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Saturday, April 25, 2009


I am participating in a great new meme, sponsored by my sweet friend, Chari, at Happy To Design (This is just the MOST brilliant idea, Chari. Thank you). For "Sunday Favorites", we re-post a previous post from our blog. How great is that? I know some of you may not have visited my blog when my good friend, Vanna, let me feature her family room on my blog for my first Share a Space Saturday on November 14, 2008. At that time, she didn't have her own blog, but since then, Vanna has created her own beautiful blog, "Delusions of Grandeur". So today, I thank Chari for this great meme and I thank Vanna for allowing me to feature her great family room (TWICE)!

My good cyber friend, Vanna (LVROFTIQUES on RMS) has some of the most beautiful and interesting antiques I've ever seen. That is why I asked her if I could feature a room in her home as my first "Share a Room Saturday". Vanna graciously consented, and I am so excited to show you this room. Hopefully, she is the first of future "Share a Room Saturday" guests on my blog, as I hope to share beautifully-decorated rooms of some friends who don't have a blog (Oops! I may have just lost all of my non-blogging friends!). Vanna not only has beautiful tiques, she is also a hoot, so I'm just going to let her take you on a tour of her gorgeous family room. I'm tellin' you, you're gonna love this.


My French Country-ish Family Room:

Howdy y'all!!My dear friend Laurie asked me to be her first guest for her "Share a room Saturday" And I'm so thrilled to be asked!This is the most country french of all my rooms (at least I think it is.....)And the room where I spend the most time. I'm so happy to share it with her (and you!*winks*)

I've decorated it almost entirely with flea market, estate sale, garage sale and Goodwill finds. So if it looks like junque? Well y'all know why! Lol!

The french armoire was a craigslist find at $250, and houses all my TV stuffs.The french chair by the window was a $125 find at a local antique store. And the antique table sitting next to it was $65 at an auction.The sofy was a consignment find at an antique store for $300. It was love at first sight! There's a whole long story that goes with it that can be viewed on RMS. But I digress.... The art nouveau planter of a mother and daughter is one of my favorite things! (You'll hear me say that a lot! *winks*)

A closeup of the coffee table (A $135 antique store find) and the mother daughter planter. Isn't it sweet?

Moving clockwise is the fireplace flanked by some of my antique 12 months of the year prints. Found at a garage sale for $10! I have them scattered all over my house.

A closeup of one of the prints. This one is September.

Still moving clockwise, one of my favorite slag lamps with one of my beloved french spelter figures.

Here is my sofy. Not the most attractive shot but you get the jist *winks*

My 1840's secretary. One of my favorite pieces of furniture. I found this at an auction for a steal, and when my hubby saw what I'd purchased he was shocked and said "It's so not you!" But I really love the beautiful old flame mahogany. Oh....and if anything sits still for very long...I'll put a tassel on it!*winks* Lol!!

Yet another favorite...Yeah I know!...AGAIN!..... There's a whole long story to go with this one too. As there are most of my stuffs *winks*But I'll give you the shorter version. My sister and I were discussing one day, which piece of art in our homes was our favorite? I told her this carved portrait of a young girl was probably mine. She said "Oh honey, I hate to break this to you...But that's a boy! He has an adams apple" And danged if she wasn't right! (Don't ever tell her I said so *winks*) Guess I'm not very observant! But WHATEVER!! It's still one of my faves! Lol!!

View from the back side of the sofy. Another one of my beloved french spelter statues. This one titled "Fleurs de Printemps" (Flowers of spring) And a bouillotte lamp that I found at the Goodwill. My DH said "The last thing you need is another lamp!" Silly man! As if anyone could ever get enough charming lamps *winks* And while I do appreciate my DH's opinion, I have found that if I love it...or even like it strongly? Well, better safe than sorry right? Lol! I'm glad I took it home. What do y'all think?
Here is a shout out for help! I have tried for years to identify what this bronze box was used for? It's victorian and features hunting motifs 8"x5".I thought maybe a cigar box? Or maybe a gentleman's dresser box? If anyone here knows please give me a holler.

On the other side of my sofy (yes I know it's a sofa....I like sofy better...I'm quirky like that. and yes....other words have also been used lol!)is my treasures armoire. Full of all kinds of whoosy whatsits. No rhyme or reason here...If I like something?...In it goes! Lol!

Some of my treasure...Oh boy, lots of stories in here!

Some plates given to me by friends and family. I love old plates!

A couple of my busts...Yep yet another collection. "What don't you collect?" you ask. Well NOT MUCH! That's fer sure! Lol!!

Love this handsome boy by the name of Virgile. And the little french general is a sweet little painting on ivory.

On the opposite side of the room is a billiards table (hubby HAD to have it!) The two dogs lounging are two of our four fur babies. Shelby (lrg) and Jewel aka/ Juju bear (pom)
In the far corner is a working telephone booth that came from a boutique hotel.It was an anniversary gift from me to my hubby (He's quirky too!)

The right side of my billiards area features a 1912 upright grand piano. One of two grands in my house...And I don't play a note! Found at a garage sale for $200. A closeup on the french hunting relief plaques above the piano. Aren't they wonderfully detailed? I carried this french bust titled litige (litigation) home in my lap on my last trip to france. I thought my legs would never work again! Anyhoo I collect sheep figures also. For those of you who already know me...Ya'll know I'm a bit of a black sheep *winks*

The left corner of my billiards room with a darling little bird (Rexy) from my dear friend Lynne's shop (decorator101 on RMS & you can visit her shop at Lynne's Gifts From the Heart blog) And some pix of my mom at 16.
Behind the library screen hides a pinball machine (much to my dismay) Another one of those things that hubby just "LOVED" What could I do? Some concessions had to be made for all the lamps.....Chairs....sheep......chandeliers.....Well you get the picture *winks*

Other side of the room.

Close up on the table with a darling cherub found on ebay. Sometimes you can find the neatest things for cheaps!

We've come full circle. I hope you enjoyed the tour. Are your eyes still working? Would you like a refill on that hot spiced cider? Perhaps some more cookies? Come on! Just one more won't hurt ya! Vanna


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and thank you, Vanna, for letting me feature your gorgeous family room the first time, and I hope you don't mind that I've re-featured it, because it is one of my favorite posts on my blog! Thank you Chari for this great idea. Be sure to go by Chari's blog to see other blogger's favorite posts. laurie


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Laurie, I am so glad to see winks family room again...I just love this gal and her stlye of decorating...every time I see it I drool on my keyboard..Thanks for sharing once where is our leader any way?? I am putting her face on milk cartons as I type girl..Hope she don't make me go dragging the river for he..don't want to get my Old red robe wet ha ha!! May you have a great weeekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Linda in AZ * said...


*THANK YOU!* What a DIVINE experience I had just now!!! It was great fun looking at all Vanna's treasures, & I'm still in rather a "state of shock" at how she (Vanna) F-I-N-D-S these INCREDIBLE bargains~~~ very PRETTY BARGAINS, no less!!! (And a bargain is NOT a bargain UNLESS one LOVES IT, right?)~~~

This was SUCH a treat, and SOMEHOW I HAAAD missed this the "first time around", so THANK YOU TO CHARI for starting this~~~ FABULOUS IDEA, CHARI!!! Can't wait to enjoy more shortly!!!

Warmest to all,
Linda *

imjacobsmom said...

Yep, this was a good repeat! Thanks for thinking of it....Robyn

Donna said...

Wow! I don't know what else to say but Wow! What an incredibly beautiful room! ... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I missed this post the first time around. So I am happy for Chari starting this new meme so I could enjoy it this time. I think it is so fun that you post photos of your friends rooms. Vanna has a beautiful room. Thanks to the both of you for sharing.

Unknown said...

Love the tour. Vanna sounds like a hoot. I have discovered her blog before and i like her style. mishelle

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Laurie,
This was wonderfully fun! Thanks for sharing this beautiful room with us. The tour by Vanna was wonderful, I love all the detailed descriptions and that she is able to find so much of her stuff at bargain basements prices. What a great idea to share your friends rooms. Cindy

SmilingSally said...

I love that secretary best of all the many treasures you have shown. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Oh Laurie you brought tears to my eyes seeing Vanna's lovelies again- I am worried about her, she has been so very quiet these days- not at all like her!


The Raggedy Girl said...

What an incredible room, thank you so much for sharing it.

Have a Blessed Sunday
from The Raggedy Girl--Roberta Anne

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Laurie, I so remember this beautiful room and love all of Vanna's wonderful decorations. I could stay in this room all day and just drool. Where is she anyway, I havn't seen a post from her in weeks. I hope she is ok. Thanks for sharing again. Hugs, Marty

Candy said...

Thanks for stopping by this morning. I am off to church but looking forward to coming back and checking out this wonderful post. Sounds like a fun thing.
Sunday Blessings,

Candy said...

Thanks for stopping by this morning. I am off to church but looking forward to coming back and checking out this wonderful post. Sounds like a fun thing.
Sunday Blessings,

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Laurie,
Vanna's home is so beautiful!
Thanks for sharing this one again.

Have a blessed Sunday.
~Melissa :)

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello Dearheart...

Ohhh Laurie...I'm so pleased that you decided to participate in "Sunday Favorites" and thank you so much for the sweet, sweet "mention" at the beginning of your post! I sure do appreciate it, Sweetie!!!

My friend, what a perfect post to share with all of us once again! You know, when you first posted was the first time that I seen Vanna's family room! I was so excited to see another part of her fabulous home!!! She is such a talented designer and has some of the most beautiful antique pieces!!! Thank you so much for sharing our dear sweet Vanna's home again, my friend!!!

Thank you again, happy that you joined in with this new Sunday meme! You are always so kind and supportive...I really appreciate you and our friendship!!!

Love ya,

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Wow! Love it, and besides that, she sounds like one great friend and a fun gal!

Kim said...

Okay, this is my first time seeing this post and I'm gonna have to go back to it about a hundred times just to take it all in. Ya know, make sure I didn't leave anything out! It's totally FAB!!! I've visited Vanna's blog before (she's a doll!) but I never knew she was lvrofantiques on RMS! I know I have some of her spaces in my RMS faves. Great post Laurie!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

I think I must have missed this, first time around. What a lovely home, Vanna has! Thanks so much for sharing, Laurie!!

Nicole ~ said...

Laurie, this was an excellent choice to re-post!! Vanna has so many pretty things, and the prices she paid on some of those pieces is unbelievable. I do not think I have ever seen a window above a fireplace, but I am loving it!! I really enjoyed this tour.

puddin07 said...

Hi Laurie, I loved seeing Vanna's room again, and yours and her's are my absolute favorites! I also thought your little postcards were so sweet! Love Ya! Connie

xinex said...

Oh Laurie, I am glad you picked to repost this. You are right, Vanna has the most gorgeous antiques! And I cannot understand how she finds them at such a low price. I am so jealous:-) Vanna, if you are reading this, I LOVE your house and I MISS you!...Christine

xashee's corner said...

thank you so much for sharing such a BEAUTIFUL home tour! (Thank you Vanna!!) i LOVE the postcards too (previous post)! it is ALWAYS such a PLEASURE visiting you! :) Have a GREAT weekend!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Vanna sure has some beautiful antiques! I enjoyed the tour of her house, thanks so much.

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

Wow, that space is stunning! I love all you stuffs and cheaps and sofy! I love all the busts, lamps, and boxes, and tables, and upholstered pieces.... even like the pool table. Very, very nice.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous and I really love the window treatments! Hi Laurie, Hope you are having a wonderful day. xo Lynn

Cass @ That Old House said...

Hi Laurie! I missed this post the first time 'round, so I am REALLY glad you re-posted it today.

That family room is gorgeous! I'm especially in awe because of how your friend Vanna did all this using "finds." Wonderful!!!

And I agree with her -- that "sofy" is just stunning.

Cindy J. said...

What a thrill to get to see this fabulous room again... of course it fits so well right in there with your own wonderful home.. What a great idea Chari! Laurie dear, hope you have a wonderful week and everyone in your family is doing well... Love, Cindy

Chandy said...

Laurie and Vanna, that is a beautiful tour! Thank you for sharing. I love the busts, I'm looking for one of the mythical demi-god Adonis, my late father's name! Vanna's armoire is just absolutely beautiful!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

What a gorgeous room! And I love hearing the story behind everything. I can't pick a favorite because it is all so lovely! Wow! Linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie! Oh, thanks for showing us Vanna's beautiful family room! She does have the most gorgeous things! I've been missing that Vanna. I guess I've been enactive too long!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Kristens Creations said...

Hi Laurie, Loved this post! Vanna's house is gorgeous and of course I love those curtains, I probably said that before! lol....Thanks for checking out my red post again.

I finished staining the patio. It's pretty dark and is showing all the dirt from digging.(didn't think of that) Maybe once all of the dirt is gone I can wash it off and keep it clean. I don't know! Oh well.....Live and learn! I'll be posting it in the next few weeks. Have a great week! Kristen

Judi said...

Hi Laurie
Isn't this a fun idea to feature beautiful homes like this...your friend's home IS beautiful. That is a lovely room with its French flair. I love the secretary..the drapes..lamps..its so comfy in there.
thank you for sharing.
Hope you have a lovely day

Lorna ~ Lace and Ivy Cottage said...

Please drop by my blog. I have an award waiting for you! I also loved this post, well, all your posts!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I would love to write more, but I have a lot to do today...I have to get my suitcase out and packed....CUZ I want to come over!!! a phone booth, now come on, that is just wrong I tell you.
If I had another word besides amazing, I would use it!!

Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

Thanks for the tour of your friend Vanna's home. It is so warm and inviting. She did great at finding all the bargains.

The Muse said...


Carrie said...

A well-worth repeating post!

nikkicrumpet said...

I adore her home...I have from the first time I laid eyes on it. And she is just as sweet and beautiful as her rooms are! Thanks to you both for sharing them with us!

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Please stop by my blog and my Three or More Tuesday post.... I have an award for you..... Make sure you pick up the right award... I selected it just for you! Thanks! ~ Susan

KBeau said...

Trying to visit some blogs after being at the beach for a few days. That's a beautiful room. Thanks for reposting it.

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

I love Vanna's home and I so HEART that sofa!! A consignment shop! so lucky! I would have carried it out on my back if I found it!!

Missing Vanna, I hope she is well.

Lou Cinda :)

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Laurie! Hi Vanna! I am enjoying seeing this space again! I love all of those wonderful frenchy things and fabulous antiquey finds!I miss you Miss Vannapoo! I hope all is well. Have a great week, you two! Thanks for sharing, Laurie!!!...hugs...Debbie

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Laurie, How nice of you to do this post about Vanna's home. She is one talented lady. I have to get to work. But, I will be back. I really want to take my time reading this post. Hugs, to you Vanna! I have missed you!
Hugs, Terrie/doxieluvr

Cindy said...

Holy Cow! I am speechless! My head is spinning with all of the ideas that I have from looking at your favorites! I've already copied your mirror above the fireplace mantle. I have an old painted beveled buffet mirror found in my Grandma's was hung in a lower level hallway of our home. Guess where it is now. Gotta go. Have some furniture to move around in the Living Room!

bj said...

I enjoyed seeing her lovely room. Fell in love with her drapes.!! Gosh she has so many pretty things and bargins at that. Great job.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello Dearheart...

Just read the sweet note that you left me tonight, Darlin'! Thank you so much for the compliments!!!

Was just looking at some of your previous posts...I missed some! Sheeshh...I'm so old and soooo slow!!! I do apologize, my friend! I really enjoyed seeing the post with all of your beautiful needlework! Ohhh my, you have a beautiful collection! And I love the little note that you wrote to your children...hehe!!! I totally agree with what you said about the needlework being sold...and so often for little to nothing! It really is sad, isn't it? I've done some needlework in my time...and it really is a work of love! So many, many hours go into stitching these gorgeous pictures! And you'd think...that surely there would be family somewhere that would just adore and cherish there loved one's work! I don't kids will have fun with all the stuff I'm collecting! Hehe!!!

Well Darlin...just wanted to stop in and say hello and see how you're doing! Hope that your week is going well for you!
Love ya,

Linda Q said...

Oh another great room at Vanna's house, where has that girl been? Hope she is ok!
Thanks to both of you for the tour, just love her house and she is the one that gave me some collecting bugs. I have been wanting some busts or a bust and now after seeing hers I need to go shopping there!! tee hee

Linda Q said...

P.S. that secretary is totally amazing!

Anonymous said...

Laurie,Vanna it was so refreshing to see this again.there were things i don't even remember.i adore all of it.....ann

puddin07 said...

Laurie, I want to thank everyone for their kind comments, they are so appreciated! I know my style doesn't suit everyone. Love Ya! Connie

lvroftiques said...

Laurie thank you so much for re-featurng my family room. I am sooo honored! And I deeply appreciate all the lovely kind comments. My heart is swelling. Love Vanna