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Thursday, May 21, 2009


To see lovely tablescapes, please go to Susans at Between Naps on the Porch.

Susan, you are such a great hostess for this event. Thank you.

I'm having a meeting tonight, and I will be serving dessert. For Tablescape Thursday, I am sharing a few photos from my dessert buffet table (without the dessert on it-couldn't let it all get stale before my guests arrive!)
I'm using my fun "ladies only" plates.

If high heels were so wonderful, men would be wearing them.

Work as if you don't need the money; love as if you've never been hurt; and dance as though noone is watching.

You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy.

I've been on a diet for two weeks, and all I lost was two weeks.

A woman's work is never done, so why bother?

I just want to be wonderful!

Thank you so much for coming by to visit my blog. Click here to go to Between Naps on the Porch to see a LOT of wonderful tablescapes. laurie


Carrie said...

Your buffet setting is very pleasing to the eye...and the setting in your home is very attractive and welcoming.

Anonymous said...

How sweet and rustic! I sure would love to sit here and share some dessert with you.

Chandy said...

I love those plates and that table is so inviting! I'm invited, right? :-)

I love your tablecloth, it is simply gorgeous!

Kathleen said...

Adorable plates, and I love your round of napkins too.
That vase is very pretty!
Happy Memorial Day, Laurie!

Linda in AZ * said...

* G' morning, Ms Laurie-girl~~~~ I'll bet Y*O*U slept well, w/ "YOUR" special "Arkansas Kris" being the winner of American IDOL last night!!! (Betcha you slept in TODAY, huh?!?!?!)~~~ KNOW yer on CLOUD 9!!!

And THIS looks as delightful, unique, creative n' fun as EVER!!!! (I ESPECIALLY adore the pic looking from the back of the table to that EVER-INCREDIBLE WALL of BOOKCASES that I love SOOO MUCH!!! Its SO DRAMATIC & WARM!!!

I have a feeling I don't need to say "Have a good day", as I just KNOW you are!!!

Linda *
(P.S. Thanks for visiting CHEFSHARI... you'd LOVE her if you got to meet her!!! Appreciate it, gf!!!)~~~

Domestic Designer said...

Where did you find those plates? I love them! I also really love you napkin arrangement. Really cute idea!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Laurie, you always come up with the cutest things. I just love the linens, so pretty. Now as for the plates, they are the cutest things I have ever seen. Love them. What a great idea to use the two different napkins in the plaids and the fold them in such a pretty fan display. I think I will have at least one of everything you are serving, well maybe two. lol Have a great time, it looks fabulous. Hugs, Marty

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Oh Fun! I want to come ... now just how long would it take me to get there from Virginia?

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi there Laurie,
I am always so thrilled when I see one of your tables! I wish I was coming tonight, the table is beautiful and eclectic! I love everything about it and the warm lovely living room too! Hugs, Cindy

Four Paws and Co said...

Laurie, It's gorgeous and another tablecloth I'm in ♥ with! ☺ Diane

Kat said...

Laurie, this is just lovely! What time is dessert? The centerpiece is really beautiful, and this looks so inviting! Love those plates, especially the next to the last - I think I've found my new motto lol. Thanks for sharing this. Kathy

Unknown said...

Truer words have NEVER been spoken!

Anonymous said...

Laurie, WOW what a room your buffet is set up in, I am in love with that built in book shelf unit, AMAZING!! Hope you have a fun party!
Also, congrats your hometown boy, sorta, WON American Idol!! He is a cutie! Sue

Stacey said...

Your table is ready to go! I don't remember seeing that beautiful wall of bookshelves before. Wow - I wish I had those!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Oh Laurie!!! I love this!!! I love your plates with the cute whimsical!!! The table is set to perfection...I adore the way you placed the napkins. I wish I was there to join in the fun!!!

Your home is so lovely in the background!!! I would love to see more!!!

I am sooo excited Kris won!!! I bet you are over the moon!!! Local boy makes good!!! He sooo deserves it.

Have a wonderful day!!!

Silvia said...

oh my did i think of you last night!!!!!, i really didnt think he was gonna win but i guess i was soooooo wrong, good for him! you must be so excited.
anyways i loved this set up but what i really loved was the view,the bookshelves are AMAZING! you have a beautiful home my friend.have a great day.


ellen b. said...

Very nice Laurie! I said it before but I love the view of that wall of shelving from your dining room table!
I like the colors on this scape and that tablecloth....

Kathleen Ellis said...

Laurie, those plates are too fabulous!!! I love them...where might we find them??? I hope you enjoy your "dessert meeting"!
happy holiday weekend!

Kim said...

Holy Cow Laurie - is this your HOME??? That wall of book shelves!!!! OMG! Will you adopt me?

Lady Katherine said...

I love the buffet table, dishes all stacked up. The napkins fold in the circle is great! All the silver and serving dishes! Is that the ice bucket? The cloth is very pretty! I adore the ladies plates!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

It's wonderful Laurie! I love how you have the napkins and those plates are fabulous!!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Everything looks so lovely. The plates are just too cute. And I love what they say. The way you arranged the napkins is fabulous as well. Great job!

Ginny said...

Great looking buffet set up. I loved the plates.

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Laurie: This is so pretty! I love the plates and the way you laid the napkins out! I also love that bunny plate!!!

Have a good weekend!

Lou Cinda :)

xinex said...

Beautiful buffet! I can imagine it with food on the table. I love your tablecloth, Laurie! How have you been? Love the plates too!...Christine

Terry said...

Hey Laurie
I always think of the movie Oklahoma whenever I see your name :)

I have an award for you over at my place if you get a chance drop on over .
Be blessed,stay happy and have a wonderful weekend !

Happy Trails.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Oh how adorable! Everything looks so warm and inviting! Love seeing your bookshelves in the back ground! All the lamps casting a warm glow just look beautful! And, the rustic and WHY didn't I think of it first! ;) Nancy

Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

I'm too busy looking at that beautiful room to notice your table. You have a lovely home. Yes, I see that pretty vase your centerpiece is in. That is something I would get. Thanks for sharing.

Connie said...

Hi Laurie, My comment is about your
huge room. No wonder you are able to entertain large groups of people. It looks like you have two tables ~ one in front of your fireplace and the other large one which you have decorated so cute. Love the two plaids together. So talented !

OCDesigner ~Athella said...

Wowsers Laurie...I've never seen that bookcase before either. Your table looks beautiful and I really love your plates too!

Lorna ~ Lace and Ivy Cottage said...

Laurie, I love your buffet tablescape! I adore the plates. I love your tablecloth and your napkin arrangement. So what's for dinner?
I have to say that your bookshelves in the background took my breath away. This must be your favorite room in the house. It's so cozy and inviting. Thanks for letting us in your beautiful nest!

puddin07 said...

Laurie, I know you are happy about Kris, and so am I. I love your tablescape, I have never seen those plates, so cute. What I liked best, was that gorgeous view of you gorgeous Family Room! I enlarged the pic, and it felt like I was there! Love Ya! Connie

Dawn Marie said...

I sure wish I was coming by for this! I loved this idea, and those plates--I will be on the lookout for those! Your containers for beverages are adorable.

Bo said...

Hi Laurie...Desserts are my FAVORITE foods! I love the idea of a dessert buffet...The tablecloth on the buffet table is wonderful & the way you created a pinwheel effect out of the napkins is so cute...Love it all! ;-) Bo

xashee's corner said...

CHARMING!!! :) Thank you for sharing another inspirational tablescape! Have a FANTASTIC Holiday weekend! :)

Robin said...

WOW!! Everything is absolutely GOREGEOUS!! And those plates are hysterical!


Robin :o)

LillyB said...

Your buffet is amazing!! And I love those adorable plates! Thank you for the laugh too! Those sayings were very funny!! One of my favorites is...Ginger Rodgers did everything Fred Estaire did, only she did it backwards and in High Heels!!!
Have a great day!!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Laurie...hope your party turned out great for you girl..May you have a wonderful Memorial weekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Judi said...

Hi Laurie
I thought you would post a bit more on Kris. :o)

Your plates are so fun and would make for good conversation...*s*...hope you had a nice visit with them.

have a lovely weekend

Ginger said...

Great tablescape. I think you have more plates than anyone I know. lol.
Have a great weekend.

Coloradolady said...

Laurie, just beautiful! I love your dishes and it looks so inviting.

Anonymous said...

I gushed over those plates cause those ladies sure look like they're having so much fun.

And then I read the quotes. Thanks for the smile . . . or should I say laugh :-)


Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Laurie, You have the most amazing collection of table cloths - I always notice how pretty they are. Lovely table, but the bookcases in the distance really caught my eye, and they are just gorgeous - I love, love, love bookcases and books - and libraries! Linda

Unknown said...

Your table is beautiful...and your home is too!
Thanks for sharing,
:) Diane

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Hi Laurie!

Oh how I wish those plates were mine! They are DARLING! ....I love the napkins in a fan too. So clever. Why don't I think of these things? :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!


squawmama said...

Oh Laurie, I think the only thing missing is me... tee hee Lovely setting and I sure hope you took some pictures of it with the goodies on it... Have fun!


Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Laurie...I just LOVE your home! What a treat to see this in your beautiful family room. The floral centerpiece is gorgeous! What a cute way to place the napkins! The plates are a much fun!
:-) I love your nice big pics...felt like I was right there! Happy Memorial Day! Love, Susan

Anonymous said...

Hi Lauri! Oh, I missed your tablescape! I love this and those girly dishes are just precious!
Thanks for popping in and have a blessed and safe Memorial Day weekend.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :0

Anonymous said...

hi baby!!!!!!!!!!beautiful.i love the way you placed the napkins.pretty cool fhere.and the pretty yellow flowers.
i do so wish i had your book shelves.they are awesome.
i am doing better evveryday.i hope all is well with ann

Silvia said...

hi laurie, i just came back for another look at the beautiful!!.
have a great night friend..
