it and grab your button so people can plan now for !

Have a great day!

SmilingSally said...

Oh Laurie, thank you for inviting me to your party; I wouldn't miss it! I'm going to mark the date right now.

I love your holiday closet, and in fact, because of YOU, I have already designated one of my bedrooms a Holiday Room! Yep, I did. Right now, it's full of boxes and STUFF, but eventually, it'll have cupboards with the holiday goodies. I don't have nearly as much as you do, but I love this idea so I'm copying!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh I would LOVE a closet like that. I have a small dish closet and I'm in the process of organizing it. Of course it's a work in progress as I am always finding new treasures! I will put your party on my calendar and join in!! Looking forward to it!

Kathysue said...

Laurie, thank you for stopping by my new blog,again,I really appreciate it. I know I went to order the glasses for myself and they were gone. Fancy Nancy is my favorite line of books for little girls,she is soo fun,kind of like you the way you always make everything so fun and special but in a grownup way.Hugs Kathysue

Glenda/MidSouth said...

OK - I put the link to your party on my side bar and it is actually working - aren't you proud of me?!? :-D. Still can't believe that closet!
Have a great weekend and stay warm.

Sue said...

Hi Laurie, Thank you so much for the invitation, i know the party is going to be so much fun.
And that closet I think every woman here in blogland is wanting one like that, I know I do. I have been busy this week trying to put mine away.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Me again! Got you linked up in a post also. - just trying to get the word out. :-D

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Laurie, I am so sorry I didn't see this post before I announced another "Cloche Party" on the 12th of February. I will change my date to a little later. I really do want to join your party. Love the idea. Hugs, Marty

Lori said...

Hi Laurie,
The party sounds fun. I will join in on yourparty it sounds fun..

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hi Laurie, I'd love to join your party for Valentines. So nice to meet you. I'll be looking forward to it!

bj said...

O, can't wait for the party. i just finished a table setting for Valentines, and didn't even know about your, I have my post all ready...dressed in party clothes!! :O)

I have a decor closet, too but it would take an ACT OF CONGRESS for me to post photos of it...OMGosh..
your's looks FABULOUS compared to mine. If ever I drink more than one glass of wine, I may just dare to post pictures of it...NOT !!
hugs, bj

Poppy Cottage said...

Laurie, OH - MY - GOSH! How lucky are you to have such a "hidden" treasure!! Mine still remains in the attic; I've been told it is full (as I don't go up there) and there are things I haven't seen in years because d.s. hubby can't find them ;( I was so thinking you were going to tell us you rent a storage building or something. I have a friend that does that. Do you remember the family in Little Rock that had an entire house next door that they stored their CHRISTMAS LIGHTS in?

Conside this my RSVP for your Valentine Party. I can't wait. You will be a lovely "blogland" hostess ;)

Lynette said...

Love, love, love that closet!! You know I just moved and decided we didn't need a coat closet and turned it into my "decor closet" but it is teeny-tiny compared to your palace - like many others - I have closet envy!!

I just commented to Marty - I think linking is a great idea - but either way - I'll be at your party on the 12th!

Have a good one - oh - and lucky you to have met all those bloggers this year!

Anonymous said...

I just popped in and found you after visiting A Dab of This and A Dab of That, where I read about your Valentines Day party. Count me in! I have been decorating for V-Day ever since I started putting away Christmas...
I'll be there!

Barb said...

Hi Laurie, I love your closet and I am in for the party. Great idea!

Barb ♥

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Hey friend...thanks for coming I just did another post on music boxes when you have a minute check it ou as you said you like them....May you have a great weekend....hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Maggie said...

How wonderful to actually have a place just for holiday decor, somewhere where all the stuff that you have to move in order to display the HD can be stored out of sight and not just on the floor in the office or guest bedroom. Lucky girl!
Your Valentine's Party will be "the hot ticket", it'll be SRO!Can't wait.
P.S. I've taken the button for my blog.

Kammy said...

HI Laurie !
I was expecting to see an area like mine - honey, yours has a clear path - mine is a train wreck ! I was just telling Cuisine Kathleen that we ought to have a "where we put our stuff" party - but, in the spring :o)
Hugs ~ Kammy
p.s. I am going to try and join the V day party, you party girl !

Lisa said...

What a great idea for a blog party! I'll be there!
PS Your closet is not bad at all. It all looks very organized and I bet you know where every little thing is!:)

American Homemaker said...

I'd love to join your party! And I'm so jealous of your closet!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Hi Laurie, I love that storage closet - what a great space. You are so courageous to do a Valentine Party - I wouldn't know where to start! I would love to participate and will certainly try. I am having a difficult time getting back into blogging after all the Christmas comotion. You always do such a great job! Linda

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Laurie, I think your Holiday Closet is FABULOUS!!! What a wonderful space! I think it is great, that you can just put all your stuff on shelves, and see what you have, instead of stuck in boxes!

Can't wait until your Valentine Party! Sounds like fun! I'll be thinking about my post! Maybe I can learn to do mosiacs by then and throw a few of those in! :)

Hope you are having a great weekend! ~hugs, RHonda :)

Sylvia said...

I wish I had a closet like that to store my holiday decos. I dont think its cluttered at all...clutter lover here..hahaha

Beansieleigh said...

Hi Laurie! Nice to meet you! Please do count me in! A big Valentine's Day party sounds like fun! Thank you for inviting me! I am now a follower, and I have posted your party button on my right sidebar! ~tina

Kathysue said...

Laurie, thank you for dropping by my blog on shopping alert day.I told Vanna a long time ago that I am an enabler. It sounds like you are my latest victim, Have fun shopping. Hugs Kathysue

lvroftiques said...

Whoohoo!!! Some come out of the closet *winks* Laura. Christine and I are going in! (Ahem....not to hide anything kwim!) Of course we'll have our "to go" bags with us lol! Cause we're your loving friends who want to help give you LOTS of room! And durn girl! It's certainly big enough for a whole army! I am sooooo jealous!! I really hope I can come up with something good enough for your Valentine party. I would sure love to join in! Love Vanna

Miss Janice said...

I have a room like that in my home in Mississippi, but not in my Florida home. Everything is in the garage here and husband says it's gotta go! Lord have mercy, that's what I'm doing now...downsizing and getting rid of stuff. I have way to much stuff! I have jotted down the date of your Valentine shindig and hopefully will be back from my blogging break by then. I love the photo of your pool/ice pond!

Anonymous said...

I inclination not acquiesce in on it. I think warm-hearted post. Specially the designation attracted me to review the intact story.

CC said...

Oh my!!!!!! You lucky girl. You have an actual holiday decorating storage area. How wonderful not to have to box it up and pack away.
I will put your party button on my blog and would love to attend. I have no clue yet as to what I will show..but I'll think of something I'm sure.
and p.s. I love your writing.. you're fun to read.

Sandy said...

You shouldn't apologize all the time about your love for china and beautiful things. It's your home and you should do what makes you happy and not worry about what others think. You have a lovely home! Most of us would die for a huge storage closet that you have for your Christmas decor. I wish, just wish, I had a large storage closet on every floor in my house. I repackaged all my Christmas decor last year and the plastic bins were in my dining room all last year. We do have a large, unfinished area in our basement but I have taken the Christmas decor out of there (hubby was talking about taking it over for his hobby) thinking to store it upstairs and above the garage. That never happened. So this year it all went back down to the basement. But I wish I had a room like you do on the first floor so we wouldn't have to go up and down stairs - particularly as we age. You are very lucky. And I don't think your storage room looks messy at all. Great blog!

Teacup Lane (Sandy)

Anonymous said...

Genial fill someone in on and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.

Judi said...

Hi Laurie
What a fun post! I love all your collection and you do have a very neat and spacious place to set them up on the shelves. I wish I had something like that...*s*..
Lovely that you shared some of your blogging friends - the ones you've met real time.
AND you are hosting a Valentine's Party. That sounds like fun! I will keep that mind... :o)

have a lovely day

GardenOfDaisies said...

I LOVE your holiday closet!!! I wish I had one too!
Thanks for sharing that with us! (and it is no were near as messy as my office/sewing room right now. I would never dare to show that on a blog. )

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie, It's nice to meet you. A Valentine's party! What fun! I want to come. I have posted your button on my sidebar. Thank you for the invitation.

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie! I'm coming to your party!! How nice of you to host one. Now about your holiday closet! I want one! It looks marvelous and what a fantastic idea to have a place big enough to put all your seasonal stuff. You're just making us all jealous here!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Short and Sweet said...

Count me in for the Valentine Party and it is so nice to meet you. I've never seen your blog but I'm glad that I happened upon it today. Please send me a reminder to sign up to join in on the fun.
Thank you,

Cathy said...

I love your closet and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it! You should see my storage room--now that is awful and I had let the satellite guy into it the other day! Eeks! It's only wrong when one doesn't have enough holiday decorations to fill up a box--rather sinful even I think. LOL!
I'm planning on participating in your party too. How fun!

Cathy ♥

Elena_Valeriote said...

I'll be joining the party!

Karen said...

Hi there.
My first time visiting your blog! I found you from Marty at a Stroll Thru Life.
GIRL! your closet is wonderful! And to not have to wrap and box everything up is such a time saver.
But I live in earthquake country - and alas . . . MUST wrap things up. But I can dream . . .
I hosted my first party last year - I did the Doors of Welcome Mini-Series. I never could figure out the Mr. Linky thing, and I even bought an upscale version that was supposed to be easier. So GOOD LUCK with that one. :)
I hope to join your party! It's on my calendar!
Thanks! Karen @ Some days are diamonds

Barbara Jean said...

Your closet is HUGE! and Wonderful!
I'm sure you know right where things are and that is all that counts.
Ease of getting things is great!

Looking forward to the party!


barbara jean

The Stylish House said...

Hi Laurie,
I haven't hosted a party yet either, but I will be looking forward to yours! What a great closet. It looks like it will hold just about every holiday decor item.

Unknown said...

Hi Laurie,
I have a feeling this party is going to be a very big hit. I mentioned the party of my Pink Saturday post today. I can't wait to see what you do.

★Carol★ said...

Hi Laurie! I want to join your Valentine party! I'm going to add your little button to my sidebar, and I have a feeling this party is going to be a huge success!
Happy Monday!

Ski's Lady said...

I just ran across your blog from another blog! I love your holiday closet!!! What a grand idea. I added your link to my sidebar of my blog too! Glad to have cyber-met you!!

The Strawberry Mallard said...

IN MY DREAMS!!!!!!!!!!! LOL ~ I forgot to post this a week ago, when I added your button to my blog. So PLEASE tell us ! How big is this closet, and how did you do it ~ truly amazing!
So nice to meet you Laurie!

Nancy & Angus

Gwendolen Elaine said...

Ok...I am not scared off by your delightfully well-organized decorating closet!It must be nice to have everything at hand and already unboxed...Never having to uncrunch another faux garland or wreath...that is the stuff of dreams...
I am looking forward to participating in your Valentine's Day Party...See you then!

Megan said...

Hi Laurie--

I just found your blog. How delightful. I would love to attend your Valentine's Pary--just have to figure out how. I'm very new to blogging. I am looking forward to many visits here. BTW--I would die for a closet like that.


KBeau said...

Susie sent me pictures of some darling Valentine cupcakes that she's made, so I'm going to be joining your Valentine party.

Lisa said...

Planning to come to your party! I agree with you about the snow... I originated in Louisiana, where snow is scarce! It's been snowing more this year in OKC than probably all the 25years I've been here, since marrying an okie!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I envy your closet!! My poor hubby is still lugging my boxes in and out of the attic!

I'm interested in joining your Valentine party!


Tammy @ A Walk in the Countryside said...

Oh, I wish I had a holiday closet! I have to box all of my decor up and it's such an aggravation to deal with! But I do it anyway!! I found you via Marty's Tabletop Tuesday party and am now a new follower!