I just have the nicest friends! My friend, Stephanie, has so kindly agreed to allow me to share her lovely home with you today. So, sit back and enjoy your tour.
I think this living room has such a casual elegance, and isn't that blue wall color beautiful with those brown draperies?
I am coveting this Lazy Susan on the kitchen island. She tells me it was a gift, so she's not sure where I can get one (it is a little large for me to try to sneak out of the house with it under my arm, but believe me, I thought about it!). I think it is either made from the top of a French wine vat, or it is a replication of one.
Ann at Life at Ann's Place has very kindly presented me with the Preos Dardo Award. Ann is one of the sweetest bloggers, and if you go over to her blog, you can meet Roo, her real live rooster and her gorgeous birds. Be sure to go see her blog. Ann, it is such an honor to receive this Best Blog Daily Thinker Award from you. Thank you so much.

Thank you so much for coming by to visit. I have the best blog readers in Blogland, and I am so grateful for your visits. laurie
Congrats on your award! Loved the tour and I enjoyed seeing the pictures of mother/daughter look alikes! I have saved a couple of my oldest daughters outfits to do the same thing...but alas I don't have any grandaughters as of yet, and I don't think my grandson would appreciate the look on him! LOL! Have a great weekend!
Are those all your grands? How adorable! Thanks for the tour of the home...so many things I liked, but the mother/daughter picture is a real treasure. How smart of her to save the dress and the doll! And the lazy susan - loved it! Linda
Loved the tour...love seeing off peoples nests and what a wonderful idea the Mother and daughter pictures.....
Beautiful home!
Wonderful Christmas photo!
Congratlations on your award, Laurie and thank you for sharing Stephanie's home!
Hi Laurie!
I have an award waiting for you, come by to check it out!
What an ambitious post Laurie! Congrats on the award. Great picture for your meme, I remember you writing about this tradition in one of your previous posts, the kiddos are adorable. Loved the cracker story. Stephanie, your home is beautiful. I love your mix of styles! And the photos of you and your daughter - how priceless. We have a similar set here, me on a pony and Cait on a pony at about the same age. Thanks Laurie for sharing your friends home, it is lovely. Kathy
Hi Laurie! Congrats on your well deserved AWARD! ;) Let your friend know that she has a LOVELY home! I love the way she had the vases of tulips on the breakfast room table! Also, just wanted to tell you...I LOVE your writing! Yep, I do! ;) I notice you even have an award on your sidebar from GOLLUM! That seals the deal, you ARE a GREAT Writer! ;) Enjoyed your Share a Space Saturday today of Steph's home! (I would LOVE to find out where we could purchase that Lazy Susan table) ~CC Catherine from "Catherine de th`e Cups"
Thanks for showing us Stephanie's home. It is beautiful...she has some gorgeous pieces of furniture. And that range hood in the kitchen!! Goodness.
Congratulations on your awards. You are always so friendly and nice. You definitely deserve them.
Your post today was so filled with wonderful things... Loved your friend’s house and the picture from Christmas was delightful... and Laurie you are so deserving of the awards too... Have a wonderful Saturday
You have delightful friends with beautiful homes. I especially enjoyed seeing the Raggedy Ann pictures. That is a very good idea. I love your Christmas family time; we sing Happy Birthday, Jesus too!
Good Mornin' Laurie! You do have wonderful friends! Shirley and her daughter look like twins! Thank her from me for sharing her beautiful home! It looks like it's an older home..is it? Anywho, it's beautiful! You deserve every award you get girl! Congratulations! And your family is precious!!! God Bless! Lauralu :)
That's a cute picture of all the kids. :-) And as for Stephanie's home...gosh, is it ever beautiful! I love the blue walls...I fear paint, and always admire people who are adventurous with painting their walls! lol And I'm always drawn to white corner cabinets, and bunnies, and...CAKE! I know I saw a cake on the table with the rooster lamp! Any friend who has a cake ready when I'm visiting is okay in my book!
What a beautiful and warm home your friend has. I just love the two portraits of your friend and her daughter dressed in the same dress and with the rag doll. That is just so precious. I agree, the lazy susan is wonderful. What a great tour. Hugs, Marty
What a beautiful and warm home your friend has. I just love the two portraits of your friend and her daughter dressed in the same dress and with the rag doll. That is just so precious. I agree, the lazy susan is wonderful. What a great tour. Hugs, Marty
Love the home.. so welcoming. The roosters are beautiful and I will take a slice of cake please=)
Thanks so much for sharing Stephanie's house. She has a gorgeous home and I'm especially loving that rooster lamp!
Shirley has a beautiful home. Considering, I am a Raggedy Ann lover I thought the portrait idea was a winner! So cute! Her kitchen range hood is spectacular and she has great style! ~ Robyn
Loved all the photos of Shirley's home ... my favorite? The fireplace wall with artwork!
GM Girl...WOW!! I do so love your friends home...now Laurie what you do girl is bring a BIG purse when you go ther..didn't I teach you anything from our "Granny Farkle" days on RMS? Now the best for me was seeing the picture of her and her daughter how sweet was that?? I loved the entry way and all her colors choices were great..Thank you Stephaine for sharing your wonderful home and life with us..Now girl I better go...my daughter Gina is coming for the weekend and I have to spray Pine-sol by the door so she thinks I have been cleaning..get the frozen store bought pie out so she thinks I been baking..Change all the lights to low wattage so she can't see the dust..Oh girl the things I do as a Mother the list just goes on and on...have a great weekend dear friend and thanks for coming by..love ya sis...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Good morning Laurie! I do love saturdays when you post your Share a Space! Stephanie has a beautiful home...I loved that carved chest under the plate rack, the beautiful artwork & corner cabinet (I always WANTED those!!) in her dining room and her sophisticated, calming & elegant living room. I'll even take that chair in her entry!! :)Oh and I can't forget that wonderful set of Raggedy Ann pictures. What a treasure for sure!A Beautiful & warm home. I so enjoy these little tours. Congratulations on all your awards, see? everyone just loves you!! And that ADORABLE picture of all the little ones in your family this past Christmas. Priceless!! Enjoy your weekend. ~ Laurie
Hi Laurie
Thanks for sharing Stephanie's beautiful home. I love the simplicity and beauty of the 3 vases!
Congratulations on your award too!
Thank you for the beautiful home tour and to your friend for sharing it. Its amazing how many beautiful homes are out there..and its so nice seeing the intimate touches each of us has. The pictures of her and daughter are something to treasure forever.
LOVELY entry and that coffee table is AWESOME! :)
i LOVE corner cabinets too!! OH and that kitchen!! WOW! :) and that lazy susan!! LOVE IT!!
oh my goodness i enjoyed that tour so much!!
Big CONGRATS on your newest award! you surely deserve it and wear it well! :)
LOVE the SEVENTH photo !(it's quite alright that it isn't the sixth LOL) and i adore the story of feeding the baby crackers to stay in the basket!! hehe
Thank you so very much for ALL that you share!! LOVE visiting you as much as i LOVE your visits!! :) Have a SUPER Saturday!!
What a gorgeous home! You had me hooked with the first picture, I adore that red chair!
Hi Laurie,
This is my first visit to your blog and I just had to comment on the pictures of your daughter and granddaughter wearing the same outfit. At first glance I thought maybe you had twin granddaughters! That is awesome. I just love it.
Hope you don't mind but I added myself as a follower of your blog.
Hi Laurie:
I've told you before but it bares repeating..you and your friends have the most beautiful homes. Darn I want to be friends with all of you too!!!!
I love the dept 56 houses on the shelf, I have a small collection too, just love them. The pictures of mother and daughter from their childhood are precious. I think that's really special that her mom saved the dress and the doll.
And lastly...I want that rooster lamp to go with my collection!!!
Tell you what, grab the lazy susan for yourself, and grab the lamp for me, do you think Shirley would notice?
Your friend's home is lovely and I, too, covet the lazy susan! That is so amazing that her mother saved that dress and doll and she had her daughter photographed in it!!! :D Jewel
Hi Laurie... your friend Stephanie's home was a real treat for us to see...thank her for me! I just loved the side by side portraits of her & her daughter... what a fabulous idea this was. You are so deserving of your new award & I'm sure many, many more to come!
The Christmas photo of all the little ones was so precious too...
;-) Bo
Evening, Laurie, I'm still drooling over Stephanie's home - it's so wonderful.
Oh, I guess I am dating myself with that silly chewing gum song. I was just a little girl when it came out! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Laurie, I enjoyed your friend's home. among my faves were the Mother & Daughter pics with the Raggedy-Ann doll, also the rooster lamp, of course! The Christmas pic with the Grandchildren was so adorable! You deserve all the awards there are, Love Ya! Connie
Laurie, your circle of friends all have beautiful houses. Love that bunny and all of Stephanie's cabinets. And I am with you on the lazy Susan. It's beautiful! And I am still in awe about the baby pictures having the same dress and Raggedy Ann on 2 generations. How sweet of her mom/grandma to keep them. What a wonderful idea! Congrats on your well deserved award!...Christine
I feel so honored to be in such fine company. When Ann gave me the same award, breaking the rules, since I don't have a blog, it apparently broke her blogging program. After she entered my name, she was unable to enter her final three recipients. Sorry you had to learn about your award in a comment instead of the way that you should, by an announcement on Ann's post. Apparently Blogger doesn't like breaking the rules. My apologies again.
Stephanie, you have a beautiful home for certain. I do have one problem, however. Why in the world aren't you utilizing the display area above your kitchen cabinets. Just wondering if you are a "less is more" person? I admit I really like the uncluttered look, but I would feel duty bound to fill those spaces with my cookie jars or teapots, or "something". That's why my spaces look so busy, or another way to say it is, cluttered. Your approach is much more pleasing to the eye than mine will ever be.
I did spy another rooster, besides the lamp, on what appears to be a catchall. I still might can get you into my "clutter club" after all. Anyone with a catchall can't be neat and pristine all the time. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks again for allowing us into your home.
Thank you ladies! I loved the tour! Laurie, do you think Stephanie would notice is I sneak her cabinet under the plate rack out the door?!?
The grands are just too awesome for words!
Great post! Happy Pink Saturday! ♥ Diane
I am so in love with Stephanie's home! You're right Laurie...it has a casual elegance that is just beautiful!! It is obvious Stephanie has wonderful taste...from the chair (Ooooh I love it!) in the entryway to that Gorgeous range hood! The pictures of Stephanie and her daughter are too cute!!! And the artwork all around the home is amazing!
Stephanie, thank you for sharing your home with us!
And Laurie, I love your Christmas pic...and what a wonderful thing to do to help kids learn the reason for the season! Congrats on the award too! :-) L~
Hi Laurie! Thanks for sharing your friend Stephanie's home with us! Love the Raggedy Ann pictures. I'm with you on the lazy susan!! So frenchy! Congrats on the award! I love that your family does a Christmas pagent! Have a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie
Thank you for sharing that beautiful home with us. She definitely has a talent for making a home warm & inviting. I love the pictures of her & her daughter. Too precious!
Stephanie's home is just lovely. Tastefully decorated and so inviting. She was so gracious to let you show it to all of us☺
Have a good Sunday!
Congrats on the award! Loved all the pix! The fireplace is stunning!
Take care, DebraK
OOO, this is a lovely, lovely home you are showing here. I really found several things I WANT...the plate rack is so so precious and that lazy susan is to die for....
Congrats on the cute award...
Hi Laurie :)
Stephanie's home is beautiful! I covet that lazy susan too ;)
I love your Oscar party tablescape! I hope you left it out for tonight ;)
Hi Laurie, Congrat on the award!
OH, those pictures of Shirley's home are amazing! Thank you to both of you for the inspiration! I really love that painting of that ragdy ann doll!!!! That kitchen is fabulous! Okay...I'm going back to look again! Blessings, Nancy
What a beautiful home Shirley has...I loved that gorgeous chair in the entry way...but I especially love the two photos of her and her daughter in the same dress with the same doll...that is very cool!
Okay, Shirley is the one that gave you the award...so tell Stephanie Thank you for sharing her home! lol :) Nancy
Congrats on your award! Enjoy everything life have to offer...
Blessings and smile
Cute family pic! I love Stephanie's home...beautiful! Thanks for sharing it with us, Laurie. Love the hood above the cooktop/stove and the beautiful paneling in her family room. Those pics of Stephanie and her daughter in the same dresses are priceless...what treasures!
hey girl! how are you? Oh how I loved the tour! thanks for the inspiring photos filled with ideas! I am off to try some new arrangements!
Hi Laurie,
I am just blown away by your friends lovely home. That beautiful stunning cupboard and all the other beautiful parts of her home just were so fun to see. I also love the pics of the kids in your family, they are adorable. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post!!!! Cindy
Congrats on your award, I love your friens, chest, the table in the family room. The lazy susan is great. Love the mom/and daughter pic. so sweet.
Thanks for making me sound so good in your comments on my blog! lol
Laurie, you're in luck! I did a little sleuthing and found that same lazy Susan at orvis.com! I just ordered one for myself. I think it would be great for our get-togethers where everybody stands around our kitchen island and snacks. Your friend has a beautiful home!
*****STEPHANIE'S home is as lovely and charming as SHE is to allow you to share it here w/ all of us, Laurie-girl~~~~ SIMPLY LOVELY!!!! ($$$ to "view", tho, as I too bought the Orvis lazy-Susan... and my name is LINDA! Grins! Now it's you, Tammy and me... anyone ELSE out there buying one???)~~~ XOXOX
Those kids are so sweet! Congrats on your awards too! Now about your friend's home, it's all beautiful, her fp & built-ins, her chest that looks like a kitchen island, the kitchen, etc. I think my favorite thing are the portraits w/ the pretty little blondes and Raggedy Ann.
Laurie I loved seeing Stephanies home! She has some beautiful stuffs! I'd sure like to "big purse" that carved server! *winks* And I love the story of the grandkids Christmas pagent...and baby Jesus wouldn't hold still! Lol! Vanna
Congrats on your award. Thank you for taking us on a tour of Stephanie's home, I really enjoyed it. My very favorite thing was the picture of her & her daughter. That was so sweet & special.
Shirley..what a beautiful home! My two favorite things were the range hood(I'm looking) and the original artwork of the cotton field with pickers..since I came from the same hometown as Laurie Eve, we have a huge appreciation for the Delta and its white gold. Thanks for sharing.
Laurie, congrat's on your award. You write a great blog and very interesting.
Those children in these pictures are so gorgeous. And they are blond. They all look so sweet and nice.
Lucky you.
BTW, I have been trying to email Blossom and she sent me her addy and asked me to delete it, which I did. She didn't give me her name and I haven't a clue how to get it to her. I email her, but have had no answer to it. Do you have any idea of what it might be ?The package is ready to go.
I'll just hang on to it until she might leave a comment or something.
Keep up the good work.
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