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Saturday, June 27, 2009



Since I use the same decor for Independence Day that I use for Memorial Day and for Flag Day, this post may look like a "Sunday Favorites" re-post. Unfortunately, it isn't! I really did pack all of it away after Flag Day and got it back out for the upcoming July 4th celebration! (Don't ask me why I did that, but next year I'm going to try to remember that July 4th is not THAT far away from Flag Day, and I'll leave the patriotic decor out from Flag Day through the 4th - If I'm still blogging next year, and if anyone is still visiting my blog, I'm counting on one of you to remind me!)

(I use PhotoScape for my mosaics)

As always, I appreciate your visit so much. laurie


Bridget said...

I saw another bloggers post where she was putting out her "summer decor" of red, white and blue, I think that's a great idea.
Happy almost 4th of July!

Domestic Designer said...

Everything looks so festive. Your mantel is just gorgeous. Have a great Sunday!

artis1111 said...

You have the right idea. Most don't honor the flag or what it took to keep it. Have a great weekend. LOL Kathy

Jewel Sauls said...

I love it all! I think I am going to start decorating from Memorial Day to Labor Day with my 4th of July decorations. You are so inspirational!!! I love the table with the lights under the glass and I always envy your postcards - for all seasons!!!! Looks great, :D Jewel

Robin said...

I just love EVERYTHING! Such a great way to celebrate our wonderful country!!!


Robin :o)

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

You are the undeniable "Queen of Holidays"! I love your holiday decor and this looks quite different from your Memorial Day look. You're just the "bestest" and your house could be a tour all in itself!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

I most certainly hope you are still blogging next year, Laurie!!!!!!

I love your 4th of July decor.

I have a few things, here at the lake and actually hauled dishes, etc, from home for my 4th of July tablescape!

Dawn Marie said...

I hope your still blogging also! Alot of great ideas and as i was looking at your photos, it struck me how there are still Americans who have that strong patriotic heritage and who value our country and what it stands for. I do more decorating Patriotically than I used to also, and its because it means so much more to me--and I am sad about whats happenning in our country.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What beautiful decorations you have. The photos are absolutely breathe taking. You do us proud!

Denise said...

Everything looks so pretty. I love the way the table looks! I will be getting all of my red, white and blue out in the next day or so.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Laurie, I am always amazed at the fabulous vignettes you manage to create. Everything is just gorgeous. I have very little red/white and blue. My decorations will be really small, but I will put them out. You've done a great job. Love it all. Hugs, Marty

Nicole ~ said...

Hey Laurie, I just love all of your collections, you have so many fun items for each holiday. You always do such a wonderful job decorating! Nicole

Jena Williams, Not So Shabby Interiors said...

Love it all! So festive...of course, I love RED,WHITE & BLUE! Looks great!

Anonymous said...

Hi sweet Laurie, Please don't apologize. I put my red, white, and blue up before Memorial Day and it will stay there until after Labor Day, until the pumpkins come out. I will add to it for the 4th of July (but that's only because I have a big bbq that day. Happy Sunday. xo Lynn

Ginger said...

You really have a great collection of everything for holidays. I wish I lived closer so I could come and borrow something. lol.
Love the red, white and blue.

Soosie said...

hey laurie Eve..After looking at a sea of pink and green from my party yesterday, I am ready for the good ole red, white and blue..I also wanted to tell you about what's at Wal-mart, even though you don't shop there much. They have the old -fashioned boxes of Cracker Jacks in the iconic red, white and blue..3 for $1!!!(a vintage look bargain)..I tied a red ribbon around it with a miniature flag inserted in the ribbon for 4th of July favors! Wish you were here..I know you will be having a cast of thousands over..Susie

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh my gosh, Laurie! You go allll out! It is fantastic....I can't believe all the wonderful patriotic items you've collected. I'm lucky get a couple of things changed on my porch for the season. You're awesome!


puddin07 said...

Yes, Laurie, you are awesome! I love that you decorate for our wonderful Country! It is all so beautiful, and you are so talented! Love Ya! Connie

Four Paws and Co said...

It's beautiful Laurie! ☺ Diane

HiHo said...

WOW! looks great, guess it's time to get the RW&B buntings out the shot of the pup holding the flag. Heidi

Roeshel said...

Summer time is my favorite for red, white and blue! I didn't sell all of my Americana at the yard sale and now I'm motivated to get busy decorating a little! Thanks for the inspiration! :)

Miss Janice said...

Your mantel looks awesome! I just love it!

susan said...

I "used up" all my red white and blue idea on Memorial Day :) I loved seeing all of yours and your great pictures!

abeachcottage said...

what great ideas, I am going to an American themed event at the weekend and need to take some stuff, I am taking a closer look here for some inspiration...thanks


Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Laurie! I love the way you decorate for each holiday! It's so festive! I know how much the grandchildren must love to come over and see the decorations! I'm still telling you, I know you are the best grandma on the planet! Enjoy your week! And Happy 4th a little early!...hugs...Debbie

KBeau said...

I love all of your patriotic stuff, Laurie. There's nothing like the red, white and blue.

Unknown said...

Hi Laurie,
Your patriotic decor looks great! I've got lots of catching up to do in blogland!
:) Diane

Cindy J. said...

Dear Laurie, I so agree with Debbie, yes the best grandma on the planet!!! What a wonder you are.. everything always looks so beautiful and so special. Happy Fourth dear friend. Love, Cindy

Dixie said...

Laurie... I LOVE your patriotic decor... You have an open invitation to French Lique to come and decorate to your hearts content! You're amazing girl!!!

Happy Independence Day!

xashee's corner said...

you surely have the GREATEST decorations!! i think it looks absolutely LOVELY!! i don't have much red, white, and blue things... but i got red square charger plates!! lol you definitely INSPIRE me!! Thank you so much for sharing! Have a MARVELOUS day! :)

xinex said...

Hi Laurie! I love your patriotic plate collection! Happy Independence Day!...Christine

Melissa Miller said...

Laurie it's all pretty and so patriotic!

~Happy 4th! :)

Marie said...

Hello Laurie - I just love all of your patriotic decorations! Your mantel is beautiful! And that sweet photo tree looks neat with the postcards sticking up. What great inspiration you've given us! I'm motivated to do more 4th of July decorating around my home now.


Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello Sweet Laurie! I love ALL your red, white & blue decor! You have such a wonderful touch to decorating and I am sure family & friends love coming to your home!

Have a wonderful 4th of July and thanks for getting me into the mood!


Brenda Pruitt said...

How pretty! You're all set up for the 4th!

Designs on 47th Street said...

WoHoo! I finally got to the post a comment box!! You don't know how many times I try and can't get it to come up. DO NOT KNOW WHY!

Laurie, you are amazing with your decorating ability, plus all your gorgeous decorations and the fact that you are so sweet to leave comments. You must be very good at time management.

You have some very festive 4th of July pieces. Loved looking at your post (as always!!)

Thank you so very much for stopping by my blog and leaving comments so often. It truly does mean the world to me!!


Sue said...

Oh Laurie, this is just so patriotic and FUN!!! Honestly, I would never have dreamed of decorating for Independence Day! You are just so with it. Love all the little flags, postcards, plates, etc. You have outdone yourself for this holiday. I now feel so inadequate and unpatriotic! :-( hugs, Sue

Sharing with Sherri said...

Great 4th decor and pics!!!
I salute your creativity and patriotism!!

I hope your have a very fun and safe 4th of July holiday!


Sue said...

Hi Laurie,
What an awesome post! How wonderful to find someone who loves this Country as much as I do! You can put all of your beautiful patriotic item out anytime! I certainly enjoy them. Have a most blessed 4th of July with your family and friends.
I must apologize for not visiting sooner as I have had some health issues this past week, and just wasn't up to blogging, I was even sick when I last posted. I finally went to the doctor and am feeling so much better now, It is so great to be visiting friends again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie! I love all of your wonderful decorations - your mantle is marvelous! You have the gift, Dear One! And you collages - fab!
Now, Laurie - come on over to my blog! I've crowned you with your Bathroom Glory!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

alice wayne said...

Well thank you so much for your lovely words!
What a great blog!
I love the vintage patriotic goods! I bet your home is gorgeous!

With love,

Kathleen said...

Hi Laurie..Love all your patriotic paraphernalia..say that fast 10 times..:)
I just finished dragging mine out again too..Next year we will remind each other to keep it out from Flag Day on..if we remember! LOL..
And even though there were scads of tables last week in RW and B, that won't deter me from boring everyone with another!!:)

Have a wonderful 4th..God Bless America..and you of course!

Carrie said...

Your collection of patriotic items are so effectively displayed to honor these special holidays. It inspires me to gather more such items to add a meaningful touch to my patriotic holiday decor.

★Carol★ said...

WOW!! I am in awe of your RW&B decorations! I thought I had alot. You put me to shame! Your mantle is gorgeous, and everything is so well displayed. I love it all!

SmilingSally said...

You do an excellent job of decorating. Happy 4th.