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Sunday, August 9, 2009


I am so excited to be linking to Rhoda's "Today's Thrifty Treasures" for the first time and to Diane's "Second Time Around"! To see thrifty treasures all over Blogville, go get the links at Southern Hospitality and to see second time around treasures go to A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words. Thank you, Rhoda and Diane, for hosting these events.

This week, I went to the "grandaddy of estate sales"! The on-line advertisement:

"Multi-Million Dollar Residence- Over 12,000 square feet full"!

I had to email for an appointment to go to the estate sale! I later learned that was because it is a gated community, and the guard had to have my information before I could get through the gate. Each person admitted was allotted 2 hours (I don't think they enforced that). It took me MORE than 2 hours to shop through this mansion AND take photographs!

The owner's children had grown up and left home, and they were down-sizing. (The White House would probably be down sizing for them!)

I have never been to a professionally hosted estate sale when there wasn't an estate sale employee in every room of the house. After going through the whole house, I went to my car and got my camera, since I knew there wasn't anybody in the rooms to tell me I couldn't take photographs. Sorry, I didn't make it back upstairs to photograph the media room, the play room, and the children's bedrooms. When I was checking out, I overheard one of the employees tell someone that there is a built in security camera in every room, and someone was viewing the monitors! (Of course they would have security in every room, but I never once thought about that!)

After shopping for more than two hours, these are my few little purchases! I paid $11.00 for the cupcake stand; $8.00 for the little "Flanders" plate; $1.00 for a strainer that I thought might be for tea bags (is it?); and $15.00 for the mirrored cake stand. I paid $10.00 for the rusted looking stand that I used on my table Thursday. There's something that goes on top of it, but I'm not sharing that yet.

I've never been to an estate sale this snazzy (heck, I've never been ANYWHERE this snazzy, and I've been to the White House!), so I just thought I'd share it with my friends. I hope you enjoyed going with me to this "grandaddy" of an estate sale! Be sure to go over to Southern Hospitality and to A Picture is Worth 1000 Words. Rhoda, at Southern Hospitality, posted about going to the "Endless Yardsale"! I've always wanted to do that. It looks like so much fun. Thank you so much for coming to visit my blog. laurie


Unknown said...

The 1st guest bedroom is stunning!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Oh my my my my my, Laurie!! You weren't kidding when you said the granddaddy of them all! WOW!

I like what you bought and I commend you, on your bravery, in getting these delightful photos!!

Darlene said...

WOW how neat!!! What a place to live!!! Love your fabulous finds.

KBeau said...

Wow. I'm guessing this wasn't in Blytheville, so where was it? I think that cake stand is one typically used for wedding cakes--at least a friend of mine has a similar one that she says is for wedding cakes. The strainer looks similar to an egg poacher that I once had, except mine had a long handle on it that was made our of sturdy wire. You put the poacher down into boiling water, crack the egg into it, and when it's done, you lift it our by the handle.

Suzanne in TX said...

Your pictorial tour was wonderful! We had something similar here a couple of weekends ago and I WISH I had taken my camera! I love your new treasures. Thanks so much for joining the party! Come over and visit anytime...

Carol said...

Oh my, Laurie, that house is amazing! Wish I could have tagged along with you. All the items you bought are awesome. Can't wait to see them featured in your tablescapes of the future.


Anonymous said...

Holy Kamoly Girl, what did you step into? Do they call it as garage sale in a place like that.LOL


squawmama said...

WOW Laurie... What a gorgeous estate... I have never seen anything like that where someone still alive lived in it... LOL LOL I would have been standing around with my mouth opened... BEAUTIFUL!!!
Thanks for sharing this with us

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Wow! What a treat you had, and it's so sweet of you to share it in such detail with all of us. A very cool experience for sure!

Millie said...

Oh, my goodness! That is must have been difficut not to buy more.

susan said...

I have one question--why did their children ever leave home ?:)--could it be because the wet bar had a lock on it and every room had a security camera ? :)--I do love the door mat! Thank's for putting Adrian on the prayer list!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

WOW!!! What a beautiful home!!! I would have loved to attend an estate sale at that home!!!

You found some lovely finds!!! I love your "cupcake" stand and the cake stand...wonderful!!! I could use both of those at my house!!!

I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!!!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

WOW!!! What a beautiful home!!! I would have loved to attend an estate sale at that home!!!

You found some lovely finds!!! I love your "cupcake" stand and the cake stand...wonderful!!! I could use both of those at my house!!!

I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!!!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

WOW!!! What a beautiful home!!! I would have loved to attend an estate sale at that home!!!

You found some lovely finds!!! I love your "cupcake" stand and the cake stand...wonderful!!! I could use both of those at my house!!!

I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!!!

★Carol★ said...

Wow, that looked like a really fun sale! I think the cupcake stand is my favorite of your finds. Great pictures, and I had fun sneaking a peak at all of the rooms!

ChesterAndDonkey said...

All that silver in the dining room made me squeal with delight! You got some very nice pieces and I enjoyed your photos!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Yes, I believe that is a egg poacher thing and the long handle is missing....your purchases are wows and I am suprised you could still shop after the shock of seeing such a wonder of a house!

Anonymous said...

That had to be fun going to such a magnificent place! When I saw the pictures it made me think of Vanna- she would have snatched things right and left for her sweet haven! (HAs anyone heard from our sweet friend?)

Thank you so much for sharing this home Laurie!


Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Wow!!! You weren't kidding. This was incredible.. I'm glad you found a few treasures to remember being somewhere this grand.. you are one brave cookie to take all these pictures.. sure glad you did..hugs ~lynne~

Salmagundi said...

Oh my goodness!! Hope the monitor guards don't come get you - just tell them you have this huge fan base that required pictures of all your escapades. Love your treasures - you will always remember where you bought them. Sally

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Oh. my. gosh. I would be hyperventilating over all the gorgeous treasures in that home. You lucky girl!! Love the mirrored cake stand. :) Visiting from Rhoda's party. :)

Ginny said...

Wow! That was some estate!! Thanks for taking pictures. You mean people really live like that? Nice treasures you purchased. I love the mirrored cake stand.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Wow, what a place. I can't even imagine. It is so beautiful. I love all of your wonderful finds, they are wonderful. Thanks for taking us with you. Hugs, Marty

Poppy Cottage said...

Oh my how I would have love to have been with you!! And what neat new treasures you have. Thanks so much for sharing them with us and this wonderful outing!


Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

Clearly that house is not in my neck of the woods!!! I'm thinking that must be over in the River Oaks area off Shady Grove! I don't think I have nice enough clothes to attend this sale! (LOL) Love Ya! Lauralu :)

aimee said...


Cindy J. said...

Oh Laurie, how fun.. and what a magnificent place.. Is this Memphis? Love your goodies you got... always love your taste. Loved coming along.. Love, Cindy

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh my goshhhhhhhhhh..........Now, that is reallllly something! I think my whole house would fit in the entry! So, that's how the other half lives. I cannot even imagine....I love it...especially the outside. What a fabulous home. And, the neighborhood....WOW! I'm so glad you had the opportunity to go see it all.....and you got some great finds too. :-)

Have a great week!


Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Laurie, I am speechless.....all I can say is......I am speechless. You have some courage to take those pics! Great detective work. Linda

xashee's corner said...

WOW!! i LOVE your purchases and what a HOUSE!! Thank you so much for sharing! :D Have a MARVELOUS day!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

WOW !! I don't know what else to say. You got some nice things. I have seen the mirrored cake stands used for wedding cakes, but it would work with any cake. I am guessing the strainer is for a tea bag also - it looks as if it would sit on a saucer or small plate.
I saw the listing, but was afraid I would find something I wanted & could not afford. :-) I may still try to go.
Haqve3 a great week.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

That is suppose to be "Have a great week". Not sure what happened there! :-)

santamaker said...

Oh my goodness gracious, girl. I would have parked my bottom down in that home and they would have had to pick me up to get me outa there! It looks like the Biltmore or something. I imagine that the items were probably a little pricey. You came away with some treasures. Thanks for sharing.

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

That's one mega estate sale! Would love to tour that wonderful mansion.

I am so jealous of your mirrored cake stand! And for 15 dollars???

Judi said...

Hi Laurie
Oh my goodness what a house that is! It is humongous and so beautifully decorated too. Did you go alone?

I can't believe they have so many beautiful things...similar things. Wow they must have had big parties and get togethers to use all those beautiful things....hmmmm wonder why the childeren didn't take any or maybe they did!

It seems so different to have cameras in the rooms for a sale and the owners didn't even have to be there. hmmmmm how did you pay?

Its lovely...and you found some great buys...

have a lovely day Laurie..

Connie from Beverly Hills California said...

Laurie, I bet they had some wonderful treasures!! Stop by I am having 2 Giveaways. Connie

Dawn Marie said...

I would have found a place to curl up and pretend it was mine for just a day or two. I cant even imagine living in something like that.

Ya have to wonder, do you think that having so much means anything to them, or does become just so much stuff and has no meaning, no sentiment?

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Wow! What an amazing sale. I'm afraid I would be so overwhelmed, I wouldn't be able to figure out what to buy! You got some wonderful treasures thanks for sharing the pictures (the rest of us can dream about it!)

Martha's Favorites said...

Wow! I wish I had been there. The placed looked unbelieveable. Thanks for all the pictures. It was a fun visit. I will be back again and again! Martha

Dixie said...

Laurie... first I have to say WOW!
and I love that Frenchy White guest bedroom! and all of your treasures...just fantastic! my favorite is the cupcake stand... Great bargain hunting my friend!

xinex said...

What gorgeous home and furnishings, Laurie. I would have loved to stroll through in there. Thanks for taking pictures. Why didn't you buy the chairs? They were so pretty. Everything is!...Christine

puddin07 said...

Laurie, what an amazing estate! I agree with you, I absolutely love those plaid chairs, and also the dresser between them! Thanks for all the pics! I love your treasures! Love Ya! Connie

Kitty Scraps said...

Wow wow wow! What an incredible house! I love your treasures that you found, I think I would have been too overwhelmed just looking at the rooms to actually pick out something to purchase. Thanks for sharing the house with us, it's gorgeous!

LADY JANE said...

Great post...and OMG...what a sale....and hey...was that you (giggle giggle) on the ten o'clock news? Dog-gone security cameras! Alls you wanted to do was share a great sale with your blog buddies!
LOL..if I was there I might have had to have a bubble bath in that beautiful master bath.....THANKS for sharing a great post! And there a two hour limit on veiwing all these great pics?

LillyB said...

Laurie! You took the most amazing pictures, they look professional!! Wow! Was that a house or what??? I thought about us for a second! What will our kids do with all the treasures we have collected? Hahaha mine will probably be talking bad about me for a month!!
Great blog!!
Love ya! Lilly

jeanne said...

Laurie, I am stunned. That was an estate sale extraordinaire. I loved it so much. Thank you for sharing such an outstanding adventure. I love what you purchased.


Sue said...

Now I would have had a field day in that place!!! How were the prices on furniture, crystal, silver? Great pics of the place, BTW.
:-) Sue

Anonymous said...

Now that's a house!!! Would hate to clean it..hehe. Glad you came by and read a bit...hope you woke up in time for work today...smiles~

my home sanctuary said...

Oh my word I would have been afraid I wouldn't be able to afford anything. But I sure would go just to dream! Speaking of dreaming can I borrow a couple of your photo's for White Wednesday. I always post something white that I dream of.
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your purchases!
Have a Blessed Day,

my home sanctuary said...

Oh my word I would have been afraid I wouldn't be able to afford anything. But I sure would go just to dream! Speaking of dreaming can I borrow a couple of your photo's for White Wednesday. I always post something white that I dream of.
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your purchases!
Have a Blessed Day,

Pam @ This Humble House said...

That is awesome! Wow! I am so glad you took pictures! What a neat opportunity to see how it looks behind those gates!

artis1111 said...

I love to go in these big homes. This would have been one estate sale I would have loved to gone to. !!!Kathy

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Wowza!! I can't imagine living in a place so large! Really spectacular! Love that mirrored stand that you got!


Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Wow-ee! I cannot imagine that much space...for one family. LOL! Looks like you came back with so me great pieces :0)

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

SHUT UP!! I would have freaked out if I had been able to go to an estate sale like this!! Seriously! Freaked out! LOVE what you got!! love that mirrored cake stand! To die for!!

Lou Cinda :)

Decor To Adore said...

Wow! Would I love to have gone with you!

Roeshel said...

Oh my gosh! Wow! And look at the treasures you snagged! Good job! Thanks so much for the tour - I can't even imagine how awesome that was!

I have a note for you in my most recent blog post regarding mosaics. ;)


Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Are you kidding me? This is fabulous and oh how I would have loved to tag along with you! Just amazing pics and how funny about the security cameras. I wonder what they were thinking when they saw you taking all those pics. Lol. Thanks so much for taking us along, oh and I love what you bought! Beautiful treasure's! I am so amazed! Hugs, Cindy

Sharlotte said...

Oh my! What an amazing home! Thank you for taking pictures, that was a treat!

I love what you purchased. Each time you use one of these items you will be reminded of your amazing adventure!

MyThoughtsMyVoice said...

Hah! That is one grand venue for an estate sale. I'm surprised you still get to buy something cause this sure fits more like a tour of the house LOL.

I love what you bought Laurie. They are so pretty! My faves are the cake stand - both the one with butterflies and the one with mirror!


Bridget said...

I thoroughly enjoyed coming along on this estate sale. I would have wanted a big bag of moolah to spend there. Oh my goodness, the treasures that were there. You got some good stuff and the prices weren't bad for what they were!

Ginny said...

laurie,i didn't see an email address for you, so i wanted to ask you to pray for my husband clarence who is having some extensive heart testing done tomorrow. he is having a knee replacement in october and his ekg was questionable, and since he is diabetic, they have to be certain everything is ok before the surgery. I am only asking faith-filled individuals to pray, as I am assured that they will.
thank you so much, ginny

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Laurie!
Thank you for stopping by. I am so sorry I haven't posted sooner. I did put one at the bottom of Outdoor Wednesday. I have been waiting on updates from Debbie. It has been a long 2 + days so far. I am so exhausted. I am trying to work and keep up with Debbie calls at night. She wants to talk at night, and yesterday when I came in, I almost fell asleep at my computer. I am there for her always, but I am so tired. God help me through this. I have been posting for Debbie, as it is important to her. It is good theraphy for me. Thank you for checking on everybody. I read all of the posts to Debbie every night, as they give her hope to hang on to. Love, Sherry

southerninspiration said...

Casa Too Mucha to word, Laurie, I cannot believe that house! Oh my word, I am speechless. I LOVED the twin beds in the guest room!!! Loved your finds, too!


Kathleen said...

WOW, and WOW lots more! I would have LOVED to have gone with you!
That is amazing!
Love the door true..
And your purchases are great...
When I saw your post come up in my sidebar my shopping fever started to shoot up..knew it would be great!
And thanks for praying for Erin..I am touched by your kindness!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

WOW! That is one snazzy house, Laurie! Amazing! I love the things you bought...especially the little Flanders you! (and me! lol) I will be looking for these things to show up in your tablescapes! Hope you are having a great week!...Debbie

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Drool, Drool, all over my key board here WOW!! Laurie I would be in 7th heaven seeing that in real life...Just look at all the pretties you got my friend...Thanks for taking us all along...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Unknown said...

Wow Laurie, What an estate sale. I have never been to one, I have passed them, but I have always been shy to go inside. This one was gorgeous, and your photographs are perfect. I love those chairs too.

Have a great day.


Anonymous said...


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Laurie!
I find myself hanging on waiting for the phone to ring. I don't think I sleep very deep, I am listening for the phone. I don't want to miss a call, if Debbie needs me. We have always been so close and I want to be there for her. She is the other half of my soul. Even when we were little we were together everywhere. We should have been twins we are convinced. Thank you for your prayers and kindness during this time in our lives. We could not have done this without all of you wonderful sister bloggers. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Love, Sherry

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Thanks for your comment, Laurie!! :) That's the first time I fell in love with spray paint. :)

Anonymous said...

Laurie! Oh, my Lord! I've never seen anything like this! This is a mansion! Love what you bought and it seems you got some good prices! Can youimagine living in something like this! I'd have loved to be by your tiny side touring and snapping!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Laura said...

There was so much to see I am almost speechless.
How could you stand it! How interesting and I love what you bought!


Robin said...

WOW, what an estate sale!!! I would have been so overwhelmed! Thanks for risking yourself and taking photos for us to see.


Robin :o)

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Laurie, All I can say is"WOW". I would love to attend an Estate sale like that. Window shopping would be just fine. It was amazing! Thanks for taking us along. It's good to be back to blogland. I have a lot of catching up to do. Hugs, Terrie

SmilingSally said...

I'm so glad that you posted about this and took pictures; I never have heard of anything like this before. I probably would've been to overwhelmed to buy anything. (sigh)

BTW: I think you mean "Diane" from A Picture is Worth 1000 Words, not Donna.

Lady Katherine said...

Wow, how fun to visit such a wonderful home! I love the chairs and the dresser in the middle! Now, Laurie! You have bought the butterfly/strawberry plate stand, it goes with my wedding china that got broken the day before I got married. I got 3 plates, one chipped cup, one creamer left. Please say you will sell it to me! Double your money? lol I never seen the cake plate! Just wonderful! I'd keep it too! Love all your finds! Loved the tour too! I missed visiting! I been running around trying to get lots done, I was in a panic for surgery was to be Sept. 16. but now changed to Oct 21. I can breathe a little! lol I want a new computer! This one is so slow to visit everyone! lol Hubby says no! We shall see! lol I bought lot lots of things, I need to share! Going in this weekend to buy, chickens that lay egg that look like chocolate. Yes they do! Got go work on my book shelves that are up in the parlor for a parlor/library. Hope to visit more! Love you and Thanks for taking time to check on me, I cherish your sweet notes!

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Laurie...were all those things on the table in the dining room for sale, too? Wow, they would have had to drag me out of that room.